I don't know how much clearer I can be - I want to be able to clear the Playing Now without having to be in the Playing Now screen . From my previous post:
"... I need to be able to clear Playing Now (with a hot key combo) from wherever I am in MC - without migrating away from where I am. Just like Command+O pops up the options dialog box, and like command+P starts/stops the player, etc - no matter where you are in MC.
For example I could be sitting in a Smartlist and decide I want to clear all currently playing tracks. I'd have to migrate to Playing Now, go through the 3-5 movements to clear the list, then go back to the smartlists. Since MC doesn't retain where I was in Smartlists I have to scroll through all the lists again to find the one I was working on. Conversely, if I wanted to change any of MC's options, all I have to do is hit Command+O and the options dialog pops up, I do what I want and when I'm done I'm right back in the Smartlist I was working on. I just want to hit a key combo to clear the list without migrating away from anywhere I am in MC.