So I've had a series of TV tuner related problems since I had to redo my tuner setup after a recent build required resetting up TV. Three times in the last week or two my server has refused to record or watch TV indicating that "no tuner is available," beginning shortly after the build that required me to re-do TV setup. However, at these times my network tuner device (an HD Homerun Prime tuner) always indicates that it's idle (both on the hardware display, and the network interface), and I can access the tuner in other programs. For the reasons I'll explain below, I think the issue is related to the way MC detects network/DLNA devices.
Attempts to use the new setup dialogs stalled because MC detected no tuners in the dialogs. Powercycling the tuner, MC, and the router did not fix the issues. The first two times, the only way I managed to fix it was to reset all TV settings and reinstall MC. At that point, the tuner appeared in the setup dialogs. The Third time it happened, I spent some more time debugging, and noticed that the tuner still appeared as a DLNA device under Libraries on the Tree, but there was otherwise no evidence that MC could detect it.
So investigating the DLNA detection, I right-clicked the "Library" tree item, I saw "Delete Dynamic Libraries" and looked under it, and found my Tuner's DLNA device listed five different times under two different names. I deleted all five "dynamic libraries" related to my tuner, and MC instantly detected the tuner again, and I could watch and record TV.
Has anyone else seen anything like this with networked tuners since the new TV setup came through? Any thoughts on what might be causing it? I know how to fix it, but I don't usually know it's a problem until I start missing recordings so it would be good to fix the problem at the root.