I'd like to ask for another reasonably small change. I use MC's Handheld Sync tool to create a copy of my entire (or almost entire) Music library, which is then imported into iTunes. However, this same folder is also synced to my Laptop, which runs MC.
I'd like two things:
1. Playlist Formats
Tools > Options > Handheld > Files, Paths, & More > Playlist format does not offer MPL and MPL (relative paths) as options. Can this be added?
I'm sure it is because the system was designed for syncing to handhelds, and no handhelds out there can read MC's proprietary MPL playlist format. However, it sure would be handy to have it auto create MPLs when used to sync to another copy of MC!
Seems like this should be super-simple to add. MC can already export MPLs. It just doesn't let you pick that format in the Handheld setup dialog.
2. OSX and Windows MPL Formatting
Right now, I'm syncing from a Windows copy of MC to my Laptop, which has both the Windows and Mac versions of MC installed, but I generally use the Mac version unless I want to use Theater View or something else that doesn't work on the Mac version. But, the Mac version can't use the Windows MPL files, and vice versa.
It would be really nice if when MC imports a MPL with relative paths, if it would automatically fix the "directory" slashes for the current platform as part of the import.
In other words, if MC Mac imports a MPL with windows-style relative paths, it could fix this itself without any user interaction. Obviously this doesn't work for full paths starting with a drive letter or UNC path, but for relative paths it would work fine. And, though I don't do it, it would be handy going the "other way" (from a Mac-formatted MPL to Windows).
You don't have to (and shouldn't I'd say) actually write these changes to the MPL file on disc. Just switch the filename slashes as needed on the fly as you import the list.
I also have one question:
3. Is there a way to automate importing MPL files? Via MCWS or whatever?