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Author Topic: Pono Music World 20.0.100 for Mac -- Available Here  (Read 4239 times)


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Pono Music World 20.0.100 for Mac -- Available Here
« on: April 29, 2015, 02:53:08 pm »

This is the latest version of PMW20.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


20.0.100 (4/29/2015)

1. Fixed: PDT-248  The user is unable to drag the app from the right of the header logo if Retina Mode is enabled after launch.
2. Fixed: PDT-300  The user receives an error message next to the track and the file transfer fails. Could not reproduce, but sounds related to fixed issue PDT-298.
3. Changed: PDT-294,PDT-281  Users are now advised to visit on the redirect web page.
4. Fixed: CD Ripping would sometimes create duplicate track entries in the database.
5. Fixed: Improved progress display while updating firmware - added a separate "transfer" stage to show copying firmware download to the PonoPlayer. Avoids long lag with progress bar at 100%.
6. Changed: New features only supported by next PonoPlayer firmware update.

20.0.82 (3/16/2015)

1. Fixed: Syncing files with conversion enabled would cause files to re-convert on every sync.
2. Fixed: Tracks on device not in sync were not getting deleted even when this option was enabled.
3. Changed: Timeout moved to September 1, 2015
4. Changed: By default, list columns widths are now auto-sized depending on contents.  This can be changed in options / tree & view.
5. NEW: When songs in the PMW library are stored on a network share drive, the drive is now bookmarked by PMW so if it's not mounted after a reboot, PMW will automatically re-mount the drive when needed.
6. Fixed: CD ripping would sometimes fall out of secure mode.
7. Changed: The download process triggered at PMW startup will skip over downloads that have failed 3 or more times. Selecting "check for downloads" from the PMW account menu will force retrying the failed downloads.
8. Fixed: Numerous Retina mode improvements.

20.0.75 (2/23/2015)

1. Fixed: Signing error was causing OSX Gatekeeper to reject the app.

20.0.74 (2/20/2015)

1. Fixed: PonoPlayer external storage card was not always showing up in PMW without doing a manual re-detect of devices.

20.0.72 (2/20/2015)

1. Changed: PDT-267,PDT-254 - Added dsf and dff to supported file types for PonoPlayer.
2. Changed: PDT-263 - PMW now downloads firmware to computer and then copies to device rather than direct download to device.
3. Changed: PDT-254,251 - When 'Eject' is selected for a PonoPlayer containing an external SD card, both internal and external storage will be ejected at the same time.
4. Fixed: When music metadata contains '&' characters ("&" in the order XML), PMW no longer creates download music folder names with the "&" sequence, but simply uses "&".
5. Changed: PDT-253 - The cover art "View" option was removed from the "Library Tools / Cover Art" menu since image playback is not supported in PMW.
6. Fixed: PDT-250 - The rip fails before completely ripping the CD.
7. Fixed: PDT-256 - The CD info does not display if the user clicks on the PonoPlayer, Drives & Devices side menu option after inserting a CD.
8. Fixed: PDT-258 - The rip fails if the user attempts to rip a CD containing audio and data.
9. Fixed: PDT-259 - All of the CD information does not display if the user clicks the Rip Disc button.
10. Fixed: PDT-261 - Ripping CD’s stalls at 18% for all CD’s used.
11. Fixed: Auto-import was sometimes importing image and 'data' files which aren't supported in PMW.

20.0.50 (12/23/2014)

1. Fixed: In format conversion dialog, if a target directory was specified along with multiple levels, the converted file ended up in the wrong folder.
2. Fixed: In format conversion dialog, if a target directory was entered that did not exist or was not writable, the conversion would fail without a helpful message.
3. Fixed: DLNA serving of Ogg, MP3, MP4 files with conversion to uncompressed wave would fail on some devices because of an incorrect transcoded length value.
4. Fixed: Dates were not displayed with the locale settings in system preferences.
5. Fixed: The main application menu would often not be shown until the mouse was clicked within the app's window.
6. PDT-180 - Changed: "Open URL" removed from file menu.
7. Fixed: PDT-237 - When PMW app is launched from Finder on Mac, the PMW menu doesn't appear.
8. Changed: PDT-242 - An Eject button now appears on the Firmware update action window after the download completes.
9. Changed: PDT-244 - Update the application header logo.
10. Changed: PDT-245 - Change the text that appears when a firmware update fails due to insufficient disk space.

20.0.45 (12/8/2014)

1. Changed: More informative message in the case of download failures.
2. Fixed: File transfers to PonoPlayer were much slower than doing it via Finder.

20.0.44 (12/5/2014)

1. Fixed: Automatic recognition of PonoPlayer was not always reliable, especially if there was a long delay before user clicked the 'transfer files' button on it.
 2. Changed: More informative status text in the firmware download action window.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Pono Music World 20.0.100 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2015, 07:33:05 am »

Could you please confirm if this is identical to the 20.0.100 that was briefly released last week?


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Re: Pono Music World 20.0.100 for Mac -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2015, 07:03:33 pm »

UI Bug when Ripping CDs

When a track finishes the rip, the curser loses focus and the UI refreshes.

This creates problems when you are doing something in PMW - such as tagging - while a rip is going on. If you are working on a track (in another album, not the one being ripped) and a track rip concludes, the curser focus is lost - which can result in corrupted data.

As an example, I'm adding lyrics to an album, and the entire album gets the same lyrics when the cursor focus is lost. I've also had this occur across multiple albums.

For now I no longer do anything in PMW while ripping, but this is a waste of time.

I assume this issue is also in the full MC version on Mac but I've not tested it.


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Re: Pono Music World 20.0.100 for Mac -Stuck in SML
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2015, 04:14:49 am »

Installed new firmware and now stuck in Scanning Music Library. Shut down, removed 128gb SD, restarted and still same - stuck in Scanning Music Library... Bummed.
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