Okay, next, I took that same list, and tagged the first two items (sort key 1 and 2) as "l; o" and "l; p" respectively. No other changes at all, so, following the logic we discovered above, you'd expect the order of the categories to be: "l, o, p, k". Well, look what happens:

What? Where did
f and
e come from? And why are
o and
p way down at the bottom of the category list? The only entry for o is tagged with the sort key 1, and the only entry for p is tagged with the sort key 2, so what are they doing way down at the bottom of the list?
The order of the files themselves is still correct. It should follow the sort order shown in the file listing, but it doesn't. And somehow,
e (sort keys 15 and 16) and
f (sort keys 13 and 14) got "promoted" way up in the list. And all the others are all out of whack too. It follows no rational order I can detect anymore. They aren't "shuffled" (the order stays the same each time you look at the view) but I have no idea where it is coming from now.
If I take the
o value out, and just leave the
p value, then for baffling reasons,
e goes back down the list (but not back to where it was supposed to go) and
f stays up there in the "second" spot. Look at the order down at the bottom of the list as well! Somehow,
c is above
e and
d, and i and g are out of order. The whole thing is just... crazy-pants.

It behaves up to a point, but depending on the values in the category, it eventually gets all... Crazy. I don't know what it is doing, but it does not work in any way I'd expect it to work. I'm not even entirely sure what triggers it. It seems like if items that sort at the top of a list have unique values, then it goes haywire, but if those values are "anchored" somewhere further down, then it is okay. But why it is that way, and where exactly the "line" is that it breaks, is a mystery to me.
Of course, if you change the category back to ascending or descending, then everything works fine.

I've done tests with changing Test Field (Sort) into a List-type field, as well, and this breaks even more quickly.
If anyone from JRiver wants to play with this, PM me and I'll send you a copy of my Library Backup which includes this view, so you can play around with it.