I have a similar story...
I'm using a TDK VeloCD ( 40x32x40 )
When ripping and encoding to MP3 - 2x
When ripping and dumping as WAV - 15x
Thanks to a tip I got at
www.ipodlounge.com I rip a bunch of CD's first as WAV then let MC9 encode them all later while I'm out.
Here's what I've got going...
PIII 933
Windows XP Pro
No other apps running
TDK VeloCD Drive
I have it set to "analyze audio during ripping" and "digital secure" and "max speed"
* "digital secure" is slower but more accurate *
Encoder - MP3 Encoder VBR
Quality - Custom
--alt-preset standard
* I removed "fast" to ensure better quality *
unticked - Normalize
ticked - delete temp
Ripped Cassius 1999
Entire album down to 91.6MB
16 traks - 66.2 minutes - average bit rate is 186.94
I've also tried Ripping with my Pioneer DVD ROM drive but it was half the speed.
So I wonder if while you are ripping and encoding the "progress bar" which reads 2x is the averaged speed of the entire process of ripping and encoding, not just the ripping.
I haven't installed or used MMJB so I can't compare, but if I get some time tomorrow I will and post my results.