I have a DVD that contains two movies. So I used stacks to divide it and then Get Movie and TV Info to download the cover art for each particle, that all works. But when I scroll through the movies in Theater View the cover art changes after 1 second.
To be more specific, let's call the Movies A and B, and the cover art for A as CAA, and the cover art for B as CAB. In Theater View the display is set as "Name" so you see large cover art as panels on left side in a grid and then on the right you see the same cover art and description of which ever movie the mouse is positioned over. The cover art on the left (the grid) is always correct and does not change. It is the cover art on the right side (with the description below it) that changes after 1 second.
1. Get movie info for A and then for B
In theater view, when I move the mouse over A it displays CAA for 1 second then it displays CAB. When I hover the mouse over B it displays CAB then 1 second later it displays CAB (there is a subtle flash as it redisplays the cover art).
2. Get movie info for B and then for A
Now, in theater view, when I hover the mouse over A it displays CAA for 1 second and then CAA. But when I hover the mouse over B it displays CAB then 1 second later CAA.
So it appears that the last Get Movie info cover art is used after 1 second. This only happens with particles, and happens with both movies and TV Show episodes. Maybe each time a Get Movie info cover art is downloaded it assigns it to the "Main movie" and to the particle. When displaying the particle (only on the right side in theater view) the particle cover art is used first and then it switches to the main movie disk cover art.
This also happens outside of theater view. If I select Video, Movies on the left I see a list of all the movies. There is a small icon to the left of the title in the list for each movie. For A it is CAA, for B it is CAB. But if I hover the mouse over A or B it always displays in the popup information the last cover art downloaded.
All non Particle cover arts are working perfectly.
Any ideas how to fix this?