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Author Topic: Ipod not showing how much time left when playing songs  (Read 3830 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Ipod not showing how much time left when playing songs
« on: May 31, 2015, 07:55:08 am »

My iPod Classic 160 GB dont show how much time there is left on the song when playing. Instead there is some number that dont mean anything to me on the right side of the bar. For example -93:52:05. Intead for showing for example 1:45 minutes left.
It does show the progress though on the left side the "progress bar". For example 3.10 minutes played.
And also the progress bag itself is blank. Please see picture.
That is not all songs. A lot of songs looks just fine. There is about 40 GB space left and I use flac files.
This is on my both iPods. So I guess it must be something with MC20?
Otherwise the both iPods works fine. I have imported playlists only.

Does someone had the same issue maybe?
JRiver for music


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Re: Ipod not showing how much time left when playing songs
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2015, 07:00:10 am »

Hi, is there no one with the same problem? Is this a third party problem or MC problem?
JRiver for music


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Re: Ipod not showing how much time left when playing songs
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2015, 05:02:08 am »

I think I have found the problem.
It is probably becuase I have synced playlists only. Not the whole library from MC. I did that way in order to save space on my iPod and really only get the songs there that are my favourites. I beleivge that th eiPod shows how much time is left in the playlist! Not how much time is left on the song as normal. Can this be the cause? Sounds resonable for me anyway.

That means the statusbar is not moving noticeable for my eye if there is (for example) 984 minutes and 24 seconds left. See the picture.
So, it actually works, but counting down from whats left of the playlist not whats left of the single song as normal.

If I want to fix this I guess I have to sync the whole library so that the plalists plays from that and will count down every single song. The downside with that is that there will not be enough space on the iPod. So I think I rather stay with only syncing playlists. Then there will be no songs I donīt want to listen to anyway. And I still have more space for new songs in the playlists.
But maybe there is another way to do which I am not aware of? I donīt want MC to "downgrade" the Flac-flies to MP3 or something more horrorfying in order to save space.
Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks.
JRiver for music
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