This cost me a bunch of data this weekend. Here's the scenario:
* While writing the Rename, Move, and Copy Files article, I improved my file-storage scheme for TV Shows, separating out Documentary style shows (like Nova, Horizon, etc) into their own parent directory. So, I applied that.
* I forgot to select all of the files and do
Update Tags from Library after applying the new RMCF template.
* A day passes.
* I'm trying to merge two special Keywords I use into one (I accidentally have both an "Exclude from Views" magic keyword and a "Hide from Views" magic keyword, and I wanted to fix it and combine them).
* I somehow accidentally apply (via tagging in the Panes) "Exclude from Views" to my entire audio collection. The Status Display says updating 63,000 some odd files.
If I let this complete, it'll hide every single one of my files from my main views. I couldn't get undo to work (the counter kept counting). If I just untag them all, then all of the stuff I previously had hidden, would now again be visible (I use this for sets of media I've imported, but have not dealt with yet to get into a reasonable shape to appear in my Library). It could be troublesome to track all of these down individually.
If I kill MC, then it'll stop part way through. And I could restore from backup. There's probably a recent automatic backup. But, I just did that Rename, Move, and Copy Files... The backup
was from before the RMCF (darn). But, it was on a fairly limited set of files. I'd moved those Documentaries, but those are generally "less important" shows. I'd also renamed a smallish set of files I'd left sitting around in my Record directory. But, those were mostly older episodes of shows I hadn't watched yet, so they weren't really going to lose much.
So, I killed it. Re-importing them meant I'd lose [Date Imported] for them all. That's a bummer, but not the end of the world for the Documentaries, and the other file set was limited. Deemed simpler than dealing with the audio file catastophe.
Now, they Auto-Import. Great, more catastrophe. They lost everything from JRSidecar.xml files, meaning they all came in "as default". Carnac picked up a pile, but a bunch were documentary shows with weird episode numbers (season 0 and whatnot), and they were all junked up. Also, Carnac also didn't pick up my [Series]/[Season]/sXXeXX - Name.ts style scheme for some of them, and the [Series] names were all blank (it got episode, season, and name, but not Series for a big pile.
And it didn't use the JRSidecar.xml files. Why not?
Oh yeah, I didn't
Update Tags from Library, so those were all junk.
It was relatively painless to fix them, because Fill Properties from Filename could handle the task. But then I discovered a
Padded Number problem that was annoying...