Oh, I just discovered this thread
which shows how to do play/pause with spacebar. It's my lucky day!
Expanding on to other keycommands now that play/pause is conquered. Many thanks, guys!
Well, I just customized my XML file thanks to all the examples. ctrl-up, ctrl-down and command-up, command-down work equally although ctrl is mapped in the XML file. But, and this is weird, they work in reverse, up arrow drops the level and vice versa. I reversed the file and it still comes out reversed, which is even weirder. I DID quit JRiver between modifications of the Resource.xml file:
<!-- Volume Up and Down 5% -->
<Entry Key="Ctrl;Up" Command="10018" Param="5" />
<Entry Key="Ctrl;Down" Command="10019" Param="5" />
Weird, huh? Actually, even the key built into the example file ctrl-D for DSP studio is not working.
Aha, I just stumbled on ctrl-left and ctrl-right also changing volume 0.5 dB, and this time it's somewhat logical, if you're right handed :-).
I'm not sure if my XML file is working. I put the new keyboard entries at the end, after </ACCELERATORS> and before </MJRS>
This is the file in ~Library/Application/Support/JRiver/Media Center 20/Data/Custom Resources/Resource.xml
Is there something special required to activate this file?