oH, YEAH ...

Almost forgot the clicks and kerchunks ... gotta have em!! <G>
If it matters any, DW Jukebox seems to be dead or at least comatose at the present time. Darn shame, as it's a good program within it's limitations in that it only supports MP3 and OGG ... maybe MC can port the front end that paints the screens into the package, similar to what they do with the EAC ripper ... nudge nudge ...
PS ... it uses the Allegro engine - complaint at DW seems to be that Allegro no longer supports DOS ... then again, what does? Maybe Plan B would be for us to try and sweet talk DW to posting the code up at SourceForge and let the Geeks of the World have at it ... maybe even be able to build a plug in that MC can recognize ...
EDIT >> Good wiki on the Allegro software. C++ based, supporting Windows, Mac OS X, Unix-like systems, Android, and iOS ...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegro_%28software%29Oh, and it's open source!
http://alleg.sourceforge.net/(wink wink ... know what I mean?) <G>