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Author Topic: SMARTLIST Question  (Read 830 times)


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« on: February 13, 2003, 06:59:24 pm »

Hi All:
I have a smartlist that pulls 3 hours of tracks via ~t=160. Now is there a way to limit the number of tracks it selects from each album or artist? For example, I have a greater number of Ozzy Osbourne tracks than anything else and I get an over abundance of ozzy tracks in the smartlist. For example, the list will pull 10 ozzy tracks, but only 5 of the next artist even though there are more than 5 tracks under that artist. I tried ~%=25 but that limits the entire list to 25 % of the total hits.  I would like to be able to get a more evenly distributed smartlist; say pull 5 tracks from each artist that satisfies the smartlist rules.

Is there a way to do this currently (did I miss something in the doc) or is this a new feature request? I've use MJ for some time but rarely used SMARTLISTS prior to today.

;D dennis


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Re: SMARTLIST Question
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2003, 05:36:34 am »

Doesn't appear that the smartlist rules support nesting.

For instance...
The rule artist=[black sabbath",[mazzy star" ~n=10 or artist=[julee cruise"
shows this...
Artist: black sabbath,mazzy star
Artist: julee cruise
Special: limit to 10 tracks the Summary

The modifiers such as ~n, ~t, ~% apply to the list as a such you can only have one of them per smartlist, and the first one will override all others.

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