In a few weeks, we'll begin to shut down work on MC20 and begin MC21.
We've already switched to an MC21 license, so if you buy now or upgrade, you'll get an MC21 license that works with MC20 and will also work with MC21 when it is available.
We'll be working in several areas.
FEATURE REQUESTSWe're always happy to hear what you want. Some of the best features in MC have started as user suggestions.
Priority will be given to simple changes. Rewriting big sections of code for little gain won't happen.
Please use one of the existing threads for any ideas you have.
SERVICESWe know that services like Youtube or Pandora are important to many of you. We'll do our best to provide an assortment of choices.
Doctor Who -- JRiver's playlist server.
ImprovedTELEVISIONOver the Air (OTA) TV is a very viable alternative to cable in many areas. The quality of digital TV is often better than cable. Because Microsoft seems to be backing away from Windows Media Center, MC is now frequently being considered as an alternative. We want to win those contests.
Many Things DoneREMOTE SOLUTIONSBeing able to manage or record media in one place, but play it in another is already an important use of Media Center. We want to make this easier and better. It's a big messy problem with lots of moving parts, but we're committed to making it seamless.
Partially DonePORTINGOver the last couple of years, we've succeeded in porting the Windows version of JRiver Media Center to Linux and Mac. We're now working on Android, though it will be a much simpler implementation, something similar to JRemote. After that, we'll probably do iOS. These apps will be sold separately from MC.
EASE of USEWe're always looking for ways to make MC easier and more comfortable for new users.
Several Changes MadeAPPEARANCEThis is a tough area since people see things so differently, but we're committed to improving the interface.
Retina and 4K Support DoneMAC and LINUXWe expect to add image and video management and playback.
DoneNew in MC21