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Author Topic: Problem exporting playlist  (Read 2013 times)


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Problem exporting playlist
« on: August 12, 2015, 06:38:07 pm »

I'm trying to create a playlist to use in my car. As I understand it, when I export the list to the USB flash drive with the music on it, I should check "store paths relative to destination". I use that but the car doesn't recognize it. When I open the playlist in notepad I see all the lines begin with E: drive which is my PC drive where I store my music. I moved that music to the USB flash drive which was I: at the time. I'm guessing that if I just have the music as artist folders at the root of the drive there should be no drive letter and the first word should be the folder name of each artist? What do I do here without having to edit every line in the playlist?


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Re: Problem exporting playlist
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2015, 06:52:35 pm »

If this is a one time, or every now and then thing, you can use Notepad, or WordPad, or another app and do a find and replace on E:\ .  That will work quickly and easily.

Otherwise, the export playlist function wasn't exactly designed for this.  Luckily, the Handhelds feature was.  :)  Here's the wiki entry on it:

The basic idea is, you tell it a destination (like your I: drive) and then pick playlists to put on it.  In it's options you can tell it how to lay out the files (like in Artist/Album directories for example), where to put Playlists and what format to make the playlists.  It's got options in the playlist area for relative path, with and without a leading dot, etc, etc.  Test it out on a tiny little playlist and you should be able to find the correct combination for what you're trying to do.  It's a pretty darned nice system.  Oh and get started in Tools > Options > Handheld > Device Management > Add a Device

Good luck!



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Re: Problem exporting playlist
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2015, 07:37:16 pm »

That worked, thanks!
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