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Author Topic: Stream Qobuz/Tidal via JRiver, controlled from an Android tablet, to an USB-dac.  (Read 5896 times)


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I control MC21 from my Android tablet (JRemote)

Streaming Qobuz via JRiver have been made possible with the WDM driver(JRiver) from the "Qobuz desktop" application to JRiver. (to USB-DAC connected to PC/MAC)
The drawback is that you cannot control Qobuz easily from your listening position. (Because Qobuz is running on the PC/MAC)

I found a solution to overcome the problem and can now control Qobuz from my (Android!) tablet and stream it directly from the internet toward all devices in JRiver. (without using PC/MAC)

In short:
  • install BubbleUPnP  (Android only!)
    Start BubbleUPnP and select "Qobuz"(under Library""->"Cloud") and add your Qobuz username/password
    start JRiver (if not already running}
    Select the device in JRiver you normally play your music to (name as listed under "playing Now" in JRiver) and find and select it in BubbleUPnP under "Renderer"->"Local renderer"
    Click on "Qobuz" and select your music / playlist to play the music

This also works for TIDAL, one additional thing is needed.
TIDAL is accessed via the "cloud" section of the "local media server"
By default, the TIDAL folder will only be listed if you have the TIDAL app installed.
This can be changed in Settings > Local Media Server > TIDAL > Enable.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 80

Not only Android.
Also iOS with Linn app for fre or Mconnect light for free
On PC use BubbleUPNP and Create an OpenHome with your JRiverMC
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