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Author Topic: Pono Music World 20.0.133 for Windows -- Available Here  (Read 4819 times)


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Pono Music World 20.0.133 for Windows -- Available Here
« on: August 26, 2015, 02:13:23 pm »

This is the latest version of PMW20.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


20.0.133 (8/20/2015)

1. Changed: Revealer info dialog is shown right after downloading 1.0.6 rather than after the device has been updated to 1.0.6.
2. Changed: Timeout changed to 1/1/2016.
3. Changed: PDT-314 - All instances of "Pono Revealer" in text displayed to user have been changed to "PonoRevealer".
4. Changed: PDT-316 - URL's of newly purchased tracks are not shown.  The filename field is blank until the local file has been created, then it shows the local filename.
5. Fixed: App could crash if device was unplugged while showing PonoRevealer info dialog and user then clicked the 'Download' button.
6. Fixed: PDT-312 - The Heart of Gold sample track is not transferred to the player if the download is selected twice.
7. Fixed: Clicking the action window close button 'X' while a revealer download was running could cause unpredictable results.
8. Changed: PDT-275 - The image in the About PonoMusic World dialog contains the word Beta.
9. Changed: PDT-277 - The default volume mode is now "Internal".  If a user had previously selected a volume mode, the new default in this build won't override that setting.
10. Fixed: PDT-313 - The user receives a vague error message that does not explain insufficient drive space when creating a revealer track.

20.0.100 (4/29/2015)

1. Fixed: PDT-248  The user is unable to drag the app from the right of the header logo if Retina Mode is enabled after launch.
2. Fixed: PDT-300  The user receives an error message next to the track and the file transfer fails. Could not reproduce, but sounds related to fixed issue PDT-298.
3. Changed: PDT-294,PDT-281  Users are now advised to visit on the redirect web page.
4. Fixed: PDT-285 - Downloads with extremely long file names were failing.
5. Fixed: CD Ripping would sometimes create duplicate track entries in the database.
6. Fixed: Improved progress display while updating firmware - added a separate "transfer" stage to show copying firmware download to the PonoPlayer. Avoids long lag with progress bar at 100%.
7. Changed: New features only supported by next PonoPlayer firmware update.

20.0.82 (3/16/2015)

1. Fixed: Syncing files with conversion enabled would cause files to re-convert on every sync.
2. Fixed: Tracks on device not in sync were not getting deleted even when this option was enabled.
3. Changed: Timeout moved to September 1, 2015
4. Changed: By default, list columns widths are now auto-sized depending on contents.  This can be changed in options / tree & view.
5. Fixed: CD ripping would sometimes fall out of secure mode.
6. Changed: The download process triggered at PMW startup will skip over downloads that have failed 3 or more times. Selecting "check for downloads" from the PMW account menu will force retrying the failed downloads.

20.0.72 (2/20/2015)

1. Changed: Added dsf and dff to supported file types for PonoPlayer.
2. Changed: PMW now downloads firmware to computer and then copies to device rather than direct download to device.
3. Fixed: When music metadata contains '&' characters ("&" in the order XML), PMW no longer creates download music folder names with the "&" sequence, but simply uses "&".
4. Changed: When 'Eject' is selected for a PonoPlayer containing an external SD card, both internal and external storage will be ejected at the same time.
5. Changed: The cover art "View" option was removed from the "Library Tools / Cover Art" menu since image playback is not supported in PMW.
6. Fixed: Auto-import was sometimes importing image and 'data' files which aren't supported in PMW.
7. Fixed: Very slow performance on computers with an old diskette drive and/or several remote network drives.

20.0.50 (12/23/2014)

1. Changed: More informative message in the case of download failures.
2. Fixed: In format conversion dialog, if a target directory was specified along with multiple levels, the converted file ended up in the wrong folder.
3. Fixed: In format conversion dialog, if a target directory was entered that did not exist or was not writable, the conversion would fail without a helpful message.
4. Changed: PDT-180 - Changed: "Open URL" removed from file menu.
5. Changed: PDT-241 - Better messaging when firmware download is complete.
6. Changed: PDT-242 - An Eject button now appears on the Firmware update action window after the download completes.
7. Changed: PDT-243 - Change the default browser engine to Chromium on Windows XP and Vista.
8. Changed: PDT-244 - Update the application header logo.
9. Changed: PDT-245 - Change the text that appears when a firmware update fails due to insufficient disk space.
10. Fixed: DLNA serving of Ogg, MP3, MP4 files with conversion to uncompressed wave would fail on some devices because of an incorrect transcoded length value.

20.0.43 (12/5/2014)

1. Fixed: Automatic recognition of PonoPlayer was not always reliable, especially if there was a long delay before user clicked the 'transfer files' button on it.
2. Changed: More informative status text in the firmware download action window.

20.0.42 (12/4/2014)

1. Changed: Check for orders at program startup will only occur if PMW already has username and password stored.
2. Fixed: If download process was canceled by user and then restarted later in the same program run, the list would still show the canceled tracks above the currently downloading ones.
3. Changed: Improved store login flow and messaging.
4. Fixed: If PonoMusic Store item in left-hand tree-view was clicked while already selected, the web browser could become disconnected from the player.
5. Fixed: Converting an audio file would carry the Pono authenticated status with it.
6. Changed: Only formats supported by Pono will be listed in the encoder choices.
7. Fixed: The program could become quite slow and unresponsive during file transfers to the PonoPlayer device.
8. NEW: The "Eject" button in the handheld transfer action window blinks for up to 30 seconds following file transfer completion.
9. Changed: We now use the "" call to get the sessionid and the soap web service url.  Removes need for hard coded web service endpoint.

20.0.40 (11/24/2014)

1. Changed: PDT-226 - Store entry in left-hand view is now titled 'PonoMusic Store'.
2. Changed: PMW now always downloads a track, even if a file for the same track already exists on the disk.  It appends a copy number to the end of the filename.
3. Changed: PMW now checks and updates to the latest build right away at program startup rather than over a period of a day or two.
4. Fixed: Tracks that hadn't completed downloading could sometimes be transferred to the PonoPlayer and fail in the process (e.g. if playlist "Recently imported" was selected for auto-sync).
5. NEW: PDT-227 - PMW now checks for open orders at startup time.  The process is silent unless open orders are found.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Pono Music World 20.0.133 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2015, 05:07:54 pm »

can not see new music in the Store new music. All i see is the triangles on the left and right. I use windows 10 had no problem last week buying music. This week I do not see the new albums
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