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Author Topic: Interesting Problem: Somehow I accidentally posted this in the wrong place  (Read 5053 times)


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Here is the whole thread  posted in the Linux MC21.

An interesting problem and observation
« on: August 13, 2015, 02:28:56 pm »
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I bough the license for MC19 for Linus back before it was actually available and have upgraded to MC21 quite recently.
I have been running MJ8.400 from when it was MJ7.
Oddly enough, it actually runs on Linux, but will not recognize the disk burner or player.

My observation: When I Import to MJ8.400 from the same music database, it properly imports all the info including all the files from each artist and catalogs them by title, artist, album, and genre. When I import into Linux MC19, 20, and 21, It only does some of the above and then incompletely.

Wonder how come? Any thoughts or suggestions. I do have a data base music folder with 10+k files.

Reply from blgentry:

Re: An interesting problem and observation
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2015, 04:12:55 pm »
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This is just an educated guess:  I'm thinking that your media files themselves don't have all of the Album, Artist, etc information saved in their internal tags.  Instead, that information is probably in MJ8's internal database.

If that's true, you'd either need to make MJ8 write out that information to the tags in the files, OR, take MJ8's database and Import it into MC21.  I know nothing about MJ8, except that it was a JRiver product.  Maybe someone else here can give some more details and/or a different idea.


Thanks for your reply. However, my computer crashed last Sunday and subsequently all of my files and my Linux Mint Debian Edition2(Betsy) were wiped. I therefore installed my Windows 8.1 to a 400+ Gig partition on my 2 TiB HDD and then reinstalled my Linux Distro to the remaining partition as I use Linux virtually all the time.
However, all of my files were backed up on an external HDD. The music files were copied to the Linux partition and then copied from there to the Windows Partition (ie: they were the same). After moving all my files from the HDD to the Linux partition and then the Windows partition, I began installing my programs.

Only after Crossover Linux was installed to the Linux partition did I install MJ8 and MC20 &21 and imported only the 490+ Julie London music files to all 3.

The discrepancies between the way MJ8  includes all the albums and files and MC 20 (and MC21) does the same was obvious. Whole albums were included in the MJ8's artist/album files but not in the MC20's (and MC21's)artist/album ones. The files were in MC20 & MC21, but without their being indexed by artist/album.

After the above experiment, I then imported all of my 11+k music files with the same discreteness. Remember, these files were imported from the same Music folder to all 3 music programs.
Two more points: 1) I presented this problem in hopes that the developers of Linux MC might be interested, and 2) I would like an explanation, if possible.  

If I have an email address sent to me via a PM, I'd be happy to send some of the mp3 and ogg files in question and hope someone could figure this dilemma out as I do have a number of other music files which behave the same way with respect to MJ8 and MC20 and 21).

Thanks for your interest.



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If I recall rightly, the tag frames MC writes were played around with a few versions ago. (Something to do with id3 v2.3 and id3 v2.4 if I recall)
I'm not sure that it should matter, as everything was intended to be backwards compatible. At one stage there was a variation in the Tool Name tag that they wrote too, but again that shouldn't cause any issues.....

Can you post a tag dump from one of the files in MC21?
Open the tag action window, and then click on the very top line (The one that says 'MP3 - 1:02:04 - 24.9mb)
If you use the context menu at the top left, there is then an option to copy all of this data to the clipboard :)

This *should* tell us whether MC21 can see the information in the file, but is perhaps failing to map it for some reason.
I'd guess something legacy has been missed in the crossover from Windows :)



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I'll try to post what you want. If it is not, let me know. BTW, I have around 490 Julie London Music files, MJ8 lists all of them under the Artist "Julie London" and also the albums beneath the artist's name when it is expanded. MC21 lists 11 while MJ8 lists 479. I'm going to try to send you what you asked from from MJ8 (MJ8, MC20, and MC21 all import files from the same music folder in my computer. Note, the music file below does not even appear in MC20 or MC21 under artist, album or audio file.. This info is from MJ8, bless its heart.

Name   Artist   Album   Length   Genre   Year   Type   Size   Location   Comment   Bitrate   Track #   Date   Custom 1   Custom 2   Custom 3   Rating
My Darling, MyDarling   Julie London   Glory Of Julie London   2:18   female vocal   0   ogg   1.792MB   Y:\Music\Julie London\Glory OF Julie London\My



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I think you may be a little confused on what's happening here :)

Let's start again, with step-by-step instructions:
Open MC21 under Linux.
Go to the top-level audio view.
Do your files appear somewhere in this view, but missing artist/ album information?

From what you're saying, they don't.

If this is the case, as a first step, please try re-running the import process, but this time making sure all file types are selected-
Missing information doesn't matter at this point, but all of your files need to be visible under the root audio view.

If you can't get them imported, or visible under the audio view please post back.

Once they're there, select a file, and then press Alt+Enter. This will bring up the 'Tag Action Window' in the bottom left of your screen.
Click on the *first* line in this window, which will be something like  'MP3 - 1:02:04 - 24.9mb'
Then click the small button on the top left of this window, and select copy to clipboard.
Post this information here- This is what MC21 thinks is inside the file :)



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leezer, you are absolutely correct, I am confused!! And obviously a little short on MC21 smarts.
Do your files appear somewhere in this view, but missing artist/ album information?
Yes, they do appear. I just found the one from which I sent you the information and it has no artist/album information.
Hopefully, I'll get the tag info right this time:
Alt-Enter brought up the tag information to the upper left of the window.
When I clicked on the first line, I got the action window at the bottom of that field.
I made it to what you wish copied to the clipboard, but I cannot find the "clipboard" so here is what it looks like:

Ogg Vorbis (ogg)
44.1 khz sample rate
108 kbps bit rate
2 channels

Tag (8 fields - 214 data bytes
   OOL: Name Media Center
   ENRE: Female vocal
   ITLE: My Darling, My Darling
   RTIST: Julie London
   LBUM: Glory of Julie Londonj
   jMETADATA:  <MPL Version = "1.0">
<Exinfo ReplayGain  = 'long number divided by vertical lines; if you need it, I'll send it

Is this enough to help you help me?
I will copy it to you again if you'll tell me how to find the clipboard.
Thanks so much for your willingness to help. I seems kinda silly to buy a product I cannot use.
Remember, all of these show up in MJ8.400 under Julie London including the Album "The Glory of Julie London" with the song listings under that album.

I just bit the bullet and purchased MC21.0.5 and it does the same. And in scrolling through the library, I have a huge number of files without albums, artists, or genres. Help, please.

Now I'm going to throw a hooker at you: I also have MC19 for WINDOWS installed in my Windows Partition. It lists all the files, albums, genres, artists just as MJ8 does. However on selecting a file and hitting Alt - Enter, all of the same info shows up, but with the first letters of Tool Name, Tool Version, Genre, Artist, etc. IN OTHER WORDS, WINDOWS MC19 WORKS CORRECTLY!!! LINUX MC21.0.5 DOES NOT!! And both are in different partitions of the same HDD!

While I'm waiting for your reply (since I am in the EDT (Greenwich +5hr) zone, I'm going to remove my music library from my Linux Partition and try to import the files on Windows into the Linux MC 21.0.5 and add those results below.

SURPRISE: the files imported from my WINDOWS MC19 into my LINUX MC21.0.5 acted the same as above with the absence of the initial letters in the Tag Fields. And I have the same number of files without genre, artist, or album.

Please do not forget that MJ8 on LINUX also works correctly. And all are from the same database.





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To get the information from the clipboard, open up a text editor (Gedit for example), and select 'Paste' from the edit menu.
If you use 'Paste' in Firefox, it ought to work too. It's good that you can see at least something in the tag window, as it means that the tags are in your files, we just have to figure out why MC isn't seeing them.
I'm not sure why the first letters are missing- It isn't on the ones that I've tried here.....

Let's try another basic step first. Please right-click on any of your files with missing tags, and from this menu select 'Update Tags from File'
MC will then try and read the data into the library from the file.

Let me know if this works.

An quick and dirty fix, is to try the option to 'Lookup Track Info from Online Database'
MC will then try and communicate with YADB to find the information for the files again. This ought to get the data into your library either way, but if you've customised some tags this may be lost. I'm not sure if this is a dealbreaker for you, so I don't necessarily want to recommend it as the first resort.

However, I can't currently reproduce this-
All my Vorbis tags are coming through fine, although I don't have anything from as early as MJ8.



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Re: Interesting Problem:
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2015, 08:18:21 pm »

1st, this problem is with at least Vorbis and mp3 files.
2nd When I updated files from library, I got 1 files updated (0 failures). But nothing happened.
3rd When I "filled properties from file name, it depended upon the file name. For example, my music folder is in the home directory "dick" so when the file name is /home/dick/music/glory of julie london/my darling, my darling  I get music as the artist and The Glory of Julie London as the album.But when the file name is /media/dick/windows/documents and settings/Dick/music/glory of julie london/my darling, my darling.OGG
the artist name and album  (Julie London and The Glory of Julie London are properly placed.
4th Here is the tag info via clicking on the left icon on the lower pain of the tag info; this is all I got: glory of julie london/my darling, my darling

I probably have several thousand (of around 11 thousand) files with this problem. Where do we go from here? I have notice that those files with the first letters of the tag info are properly imported and filed. Those without are the ones giving me problems. But even the one I fixed still had the first letters missing from the tag info.
Please remember, Windows MC 19 works properly from this same information

May I send you a file or two or, if you are in CONUS (continental U.S.) phone you for some help here? I have a land line which gives me free calling over the US and an android which does the same.

Feel free to PM me if so.


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Nowhere near the USA  ;D

Several thousand is better than it might have been, although obviously too many!

Nothing happening when you attempted to update the tags from the file was somewhat expected, but still a pity; The point of that was to test whether this problem persists when you attempt to perform the update process manually.

As you've got the files working in MC19 for Windows, I think the next thing to try is updating the tags from Windows first, then re-reading them in Linux. I think this is probably MJ8 related, but not sure.

Find a file you're sure doesn't work under Linux, and note it down.
Boot into Windows, and open MC19.
Find this file in the MC19 library.
Right-click on it, and select 'Update Tags from Library'
MC will then re-write the tag information in the file.
Return to Linux, and try 'Update Tags from File'

With any luck the forced refreshing of the tags may well kick things into life. If that doesn't work, then upload a sample file somewhere, but Bob (The JR Linux person) needs to have a look at it really :)



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 Please note that I have a music library in the Windows partition and one in the Linux partition. So, before I have a go at this, should I switch the Linux MC21 to use the Windows music files since Linux lets me cross the partitions.



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I tried what you said as well as loading these files from the Windows partition Library. Nothing happened. I sent either Bob or Jim a PM about my problem with Linux MC21, which also goes all the way back to the first build I could download of Linux MC19. No response yet. Could you ask him about this. Also, how can I send anyone a file which posts in Windows MC19 and does not correctly post in Linux MC21.0.5?

Two things are a problem:
1) Why is Linux MC21 treating my files differently from Windows MC19?

2) I bought the MC 21 license over this past weekend and would like to upgrade for the $6 USD difference, but cannot find out how to do this since I would like to update my Windows MC19 to Windows MC21.

Any assistance in accomplishing these goals and getting my Linux program working properly would be appreciated.


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Re: Interesting Problem: Somehow I accidentally posted this in the wrong place
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2015, 04:09:24 pm »

Just to note-
I'm *not* an official JR rep, just someone who's been here a long time, and would like to help if I can :)

MC21 under Linux is treating the files differently- No idea why :P
I'd guess that there's something it doesn't like in the Vorbis tag blocks, which is causing the tag parser to throw an error. I can't be any more specific than that without starting to make technical guesses on things I don't know enough about.
As I can't reproduce this from my files (All my ~70,000 audio files, which encompass just about every format and type have correctly imported their tags), we need a sample file from you. Upload this to somewhere like Mediafire, and post the link here.

For purchase problems, you need to email deanna at jriver , and explain what you would like to do. From past cases, I *think* they'll need to refund the original purchase so you can start again, but again I'm not an official JR rep, and can only advise you to email her so that they can look into it :)



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Re: Interesting Problem: Somehow I accidentally posted this in the wrong place
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2015, 07:08:51 pm »

Thanks. I'll email Deanna and explain my problem. My files were not processed "properly" under Linux MC19, 20, 0r 21. And they are not limited to ogg vorbis ones; mp3's also have this problem. And they seem to be hit and miss. I cannot find a rationale for how some are properly processed with artist, album, and genre and others are not. And all are properly processed with the Banshee which comes pre-installed in Linux Mint Debian Edition 2 (Betsy) and even in my old JRiver Media Jukebox 8.400 Only for Windows) which actually runs fairly well on Linux distros.
Thanks for your help. I will be happy to send you some ogg and mp3 music files which do and do not process properly if you would PM me an email address.



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Re: Interesting Problem: Somehow I accidentally posted this in the wrong place
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2015, 07:11:05 pm »

how do I get Deanna's email address or a way to contact her??

Awesome Donkey

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Re: Interesting Problem: Somehow I accidentally posted this in the wrong place
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2015, 07:15:11 pm »

deanna at jriver dot com

Just convert the above into an email address.
I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

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Re: Interesting Problem: Somehow I accidentally posted this in the wrong place
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2015, 07:27:23 pm »

Thanks. Believe it or not, I'd already figured that out and just finished the letter. But thank you very much!!! I'm not quite that dumb, but pretty close.


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Re: Interesting Problem: Somehow I accidentally posted this in the wrong place
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2015, 10:10:59 am »

thanks again. I just spoke with Deanna and she is going to upgrade me to a master license.
Bless you, brother!
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