Devices => JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver => Topic started by: JimH on August 29, 2016, 10:59:52 am
We have just begun shipping a version of the Id for Raspberry Pi. We're taking orders now. It is shipped on a micro SD card. You will also need a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (,106976.0.html).
When you receive the card, just plug it in to the Pi, and you'll have the full Id experience:
It works as a DLNA Renderer, so you can play audio to it from another machine on the network.
It has some free storage available, so you can put a few files on it if you want to use it as a portable player.
It accepts USB drives with additional storage, and is controllable from Gizmo, JRemote, or Panel (
Includes Engen (, JRiver's IoT lighting solution.
More about the Id family (
Id Pi mSD with 16GB $39.98
Standard mail. $5 US or Canada, $10 elsewhere.
How to Order
Please send a message to sales at jriver and indicate your Paypal address. We'll send you a Paypal invoice. When you pay it, we will ship the micro SD card within two days.
Insert card and power up.
Id Instructions (
Source for Raspberry Pi Model 3
Vilros at Amazon -- $49.99 (
Very cool, Jim. Like this idea a lot.
Looks like a nice move forward
I had 2 questions on this;
Why does this require a physical purchase (and associated shipping) as opposed to an image to download? Is the licence tied to the SD card guid?
What are the key advantages of the IdPi, which makes me think of calling it a Pid :), over installing jriver linux on a.n.other pi distribution? that it makes it accessible to anyone as a turnkey solution? I suppose I could put this another way... what is the benefit of the Id Pi if one is familiar enough with linux to run jriver on it without a problem?)
If you're comfortable with Linux, you can certainly build your own. The Id has a few advantages.
We maintain it, including the OS.
You can update by choosing the option from a menu. This updates the OS, MC, and the Id system.
It can run in a GUI mode or it can run headless.
It includes Engen, our automated lighting system.
Panel can control it and can set it up
You can use Panel to reboot it or shut it down from any device.
You don't have to understand Linux or use it.
In general, it's more of an appliance than a computer.
We ship it on a card so it can be inserted in a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and just boot. We may make it available to download in the future.
So can I build a little Ras Pi, stick this SD card in there, and plug in a z stick for a power efficient home automation server? Can programs like Event Ghost be ran on this machine to fill in functionality gaps that JRiver might miss?
Yes, but I don't know about Event Ghost.
Very cool indeed.
What type of performance should we expect from this? I assume the Id Pi would struggle with a blu ray being sent from an MC server, but what about other video? Or is the expectation with an Id Pi that the server transcodes it to something much lower?
Bob may have more to say, but I wouldn't recommend it as a video player.
According to Hendrik, MC on the Pi doesn't support video playback at this time.
Great work!
Will the Id Pi run both Media Center server and Engen?
I have in mind the following use case:
Id Pi with 3tb USB HD with video and audio media files.
JRiver MC Clients throughout house to play video and media files.
The same Id Pi has a USB Z-Stick and runs Engen controlling Z-wave devices around house.
Sounds like this is exactly what you are describing.
Great work!
Will the Id Pi run both Media Center server and Engen?
I have in mind the following use case:
Id Pi with 3tb USB HD with video and audio media files.
JRiver MC Clients throughout house to play video and media files.
The same Id Pi has a USB Z-Stick and runs Engen controlling Z-wave devices around house.
Sounds like this is exactly what you are describing.
Yes, with the exception that you can't play video currently.
I understand it will not play video. My question is will it show a slide show? My wife puts up with my music provided she gets to watch a family slide show. Currently, we watch a slide show and listen to music all the time using mc21 in theater mode on windows.
I have a similar question. Will it serve (w/o transcoding) video files to other computer clients running MC that will play the file?
Maybe on both questions. I'll see if I can get you a better answer in a few days.
We're ready to ship now. If you're ready to order, just send an e-mail to and tell us your paypal address. Or call Deanna at 612 677 8200 x203 and give her a credit card.
It's $40 during September. $50 next month.
It includes the Engen software for automated lighting.
Headless - that i think is a new feature
i bought the full price 21 license to allow me to install on a linux box (r pi)
and could not run it headless
i have not tried for awhile - but is it possible to run 21 headless
or do i need to get the latest to do that?
Welcome to the forum.
The Id Pi should run headless, but it's too early to be certain what problems there might be. We will fix any that are reported.
Take a look at the topic about "Panel". It's on the MC22 for Windows board. The settings icon gives you a few ways to change things on the Id.
Hi Jim ,
what it would cost the shipping of Id Pi card to Germany?
If I have understood correctly , the card costs $ 39.99 in September .
Is that right?
Guys, I'm interested in this, have a Pi around that I can utilise, but want to see some screenshots/details of what I would get for my monies before paying out for it.
Any chance of this?
Does Id Pi support this new feature of MC 22 Windows?
- NEW: The DLNA server Audio Advanced DSP studio is active for all functions including sample rate changes
If so, I'll attempt upgrading my Pi from MC21 to Id Pi.
Thanks for looking!
The Pi can't be upgraded manually, but try the update option on the text menu (#12).
Guys, I'm interested in this, have a Pi around that I can utilise, but want to see some screenshots/details of what I would get for my monies before paying out for it.
Any chance of this?
When you boot an Id, there are several options (headless, text only, or GUI). In GUI mode, you see a desktop with two screens: the text menu and the MC window. You can use a keyboard and mouse to run MC directly or you can play to it from another PC.
I'll try to post some screenshots later.
This one is old but still close:
( (
Can this id be used with the JRiver convolution engine and filters on a Raspberry?
In theory, yes, but it hasn't been tested. We will take a return if it doesn't work.
Have you guys considered sending one of these to the likes of Linux Action Show? It's more an open source kind of show, but they recently did an ep on IoT, so may be a good follow up for them...
Reading the thread and the Id Pi Wiki, I'm not totally clear what is meant by DLNA renderer. Additionally the screenshot above looks like a full MC, i.e. player and renderer to my understanding.
Question: Can I hook it up to my DAC, direct it to my NAS for the music Files and control via JRemote on an iPad, wihout the need for an additional PC up and running?
My JRiver media library also resides on the NAS - is it possible to reuse it with the Id Pi and simply direct it to the corresponding NAS location?
Many thanks!
Gesendet von meinem Moto G (4) mit Tapatalk
I'm on the process of building a carputer using JRiver.
I considered using the Raspberry Pi but I decided not to use it for one specific reason, I read on some forums that it is common to have the SD Card corrupted if you just unplug Pi's power. Also doing a command line to power the Pi down properly using some of it's GPIO pins required more skills that I have.
Now that the IdPi has launched I'm wondering how the power down process works on it. Can I just cut Id Pi power and it will not corrupt the SD card and work normally on next start up?
Also, how long the Id Pi takes from turning on the power to being able to play music.
Sidenote: you should consider doing a logo using Id Pi that can be read upside down also. ;D
Reading the thread and the Id Pi Wiki, I'm not totally clear what is meant by DLNA renderer. Additionally the screenshot above looks like a full MC, i.e. player and renderer to my understanding.
Question: Can I hook it up to my DAC, direct it to my NAS for the music Files and control via JRemote on an iPad, wihout the need for an additional PC up and running?
My JRiver media library also resides on the NAS - is it possible to reuse it with the Id Pi and simply direct it to the corresponding NAS location?
Many thanks!
Gesendet von meinem Moto G (4) mit Tapatalk
The Id Pi is very similar to a standard Id which is MC running on linux which boots by default headlessly as a standalone renderer.
It can also be used with a monitor and keyboard OR with remote desktop/vnc as a standard MC installation. It can be a server and play from networked media as well.
You can hook it up to a DAC and use JRemote/Gizmo.
The limitations are:
1) It can't do video
2) Other limitations because of the speed of the RPi (no multichannel HDMI for instance). Likely a limit on how much DSP processing can be done.
Great suggestion (and discovery) on the logo idea. Thanks.
I think the power question is more of a Raspberry Pi question. I can't answer it. Forum posts aren't always reliable.
It's probably about two minutes from power on to music. I'll try to time it when I'm home.
I'm on the process of building a carputer using JRiver.
I considered using the Raspberry Pi but I decided not to use it for one specific reason, I read on some forums that it is common to have the SD Card corrupted if you just unplug Pi's power. Also doing a command line to power the Pi down properly using some of it's GPIO pins required more skills that I have.
Now that the IdPi has launched I'm wondering how the power down process works on it. Can I just cut Id Pi power and it will not corrupt the SD card and work normally on next start up?
Great suggestion (and discovery) on the logo idea. Thanks.
I think the power question is more of a Raspberry Pi question. I can't answer it. Forum posts aren't always reliable.
It's probably about two minutes from power on to music. I'll try to time it when I'm home.
Just pulling the plug on a raspberry pi poses a risk of corrupting the sd card. It has happened to me a few times when I had an unexpected power interruption, and it's widely reported as an issue. However, if you shutdown the pi in software, it will be safe to unplug it once the shutdown has completed.
As an aside, I've been using computers in some form or another since 1985, and I've never interacted with a computer where it was 100% safe to just turn it off with filesystems active. Back when the operating system ran off of a floppy disk, we used to make sure to take out the disk before turning the computer off. Windows 95 was the first OS I interacted with that actively tried to stop users from just flicking the power switch when they were done (because of the risk of file corruption among other things), and introduced the (now famous) "it is now safe to turn off your computer" splash screen, after which you still had to flip the power switch off yourself.
Obviously, most modern computers will, after finishing the software initiated shutdown, turn the rest of the way off. The pi is more like a windows 95 machine; if you shut it down in software, it's safe to unplug it, but you still have to unplug it yourself (and plug it back in when you're ready to use it again). There are mini-batteries that give the pi time to shutdown, and power switches that ease the process a bit (or make it a bit more elegant) both available on the broader market. If were working on a car pi application, I would look into something like this: . It's essentially a battery that detects when its discharging and safely shuts down the pi, and can be setup to restart when power is applied again.
TL;DR: if you just yank the cord on a running Pi, it can corrupt filesystem, but that's also true of most computers (albeit to a lesser extent). It you make sure to shut it down properly (until the green lights stop blinking if I recall correctly), you'll have no risk pulling the plug.
I'm aware that you should not power down a computer without the proper shutdown process, but as I planned on using it in my car without keyboard or mouse and without the necessary knowledge to implement a GPIO+code for shutting it down on an automated fashion by any PSU, I gave up the idea and changed to a Mini ITX computer running windows 10 and the regular JRiver. I was inclined to reconsider the idea if this was somehow addressed by JRiver team.
Thanks for the Pico PSU tip, even though this would prevent the use of a Hifiberry, seems like a very good alternative.
It's sad that the Raspberry Pi doesn't have a dedicated power down switch or header, or maybe even pads for soldering. But I know they have their budget and priorities.
Considering that the problem happens on some Pi's, you may have to deal with it at some point. This topic have some Ideas to walk around it, may be helpful for your team (Read only partition and running system from RAM).
The Id Pi is very similar to a standard Id which is MC running on linux which boots by default headlessly as a standalone renderer.
It can also be used with a monitor and keyboard OR with remote desktop/vnc as a standard MC installation. It can be a server and play from networked media as well.
You can hook it up to a DAC and use JRemote/Gizmo.
The limitations are:
1) It can't do video
2) Other limitations because of the speed of the RPi (no multichannel HDMI for instance). Likely a limit on how much DSP processing can be done.
Cool, thanks a lot! A little bit of research on the Pi and I think I'll be in then!
It's probably about two minutes from power on to music. I'll try to time it when I'm home.
It takes about 1 minute and 40 seconds.
Wow this is great stuff.
I have been using RPi3 with Rune, MoOde, Volumio's, et al for the past couple of weeks. It's been fun and these products are ok each with its good and bad parts
I have had problems with corrupted chips. Re imaging the chip is easy.
I have been a loyal JRiver user for a number of years upgrading as new versions come out.
My question is once I purchase the chip/license and it gets corrupted is there a way of getting a new image?
We will make it work. We won't let you down.
I assume we can use external DACs, like the HiFiBerry, correct? Is the official RPi Touchscreen supported? Is the license supported on multi Pis (i.e. I can buy the sd card and image it for two locations in my home)?
10,000,000 Raspberry Pi's have now been sold.
I have since some questions about:
What is the difference between the ID Pi and MC22 (for Linux)?
But I can also install MC22 on the Raspberry.
What are the advantages with the ID Pi?
Supports the ID Pi also Hifiberry DAC+ board?
I have since some questions about:
What is the difference between the ID Pi and MC22 (for Linux)?
But I can also install MC22 on the Raspberry.
What are the advantages with the ID Pi?
Supports the ID Pi also Hifiberry DAC+ board?
The main differences are that the Id Pi is preinstalled with an OS and ready to go.
It also has a text based control menu that doesn't require being run in GUI mode.
For the tinkerer, you might prefer rolling your own.
I read through the threads here and I don't believe a saw a response.
Is the license tied to the SD card? Bottom line, can I copy/install this on 1 (or more) other Pis I may have in the house?
It's a license for one Pi.
one more question, he also supports the DAC Board Hifiberry DAC + or he has to use only as a DLNA renderer?
one more question, he also supports the DAC Board Hifiberry DAC + or he has to use only as a DLNA renderer?
I did a search on the forum and there were several hits on that DAC that said it's working.
Here is one:,105551.msg741215.html#msg741215 (,105551.msg741215.html#msg741215)
I can confirm that the hifi-berry works fine with JRiver on a conventional raspberry pi (I have one running right now), but the hifi-berry itself requires a bit of config tinkering to get the hardware working. Assuming the user is comfortable doing the necessary manual configuration for the hardware(i.e. the installation steps on the hifiberry website), it should just work in JRiver after that assuming the Id Pi is shipping reasonably up-to-date raspberry pi kernels/firmware.
I can confirm that the hifi-berry works fine with JRiver on a conventional raspberry pi (I have one running right now), but the hifi-berry itself requires a bit of config tinkering to get the hardware working. Assuming the user is comfortable doing the necessary manual configuration for the hardware(i.e. the installation steps on the hifiberry website), it should just work in JRiver after that assuming the Id Pi is shipping reasonably up-to-date raspberry pi kernels/firmware.
It ships with the stock jessie install, kernel 4.4.13-v7+ #894 SMP Mon Jun 13 13:13:27 BST 2016 armv7l
It ships with the stock jessie install, kernel 4.4.13-v7+ #894 SMP Mon Jun 13 13:13:27 BST 2016 armv7l
That should work, I'm running a newer kernel, but when 4.4 was current it was working here.
Hi, sounds very interesting I like the idea to have both MC and PI OS operated (I hope tuned and optimized?) by JRiver team. It's may be the right solution I was looking for.
I've several questions regarding the ID PI on MicroSD card:
- Today I'm using MC on a Windows HTPC connected in USB to my DAC. I'm playing DSD files in DOP frames on USB port. I which to keep this HTPC as main library server with MC but now deported on my local network. Will it be possible to play DSD files (flawlessly!) on the MC DLNA/RPI3 ?
- I understood the RPI will be used headless, how can we fine tune the MC ? For example JRemote is limited to choose some parameters like "Play files in memory", and so on....
- Je RPI3 has a Bluetooth access point. Is it usable through MC ?
- I already own a MC Master Licence. Why do I have to pay again the licence on the MicorSD card ?
Thank you for in advance your answer.
Welcome to the forum.
On DSD, I'm not sure how well it will work yet. You might wait to see what other people say.
It works headless or with a monitor. I use HDMI, connected to a TV. You shouldn't need to do much with it and there is a remote control and setup web app. See the Panel topic on the MC22 board for more details.
Bluetooth is not supported at this time.
The Master License doesn't include the Id. You could do something similar if you want to use Linux and build your own. There is an RPi thread on the Linux board.
Hum, I've tested a UPnP renderer (moode to not tell him) on a RPI 1 B, and DSD is working with a lot of glitches, but it works. Even standard or HiRes FLAC have glitches, less than DSD. My RPI is not overclocked but we can expect better results on JRiver ID + RPI 3 with its better CPU and maybe a better USB bus...
Has someone tested RPI 3 + JRiver ID ?
Does the Id Pi support usb audio 2.0? How can I find out if my USB DAC is likely to work with it?
I currently use a mac mini with OSX as my renderer, with my usb dac plugged in.
Most USB DAC's work with it.
Hi just got the Id-Pi working using a Hifiberry digi+, I just added the device tree entry to config.txt. I am also using a 2TB Usb3 hard drive, when directly coupled with the raspberry pi 3 and the 7" touch screen the hard drive will cause the rainbow power indicator (upper right hand corner) to flash. Without the display and the drive directly connected I haven't seen any power indicators flashing.
Does the Id-Pi flash the power indicator on the HDMI screen or not?
How do you change the time?
Hi just got the Id-Pi working using a Hifiberry digi+, I just added the device tree entry to config.txt. I am also using a 2TB Usb3 hard drive, when directly coupled with the raspberry pi 3 and the 7" touch screen the hard drive will cause the rainbow power indicator (upper right hand corner) to flash. Without the display and the drive directly connected I haven't seen any power indicators flashing.
Does the Id-Pi flash the power indicator on the HDMI screen or not?
How do you change the time?
I only see that flash once on boot. You might have to power your USB3 driver externally. I couldn't get that configuration to work here.
The time is set via network time on boot and saved on shutdown. All Id's are set to UTC. You shouldn't need to mess with that. If you are going to run without an internet connection you'll probably want to add a hardware rtc.
I have setup the Raspberry Pi with the micro SD card today. But when I try to play music from MC22 in my windows PC, the audio output from the Raspberry Pi is to the headphone jack, not to my USB DAC connected. My USB DAC is Chord Hugo. When I check the audio device in the menu, I can see the Hugo is connected to USB 1. How can I choose the audio output? Or do I need to install driver for the Hugo? Thanks.
I have setup the Raspberry Pi with the micro SD card today. But when I try to play music from MC22 in my windows PC, the audio output from the Raspberry Pi is to the headphone jack, not to my USB DAC connected. My USB DAC is Chord Hugo. When I check the audio device in the menu, I can see the Hugo is connected to USB 1. How can I choose the audio output? Or do I need to install driver for the Hugo? Thanks.
In MC's audio device settings on the Pi you need to select something that corresponds to the USB device. You can use function 10 from the menu to see the audio devices to determine whether or not your DAC is detected.
To change MC's audio device settings you need to access in GUI mode either by switching to that mode from the main menu or connecting to the Pi with remote desktop or vnc and bringing up the iconified MC to change the settings.
Got the PI ID, it works. I'd like to load my existing library with playlists, album import order, gizmo settings, etc.
I'm having trouble loading an existing MC22 library using the library restore function. Does this currently work?
I think I found the problem. pi ID is MC 20. My library is MC22.
Any ideas on how I can accomplish a library restore from an mc22 library?
I think I found the problem. pi ID is MC 20. My library is MC22.
Any ideas on how I can accomplish a library restore from an mc22 library?
Is it a linux library? They are not compatible with windows.
Yes, I was referring to a Windows library.
Do you have to build a library from scratch to move an existing MC server from Windows to Linux?
Yes, I was referring to a Windows library.
Do you have to build a library from scratch to move an existing MC server from Windows to Linux?
As of now, yes. Same if you are moving to a Mac.
There have been people who have done it with the path renaming utilities in MC but I'm not sure if that's ever 100% effective.
The main difference is that the path specifiers and "drive" letters are different between the various Operating Systems.
Of course there is also the issue that the database format changed in MC 22 which means you can't move it back to MC 20.
Our target is to eventually move to MC 22 on the Id's. We've used MC 20 up to this point since it was the stable version when the Id was released.
As of now, yes. Same if you are moving to a Mac.
There have been people who have done it with the path renaming utilities in MC but I'm not sure if that's ever 100% effective.
The main difference is that the path specifiers and "drive" letters are different between the various Operating Systems.
Of course there is also the issue that the database format changed in MC 22 which means you can't move it back to MC 20.
Our target is to eventually move to MC 22 on the Id's. We've used MC 20 up to this point since it was the stable version when the Id was released.
The MC22 vs. MC20 issue is the real blocker here I suspect. I've migrated several libraries from windows to Linux and back. It takes a lot of manual work, but it can be worth it to preserve the information in the library and the settings. But MC22 libraries are definitely not backwards compatible.
Thanks for the informative posts. Makes sense that mc20 to mc22 is the big obstacle here.
I'll wait for the mc22 build to develop before moving my server off windows, and in the meantime and find another use for the device. A car stereo with 2000 albums is in the works!
My apologies for asking what may be an obvious question, but I'm still new to all this ;D
I would like to use the Id Pi as a DLNA Renderer. I have not had consistent success playing music through my iPhone with JRemote and Gizmo/Panel due to "streaming errors."
When I am attempting to play music through my iPhone with JRemote or Gizmo/Panel, are they acting as DLNA Renderers or do they use another process? I'm hoping the Id Pi will be a better solution!
My apologies for asking what may be an obvious question, but I'm still new to all this ;D
I would like to use the Id Pi as a DLNA Renderer. I have not had consistent success playing music through my iPhone with JRemote and Gizmo/Panel due to "streaming errors."
When I am attempting to play music through my iPhone with JRemote or Gizmo/Panel, are they acting as DLNA Renderers or do they use another process? I'm hoping the Id Pi will be a better solution!
Using the Id Pi as a DLNA renderer is designed to answer the issues with playing different file formats, bitdepths, sample rates, gapless playback, etc. This is possible because the MC on the Id Pi can use MC's DSP studio tuned to your output device capabilities.
Your devices using Gizmo and/or JRemote are always somewhat limited in what they can play natively. However, if you turn on transcoding in JRemote you should be able to play anything.
Your devices using Gizmo and/or JRemote are always somewhat limited in what they can play natively. However, if you turn on transcoding in JRemote you should be able to play anything.
Thanks for the tip on transcoding Bob! I've been struggling with this issue for months!
I have just ordered the IdPi mSD card and a Raspberry Pi3b and while I am awaiting for both to arrive have been reading (cramming) the boards here trying to figure out all the lingo as well as just how this will all work for my situation, which is this:
I have been looking for a way to get my music server duties off my PC for a while now. The USB in my Win10 PC is quite noisy and causes problems to which I am always having to reboot. Problems such as music playing slightly too fast, stuttering, and sometimes harsh sounding occur at times for no apparent reason. These almost always occur when I first open JRiver, at which point I have to reboot and to switch the (win10) power settings to "power saver" to prevent a buzzing sound. My DAC is a Modi Multibit and before that I used the first generation Modi. The issues are the same with either DAC with WASAPI.
What I hope to accomplish is to use the Id card and Raspberry as a music server (or is it player in this case?) where the DAC is completely divorced from my PC and comes from the Raspberry USB instead. I have been reading that this can be accomplished in at least 2 ways. One is stand alone with the Raspberry's Id version of MC playing music without the PC MC even loaded. The other as I understand it, is to still use JRiver on my PC as I normally would, using the same library etc, but instead of its output going to the Modi DAC via the (noisy) PC USB, it goes via the Ethernet cable to the Raspberry which somehow can control the mSD JRiver MC and outputs through that. I don't need to have a screen on the Raspberry once I set it up and I would play music just like I normally would using MC on the Windows PC.
Is this accurate? Would this be the best way to implement the new Raspberry and ID in my case? Keep in mind my PC is close to my amp, and the Raspberry will be in the same location so am not requiring this for a different setup in another room, only for getting my DAC off the noisy PC buss. Eventually I am going to get a NAS or at least another USB HD but will cross that bridge down the line. I only do audio so am not requiring any form of video from the Raspberry.
Another question. I am running V21 of JRiver MC on the PC and am wondering going forward will it be best to get a master license since I will be using 2 different platforms? Up till now I have always upgraded, but am relatively new to JR. There is some confusion as to how the software upgrade works for the card Linux version.
I can just give you a quick answer on the license issue.
The Id comes with it's own license, it doesn't need a master.
It's currently on MC 20 but will be upgraded to MC 22 around New Years.
Depending on how you use it you might want to have the same versions on the Id and your PC.
MC 21 and MC 20 databases are compatible but the database changed in MC 22. You might want to wait to update your PC to MC 22 until the Id update to MC 22 comes out.
Thanks Bob, good to know about the compatibility with the different versions. I had read somewhere late last night that the Linux and Windows version of the library file is different somehow and might not be compatible. I don't have a ton of playlists and ratings etc set up so wouldn't be too bad to recreate a new library. Hoping that I can just run the mSD MC from my desktop and still use the old library, but right now this is all quite new and don't fully understand the possibilities. .
I have everything in place and am trying to work it with the RPi3b set as a renderer (I believe that is the correct term) by "pushing" tracks from my win10 machine. After a little fiddling with settings I am able see that the music I have selected is playing to MC on the RPi, but the problem that I am at a loss to figure out is this: In the instructions it clearly says to change the audio output mode from HDMI to USB so that a USB DAC will play. The instructions say that there will be 3 choices, USB, HDMI (default) and the internal sound card. What I get however is about 2 dozen choices of which none indicate either HDMI or USB,. Here is picture of the choices I am getting: I am trying to run my Schiit Modi Multibit in USB mode (which has its own power supply). Any ideas on this?
You could try a search here for ALSA. Here's an example:,103274.msg721060.html#msg721060
This is a disappointment. ?
I have everything in place and am trying to work it with the RPi3b set as a renderer (I believe that is the correct term) by "pushing" tracks from my win10 machine. After a little fiddling with settings I am able see that the music I have selected is playing to MC on the RPi, but the problem that I am at a loss to figure out is this: In the instructions it clearly says to change the audio output mode from HDMI to USB so that a USB DAC will play. The instructions say that there will be 3 choices, USB, HDMI (default) and the internal sound card. What I get however is about 2 dozen choices of which none indicate either HDMI or USB,. Here is picture of the choices I am getting: I am trying to run my Schiit Modi Multibit in USB mode (which has its own power supply). Any ideas on this?
That list shows how the devices identify themselves to the ALSA drivers on Linux. The same device will be listed multiple times in the same way that on windows you can address the same device via wasapi, ASIO, kernel streaming, or direct sound. Most USB DACs identify themselves by name in some way on Linux, but yours hasn't identified itself in a recognizable way.
My advice would be to select one of the devices with the "hw:" prefix as those represent a direct connection for bit perfect playback. That narrows it down to three. My suggestion would be to try hw:CARD=ALSA,DEV=1, as DEV=0 is normally the integrated on board sound. If that doesn't work, try the hw: output labelled s2, or the third and final hw: output.
Did you try a search?
Did you try a search?
Yes, I searched and got some hits but ended up more confused than ever. It seems like none of the ALSA names are very descriptive as to USB, HDMI etc. I then searched google and found out what ALSA is what it stands for etc. From that it became apparent that I needed to look for info in Linux drivers for my DAC which I didn't fine any on the Schiit web site. So after that I decided to just try some, but then I wasn't sure if I needed to reboot the RPi, my Win10 or both after switching. Then after I tried a new ALSA I found that my RPi MC which I was running as a renderer from the Win10 was running through tract after tract, switching to a new one every couple seconds. Something changed when I tried to change the ALSA audio output. But I was able at some point to pull tracts from the win 10 machine even though there was no output I could see it was playing..
My disappointment I expressed is really my own fault. I was thinking this was going to be easy! It started out that way, the ID loaded perfectly, entered the right number, and it installed perfectly. I updated it, and found navigation pretty easy and I was excited that I was taking my first step towards eventually having a dedicated music server. Problem is I really am lacking in computer skills, particularly networking (although simply hooking everything together was easy)
Not giving up on this, but am just going to keep trying to learn the ins and outs of how DLNA works first. I think eventually this is going to be the answer, just a bit more difficult than I realized.
That list shows how the devices identify themselves to the ALSA drivers on Linux. The same device will be listed multiple times in the same way that on windows you can address the same device via wasapi, ASIO, kernel streaming, or direct sound. Most USB DACs identify themselves by name in some way on Linux, but yours hasn't identified itself in a recognizable way.
My advice would be to select one of the devices with the "hw:" prefix as those represent a direct connection for bit perfect playback. That narrows it down to three. My suggestion would be to try hw:CARD=ALSA,DEV=1, as DEV=0 is normally the integrated on board sound. If that doesn't work, try the hw: output labelled s2, or the third and final hw: output.
Thanks! I will go with the HW's first once I figure out how to get the RPi to play as a renderer again without constantly skipping tracts every 2 seconds. Maybe I am close, I do hope my DAC will work..
That list shows how the devices identify themselves to the ALSA drivers on Linux. The same device will be listed multiple times in the same way that on windows you can address the same device via wasapi, ASIO, kernel streaming, or direct sound. Most USB DACs identify themselves by name in some way on Linux, but yours hasn't identified itself in a recognizable way.
My advice would be to select one of the devices with the "hw:" prefix as those represent a direct connection for bit perfect playback. That narrows it down to three. My suggestion would be to try hw:CARD=ALSA,DEV=1, as DEV=0 is normally the integrated on board sound. If that doesn't work, try the hw: output labelled s2, or the third and final hw: output.
None of the ALSA settings you suggested would work. Did not find one saying hw: output. Still no sound out of either DAC I tried or headphones plugged into the RPi using several audio ALSA settings. I did manage to get the RPi MC to render again, not sure why it quit before. If I could at least get the headphone jack to play music that would be real progress.
Try the "front:" output; that's also a hardware output and may point to your DAC. The headphone jack on the pi may not work if you told the pi to output via HDMI.
Try the "front:" output; that's also a hardware output and may point to your DAC. The headphone jack on the pi may not work if you told the pi to output via HDMI.
Will try the front output next chance I get. A point of confusion is that I have been following the id instructions as that was what I saw the link for on this thread for the id on rpi. That seemed to say that by default the audio is hdmi and needs to be set to usb if a DAC is to be used. Is this set in tools>options >audio output? Or is there some other place. I read another link where I would use Internet Explorer to do this. this I have not tried and am wondering if this is the Microsoft Internet Explorer or something with the same name in Linux or MC.
Will try the front output next chance I get. A point of confusion is that I have been following the id instructions as that was what I saw the link for on this thread for the id on rpi. That seemed to say that by default the audio is hdmi and needs to be set to usb if a DAC is to be used. Is this set in tools>options >audio output? Or is there some other place. I read another link where I would use Internet Explorer to do this. this I have not tried and am wondering if this is the Microsoft Internet Explorer or something with the same name in Linux or MC.
It is tools->options->audio output for external devices.
Unfortunately the rpi is a bit primitive in as far as the handling of the onboard analog audio vs the hdmi output.
That option is done though a special version of the raspi-config utility which is in the main menu under the rpi specific configuration.
I have the Id mSD card running this week in a Raspberry Pi 3 and playing off of my NAS at home. Two issues: First, I can get only certain DACs so far to work. Basically, if you have a DAC that can function via USB without Windows drivers, you can probably get it to work, but probably only to 24/96 resolution. Hopefully, someone will tell me I'm wrong about that. Second, I do get glitches, cutouts and freeze ups, along with 10-30 second gaps for the Pi3 to respond to JRemote track changes. This even with 16/44.1 files. I'm actively working to figure out why this is happening. In part, it may be because I am streaming data from my NAS-connected wifi router in another part of my home to a media bridge in another part of home into which the Pi3 is ethernet connected. But I don't think that's the whole story. JCR
Check the DLNA Server settings on the machine you're playing from (assuming you're using the Id as a DLNA Renderer. Set "no conversion".
It is tools->options->audio output for external devices.
Unfortunately the rpi is a bit primitive in as far as the handling of the onboard analog audio vs the hdmi output.
That option is done though a special version of the raspi-config utility which is in the main menu under the rpi specific configuration.
Would this utility also have a USB configuration?
I am going to keep chipping away on this!
Would this utility also have a USB configuration?
I am going to keep chipping away on this!
No, that is only for the internal devices.
I have the Id mSD card running this week in a Raspberry Pi 3 and playing off of my NAS at home. Two issues: First, I can get only certain DACs so far to work. Basically, if you have a DAC that can function via USB without Windows drivers, you can probably get it to work, but probably only to 24/96 resolution. Hopefully, someone will tell me I'm wrong about that. Second, I do get glitches, cutouts and freeze ups, along with 10-30 second gaps for the Pi3 to respond to JRemote track changes. This even with 16/44.1 files. I'm actively working to figure out why this is happening. In part, it may be because I am streaming data from my NAS-connected wifi router in another part of my home to a media bridge in another part of home into which the Pi3 is ethernet connected. But I don't think that's the whole story. JCR
Make sure the spectrum analyzer in MC is disabled.
So tonight I got the RPi and JRiver working. Sound quality is outstanding and the Schiit Modi Multibit works just fine! Don't know what I did before but I did use settings option 10 "show audio device info" and it showed it was seeing the Modi along with several other things. So setting MC to card S2 worked this time around.
Eventually I want the RPi to be a stand alone but this will do until I get a NAS set up. Thanks for the help, I'm sure I will need further hand holding at some point! :)
With the Raspberry as a renderer I am seeing something that seems odd. The kbps at the top of the screen it says that the kbps is 1411. All my files are either APE or FLAC so I don't see why it should be showing that bitrate. Is this how it is supposed to be? Is there a way to check exactly what is being sent to the renderer is the best quality and not in a MP3 for example.
Another is the output level indicators are nearly maxed out. Why is that?
When I am pushing (streaming) music from my Win10 pc to the RPi I have lost the Track Info and instead just have the artwork by itself. This is in the playing now screen. In fact when I right click next to the artwork there is no Track Info options present. Is this a known issue? I can't think of a good reason this info isn't there but will stop fiddling with it if it simply isn't an option in my configuration.
Playing in the above configuration Windows MC-22 playing to the RPi3, the next song begins 3 or 4 seconds before the last one ends. Can't figure this one out either. Is there any answer for this?
I'm having trouble getting my rasp pi 3b MC20 to work properly with a TEAC UD503.
I've tried all the different drivers available,,several times. Some of the drivers will work for one song only.When I switch tracks, it stops working. Any chance of adding more drivers in the future?
The same trouble happens whether using it as a server or renderer.
For what it's worth,, the Teac UD503 required the specific Teac driver to work on my PC. Once installed it works flawlessly.
Many thanks for any advice!
Playing in the above configuration Windows MC-22 playing to the RPi3, the next song begins 3 or 4 seconds before the last one ends. Can't figure this one out either. Is there any answer for this?
Turn off the spectrum analyzer on the RPi MC.
I suggest the following audio settings on both the server and client MC.
switch tracks: gapless
do not play silence: UNchecked
use gapless for sequential album tracks: checked
use gapless for manual track changes: checked
seek: standard
stop: immediate
pause: immediate
Check your DLNA server configuration. It sounds like you are setting the output format to wave or headless PCM.
Thanks Bob your information was spot on and after following your settings suggestions I have the right bit rate showing and there is a nice little silence between each song. I have not yet found the spectrum analyzer but will look more soon.
I am really quite pleased with this setup now. No usb noise from the pc was the main goal and that has been achieved. Later on I will be after a stand alone operation but for now this is fantastic. I have the Raspberry plugged into a UPS so shouldn't have any problems with power outages.
Thanks Bob your information was spot on and after following your settings suggestions I have the right bit rate showing and there is a nice little silence between each song. I have not yet found the spectrum analyzer but will look more soon.
I am really quite pleased with this setup now. No usb noise from the pc was the main goal and that has been achieved. Later on I will be after a stand alone operation but for now this is fantastic. I have the Raspberry plugged into a UPS so shouldn't have any problems with power outages.
Glad to hear it's working for you.
Right-click on the Media Center title near the top of the window to get the spectrum analyzer control.
I'm currently running ITunes on my personal computer with a hard drive containing 1000s of songs. I have two network A/V receivers in my house, ITunes automatically connects to these receivers through AirPlay providing me whole house audio from my hard drive. I control ITunes with my Android phone with ReTune app.
What I want to migrate to is a dedicated music server (JRiver MC) on a RPi3B and a 1TB WD PiDrive. I want to keep this server continuously powered and be able to control it with Amazon Echo (Alexa) through voice commands (House Band). I want the server to connect to my receivers via blue tooth or preferably by AirPlay.
A have already purchased the Pi Drive which comes with a 4GB mSD card with BerryBoot. Will the Id Pi on mSD card provide what I need to control the RPi3B and access the WD Pi Drive or will I still need the BerryBoot image provided by WDLabs?
When I purchase the RPi3B, will I need a DAC or can the music stream to my receivers through Bluetooth and/or AirPlay?
Will the RPi3B and Id or MC stream over Bluetooth and/or Airplay?
I'm ready to purchase the MC software, but if the Id is the better way to go, it sounds like I should wait until the year end to get the MC22 version of Id. Is this correct?
Am I heading in a good direction or is this going to be difficult?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mark
I'm currently running ITunes on my personal computer with a hard drive containing 1000s of songs. I have two network A/V receivers in my house, ITunes automatically connects to these receivers through AirPlay providing me whole house audio from my hard drive. I control ITunes with my Android phone with ReTune app.
What I want to migrate to is a dedicated music server (JRiver MC) on a RPi3B and a 1TB WD PiDrive. I want to keep this server continuously powered and be able to control it with Amazon Echo (Alexa) through voice commands (House Band). I want the server to connect to my receivers via blue tooth or preferably by AirPlay.
A have already purchased the Pi Drive which comes with a 4GB mSD card with BerryBoot. Will the Id Pi on mSD card provide what I need to control the RPi3B and access the WD Pi Drive or will I still need the BerryBoot image provided by WDLabs?
When I purchase the RPi3B, will I need a DAC or can the music stream to my receivers through Bluetooth and/or AirPlay?
Will the RPi3B and Id or MC stream over Bluetooth and/or Airplay?
I'm ready to purchase the MC software, but if the Id is the better way to go, it sounds like I should wait until the year end to get the MC22 version of Id. Is this correct?
Am I heading in a good direction or is this going to be difficult?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mark
Hi Mark,
Your scenario isn't really the direction we are headed in.
There might be a way to put all of what you want together on a Pi but what we are trying to do is to make a solid renderer that fits within the DLNA audio system. MC by default has DLNA server as well as controller capabilities which fills part of your needs but we don't support air play or bluetooth on the Id Pi.
The default output devices for MC on the Pi are the built in audio and optical outputs and we support most external USB DAC's as well as playing via DLNA to other DLNA renderers.
Thanks for the reply. I was originally heading towards Kodi and RPi3, then I head about JRiver MC and House band. I guess I could hardwire RPi though a DAC to an audio input of my home theater receiver. That should give me everything that I want except the connectivity to the whole house audio system. The two receivers are connected through a pair of low level audio cables, so I can probably still play one through the other.
Will the mSD Id do this or should I just buy the Rpi and the JRiver Linux MC?
Thanks, Mark.
This is great stuff! I have a few questions:
1) I *had* this working on my rpi but was a Bad Person(tm) and pulled the plug on it one too many times, which I suspect has corrupted the mSD card (I get the rainbow splash screen, and sometimes a little bit of the boot text, and then nothing) - how can I re-image it?
2) my install has the rpi touchscreen in a case, but there doesn't seem to be any way to install/use the virtual keyboard - is it possible to add this so I can avoid the bother of having to connect an external keyboard? Or is there some other easy remote access method I haven't found (I'm a pi newbie, so there probably is)?
3) is there any way to have MC display just the album art + track info? I'd like to have the pi screen show this information while playing. The cover view is close, but as soon as the current track finishes it goes back to the overview/playing now view.
4) When it was working, when I had it & my main server linked as zones it worked well, except that 10-15 seconds after each song started, playback would hang on both devices, and after ~10 seconds, it would resume and continue playing normally. This could be due to a dodgy wifi connection where the pi is, but are there any other known reasons this might happen?
This is great stuff! I have a few questions:
1) I *had* this working on my rpi but was a Bad Person(tm) and pulled the plug on it one too many times, which I suspect has corrupted the mSD card (I get the rainbow splash screen, and sometimes a little bit of the boot text, and then nothing) - how can I re-image it?
2) my install has the rpi touchscreen in a case, but there doesn't seem to be any way to install/use the virtual keyboard - is it possible to add this so I can avoid the bother of having to connect an external keyboard? Or is there some other easy remote access method I haven't found (I'm a pi newbie, so there probably is)?
3) is there any way to have MC display just the album art + track info? I'd like to have the pi screen show this information while playing. The cover view is close, but as soon as the current track finishes it goes back to the overview/playing now view.
4) When it was working, when I had it & my main server linked as zones it worked well, except that 10-15 seconds after each song started, playback would hang on both devices, and after ~10 seconds, it would resume and continue playing normally. This could be due to a dodgy wifi connection where the pi is, but are there any other known reasons this might happen?
1) Send me a PM with your Registration code for MC.
2) There isn't currently a way to install extra drivers for your keyboard. However you can access it remotely with VPN or Windows Remote Desktop (the Mac remote desktop client should work too).
3) Check your settings for General->Behavior->Jump on Play
4) If you are using it as a client connected to a library server you might want to set the client option to transcode off (Media Network->Client Options (when connected to a library server).
Hello, I am very new to Raspberry. I got your SD card and everything is fine and up and running. I can manage via Browser/JRemote or connect with my RDP client on my Windows notebook. I also tried to connect via SSH but did not succeed as I always got the message my password is wrong. I want to add an USV board to run it battery driven or for getting no problems when i have outages on the power grid. Therefore i have to add some configuration to the pi. How can I manage this?
If I connect via RDP client the resolution of the virtual screen is very low (I guess something about 420x680 pixel) and the GUI isn't almost usable anymore. If I connect a monitor before booting, I don't have this problems. Is there a way to configure the screen resolution?
Hello, I am very new to Raspberry. I got your SD card and everything is fine and up and running. I can manage via Browser/JRemote or connect with my RDP client on my Windows notebook. I also tried to connect via SSH but did not succeed as I always got the message my password is wrong. I want to add an USV board to run it battery driven or for getting no problems when i have outages on the power grid. Therefore i have to add some configuration to the pi. How can I manage this?
If I connect via RDP client the resolution of the virtual screen is very low (I guess something about 420x680 pixel) and the GUI isn't almost usable anymore. If I connect a monitor before booting, I don't have this problems. Is there a way to configure the screen resolution?
Hi Peter,
The default for the RDP display is 1920x1080. It should show that on RDP and VNC. Can you check with a VNC client?
The Id Pi isn't designed to be user configurable outside of the settings in the main menu and in MC.
If you need to mess with the config.txt file you could mount the sdcard on a linux computer and modify it that way.
Any idea on the timescale for the MC22 upgrade?
Any idea on the timescale for the MC22 upgrade?
It's really close. A week or two I'd think..
An upgrade to MC22 is now available:,109577.0.html
Hi Jim,
I just received Id Pi card and upgraded it to MC22.
All works great, but I can't get it to see my external USB drive which is xFAT formatted. Other Linux based players see it.
On another note, is there any chance to support native DSD playback?
Hi Jim,
I just received Id Pi card and upgraded it to MC22.
All works great, but I can't get it to see my external USB drive which is xFAT formatted. Other Linux based players see it.
On another note, is there any chance to support native DSD playback?
ExFat support will be in a coming OTA update soon.
DSD playback is supported via DoP.
ExFat support will be in a coming OTA update soon.
DSD playback is supported via DoP.
Thanks, can't wait! Any future possibility for native (not DoP) DSD support, similar to this:
Thanks, can't wait! Any future possibility for native (not DoP) DSD support, similar to this:
DoP is just a flag on the data in a PCM transport from what I understand (it's still DSD data).
From what I understand, the kernel and libalsa need to be pretty recent to offer a DSD format type in ALSA.
DoP is not any worse then native DSD, and its much much easier to handle. For some reason many people seem to believe DoP is in some way "worse" and native DSD is "better", but it conveys the same information - the same underlying DSD signal.
Sure, I understand what DoP is and agree that is no worse than "native DSD" because it is the same exact thing.
However, I am really looking forward for the Id Pi to support native DSD which will make possible playing up to DSD512. With DoP we are now limited to 352kHz (PCM encapsulation) where no more than DSD128 (at 5.6MHz) can be transmitted.
So any help on getting the Id Pi to play native DSD on my XMOS-based USB DAC will be highly appreciated!
There are currently quite a few DSD downloads offered at DSD256.
Does the Pi Id run a samba share for external USB drives?
I would like to make the Pi Id a headless Engen and JRiver server, but in order for this to work I need some way of managing media files from another computer.
[Edit] I think I found the answer, looks it might be a yes based on the full Id feature set:,109210.msg757252.html#msg757252]
It does. You can get to it via Windows networking.
I just have to say GREAT JOB on this one! Really plug and play... My new music server.... Now my Id Pi is the only computer I have to leave on when I leave the house.
Yes I second that, great job on the Rpi! I believe the SQ is superior over using my DAC through Windows noisy USB which was the whole point of the Rpi for me.
There is one issue that I would like to understand batter. I use my Id Pi for playing music that is pushed or streamed (or whatever you call it) from my windows MC v22. Before I upgraded the Id to MC v22 whatever was in "playing now" that was destined for the Id Pi would automatically be saved on my windows MC even after a reboot of Win10 (where all my music is stored). Since the v22 Id upgrade whatever was in Win 10 playing now gets dumped and I need to select more music or playlists to add to playing now. Is there a setting that will save whatever was in playing now for the next time I sit down to play music? I often have many hours of music selected and like the ability to pick up where I left off.
Tools + Options + General + Advanced... there's a checkbox for "clear playing now on exit". Could that have become checked with the upgrade?
Tools + Options + General + Advanced... there's a checkbox for "clear playing now on exit". Could that have become checked with the upgrade?
Both the Windows MC and Id Pi version were unchecked. Still unresolved..
thought I'd try my IdPi as a server for my photos. Looks like it won't import either images or video. I'm assuming this is by design as the Pi isn't beefy enough to serve types of files. I'm importing from a network share and just want to make sure it's not something wrong with access to the share. thanks.
You may need to update the Id so it's using MC22. That should work with video. I'm not sure that images work yet.
It is 22.0.76
I believe that should play video.
I believe that should play video.
MC on the Pi doesn't currently have video support.
Or images?
Or images?
Images work in MC 22 on the Id Pi.
My Id Pi is running flawlessly. Thanks for your work in this arena.
I'm considering building a second unit. Do I need to purchase another SD card and/or license, or can I make a disk image for the second unit?
A second Id Pi should require a second license. Thanks for asking.
Is there somebody having experience running Id with Hifiberry Digi + Pro? I'm currently using Rune Audio with no issues
Is there somebody having experience running Id with Hifiberry Digi + Pro? I'm currently using Rune Audio with no issues
We have one here and it works fine with the updated kernel that was pushed in our last update.
I would like to use an IdPi in the following way:
On a Raspberry Pi 3b board.
As a DLNA server, with USB HDD as storage connected to the Pi 3b.
Running primarily headless, however not precluded from using an HDMI monitor.
Streaming to other DLNA/UPnP endpoints, all of which currently work just fine with JRMC20 on a Mac as DLNA server.
Will the IdPi work as described above? I wish to shut down the current Mac based server more frequently than I currently do, and have the more power efficient IdPi running more or less 24/7 as the replacement.
Thanks very much in advance, I believe in reading various threads I can do exactly as I describe above, but would appreciate any feedback including pros and cons for just using the ARM Linux distro of MC instead of IdPi.
That is exactly how I use the IdPi.
The clients would probably need to be updated.
That is exactly how I use the IdPi.
The clients would probably need to be updated.
Thank you for the fast reply.
Is the order process still just send an email to sales requesting a PayPal invoice?
Is the order process still just send an email to sales requesting a PayPal invoice?
Thanks again, order placed for Id Pi mSD!
Is the IdPi3 on mSD card still available? Have yet to hear back from sales at sent 10 hours ago. Is there another email address for Sales?
It is. You should hear something today.
I put in an order on Saturday, and haven't heard back. Did you guys receive the email?
Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
We're closed on the weekend. You should receive a Paypal invoice tomorrow.
Any idea whether a downlable image will be available soon? Thank you
No current plan. Shipping it on a mSD card ensures a trouble free install.
No current plan. Shipping it on a mSD card ensures a trouble free install.
My experience with the Id Pi in the past week says you've succeeded, no problem at all with this install, now running as a server accessible to other UPnP endpoints with PCM up to 352.8 kHz and DSD at 2.8MHz both flawless.
Thanks very much for this solution, I can shut down my Mac now and still have a JRiver server available 24/7 running on RPi3!
Today I moved it off my main router and connected on a another floor of the house via a WiFi media bridge. No trouble there at all, the Id Pi connects to the bridge via Ethernet, and the bridge speaks to the router over WiFi. No dropouts, all endpoint renderers performing flawlessly in this configuration.
Nice to hear. Thanks!
IdPi mSD card received and working into HDMI. Thanks for speedy service. Would like it to work with my external DAC - Mytek Stereo 192 DSD DAC. Mytek support is looking for suitable Linux driver. Assuming they find one, is it as simple as downloading the driver and launching the .exe file as with Windows or do I need to modify the original mSD card or enter lines of Linux code? Is there a list/thread on IdPi compatible DACs? I couldn't find one using "search".
IdPi mSD card received and working into HDMI. Thanks for speedy service. Would like it to work with my external DAC - Mytek Stereo 192 DSD DAC. Mytek support is looking for suitable Linux driver. Assuming they find one, is it as simple as downloading the driver and launching the .exe file as with Windows or do I need to modify the original mSD card or enter lines of Linux code? Is there a list/thread on IdPi compatible DACs? I couldn't find one using "search".
The Mytek Stereo 192 DSD DAC is a little weird under Linux however there is a hidden function 80 from the main menu that will try to load the firmware for the DAC (it must be connected). If that's successful it should show up in the list of ALSA devices in MC. I've never tried this on the IdPi.
Came back with "failed to insert module snd_usb_mytek". Will wait for Mytek support. Thanks for suggestion. Last resort may be to install a Hiberry or equiv but probably a step down in terms of high res playback.
I got my IdPi SD card, Raspberry Pi 3, and HiFiBerry Dac+ in the mail last week, and have just gotten everything set up.
My goal was to set up a small system for my back porch, using an idpi connected to a Bose powered speaker. Everything is working well. The idpi software was super easy to set up.
The only problem I am having is that when the music stops, I get a fairly significant hum/buzz through the speaker. The HiFiBerry DAC has a 3.5mm output that connects to the Bose speaker. Once the music starts, the humming/buzzing stops, and it sounds great. It's kind of annoying me though.
I anyone has any ideas on how to get rid of the buzzing sound, I'd appreciate it.
Great job on the idpi. It's fantastic!
If the Bose has volume control, try setting MC's volume to maximum. Or the other way around.
If you have another DAC, you could try it, just to learn something about where the sound is coming from.
I don't have another DAC. I know that when I connect my Android phone to the same speaker, using the same cable, it doesn't make any noise. And, if the pi is connected, there is no music playing, and I touch the pi, the noise gets louder.
If you're connecting an Android phone, isn't the cable different? Type C? Micro USB?
If you're connecting an Android phone, isn't the cable different? Type C? Micro USB?
The charging cord is type c. But the headphone jack is just plain old headphone jack.
Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
It sounds like the power supply is not quite up to the task. You may need to look for another.
IIRC you'll need a good 2 amp supply at least.
Thanks Bob. I was thinking that might be the problem. Although the one I am using is, I believe, 2.5amps. Anyway, I think I'm gonna pick a new one up and see if that makes a difference.
Thanks Bob. I was thinking that might be the problem. Although the one I am using is, I believe, 2.5amps. Anyway, I think I'm gonna pick a new one up and see if that makes a difference.
I have one setup with a hifiberry using the optical jack. Mine doesn't have a jack at P4 (I assume that's the analog out connection)?
Bob. Not sure exactly where P4 is. Here is a picture of the HiFiBerry I bought. (
I have to say, once the music starts playing, it sounds fantastic! I don't think I could get this little Bose speaker to sound any better. ;D Prior to this, I was streaming via Bubble UpnUp to a Google Chromecast Audio, but got tired of the lack of gapless playback. The IdPi gives me a lot more control. I will likely buy another one, along with a hifiberry with optical output, to connect to a receiver I have in the living room.
So, I ordered a new power supply. We'll see if that helps with the buzzing sound.
A couple things to note. When JRiver is "engaged", there is no buzzing sound. What I mean is, as soon as a track starts to play, the buzzing stops. And, if I PAUSE playback, the buzzing does not return. However if I STOP playback, the buzzing returns after a couple seconds. Hope that makes sense.
In addition, the Bose speaker is continuously mounted on a charging dock. If I take it off the dock, the buzzing stops.
Taking it off the dock and having the buzz go away points to a ground loop or power supply issue.
I'd bet a little bit of money that the hifi berry is "going to sleep" on it's analog output. What I mean is, when you are playing music, the analog output's "hot" pin has voltage on it that varies with the music. When you have the music paused, the hot pin has 0 Volts on it.
But when you press stop, the hifiberry must be floating that hot pin so that it doesn't have 0 Volts, it doesn't have music, it's just "floating" with nothing on it. Which means it can pick up hum or buzz from sources of radiated fields, like the ones that come from power cables or power lines.
My Android Tablet (in my car) does this after a long enough time out of not playing music. As soon as I wake it up, the weird sounds disappear and I get silence again.
All this being said, I'm not sure what the solution to this would be. Other than always pressing pause instead of stop?
Good luck,
I'd bet a little bit of money that the hifi berry is "going to sleep" on it's analog output. What I mean is, when you are playing music, the analog output's "hot" pin has voltage on it that varies with the music. When you have the music paused, the hot pin has 0 Volts on it.
But when you press stop, the hifiberry must be floating that hot pin so that it doesn't have 0 Volts, it doesn't have music, it's just "floating" with nothing on it. Which means it can pick up hum or buzz from sources of radiated fields, like the ones that come from power cables or power lines.
My Android Tablet (in my car) does this after a long enough time out of not playing music. As soon as I wake it up, the weird sounds disappear and I get silence again.
All this being said, I'm not sure what the solution to this would be. Other than always pressing pause instead of stop?
Good luck,
An interesting theory.
If you set MC to play gapless (and don't check the "strip silence") it doesn't close the audio device until the second stop I believe.
You could try this...
An interesting theory.
If you set MC to play gapless (and don't check the "strip silence") it doesn't close the audio device until the second stop I believe.
You could try this...
Thanks for your help guys. That makes sense to me. It seems like it has something to do with the HiFiBerry being "engaged" or not. I have it set to gapless playback, and strip silence is unchecked. Another thing I've noticed is that if there is a lot of transcoding going on on the server side, like converting a DSD file to 88.2khz, there is sometimes a lengthy pause before the track starts playing, and sometimes the buzzing will come back then.
It's really not that big of a deal. As long as there is music playing, it sounds great, and the noise isn't really that loud.
I was wondering if somehow I made the HiFiBerry the default sound device for the Pi as a whole, and not just MC, if that would make a difference.?
Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
But I'm not sure if that's possible with the IdPi
Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
But I'm not sure if that's possible with the IdPi
Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
Please turn the Tapatalk ad off. It's in the TT settings for signature.
Currently trying to install JRiver ID on a Raspberry 3. I was trying to set up external drive (a NAS), and the text window disappeared from screen. The GUI is there, but does not respond. I am a bit hesitant to pull the usb power supply to reboot... What can I do?
Pull the power.
I've had the IdPi set up for a few days. I'm using it as DLNA renderer, and everything has been working well. However, today I noticed that gapless playback was not working. Or, it was working sometimes, but not others. Mostly it wasn't working.
Gapless playback is selected on the IdPi. Bitstreaming is off. PreBuffering is set to 6 seconds. The server was set to "Mode: Specified Output Format", and the format was "PCM 24bit". Also, anything higher than 96khz is downsampled to either 96 or 88.2khz. On the renderer side, I am using volume leveling, dynamic volume, and the equalizer.
So, I messed with a few things, to no avail. Then I switched the output format to "PCM L24 No Header", and that seemed to fix the problem.
This is fine. I'm just wondering why this makes a difference. I guess I thought that any output format would work when MC was used as the renderer, as long as the playback device supported the bit depth and sample rate.
In addition, on the list of available audio devices on the IdPi, I am wondering what the references to "Without any conversions", and "With all software conversions" are.
Thanks for any help.
I've had the IdPi set up for a few days. I'm using it as DLNA renderer, and everything has been working well. However, today I noticed that gapless playback was not working. Or, it was working sometimes, but not others. Mostly it wasn't working.
Gapless playback is selected on the IdPi. Bitstreaming is off. PreBuffering is set to 6 seconds. The server was set to "Mode: Specified Output Format", and the format was "PCM 24bit". Also, anything higher than 96khz is downsampled to either 96 or 88.2khz. On the renderer side, I am using volume leveling, dynamic volume, and the equalizer.
So, I messed with a few things, to no avail. Then I switched the output format to "PCM L24 No Header", and that seemed to fix the problem.
This is fine. I'm just wondering why this makes a difference. I guess I thought that any output format would work when MC was used as the renderer, as long as the playback device supported the bit depth and sample rate.
In addition, on the list of available audio devices on the IdPi, I am wondering what the references to "Without any conversions", and "With all software conversions" are.
Thanks for any help.
That's interesting. I would not think that switching from PCM 24 bit to PCM L24 no header would make a difference.
The difference in the format is that the former is little endian and has a wave header on it and the later does not have a wave header and is big endian. In the no header case all of the information about the file being played is specified in the DLNA content directory information.
I'd like to set up a test here. What are you using for a server?
As far as the audio devices on the Pi are concerned, you should use the "Without any conversions" entries for whatever device you are using for output since the IdPi in this case is a dedicated renderer. If you play material with sample rates out of range of the output device you should use MC's DSP studio to address that and that appears to be what you are doing.
That's interesting. I would not think that switching from PCM 24 bit to PCM L24 no header would make a difference.
The difference in the format is that the former is little endian and has a wave header on it and the later does not have a wave header and is big endian. In the no header case all of the information about the file being played is specified in the DLNA content directory information.
I'd like to set up a test here. What are you using for a server?
As far as the audio devices on the Pi are concerned, you should use the "Without any conversions" entries for whatever device you are using for output since the IdPi in this case is a dedicated renderer. If you play material with sample rates out of range of the output device you should use MC's DSP studio to address that and that appears to be what you are doing.
Thanks Bob. I am using a dedicated PC running Windows 10 for a server.
What was really strange was that gapless playback was working some of the time, but not all of the time. Most of the time it wasn't working. In addition, it seemed that it was dependent on the tracks being played. What I mean is that the tracks that played gapless were the same tracks each time. I was listening to a live Grateful Dead release. Most of the tracks would play with a gap in between them, but there were a few that would play gapless, and they were the same ones every time. I tested another album less extensively, so that and it was the same thing. Some would play gapless, and some not.
Another note. I've only had the IdPi set up for a few days. It is hard for me to say for sure whether the lack of gapless play always existed, or whether it developed all of a sudden. I had been mostly listening to playlists, and albums I was less familiar with. So, it could have been that gapless play had never worked, and I just didn't notice it. However, my sense is that I would have noticed it, and it was something that started happening all of a sudden. I have the IdPi on a back patio, and I started to think that maybe the heat was affecting it's performance. However, I brought the whole rig inside, and let it cool down, and the same problems persisted. The only thing that made a difference was switching to L24 No Header. Gapless is working great since then.
At any rate, I am using a dedicated PC running MC 22 as a server. It is running a "generic dlna" server. The Idpi is connected wirelessly. Let me know if there's any other info you need.
Another note. I've only had the IdPi set up for a few days. It is hard for me to say for sure whether the lack of gapless play always existed, or whether it developed all of a sudden. I had been mostly listening to playlists, and albums I was less familiar with. So, it could have been that gapless play had never worked, and I just didn't notice it. However, my sense is that I would have noticed it, and it was something that started happening all of a sudden. I have the IdPi on a back patio, and I started to think that maybe the heat was affecting it's performance. However, I brought the whole rig inside, and let it cool down, and the same problems persisted. The only thing that made a difference was switching to L24 No Header. Gapless is working great since then.
At any rate, I am using a dedicated PC running MC 22 as a server. It is running a "generic dlna" server. The Idpi is connected wirelessly. Let me know if there's any other info you need.
The original format of your source material before being converted would be good to know...
Original Source files were from CD rips. FLAC files, 16bit, 44.1khz.
Verified. Looking at it...
Any chance the idPi will work with this hardware?
Verified. Looking at it...
Fixed in the next build. That was a nice find, thanks...
Any chance the idPi will work with this hardware?
My guess would be not.
I'm thinking the proprietary chipset setup in the Rpi boot won't work on another board.
You could do it yourself though. If you install debian on that board and it supports 24 bit video, MC should run on it.
My guess would be not.
I'm thinking the proprietary chipset setup in the Rpi boot won't work on another board.
You could do it yourself though. If you install debian on that board and it supports 24 bit video, MC should run on it.
Ok thanks Bob
We ship it on a card so it can be inserted in a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and just boot. We may make it available to download in the future.
Any news on the download version? It's a little silly to have to order the card and wait till it is shipped from the US to Europe, not to mention the extra charges.
It may seem silly, but it eliminates any problems you might have with the download and setup of the card. For now, we're just doing what works.
Fixed in the next build. That was a nice find, thanks...
Sure. So, is it a problem in the MC for Windows, or the IdPi build?
Sure. So, is it a problem in the MC for Windows, or the IdPi build?
It was an efficiency issue in the linux build. The Pi just showed it because it's much slower than the typical desktop.
I have a push button switch connected to a GPIO port that triggers the shutdown sequence. A small python script is doing the job as wanted. I need to install it on the Id distro. Could you please provide SSH credentials so I can install it?
Thank you
I have a push button switch connected to a GPIO port that triggers the shutdown sequence. A small python script is doing the job as wanted. I need to install it on the Id distro. Could you please provide SSH credentials so I can install it?
Thank you
I'm sorry but we can't give that information out. We don't want users making changes to the Id because if something goes wrong it becomes almost impossible for us to diagnose the cause.
I'm sorry but we can't give that information out. We don't want users making changes to the Id because if something goes wrong it becomes almost impossible for us to diagnose the cause.
The way I would proceed: save the image of the original card, install the script, then test everything. There is no reason whatsoever that the system could be broken and in case it is I can revert back to the original image. Please take users as adults, that is responsible for what they do. Thank you.
We have a Linux version of MC for people who want to tinker. The Id is a closed system. Sorry if that's not what you would like.
We have a Linux version of MC for people who want to tinker. The Id is a closed system. Sorry if that's not what you would like.
Could I then return the product, get money back, and buy a master license instead?
Thank you
Please contact deanna at jriver to discuss options.
Thanks JimH I will
Pi not booting?
Brand new Pi3 B, new Id Pi mSD through the mail, connect everything up as instructions, power on, red power LED lights but nothing else, no boot lights, just a steady red LED. Left it a good ten minutes or so but no activity.
New to the whole Pi experience so I may be missing something obvious, have tried removing and re-inserting the mSD but nothing. The power supply is the official version and as I say the power LED lights but I gather there should be other flashing LEDs as well?
Card upside down?
Not possible as the protruding tag on the card stops it going in the other way up.
Pi not booting?
Brand new Pi3 B, new Id Pi mSD through the mail, connect everything up as instructions, power on, red power LED lights but nothing else, no boot lights, just a steady red LED. Left it a good ten minutes or so but no activity.
New to the whole Pi experience so I may be missing something obvious, have tried removing and re-inserting the mSD but nothing. The power supply is the official version and as I say the power LED lights but I gather there should be other flashing LEDs as well?
Can you connect it to a monitor when you boot it up and see if it gives you an error message?
Yes was connected to monitor via HDMI - absolutely nothing, completely blank. The monitor's HDMI input and the HDMI cable are both good as have been used recently.
Double check to make sure the mSD card is inserted all the way. Sometimes they don't go in all the way if they're not aligned just right. There should be a second green LED next to the red power LED. The green LED should indicate activity. It sounds like the green LED does not blink at all, even when you first try to boot it, is this correct?
Double check to make sure the mSD card is inserted all the way. Sometimes they don't go in all the way if they're not aligned just right. There should be a second green LED next to the red power LED. The green LED should indicate activity. It sounds like the green LED does not blink at all, even when you first try to boot it, is this correct?
Correct, no activity from the green LED at all. Looking at the mSD slot, there is a hole near the far end where you can see the card push two metal strips together (I gather this is what confirms it is in) this does indeed happen.
Is it possible for you to connect the mSD card to a Windows PC? Then you can check to make sure that the mSD card shows a boot partition. It should show up as three partitions, and one of them should be a boot partition. If it does show a boot partition, the problem is probably with the Pi3 itself.
Is it possible for you to plug the mSD card into a Windows PC? Then you can check to make sure that the mSD card shows a boot partition. It should show up as three partitions, and one of them should be a boot partition. If it does show a boot partition, the problem is probably with the Pi3 itself.
On windows it shows up as three separate drive letters so yes three partitions. What I guess is the boot partition is mainly special characters, ie. not abc type stuff. The other two partitions say that they need to be formatted. Is there something obvious that I can look for that is actually called 'boot' or similar?
I sent you a private message.
I sent you a private message.
Sorry, can't reply directly to your most recent as I've reached my limit of three an hour apparently. To answer your question: windows 10. Also I have tried two adapters, a new one that takes both mSD and SD cards and an older one which just takes SD cards but with the extra mSD to SD adapter that came with the IdPi card. Card displays the same on both.
What is the output of the power supply?
2.0 amps is the required rating.
Is anything else plugged into the Pi?
What is the output of the power supply?
5.1V, 2.5A
Plugged in keyboard, mouse, HDMI, ethernet - when it didn't work I also tried it without any of those, just the PSU (
It appears that either the Pi or the microSD card is bad. You don't have another RPi do you?
It appears that either the Pi or the microSD card is bad. You don't have another RPi do you?
No, as I said at the top I'm new to the whole Pi experience.
New card arrived in the post this morning - an hour later I have Miles Davis playing from the library on my PC via the IdPi and a Hifiberry Digi+ out to an external DAC.
Set-up all very straightforward - thank you!
I was curious about the Pi when it came out and have been using MC since 19. To get to a stage now where it is a true plug and play solution is great. Thanks again.
New card arrived in the post this morning - an hour later I have Miles Davis playing from the library on my PC via the IdPi and a Hifiberry Digi+ out to an external DAC.
Set-up all very straightforward - thank you!
I was curious about the Pi when it came out and have been using MC since 19. To get to a stage now where it is a true plug and play solution is great. Thanks again.
Thank you!
How I can order?
How to Order
Please send a message to sales at jriver and indicate your Paypal address. We'll send you a Paypal invoice. When you pay it, we will ship the micro SD card within two days.
How I can order?
Please send an email to sales at jriver.
How would I have managed to get three instances of MC running on the Pi at the same time?
Pi is running headless with JRemote as a controller and generally doing fine. Had an issue yesterday afternoon when, having been playing fine, JRemote couldn't get the next album to play/connect. Tried the wake button and also closed and re-started JRiver. Then noticed that both red and green LED were on solid on the Pi and also couldn't connect with Panel.
A couple of minutes later the green went off and was able to connect with Panel and JRemote was back to working fine.
A bit later I wanted to check something with VNC and there was a window on the Pi screen saying something along the lines of 'database in read-only mode changes will be lost when closed, OK'd that and there was then another the same OK'd that. Then saw there were three lots of MC22 along the bottom, so opened and closed all of those then waited for MC22 to re-start itself - which it did and worked fine.
As far as I know I can't deliberately start MC on the Pi - it's automatic, so how did I open it twice more in addition to the automatic one?
How would I have managed to get three instances of MC running on the Pi at the same time?
Pi is running headless with JRemote as a controller and generally doing fine. Had an issue yesterday afternoon when, having been playing fine, JRemote couldn't get the next album to play/connect. Tried the wake button and also closed and re-started JRiver. Then noticed that both red and green LED were on solid on the Pi and also couldn't connect with Panel.
A couple of minutes later the green went off and was able to connect with Panel and JRemote was back to working fine.
A bit later I wanted to check something with VNC and there was a window on the Pi screen saying something along the lines of 'database in read-only mode changes will be lost when closed, OK'd that and there was then another the same OK'd that. Then saw there were three lots of MC22 along the bottom, so opened and closed all of those then waited for MC22 to re-start itself - which it did and worked fine.
As far as I know I can't deliberately start MC on the Pi - it's automatic, so how did I open it twice more in addition to the automatic one?
It shouldn't be able to do that if you are using our IdPi firmware. There is a check script that looks to see if mediacenter22 is running and restarts if it isn't but obviously yours was running. Will look into trying to make it fail like that here.
Thanks Bob, IdPi card is exactly as it arrived last week. In terms of set-up, I have created a new library as I wanted to try a different external drive which is the one I had been using with a PC install of MC22.
The new library is located at /home/media/Samsung1 (which is a different path to the default Main library path) and was also created as a clone of the Main library so that I could keep it's settings. I then ran auto import to get the files into the new library. I had also created another library on the external drive purely as I was trying out which way was best. I later deleted this library from the MC window but I see there is still a MC database file on the external drive. Could these extra libraries be confusing things?
I am currently playing from the new, cloned library (the one at media/Samsung1), JRemote connected fine and it is playing fine.
"Paypal -- You can order by contacting sales at jriver d o t c o m. If you tell us your Paypal address, we will send you a Paypal invoice for your approval. When you pay the invoice, we will ship the device"
I sent email day ago and still no answer. Anyway it's so difficult find contact for spend money for your product. You should made this much easier. I'm not too daft but this difficult way for me. Where exactly emails to the sealers on jriver DOTCOM are? Why you covered that? Why I can't do that by one click?
"Paypal -- You can order by contacting sales at jriver d o t c o m. If you tell us your Paypal address, we will send you a Paypal invoice for your approval. When you pay the invoice, we will ship the device"
I sent email day ago and still no answer. Anyway it's so difficult find contact for spend money for your product. You should made this much easier. I'm not too daft but this difficult way for me. Where exactly emails to the sealers on jriver DOTCOM are? Why you covered that? Why I can't do that by one click?
Sorry for the delay. I saw your mail yesterday and normally it would have been invoiced today. We'll check tomorrow.
"Sorry for the delay. I saw your mail yesterday and normally it would have been invoiced today. We'll check tomorrow."
Thank you Jim. This is all what I want to know. But please, change your sale marketing. Find sellers email on jriver D O T C O M (why this camouflage?) is really not easy.
You made fabulous program. I tried and have licence for: ROON, Audirvana, Moode but JRiver is the best for me. And becouse of that I'm really dissapointed in situation like. Other minus is cooperation with QNAP. I have QNAP TS 453A and JRiver don't want working on. After few second from start program crashed.
I thought I had taken care of this, but find I did not. This will be done today.
Thanx Deanna ;) Everything sorted. I inform that in my particularly example MC 21 working perfectly on QNAP T453A.
I'm happy with that. Thank you for great program.
Is there any chance of buying an downloadable image instead of ordering an mSD Card? Living outside the U.S. the mSD Card would be quite expensive.
No. Sorry.
Is anybody could help me with audio configuration through I2S? Thank you.
As far as I know, there is no support for the I2S interface.
Unfortunately, you are right. Sad... :'(
Just a reply from a pleased customer. Received the SD Card very quick!
Setup was easy and everything so far is working. Also quick response to questions. Keep up the good work. Thank you!
Now that the IdPi has launched I'm wondering how the power down process works on it. Can I just cut Id Pi power and it will not corrupt the SD card and work normally on next start up?
This has nothing to do with the JRiver Id, but, as others already wrote with the Raspberry Pi itself, as it doesn't have a battery, managing the power cut. However, there are some ideas around where you add a battery and some software to do exactly what you are asking for. I'm a bit off Raspberries at the moment, but doing some internet researches, you should be able to find at least some solutions that should help you to set up a carPi.
Does the IdPi on mSD support the 7" Pi Touch Screen? I've searched the forums, but could not find any information on this.
The screen would probably work. Using MC with the touchscreen would work with Theater View. But Panel on a phone or tablet might be better.
Cool. I'll give it a try and let you know what happens.
I built a kit from HiFiBerry with their DAC+ Pro, added the IdPi mSD card and 2 high capacity USB flash drives, and it's a truly awesome thing to behold (and listen to). It's connected to a Niles Audio SI-250 power amp which has "Music Sense" and level control, so it turns itself on and off, and I adjusted the levels to calibrate it to the JRiver volume control. The amp powers B&W CM-9 speakers.
It's pretty incredible. Very low power draw when not being used, and I can play anything, anytime using Panel on my Mac.
Thanks JRiver!
I intend to do the same thing but with a hifiberry digi + Pro. I have all the gear just need a bit of time.
@0101100: shall I understand that the RPI is acting as the music server? Any issues with upsampling? Or sending music to several zones?
It would be VERY VERY interesting to have an "Id" version of the software for PC.
A headless, linux based instalation of MC available for PC, to be more precise ......
Any comments / opinions ?
Has there been (or will there be) testing to confirm compatibility between the IdPi software and the new Raspberry Pi 3 B+ board? Thank you.
I looked for one yesterday and couldn't find any in stock. I'm sure it will work.
I'm not 100% sure, I read somewhere that it requires Stretch. Will need to get one to test...
Will this work on a Raspberry Pi 1 (first version of Pi)? I would mostly want it for Engen and maybe music but no video.
Probably not.
What about running it on the RPi Zero. I have one just sitting here...
The Zero and the original Pi (1) are too low powered. The 2 might work, a 3 is recommended.
If the new 3 B+ does not work yet (waiting on testing), I'm sure Bob will be interested in making that work in an update.
The Zero and the original Pi (1) are too low powered. The 2 might work, a 3 is recommended.
If the new 3 B+ does not work yet (waiting on testing), I'm sure Bob will be interested in making that work in an update.
The 2 works fine.
I'd like to get one of the 3+ to play with!
The Zero and the original Pi (1) are too low powered.
Yeah, and too low powered for what I bought it for. My fault for not doing more research. I've looked at making a DLNA renderer but it looks like a pain.
The Zero and the original Pi (1) are too low powered.
In what way? I am able to run LibreElec on it and even watch HD video so it seems like it should be powerful enough for music and Engen.
Is msd card corruption on power failure still a possibility? If so what is the user's recourse if a card gets corrupted? Buy a new one? Get a free replacement?
Is msd card corruption on power failure still a possibility? If so what is the user's recourse if a card gets corrupted? Buy a new one? Get a free replacement?
Something in between. It's not been a problem yet.
We've sold upgrades at 50%.
I am using the msD card with a v3b pi. It works fine, but stops booting near the end and I have to do a cntrl-d on key board. To get it to finish booting. I have a usb transmitter for mouse and keyboard, usb cable to DAC, wireless turned on. HDMI to monitor. USB to hard drive.
Anyway can’t really understand what the console is saying is wrong.
Also, by default, where is the library stored? On card or on library? Any reason I can have library on hard drive and use with different MCs, like on my Mac. Using IDpi at office
If you can get it to boot, do a check for updates from the Id text menu.
I am using the msD card with a v3b pi. It works fine, but stops booting near the end and I have to do a cntrl-d on key board. To get it to finish booting. I have a usb transmitter for mouse and keyboard, usb cable to DAC, wireless turned on. HDMI to monitor. USB to hard drive.
Anyway can’t really understand what the console is saying is wrong.
Also, by default, where is the library stored? On card or on library? Any reason I can have library on hard drive and use with different MCs, like on my Mac. Using IDpi at office
Try updating first as Jim said if you can get to the main menu.
If that doesn't help, snap a picture where the boot stops and send it to bob (at) jriver (dot) com I can take a look.
The library is on the card.
It might be possible to use a library with a Mac MC and Pi using a HD.
You'd probably need the same mount path for the drive under both OS.
Definitely not possible using a PC and IdPi.
Since it's not the intended use of the IdPi you'd be on your own to some extent.
Yes, I've been regularly doing the update from the menu.
I'm attaching an image.
After doing a Cntrl-D - Boot occurs normally, so its not a killer, but it would be nice if it completed.
Yes, I've been regularly doing the update from the menu.
I'm attaching an image.
After doing a Cntrl-D - Boot occurs normally, so its not a killer, but it would be nice if it completed.
It looks like there is an issue with the /export filesystem
From that root prompt, before doing the ctrl-d, do:
e2fsck -y -b 8193 /dev/mmcblk0p3
and if that doesn't complete successfuly
e2fsck -y -b 32768 /dev/mmcblk0p3
If still no luck, recreate the /export filesystem
mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p3
mount /dev/mmcblk0p3 /export
mkdir /export/media
chmod 777 /export/media
Then you can ctrl-d.
Next boot everything should go ok.
okay great, thanks, I will try this weekend when I am back.
Not sure what went wrong, but not a linux guy either.
The laser worked. Recreating /export
Using Id - Can I use Gizmo to "Play Here" something different than what is playing on the main Mediacenter Zone? I hope that was clear. I want to play different playlists on the Id/Gizmo than the main MC device.
Yes. It works just like MC. You could play different audio in multiple locations.
Do you attach the Id to the library on the main version of MC as a remote library or does the Id need to have it's own library?
Thanks! Anxious for my card to get here.
The Id can play audio from another computer, using MC and the music on that computer. Use one of the remotes MC supports, connect first to the server, then play to the Id.
Perfect! Does it have to be done that way? I'm trying to wrap my head around how I'm going to set it up for my wife. It's got to pass the WAT!
Function 80 from main menu did not work ("Failed to insert model snd_usb_mytek"). Waited 6 months for Mytek to offer up an Audio USB 2.0 Linux OS driver but to no avail. Their new DACs (e.g. Brooklyn) claim to support Linux OS in their advertising. Mytek Stereo 192 DSD DAC does have a USB 1.1 interface (no driver required, max 24/96). My IdPi MC22 on RPi3b recognizes this as an ALSA DAC and plays music files from my USB stick (in native speed) and from DLNA server on my Windows 10 laptop running MC23 (320 kbps).
Questions: 1) any other suggestions or should I change to a DAC that supports USB 2.0 on Linux OS and if so is there a list of compatible DACs for the Raspberry ID Pi?
2) ID Pi sees my USB stick (main menu 10) and I can manually import audio files into the Main Library but isn't MC supposed to auto-import? Did I miss an option setting somewhere?
3) Wi-fi streaming from DLNA server via ID Pi, Gizmo on tablet/smartphone or smart TV all stream at 320 kbps. Is this the max rate allowed by DLNA or a limitation of my wi-fi network? Is there no way to stream higher rates (e.g. 16/44)?
4) I tried using Panel on android phone (website/Access code/Connect) so I could turn off ID Pi in headless mode but wound up with a version of Gizmo instead. Does ID Pi MC22 support Panel?
IMO the ID Pi RPi3 has a steep learning curve compared to Windows MC. Good for casual listening but without USB 2.0, is not an audiophile-grade component.
Just to address some of your questions.
There is no list of DAC's.
The Id doesn't import anything unless you set up auto import.
DLNA Server settings can stream the original format if that's what you select.
Panel isn't supported in MC22. Gizmo would work. The wiki has a topic on Remotes.
I'm having an issue, in idpi mc24.
When I go into adjust the equalizer and close the window, MC shuts down and restarts.
Thanks, Andy
I'm having an issue, in idpi mc24.
When I go into adjust the equalizer and close the window, MC shuts down and restarts.
Thanks, Andy
Could be related to the recent ALSA changes, I expect a new build within the next few days.
Hello ! Can I buy an image from you and pour it on a USB flash drive?
I can not wait long, I live very far!
Hello ! Can I buy an image from you and pour it on a USB flash drive?
I can not wait long, I live very far!
From prior history, I'd expect you'll get a "no" response. Management may have changed their view. A response to watch out for.
It's not available as a download. Sorry.
Mailing it is not modern in our world. organize the download when paying please!
Yeah, I would think anyone planning on building a music server and adding on the DAC board probably knows how to burn an image onto a card ;)
I just got mine. It won't let me register it via option 18!
registrationcode: error = there was a problem communicating with the license server
licence3 entry failed! Id is NOT licensed!
I'm showing I'm connected to the internet, so what I'm I doing incorrectly? need help!!!!
I just got mine. It won't let me register it via option 18!
registrationcode: error = there was a problem communicating with the license server
licence3 entry failed! Id is NOT licensed!
I'm showing I'm connected to the internet, so what I'm I doing incorrectly? need help!!!!
The license server is still down, related to this:,117123.msg810255.html
You can still use the IdPi for 30 days before it will require the license. The server will be back up before that time.
I just received my upgraded memory card with MC24, but it won’t let me register. I keep entering my code, and I clicked no for first time the code was used. It just hangs, there’s a little window saying “ok” and then it says License entry failed. Id is not licensed. I can’t even get to it anywhere. I am connected to a monitor, I used to use this no problem before the upgrade. Any ideas? I was excited getting the card in the mail today, but frustrated now.
I found the post buried below about hitting 77 and then trying again. All is good now
Use the text menu to enter the license.
The letter O and the number 0 look alike. So do the letter I and the number 1.
Received my MSD Card yesterday. Had a stupid issue getting the license installed but then....... brilliant. Running MC on an Intel NUC Id, "played to" the IdPi on RasberryPi with one click, this is connected per USB to a MINIDSP Active Crossover.........perfect. Sounds fantastic. Using PANEL is a joy, as is JRemote. This is really, really cool equipment. Thanks JRiver Team! You rock.
You're welcome. Thanks for taking the trouble to say so!
Just got the mSD card today. Using GUI mode for the time being. Connected it to my monitor in my office, set up the mount for my NAS drive and imported my music. All good there. But when I move it to two different systems, I get video sizing problems and can't see the entire desktop. In my movie room, with a projector, the sides are cut off and I don't even see the MC app, just the config panel, almost as if it's running 480p or something. On my other system (LCD), it appears the overscan is wrong and my cursor scrolls off the screen on all 4 sides. Both these systems are 1080p. The screen is fine on my initial setup which is done directly connected to a 4k monitor. Both systems are running through Denon receivers. Any ideas how to fix this?
Thanks, Chris
Did you try setting the GUI mode again?
Also, make sure it's connected to the monitor/projector when you boot it. That's the only time the Pi reads the EDID from the monitor.
Also, make sure it's connected to the monitor/projector when you boot it. That's the only time the Pi reads the EDID from the monitor.
Did you try setting the GUI mode again?
Tried both of these. No go. It seems to come up in 480p mode, uggh. Then when I VNC into it, it displays at that resolution as well. Moving on. The hdmi on this Raspberry seems incompatible with my projector. Not a big deal, wanted it more for convenience. I can control it through Panel and VNC and I have another monitor it works fine with in this room.
A bigger problem is I'm not getting any audio from hdmi or analog. MC is playing, I can see that. What am I missing? HDMI is going directly into my Denon receiver, analog as well. I've played with the audio settings from the menu, rebooted many times. No go. Also played with DSP in MC. I want PCM out of the analog jacks. I guess I don't care what format the audio is on hdmi, my receiver should be able to handle almost anything. Do I need to set anything to make sure that happens? My receiver tells me I'm not getting any signal on either input.
Box works fine in a different room with hdmi and analog...strange. Seems to be a problem with my other receiver. The receiver may be the culprit with the projector issue as well....trouble-shooting on my end now.
Thanks, Chris
Box works fine in a different rooem with hdmi and analog...strange. Seems to be a problem with my other receiver. The receiver may be the culprit with the projector issue as well....trouble-shooting on my end now.
Thanks, Chris
It still needs to get HDMI data from the receiver.
One thing you might try is to run option 17 on the text menu.
There is an option in there to force the audio to use the hdmi port.
Make sure that your audio device setting in MC is set to hw:CARD=ALSA:DEV=1 .... HDMI ...
It still needs to get HDMI data from the receiver.
One thing you might try is to run option 17 on the text menu.
There is an option in there to force the audio to use the hdmi port.
Make sure that your audio device setting in MC is set to hw:CARD=ALSA:DEV=1 .... HDMI ...
I use a dummy plug on my Ids, along the lines of: (
This allows me to remote in without display issues. Works for me anyway.
I have been having problems with a new Raspberry (think it's overheating) when loading library. Along the way after clearing the library after crashes, it tells me I am no longer licensed and I can't load MC. I don't remember ever getting a registration code and ordered it over the phone. How do I go about getting the registration code for this card?
Thanks, Chris
Chris, the email with your IdPi on mSD card has been re-sent to you.
My apologies. I found the original e-mail and thanks for resending. I forgot that was sent to me initially.
Thanks again,
I have been having problems with a new Raspberry (think it's overheating) when loading library. Along the way after clearing the library after crashes, it tells me I am no longer licensed and I can't load MC. I don't remember ever getting a registration code and ordered it over the phone. How do I go about getting the registration code for this card?
Thanks, Chris
With regard to overheating, when you do the next upgrade there will be a system monitor available by right-clicking on the desktop to get the desktop menu.
With this you will be able to easily see if the IdPi is using lots of CPU and if so, what's using it.
I wanted to see if the IdPi on mSD card works on the Raspberry Pi 3B+?
Yes, it does.
Hi Jim,
Thank you.
I am trying to get my jriver ID micro SD card working on my pi3 b+ but not getting any sound from my dac.
I can see my chord dave dac under audio devices
Under audio mixer option I see the dave dac but not sure how to save the selection and exit.
On my dave dac screen i see no data under USB input selection
I can see the IDPI as renderer on my main jriver dektop PC which I am using as server. When I try to play to IDPI I see no progress and it keeps on skipping to next song in playlist and does not play any of them
Please suggest what to check next?
I am trying to get my jriver ID micro SD card working on my pi3 b+ but not getting any sound from my dac.
I can see my chord dave dac under audio devices
Under audio mixer option I see the dave dac but not sure how to save the selection and exit.
On my dave dac screen i see no data under USB input selection
I can see the IDPI as renderer on my main jriver dektop PC which I am using as server. When I try to play to IDPI I see no progress and it keeps on skipping to next song in playlist and does not play any of them
Please suggest what to check next?
Using one of the 3 methods to connect to the MC GUI on the IdPi
(remote desktop, vnc or a monitor and keyboard on the iDPi in GUI mode)
in MC on the IdPi go into the tools->Options->Audio and under devices find the hw: or front: choice for your device and select it.
Alternately you can do this through Panel Settings if you aren't using the IdPi gui.
Using one of the 3 methods to connect to the MC GUI on the IdPi
(remote desktop, vnc or a monitor and keyboard on the iDPi in GUI mode)
in MC on the IdPi go into the tools->Options->Audio and under devices find the hw: or front: choice for your device and select it.
Alternately you can do this through Panel Settings if you aren't using the IdPi gui.
thanks, i made some progress and got the sound.
there are so many options from the drop-down to choose. Whats the equivalent option for WASAPI where its bit-streamed to DAC as i want DAC to decode everything. Currently I see the IDPI volume is working which should not be the case for bit-streaming
thanks, i made some progress and got the sound.
there are so many options from the drop-down to choose. Whats the equivalent option for WASAPI where its bit-streamed to DAC as i want DAC to decode everything. Currently I see the IDPI volume is working which should not be the case for bit-streaming
Make sure system volume is at maximum by right-clicking on the speaker icon on the left of the volume slider and choosing system volume and setting it to max (works for some but not all devices)
If that doesn't work using the alsamixer control from the text menu to set it to maximum (if it has a volume control).
Then you can disable the MC volume control (right-click on the speaker icon on the left of the volume slider).
Choosing the HW: device avoids all use of the system sample rate conversions, etc.
You will want to make sure DSP studio is off or only to set to deal with sample rates that your DAC can't handle.
You can prevent it from being invoked on playback failure by setting Tools->Options->Audio->Advanced->Auto configure output settings on playback error to NO
Do you have any dsd material?
Make sure system volume is at maximum by right-clicking on the speaker icon on the left of the volume slider and choosing system volume and setting it to max (works for some but not all devices)
If that doesn't work using the alsamixer control from the text menu to set it to maximum (if it has a volume control).
Then you can disable the MC volume control (right-click on the speaker icon on the left of the volume slider).
Choosing the HW: device avoids all use of the system sample rate conversions, etc.
You will want to make sure DSP studio is off or only to set to deal with sample rates that your DAC can't handle.
You can prevent it from being invoked on playback failure by setting Tools->Options->Audio->Advanced->Auto configure output settings on playback error to NO
Do you have any dsd material?
Thanks Bob, i am all set. Have selected HW: option only and have disabled volume control
Only thing I now need to compare is how this two box setup compares to my initial one PC setup with all jriver functions on it
I prefer to use one PC setup, and Chord Dave is excellent in itself.
Hi, I would like to be able to download I as an image not getting it by purchasing a MicroSD card and then getting it via shipping across the globe. This should be no problem if you added a link when buying. I think you would get more people interesting of buying.
Hi, I would like to be able to download ID as an image not getting it by purchasing a MicroSD card and then getting it via shipping across the globe. This should be no problem if you added a link when buying. I think you would get more people interesting of buying.
I think the physical card may have some sort of copy protection on it. I tried to make an image of it for backup purposes. The image creation always fails at the same spot. If that's true, it's likely why they don't provide a download option. ?
Hi, got my mSDcard today and tried to access the PI via a SSH Client on my iPad for configuration. When I try to connect to the IP address and port 22 it says 'Login as' and a password is needed. In the forum I read the inital password is remote. Is that correct and what is the login name? Nothing worked what I tried but it was more a guessing…
Thanks in advance! Looking forward to to working with the Pi but as I see it now it won't be a walk in the park as a nwebie.
Got it. Downloaded the VNC Viewer for Windows and it worked with "remote" w/o quotation marks.
Hi there all. I've been browsing articles and posts - thanks for all the insights - here on this IdPi and this might be something I'll take up. I had been thinking, for quite some time, of setting up a NAS, but can see this is not the recommended route for JRiver (now). My laptop is ageing and I don't therefore use it so much; now might therefore be the time to go for a new home streaming option. I do still use CDs from time-to-time (nostalgia?) and enjoy Qobuz, but would like to access my own library on a home network again.
When I ripped all my CDs to MC I bought a separate Lacie hard drive specifically for the purpose. It's not really feasible in my domestic situation now to have a laptop out and on all the time (and start-up is slow). My question, therefore, to double-check before investing, is this: can I plug my hard drive in to a Raspberry Pi via a USB cable, and Pi then on via USB to my DAC? I would see this as an always-on music solution.
I love the idea of being able to continue to use MC and this dedicated solution looks great. Albeit I am nervous about such a different computer model and set-up?
I suspect the first obstacle would be that the partition format of your drive might not work with the Pi O/S. If there is such a thing, you'd need an O/S driver for your external hard drive's format. See more info here:
Thank you, AVPMAN, for the link. See, I guessed there could be loads I might be missing here. From what I recall on first using the Lacie unit, it was a FAT32 format.
Looks pretty scary all this entering code stuff. My '80s schooldays and BASIC on a BBC Micro & ZX Spectrum seem a *long* way back!
Thank you, AVPMAN, for the link. See, I guessed there could be loads I might be missing here. From what I recall on first using the Lacie unit, it was a FAT32 format.
Looks pretty scary all this entering code stuff. My '80s schooldays and BASIC on a BBC Micro & ZX Spectrum seem a *long* way back!
If it's FAT32 it will work fine.
OK, Bob. Thank you.
I guess I'm going to have to try this, aren't I?
But do I have the basics right: a RPi with your MC-loaded Id microSD card, drawing music files off a HDD, playing out of USB into my DAC, controlled by Gizmo?
OK, Bob. Thank you.
I guess I'm going to have to try this, aren't I?
But do I have the basics right: a RPi with your MC-loaded Id microSD card, drawing music files off a HDD, playing out of USB into my DAC, controlled by Gizmo?
The only limitation for Music using an IdPi are files that might need conversion for your DAC that the RPi might not have enough horsepower for, for example multichannel DSD files.
I use a similar setup at home.
The only limitation for Music using an IdPi are files that might need conversion for your DAC that the RPi might not have enough horsepower for, for example multichannel DSD files.
I use a similar setup at home.
Maybe not enough horsepower for Theater View also?
Maybe not enough horsepower for Theater View also?
Correct. You'd need an IdNUC for that..
OK, I'm officially a bit excited about this again. No multichannel, no DSD - pretty much all red book 16/44.1 WAV rips. I guess it might be a good idea to 'tidy up' the drive, connected to the laptop, EG for duplicates, 'split' (usually various artists) albums and any missing artwork, first before this new venture.
The Id Pi is very similar to a standard Id which is MC running on linux which boots by default headlessly as a standalone renderer.
The limitations are:..............................2) Other limitations because of the speed of the RPi (no multichannel HDMI for instance). Likely a limit on how much DSP processing can be done.
How about multichannel out via USB? DSD?
Some questions I had re IdPi on mSD card purchase & hope that anyone can help :-)
1) If I purchase it & install on a RPI 3B+ now, will I be able to re-install the same card on a new RPI4 should I decide to upgrade my HW later ?
2) What is the shipping method you apply when shipping the mSD card internationally ? ( is it by international postage or by courier package ?)
3) The current version is MC25, right ? Will it get updated to MC26, 27 & so on when the upgraded version is available in future ? And is the update/upgrade to later MC version included in the purchase price of $40 ?
4) Currently I have MC25 windows license & install it on a PC. If I buy the IdPi card now (MC25), I guest both should work with each other. In future, if IdPi version get updated/upgraded to later version but my Window version remains at MC25, will it cause any compatibility issue that will force me to also need to pay & upgrade the Window version in tandem with the IdPi version ?
Thanking you in advance.
The IdPi microSD card works on both RPi3 and 4.
It's shipped by mail.
It's MC25. The version will sometimes lag the Windows version to assure absolute stability.
It works with recent Windows versions of MC back to MC22.
The IdPi microSD card works on both RPi3 and 4.
It's shipped by mail.
It's MC25. The version will sometimes lag the Windows version to assure absolute stability.
It works with recent Windows versions of MC back to MC22.
Thanks Jim.
Just want to ensure that I understand your reply correctly. What you are saying is that I can purchase a IdPi on mSD card now & install it on my existing RPI3B+. In future, when I upgrade my HW to a RPI 4, I can install the same IdPi mSD card on the RPI 4 without any licensing issue. I do not need to purchase a new IdPi mSD card.
Also, when later version (says MC26 & MC27..) of IdPi is available, the MC25 version I purchased will be updated (or upgraded) to the later version (says MC26 & MC27..) free of charge.
Is my above understanding correct, Jim ?
Thanks Jim.
Just want to ensure that I understand your reply correctly. What you are saying is that I can purchase a IdPi on mSD card now & install it on my existing RPI3B+. In future, when I upgrade my HW to a RPI 4, I can install the same IdPi mSD card on the RPI 4 without any licensing issue. I do not need to purchase a new IdPi mSD card.
Also, when later version (says MC26 & MC27..) of IdPi is available, the MC25 version I purchased will be updated (or upgraded) to the later version (says MC26 & MC27..) free of charge.
Is my above understanding correct, Jim ?
The card will run in a 3b+ as well as a Rpi4. You will need to re-enter your license key when you change hardware.
The Id license is attached to the hardware not the version of MC. The Id originally started using MC20 and is now on MC25 and will track future changes.
What is the latest on the IdPI? Does it run on the Raspberry 4? I abandoned the 3+ because it couldn't handle Theater View, plus it was unstable. The PI 4 has 4 times the memory and slightly faster CPU. It's got to help. What's the lowdown?
Thanks, Chris
Yes, it works on the RPi 4.
Yeah, it runs on the Raspberry Pi 4.
Has the latest MC26 beta video changes been pushed to the IdPi yet? If so, video should be working pretty well now.,125409.0.html
Yeah, it runs on the Raspberry Pi 4.
Has the latest MC26 beta video changes been pushed to the IdPi yet? If so, video should be working pretty well now.,125409.0.html
No it hasn't.
The Pi builds are on 26.0.80. We only update the Id's with the most stable builds. We'll put out a notice when that happens.
Hi, I have a problem. I replaced my wireless router yesterday and can’t get my id pi to work now.
It boots and loads MC, the menu loads and then MC quits. 26.0.80 is the version
When I go to menu and try to update wireless, I go to network manager (13), I get an error pop up -
Could not connect to wicd’s d-bus interface. Check the wicd log for error messages.
Click ok and 2nd message: error connecting to wicd service by d-bus. Please ensure the wicd service is running.
At this point I need some help/advice.
Well figured out what to do, though it shouldn’t be this hard?
I had to reconnect my old router (in ap mode), reboot the pi, then change the network to new wireless, and then all is good.
Good to hear you figured things out.
If I can, I work with cable network connections for headless gear like the Id / IdPi.
With wireless, your IdPi was probably looking for the old router's SSID and my bet is that this changed when you changed routers. Maybe the access code had changed as well?
The Id uses a Linux platform, so it wouldn't surprise me if for security reasons, it limits a client device being able to just easily jump on a router's coat tails. Not sure what the Devs can do to get around that sort of base system issue?
On current versions of the Id, if there isn't a network connection, after a couple of minutes it will present itself as a wireless network so you can easily configure the wireless interface from a phone or pad. Network Manager can't run when the Id is in this mode (accesspoint mode) which is why you had issues configuring it from the GUI.
Other than using your phone, you can temporarily plug in the ethernet cable and reboot it so that it gets an address. Then you can access network manager.
bob, thanks for that phone tip. I think I'll check that out for fun so I'm ready if I ever have a need.
It still needs to get HDMI data from the receiver.
One thing you might try is to run option 17 on the text menu.
There is an option in there to force the audio to use the hdmi port.
Make sure that your audio device setting in MC is set to hw:CARD=ALSA:DEV=1 .... HDMI ...
Thanks for the explanation. I was not able to get audio from id pi to my device via HDMI output. The only things that changed to affect my setup was a software update. I followed these instructions and audio is now outputting correctly. It took me a while to find a relevant post, but the end result is tunes where I need them. Thanks
I'm not particularly interested in ordering a physical media from the US when it's just a piece of software. Is there any way to get a hold of the image for the IdPI, for etching onto my own microSD? Either by a license fee or rather not?
I run various other streaming software but would like to give this a chance too...
Atb Mike
Same here. I would like to purchase the Id software, but prefer to download it rather than having a physical microSD shipped. Is that possible?
As far as I know, no, they don't offer image downloads and only offer physical micro SD cards for the IdPi.
I have not seen it anywhere either, as of yet. But to quote Jim in an earlier post:
We ship it on a card so it can be inserted in a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and just boot. We may make it available to download in the future.
That was August 30, 2016, so one could consider this the future ;D
Same here. I would like to purchase the Id software, but prefer to download it rather than having a physical microSD shipped. Is that possible?
We don't offer it as a download. Sorry.
You could download the Linux version of MC, but you'd need a Linux or Master License, and you'd need to be able to update it on your own.
The Id has the advantage of being "plug and play". Easy to set up. Automatically updated.
That's a real pity. I already have a Master license for some time and had it installed in a VM as an experiment. But I like the "plug and play" and ease of setup of Id. Unfortunately I have had some bad experiences with overseas shipments. That's why I hoped a download could be made available.
How about I pay first and then you send me a temporary download link? Is that something to consider?
I have an IdPi. I tried to make a backup emergency copy of the card like I do for all my Sd cards (HomeSeer, Other Pi Units, Photos, etc.) The IdPi card won't copy. I used more than one imaging piece of software to try to get a copy for emergencies. They all stopped at trying to copy the same sector. Barring a defective card, it may just be that J.R. has copy protected the card in some manner to prevent piracy. Which is likely why there is no download of the software available.
That's a real pity. I already have a Master license for some time and had it installed in a VM as an experiment. But I like the "plug and play" and ease of setup of Id. Unfortunately I have had some bad experiences with overseas shipments. That's why I hoped a download could be made available.
How about I pay first and then you send me a temporary download link? Is that something to consider?
No. Sorry.
Just received my SDMicro card, popped it in my eagerly awaiting Pi 3B+ and I get a video warning that says, "Input Signal Out of Range, change to 1600 x 900 60 Hz"
I get that, but not sure how to arrange things from a blank screen.
Your Pi and its display have a problem. Does it work with anything else? What is the Pi using for a display?
It's possible to set up the Id without a display by using Panel.
Okay, moved to another monitor. All working. iD is seen on network. From another computer running MC 26 I can send files (songs) to iD. See them on iD. When hit play MC briefly “loads” each song, but doesn’t play them.
Hoping to use iD as a renderer. Am I missing something?
Try playing in the opposite direction, just as a test. On the Id, load the library from your other machine. Play locally. Does that work?
What are you playing to from the Id? How is it connected. What kind of files?
Updated network connections. All systems go, but no audio output.
Using USB to Benchmark DAC.
But, also no output to 3.5 Jack.
Try the opposite direction to confirm audio setup works.
Yes, it plays the from the Pi to the Desktop.
Using the Pi, can you load a library frrom the desktop server and play to the Pi's output device? That would confirm that the device is working. I suspect that it's not set up to work on the Pi yet. Take a careful look at the Pi's audio setup. You probably don't have the right device there. For USB, use the FRONT devices.
That was the issue Jim, had to go pretty far down the list and chose USB Digital SPiDf output.
Thank you.
Good news. Thanks for posting the solution.
Hi, I couldn't find the way to order IdPi other than by phone. Could you please inform me about the right link or e-mail. Thanks!
First post in this thread.
I purchased the micro SD card with the ID image from you guys. The card now seems to be corrupt. How do I get a new one?
I purchased the micro SD card with the ID image from you guys. The card now seems to be corrupt. How do I get a new one?
If the card is corrupt, it needs to be mailed back to JRiver so it can be rebuilt. I believe you have to contact Deanna at JRiver about that.
Just Ordered. Thanks, I'm looking forward to trying it out!
-HK sends
Hello everyone, I would like to buy this SD card but I need some information:
1. What Ram size is suggested for a Raspberry PI 4, for VHQ audio streaming?
2. Using JRemote app for iOS I’ll be able to create “smart playlists”, i.e. automatically delete already played tracks from that playlist?
3. Could I use Hifiberry Digi+ Pro optical interface?
4. I have a nuForce DDA-120 amplifier who has 24/176.4 maximum playable quality, so is there an option for downgrade quality when just higher quality files were played (i.e. 24/192, even more)?
5. Is there an option to import iTunes playlists?
Thank you for helping 😊
Bump. I have the same question about minimum RAM requirement.
2 GB of ram should be fine, 1 GB was fine on the older 3b+ where the base OS had a smaller footprint.
I don't believe JRemote can create smart playlists.
We've used several HifiBerry products without modification including the Digi+ and the Amp2.
You can set MC on the IdPi to downsample material based on the capability of the DAC/AMP, that's one of it's most useful features.
There is an option to import iTunes playlists but it would likely be complex to get to do what you want since your material will likely be stored in a different place that where you originally had it.
I'm considering buying the JRiver ID Sd card. I will use it as a renderer. When it's 'plug & play' : will there be a step by step manual for settings, license (automatic) ? Will it detect sound cards like the hifiberry Dac2HD ?
Another question : as I'm still having to buy the Hifiberry DAC2 HD : would sound quality be superior over the Allo Boss v. 1.2 (which I own) ? Any other recommendation for a dac on a Raspberry Pi4 ? Thanks
2 GB of ram should be fine, 1 GB was fine on the older 3b+ where the base OS had a smaller footprint.
I don't believe JRemote can create smart playlists.
We've used several HifiBerry products without modification including the Digi+ and the Amp2.
You can set MC on the IdPi to downsample material based on the capability of the DAC/AMP, that's one of it's most useful features.
There is an option to import iTunes playlists but it would likely be complex to get to do what you want since your material will likely be stored in a different place that where you originally had it.
Thank you very much indeed for the answer, Bob. So there aren’t any option to create/manage smart playlists?
Hi Folks. I bought the id for Rpi4 on SD card. My pi4 will not boot. please see my attachment. the screen will cycle every couple of seconds but the same thing is always displayed. I used another sd card and installed raspberry OS and it boots up great. any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi Folks. I bought the id for Rpi4 on SD card. My pi4 will not boot. please see my attachment. the screen will cycle every couple of seconds but the same thing is always displayed. I used another sd card and installed raspberry OS and it boots up great. any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
What devices are plugged into it?
Which video port are you using?
monitor, usb keyboard, usb mouse, ethernet cable, power supply. hdmi 0, the one closest to the power usb C
It seems as if it cannot read the SDCard we sent.
Could you put it into a card reader and into a PC/Mac or Linux machine and see if the boot partition shows up?
If it doesn't that would verify the card is bad.
when I check in file explorer it just says to format disc, I hit cancel and the explorer window closes. when I check it in disc management it shows 7.61 GB RAW healthy partition only
when I check in file explorer it just says to format disc, I hit cancel and the explorer window closes. when I check it in disc management it shows 7.61 GB RAW healthy partition only
It has multiple partitions however the first one is a fat32 partition and it should show up as a drive in file explorer with config.txt and a bunch of other files in it. If it doesn't it's bad.
Hello and thanks for your assistance, I have a simple question. can I use the power button on a case to safely shut down idpi? i.e. can idpi software setup the pi4 board to use the power button? also can I move everything on the sd card to a usb m.2 ssd card? I would like to have the operating system and all my music files all on one drive. I would use a 500 gb m.2 ssd with a 15gb partition for OS and the rest for music files.
Hello and thanks for your assistance, I have a simple question. can I use the power button on a case to safely shut down idpi? i.e. can idpi software setup the pi4 board to use the power button? also can I move everything on the sd card to a usb m.2 ssd card? I would like to have the operating system and all my music files all on one drive. I would use a 500 gb m.2 ssd with a 15gb partition for OS and the rest for music files.
The IdPi filesystem is resistant to corruption when you just cut the power like that. I don't make a practice of doing that however.
It also has the ability to support a soft power down switch. You can enable it in the configuration menu entry under advanced.
It requires a push button switch between gpio pin 24 and ground. Ideally you'll add a .1uF cap across the switch.
You might be able to move your stuff to a m.2 ssd. Your setup is pretty much the same as a stock IdPi with regards to the layout.
Thank you, much appreciated. I like the idea of the cap
Hello all, well I got the idpi sd card setup using an argon one m.2 case. I wasn't able to transfer the sd card to the ssd so I'm running idpi on the sd card with music files on the ssd. everything is working great except volume problems. I have mostly uncompressed wav, some flac, some dsd (dsf). I'm feeding a marantz sa-10 via usb. when I play a dsf file the volume on my preamp is where it would normally be. when I play wav or flac the volume is very low, I have to crank up the preamp, way above normal, to hear it. everything in jriver is set up to play files in their original format. The music files are not the problem as I used another sd card and installed volumio and everything works perfect, except my cover art is incomplete. I want jriver to work, please help. Also does anyone know of a way to make ID run on the ssd? I tried to clone with win 32 and etcher on my windows PC, neither one worked. using raspbery OS I am able to clone to ssd and it will boot from ssd. One thing I have not tried is to load raspberry OS, connect a usb sd card reader with idpi and use the raspberry OS to clone the id to the ssd.
Hello all, well I got the idpi sd card setup using an argon one m.2 case. I wasn't able to transfer the sd card to the ssd so I'm running idpi on the sd card with music files on the ssd. everything is working great except volume problems. I have mostly uncompressed wav, some flac, some dsd (dsf). I'm feeding a marantz sa-10 via usb. when I play a dsf file the volume on my preamp is where it would normally be. when I play wav or flac the volume is very low, I have to crank up the preamp, way above normal, to hear it. everything in jriver is set up to play files in their original format. The music files are not the problem as I used another sd card and installed volumio and everything works perfect, except my cover art is incomplete. I want jriver to work, please help. Also does anyone know of a way to make ID run on the ssd? I tried to clone with win 32 and etcher on my windows PC, neither one worked. using raspbery OS I am able to clone to ssd and it will boot from ssd. One thing I have not tried is to load raspberry OS, connect a usb sd card reader with idpi and use the raspberry OS to clone the id to the ssd.
For the volume issue, there is option 10 from the main menu which will bring up the system mixer.
You can use that to control the devices base volume. I recommend you set it to 100% and use MC to control the volume.
The reason the dsf was full volume is because it's straight to the device, the hardware mixer doesn't apply.
Unfortunately there is no consistency in the linux world concerning mixers so some times you have to resort to setting the hardware volume originally that way. It will be remembered across runs.
I'll PM you on the other issue.
Under the player tab, volume, "internal" was selected. I switched it to "disabled" and all is good now. I use a preamp for volume control. Thanks Bob
has anyone gotten idPi to boot on a CM4 based streamer like the mercury or even the cm3 based one from allo? I used an sdcard reader to verify at least the first partition is readable on my pc in windows.. but even when I use ethernet, my mercury streamer never receives an IP address.. I check in my routers config page that lists all connected ethernet and wifi devices. I also tried with no ethernet cable and the mercury never advertises itself as a thing I can connect directly to with wifi with my phone or ipad. before I try bringing a pc monitor to the mercury streamer to see if it boots up video, I just want to know if idpi is compatible with the CM4 platform.. in case you guys don't know CM3 and CM4 are compute module 3 and 4.. made by raspberry pi. the cpu/ram of rpi on a chip and then the oem puts it on a motherboard pcb with extra input/outputs
this is the streamer I'm trying to boot it on.. it's supposed to work normally with all rpi software distros.. I've used it with volumio/moode/ropieee xl
would really love some help lol.. I bought the idpi microsd in january and I'm finally getting around to trying to get it to work
Can you connect a monitor and keyboard to it?
If so, you can try option 10 from the main menu to see if it recognizes either the wifi or ethernet interface.
Can anyone tell me with the IdPi on Micro SD, using a Pi, could I plug in a usb drive with my audio files, or does it need to be accessed over a network from another PC?
Also, what is the current normal shipping time for the sd card to the UK, and what is the shipping charge?
Can anyone tell me with the IdPi on Micro SD, using a Pi, could I plug in a usb drive with my audio files, or does it need to be accessed over a network from another PC?
Also, what is the current normal shipping time for the sd card to the UK, and what is the shipping charge?
You can connect a USB drive and import and play media files from that. The drive might not show up the first time you boot it. You just need to go into External Media Menu (option 20 on the main menu) and enable read-only (option 1) or read-write (option 2) for USB drives. Then, after a reboot, you should be able to import and play from it.
As for your other questions, when you contact sales, they will be able to give you more information about delivery time and cost.
I have the Id 24.0.18 with MC 26.0.107-2- and wanted to switch from an raspberry pi 3b to 4b. Unfortunately this does not work. As soon as I power up the Pi after a short time, the monitor gets no signal and keyboard and mouse are not powered.
Is my version of the id not compatible with the pi 4b. With the 3b everything works.
I want to use the id as an DLNA Media Server and thought the more powered 4b could be useful.
Thanks in advance!
I have the Id 24.0.18 with MC 26.0.107-2- and wanted to switch from an raspberry pi 3b to 4b. Unfortunately this does not work. As soon as I power up the Pi after a short time, the monitor gets no signal and keyboard and mouse are not powered.
Is my version of the id not compatible with the pi 4b. With the 3b everything works.
I want to use the id as an DLNA Media Server and thought the more powered 4b could be useful.
Thanks in advance!
It's too old. We can update your card or send a new one. Write to deanna at jriver.
Thanks for the quick response. Yes, it was a few years ago I bought it ;D.
If only a download would be an option (i know it is not). I hope the delivery to Germany will not take so long. I would prefer a new one due to shipping time. I will get in contact.
I received an IdPi a couple weeks ago and haven't been able to make it work well in my setup. I've instead had more success with installing MC on generic raspberry pi os, but I figured I'd comment here as a feedback data point, and to see if anyone else has worked out how to do what I want.
First, to enable my audio HAT ( (, I need to add `dtoverlay=allo-digione` to `/boot/config.txt`. I have not been able to figure out how to get a terminal or ssh shell session on the IdPi, making this step a pain.
Second, my pi is connected to a standard 7" display and a mouse, but no keyboard. I want to set things up so that when it boots it automatically starts jrmc maximized. I was able to do this with a `.config/autostart/Media Center 31.desktop` file on raspberry pi os, but have not figured out how with the IdPi.
I also need to change `/etc/fstab` auto-mount my NAS, but did not get far enough with the IdPi to know if that is troublesome or not.
So I guess that I should just use the generic raspberry pi os approach instead of the IdPi. But I am left wondering if there are audio-specific configuration or setup choices that have been made for the IdPi that I am missing with the generic setup? Maybe that is just audio nervosa, but if the JRiver folks have found some settings or kernel options or whatever to sound better or be more reliable, I'd rather not miss them. Anyone know?
I received an IdPi a couple weeks ago and haven't been able to make it work well in my setup. I've instead had more success with installing MC on generic raspberry pi os, but I figured I'd comment here as a feedback data point, and to see if anyone else has worked out how to do what I want.
First, to enable my audio HAT ( (, I need to add `dtoverlay=allo-digione` to `/boot/config.txt`. I have not been able to figure out how to get a terminal or ssh shell session on the IdPi, making this step a pain.
The boot partition is a fat32 filesystem. You can put it on a Mac, linux or PC and edit the config.txt with whatever you favorite editor is.
Second, my pi is connected to a standard 7" display and a mouse, but no keyboard. I want to set things up so that when it boots it automatically starts jrmc maximized. I was able to do this with a `.config/autostart/Media Center 31.desktop` file on raspberry pi os, but have not figured out how with the IdPi.
If you maximize MC in gui mode it will come back up maximized next time you run it.
I also need to change `/etc/fstab` auto-mount my NAS, but did not get far enough with the IdPi to know if that is troublesome or not.
There is a whole submenu for mounting devices and NAS shares.
So I guess that I should just use the generic raspberry pi os approach instead of the IdPi. But I am left wondering if there are audio-specific configuration or setup choices that have been made for the IdPi that I am missing with the generic setup? Maybe that is just audio nervosa, but if the JRiver folks have found some settings or kernel options or whatever to sound better or be more reliable, I'd rather not miss them. Anyone know?
It's more that the whole process is simplified.
Most end users aren't going to want to setup an OS, get it on a network, deal with shares, etc to get a MC renderer on a their network.
Will it be possible to install a VST3 plugin in IdPi (so not local on my laptop) and select the IdPi server as the audio device in Roon/Qobuz/Spotify?
If it were to work, the VST3 plugin would have to be compiled for Linux and armhf since it's a Raspberry Pi (I assume the OS the IdPi uses is 32-bit armhf in this case), not sure if there's many of those out there.
If it were to work, the VST3 plugin would have to be compiled for Linux and armhf since it's a Raspberry Pi (I assume the OS the IdPi uses is 32-bit armhf in this case), not sure if there's many of those out there.
The very newest IdPi's with MC31 use arm64. I don't know that there are VST3 plugins for that. If there are they could be installed via copying to the SMB share.
I see. Thank you for your replies.
The very newest IdPi's with MC31 use arm64.
Ooooooh, nice! I've gone arm64 on my Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi and they work fantastic, especially after the arm64 version of Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian) came out of beta a year ago. :D
So yeah, for the IdPi you'd need VST plugins that are compiled for the arm64 Linux OS.
Any idea if this SD card will operate on a Mercury Pi2 device?
At the moment I am using Gentooplayer, but am always willing to find something new or different
Any idea if this SD card will operate on a Mercury Pi2 device?
At the moment I am using Gentooplayer, but am always willing to find something new or different
I think it should looking at the specs.
You might have to mess with the config.txt as they say with regards to an overlay but you can do that from a Windows or Mac PC.
Question: Do I have to have an SD card shipped from the states?
It seems super old school
This isn't really that bad. I ordered twice, and both cards came over here pretty fast, undamaged, and absoluely no issues with customs.
If i was to order another IdPi sd card right now, would it work with a Pi5? What version of MC would it have?
If i was to order another IdPi sd card right now, would it work with a Pi5? What version of MC would it have?
An image for a Pi5 is not available yet.
An image for a Pi5 is not available yet.
OK. Thanks. I will wait for announcement when it becomes available.
Just checking, is there a PI5 image file available? Would make my life sooooooo much easier!
It's very close but still not quite there.
Thanks Bob, will keep an eye out in the Forum topic.
It's very close but still not quite there.
Any chance in sharing the terminal commands that allows mounting an external drive? I am really struggling getting this done, due to a demand for /etc/fstab presence of the mkdir.
Any chance in sharing the terminal commands that allows mounting an external drive? I am really struggling getting this done, due to a demand for /etc/fstab presence of the mkdir.
In what environment are you asking about?
Bob, Thanks.
If you read this forum topic INTERACT FORUM >Linux >JRiver Media Center 32 for Linux >Can't find NAS from MC, you'll see where I'm struggling.
I had a stable Pi 3b setup, but things started to get glitchy. Decided to upgrade to Pi 5. Am struggling to mount the NAS to MC, mostly because I am Linux naive. On the Pi 3, there is a nice app in front of the GUI that mounts the external drive. Is there a way to shoot me that app, or the command lines that will close out this process for me? I would have a working system, and can then wait for your dev of Id for Pi 5. Hope that makes sense.
Checking in to see if an SD card install is available yet for a PI5?
Checking in to see if an SD card install is available yet for a PI5?
Not yet. It's very close but there is some server works that's a higher priority right now.
Checking in to see if an SD card install is available yet for a PI5?
Just a quick bump to see if we're any closer to a PI5 SD card as I'm waiting to build a Pi5 with MC and the SD card will save me oodles of time.
Just a quick bump to see if we're any closer to a PI5 SD card as I'm waiting to build a Pi5 with MC and the SD card will save me oodles of time.
It's finished and being tested. Probably around the middle of the month.
Excellent news! Any chance of offering pre-order?
Write deanna at jriver and ask her to invoice you when we have it. Thanks.
Thanks, Jim! I will do that.