I received an IdPi a couple weeks ago and haven't been able to make it work well in my setup. I've instead had more success with installing MC on generic raspberry pi os, but I figured I'd comment here as a feedback data point, and to see if anyone else has worked out how to do what I want.
First, to enable my audio HAT (
https://www.pi2design.com/pi2aes.html), I need to add `dtoverlay=allo-digione` to `/boot/config.txt`. I have not been able to figure out how to get a terminal or ssh shell session on the IdPi, making this step a pain.
Second, my pi is connected to a standard 7" display and a mouse, but no keyboard. I want to set things up so that when it boots it automatically starts jrmc maximized. I was able to do this with a `.config/autostart/Media Center 31.desktop` file on raspberry pi os, but have not figured out how with the IdPi.
I also need to change `/etc/fstab` auto-mount my NAS, but did not get far enough with the IdPi to know if that is troublesome or not.
So I guess that I should just use the generic raspberry pi os approach instead of the IdPi. But I am left wondering if there are audio-specific configuration or setup choices that have been made for the IdPi that I am missing with the generic setup? Maybe that is just audio nervosa, but if the JRiver folks have found some settings or kernel options or whatever to sound better or be more reliable, I'd rather not miss them. Anyone know?