More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 31 for Linux => Topic started by: BryanC on May 16, 2023, 08:48:36 am
This program will install JRiver Media Center ( and associated services on most major Linux distros.
You can always find the latest version of installJRMC, changelog, and documentation in my repository (
Download and unzip installJRMC from the attachment below or grab the latest stable version directly and execute:
curl -O &&
chmod +x ./installJRMC &&
./installJRMC [--option [ARGUMENT]]
Running `installJRMC` without any options will install the latest version of JRiver Media Center from the official JRiver repository (Ubuntu/Debian) or my unofficial repository ( (Fedora/CentOS) using the system package manager (i.e. --install repo). If any other option is passed, then the install method (--install repo or --install local) must be specified, to make it possible to install services and containers independent of MC.
$ installJRMC --help
--install, -i repo|local
repo: Install MC from repository, future updates will be handled by the system package manager
local: Build and install MC package from official source package
Build RPM from source DEB but do not install
Optionally, specify a target distro for cross-building (ex. --build=suse, note the '=')
Build/install MC without minimum dependency version requirements
--mcversion VERSION
Build or install a specific MC version, ex. "31.0.11"
--arch ARCH
Specify the MC architecture, ex. "amd64", "arm64", etc (default: host architecture)
--outputdir PATH
Generate rpmbuild output in this PATH (default: ./output)
--restorefile RESTOREFILE
Restore file location for automatic license registration
--betapass PASSWORD
Enter beta team password for access to beta builds
--service, -s SERVICE
See SERVICES section below for the list of services to deploy
--service-type user|system
Starts services at boot (system) or user login (user) (default: per-service, see SERVICES)
--container, -c CONTAINER (TODO: Under construction)
See CONTAINERS section below for a list of containers to deploy
Build rpm, copy to webroot, and run createrepo.
Optionally, specify a target distro for non-native repo (ex. --createrepo=fedora, note the '=')
--createrepo-webroot PATH
The webroot directory to install the repo (default: /var/www/jriver/)
--createrepo-user USER
The web server user if different from the current user
--yes, -y, --auto
Always assumes yes for questions
--version, -v
Print this script version and exit
--debug, -d
Print debug output
--help, -h
Print help dialog and exit
--uninstall, -u
Uninstall JRiver MC, service files, and firewall rules (does not remove library or media files)
jriver-mediaserver (user)
Enable and start a mediaserver systemd service (requires an existing X server)
jriver-mediacenter (user)
Enable and start a mediacenter systemd service (requires an existing X server)
jriver-x11vnc (user)
Enable and start x11vnc for the local desktop (requires an existing X server, does NOT support Wayland)
--vncpass and --display are also valid options (see below)
jriver-xvnc (system)
Enable and start a new Xvnc session running JRiver Media Center
--vncpass PASSWORD
Set vnc password for x11vnc/Xvnc access. If no password is set, the script will either use existing password stored in ~/.vnc/jrmc_passwd or use no password
--display DISPLAY
Manually specify display to use for x11vnc/Xvnc (ex. ':1')
jriver-createrepo (system)
Install hourly service to build latest MC RPM and run createrepo
By default installs as root service to handle www permissions more gracefully
By default, MC services use a sane `--service-type` listed next to the service name in the Services description. User services can be manipulated as an unprivileged user, for example: systemctl --user stop jriver-mediacenter and begin at user login. System services are manipulable as root, for example: sudo systemctl stop jriver-servicename@username.service and begin at system boot. Note that it is possible to run all services of a particular user at boot using sudo loginctl enable-linger username (
Multiple services (but not --service-types) can be installed at one time using multiple --service blocks: installJRMC --install repo --service jriver-x11vnc --service jriver-mediacenter
jriver-x11vnc versus jriver-xvnc
jriver-x11vnc ( shares your existing X display via VNC and can be combined with additional services to start Media Center or Media Server. Conversely, jriver-xvnc ( creates a new Xvnc display and starts a JRiver Media Center service in the foreground of the new VNC display.
Coming soon!
`installJRMC` automatically creates port forwarding firewall rules for remote access to Media Network (52100-52200/tcp, 1900/udp DLNA) and Xvnc/x11vnc (if selected), using `firewall-cmd` or `ufw`.
Note: `ufw` is not installed by default on Debian but will be installed by `installJRMC`. To prevent SSH lock-out, Debian users that have not already enabled `ufw` will need to `sudo ufw enable` after running `installJRMC` and inspecting their configuration.
Install the latest version of MC from the best available repository.
installJRMC --install local --compat
Install a more widely-compatible version of the latest MC version.
installJRMC --install repo --service jriver-mediacenter --service-type user
Install MC from the repository and start/enable jriver-mediacenter.service as a user service.
installJRMC --install local --compat --restorefile /path/to/license.mjr --mcversion 31.0.11
Build and install an MC 31.0.11 comptability RPM locally and activate it using the /path/to/license.mjr
installJRMC --createrepo --createrepo-webroot /srv/jriver/repo --createrepo-user www-user
Build an RPM locally for the current distro, move it to the webroot, and run createrepo as www-user.
installJRMC --service jriver-createrepo --createrepo-webroot /srv/jriver/repo --createrepo-user www-user
Install the jriver-createrepo timer and service to build the RPM, move it to the webroot, and run createrepo as www-user hourly.
installJRMC --install repo --service jriver-x11vnc --service jriver-mediacenter --vncpass "letmein"
Install services to share the existing local desktop via VNC and automatically run MC on startup.
installJRMC --install repo --service jriver-xvnc --display ":2"
Install an Xvnc server on display ':2' that starts MC.
installJRMC --uninstall
Uninstall MC, services, and firewall rules. This will not remove your media, media library/database, or library backup folder.
Additional Info
Did you find installJRMC useful? Buy me a coffee! (
libxcb is newer in Bullseye (1.14) than Fedora Rawhide (1.13) so in the meantime I would suggest using --compat and --install local to workaround the RPM installation. I'm not sure why Fedora is using such an old version (other than being Wayland-focused).
It's a bug in MC, Bob fixed it in 31.0.12... hopefully. :P
Oh darn, yeah, you're right. Even 31.0.12 won't install because of libxcb in Fedora being slightly out of date. :|
We can probably remove the version on that package, or lower it, the actual interface of that library hasn't changed in ages.
We can probably remove the version on that package, or lower it, the actual interface of that library hasn't changed in ages.
I can drop the requirement level on the next build since Hendrik thinks the ABI hasn't changed.
In the meantime I've added a workaround to remove the libxcb minimum version requirement for Fedora/CentOS to my dev branch. Beginning with 31.0.13 RPMs using the workaround are also available from my repo.
rc9 fixes a few service file issues on Fedora between reboots and temporarily switches to the stub for terminating the jriver-mediacenter service more gracefully via systemd to prevent data loss. To update service files just run installJRMC --service jriver-mediacenter.
Hi. Sorry to bother, but I'm trying to install MC 30 on an Ubuntu box, Intel i7. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but cannot figure out what. Please advise.
allan@linuxserver:~/Downloads$ sudo ./installJRMC --install repo --restorefile /home/allan/Documents/Media\ Center30\ Master-573853.mjr --mcversion 30.0.96 -d
Debug: Running: main --install repo --restorefile /home/allan/Documents/Media Center30 Master-573853.mjr --mcversion 30.0.96 -d
Debug: Running: init
Starting installJRMC
Debug: Detected host platform: ubuntu 20.04 amd64
Debug: Using host platform: ubuntu 20.04
Debug: Running: parseInput
Debug: Debugging on
Debug: installJRMC version: 1.0-rc11
Debug: Running: setMCVersion
Using MC version 30.0.96 determined by user input
Debug: MVERSION: 30, MC_VERSION: 30.0.96, MC_PKG: mediacenter30=30.0.96, MC_RPM: /home/allan/Downloads/output/RPMS/x86_64/mediacenter30-30.0.96.x86_64.rpm
Installing JRiver Media Center from remote repository
Debug: Running: installMCFromRepo
Debug: sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mediacenter*.list
Debug: Running: installPackage wget
Debug: wget already installed, skipping installation
Debug: sudo apt-get update -y -q0
Hit:1 stable InRelease
Hit:2 focal InRelease
Hit:3 focal-updates InRelease
Get:4 bullseye InRelease [3,614 B]
Hit:5 focal-backports InRelease
Hit:6 focal InRelease
Hit:7 focal-security InRelease
Hit:8 focal InRelease
Ign:4 bullseye InRelease
Hit:9 focal InRelease
Hit:10 focal InRelease
Hit:11 focal InRelease
Fetched 3,614 B in 1s (2,647 B/s)
Reading package lists... Done
W: GPG error: bullseye InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY C30B25C6077765D5
Debug: Running: installMesa
Debug: Running: installPackage --no-install-check --allow-downgrades --no-gpg-check mediacenter30=30.0.96
Debug: sudo apt-get -f install -y -q0 --allow-downgrades mediacenter30=30.0.96
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package mediacenter30
Error: Failed to install mediacenter30=30.0.96. Attempting to continue
Error: Package install failed!
Error: JRiver Media Center installation from remote repository failed
Generally speaking, Ubuntu 20.04 might be too old to run MC30 (or MC31) and I wouldn't personally recommend doing so. Ubuntu 22.04 would be my personal recommendation as the bare minimum. That said, you can try using the --install local option with the --compat flag to install MC30. Something like this...
sudo ./installJRMC --install local --compat --restorefile /home/allan/Documents/Media\ Center30\ Master-573853.mjr --mcversion 30.0.96
The public key issue is odd and could be an indication that Ubuntu 20.04 is too old when trying to use/install from the MC bullseye repo. Using the --install local option *should* workaround this and download/build the package locally, and using the --compat flag ensures it uses the bare minimum needed for dependencies (and is helpful with some distros and older distros). If it still fails to install using the --install local option with --compat flag that's likely confirmation Ubuntu 20.04 is too old.
Thanks. 20.04 is still supported as it’s an LTS version, so many will be using it for a few more years yet. I installed MC30 from the deb download and it’s working fine.
Thanks. 20.04 is still supported as it’s an LTS version, so many will be using it for a few more years yet.
Worth pointing out that JRiver only officially supports and builds Media Center on Debian, and not Ubuntu. When they rebase and change the Debian version they're developing and building MC on, like an older stable Debian version (e.g. Jessie) to a newer one (e.g. Buster), the dependencies change and the version numbers of those dependencies change/increase. Older Ubuntu LTS versions typically don't update the versions of dependencies used so once MC changes to a newer Debian like Bullseye, old LTSes like Ubuntu 20.04 won't be able to run newer Media Center versions as-is any longer. Same will apply to other distros along with old Debian versions, it's something to keep in mind if running newer Media Center versions.
For best results with Media Center on Ubuntu, I recommend using either the latest version available (Ubuntu 23.04 currently) or the latest LTS version (22.04 LTS). Anything older than that, even an older LTS that Canonical still supports, your results will vary.
Don't run the script as root with sudo, installJRMC will prompt you for root permissions as necessary. I'm not sure if that is the issue here, but I'll add a warning regardless.
Worth pointing out that JRiver only officially supports and builds Media Center on Debian, and not Ubuntu. When they rebase and change the Debian version they're developing and building MC on, like an older stable Debian version (e.g. Jessie) to a newer one (e.g. Buster), the dependencies change and the version numbers of those dependencies change/increase. Older Ubuntu LTS versions typically don't update the versions of dependencies used so once MC changes to a newer Debian like Bullseye, old LTSes like Ubuntu 20.04 won't be able to run newer Media Center versions as-is any longer. Same will apply to other distros along with old Debian versions, it's something to keep in mind if running newer Media Center versions.
For best results with Media Center on Ubuntu, I recommend using either the latest version available (Ubuntu 23.04 currently) or the latest LTS version (22.04 LTS). Anything older than that, even an older LTS that Canonical still supports, your results will vary.
Thanks. It my understanding that Buster came out in 2019, and MC30 was released for Buster. Ubuntu 20.04LTS came out in 2020, so should be much closer in versions for underlying software to buster than the current version of Ubuntu.
Actually, I just read that 20.04 is based on bullseye, so it might be too new for mc30 ;-)
Thanks. It my understanding that Buster came out in 2019, and MC30 was released for Buster. Ubuntu 20.04LTS came out in 2020, so should be much closer in versions for underlying software to buster than the current version of Ubuntu.
Actually, I just read that 20.04 is based on bullseye, so it might be too new for mc30 ;-)
You shouldn't have any issues running old versions of MC on ubuntu 20.04. I'm pretty sure even MC20 runs on current Debian Bookworm. Linux is very good in general for backwards compatibility.
So a little research.
The main issue is that ubuntu 20.04 hasn't been updating some of the packages in MC's dependency list so the versions there are "too old".
The good news is that it appears the requirements can be relaxed enough to accommodate ubuntu.
The next build will install without issue.
I have installed ubuntu 20.04 on a 2011 MacBook Air and it works great with the latest MC. Even 1920x1080 video.
howdy new linux user here :)
I am running the latest version of pop os witch i believe is a ubuntu variant.
i have some questions..
does it matter where i unzip this and run it ?
where does mc get installed ? should i make some directory's for it ?
howdy new linux user here :)
I am running the latest version of pop os witch i believe is a ubuntu variant.
i have some questions..
does it matter where i unzip this and run it ?
where does mc get installed ? should i make some directory's for it ?
installJRMC may create some staging directories and temporary files depending on what options you use, so running it from its own directory is the most tidy solution. With the default settings it will use your OS package manager (apt) to install MC. I have not tested on PopOS, if you run into issues enable debugging (--debug) and post the output here so I can add any necessary workarounds.
I got this response when running the install script on my ubuntu (installed today) machine
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
this is what I get when running install script....
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 60503 0 60503 0 0 146k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 146k
Starting installJRMC
To enable debugging output, use --debug or -d
Determining latest MC version
WARN[0000] error reading allowed ID mappings: error reading subuid mappings for user "ubuntu" and subgid mappings for group "ubuntu": No subuid ranges found for user "ubuntu" in /etc/subuid
WARN[0000] Found no UID ranges set aside for user "ubuntu" in /etc/subuid.
WARN[0000] Found no GID ranges set aside for user "ubuntu" in /etc/subgid.
writing blob: adding layer with blob "sha256:7d97e254a0461b0a30b3f443f1daa0d620a3cc6ff4e2714cc1cfd96ace5b7a7e": Error processing tar file(exit status 1): potentially insufficient UIDs or GIDs available in user namespace (requested 0:42 for /etc/gshadow): Check /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid: lchown /etc/gshadow: invalid argument
ERRO[0005] exit status 125
Using MC version 31.0.54 determined by webscrape
To override, use --mcversion
I got this response when running the install script on my ubuntu (installed today) machine
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
this is what I get when running install script....
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 60503 0 60503 0 0 146k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 146k
Starting installJRMC
To enable debugging output, use --debug or -d
Determining latest MC version
WARN[0000] error reading allowed ID mappings: error reading subuid mappings for user "ubuntu" and subgid mappings for group "ubuntu": No subuid ranges found for user "ubuntu" in /etc/subuid
WARN[0000] Found no UID ranges set aside for user "ubuntu" in /etc/subuid.
WARN[0000] Found no GID ranges set aside for user "ubuntu" in /etc/subgid.
writing blob: adding layer with blob "sha256:7d97e254a0461b0a30b3f443f1daa0d620a3cc6ff4e2714cc1cfd96ace5b7a7e": Error processing tar file(exit status 1): potentially insufficient UIDs or GIDs available in user namespace (requested 0:42 for /etc/gshadow): Check /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid: lchown /etc/gshadow: invalid argument
ERRO[0005] exit status 125
Using MC version 31.0.54 determined by webscrape
To override, use --mcversion
Did it continue to run fine after that point? You don't have subuid or subgid namespaces defined in /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid for the ubuntu user in order to launch the containerized package manager. Typically those entries are added during user creation in most modern distros, so perhaps this machine has been updated from an older ubuntu version that did not support namespaces? Regardless, it's just a method for determining the latest MC version, it looks like the script proceeded correctly and fell back to the webscrape method so everything should have been fine after that.
no it just stopped. It is a completely new download of Desktop 22.04 LTS not an updated OS disk
I can't reproduce this. There's nothing to indicate it's failing (and the next stage will take some time to complete).
Is this a live install? It's likely that you are running out of space in memory to store MC and its dependencies.
Have got MC31 up and running now ;)
fresh install of deb -12
The script seems to not do sudo right. it seems to want my user password and not my root's password.
I have a screen shot, the "sorry,try again" was me typeing in my root password. Then I used my user password
Outside of the script I can su to root ok.
fresh install of deb -12
The script seems to not do sudo right. it seems to want my user password and not my root's password.
I have a screen shot, the "sorry,try again" was me typeing in my root password. Then I used my user password
Outside of the script I can su to root ok.
sudo always uses the user password as opposed to su which requires the root password.
Hello, I wrote an ebuild for Gentoo, feel free to maintain
Is this script useful for Gentoo somehow?
Is this script useful for Gentoo somehow?
It should work for gentoo (untested), but won't use emerge, it simply extracts the deb files to the proper locations. It does keep track of the extracted files for --uninstall.
Hello, I wrote an ebuild for Gentoo, feel free to maintain
Do you mean that you can run JRiver on Gentooplayer ?
I mean Gentoo Linux.
For Noobs and Linux hacks like me :-\, this installer doesn't work out of the box with a fresh install of Debian 12 Bullseye.
The curl command does not come installed on Debian; you will have to install it.
Also, you will have to work around root/sudo issues as the root login is not allowed by default, and the user(s) created on a fresh install is not a member of the sudoers group.
Nothing earth shattering, but you will have to work a bit to get her running. Plan accordingly (not after Sunday night football...).
That's the main reason why I don't recommend Debian to those who have never used Linux before, whereas those sort of issues don't exist with Ubuntu. Yes, Ubuntu isn't officially supported by JRiver but it's pretty close to Debian so issues specifically with it are pretty rare.
Thankfully adding your user to the sudo group is very easy to fix on Debian, but for totally new Linux users it could be a deer in the headlights experience finding the solution.
For Noobs and Linux hacks like me :-\, this installer doesn't work out of the box with a fresh install of Debian 12 Bullseye.
The curl command does not come installed on Debian; you will have to install it.
Also, you will have to work around root/sudo issues as the root login is not allowed by default, and the user(s) created on a fresh install is not a member of the sudoers group.
Nothing earth shattering, but you will have to work a bit to get her running. Plan accordingly (not after Sunday night football...).
Neither wget or curl are installed, so there's really no alternative one-liner instructions that would work other than downloading the archive from the attachment and using unzip (installed by default). FWIW installJRMC uses wget internally and will install it automatically as needed. The live install user belongs to the sudo group by default, and unfortunately that is all I have time to test on.
That's the main reason why I don't recommend Debian to those who have never used Linux before, whereas those sort of issues don't exist with Ubuntu. Yes, Ubuntu isn't officially supported by JRiver but it's pretty close to Debian so issues specifically with it are pretty rare.
Thankfully adding your user to the sudo group is very easy to fix on Debian, but for totally new Linux users it could be a deer in the headlights experience finding the solution.
I posted a sticky for this at the top of the forum.
With regards to Debian vs Ubuntu, there are no special requirements for installing on Ubuntu vs Debian.
There would be no difference between a MC build made on a Ubuntu machine (which would be Focal for backwards compatibility reasons) vs our current build environment of Debian 11.
Hi there,
I've run installJRMC but the result isn't quite what i was hoping for. Any tips on what i should look at appreciated.
Goal | What I want to do is install MC so the mediaserver service starts on boot.
What's happening now. After boot or even after login I cannot access mediaserver from Gizmo on another device. If i run MC on the
host machine then Gizmo connects to the mediaserver. With mediacenter closed a JR information prompt pops up says Ok (but nothing else) every 10seconds or so.
What I've done:
- Fresh install of Debian 11.8 with MC 31.0.80.
- apt-get install ufw
- sudo ufw enable
- Run installJRMC as follows which completed successfully
curl -O &&
chmod +x ./installJRMC &&
./installJRMC --install repo --service jriver-mediaserver --service-type system --yes
You might first try running `mediacenter30` without the /MediaServer switch in order to make sure it's registered and functioning properly. You'll probably need to disable the service first to make sure there are no conflicts. Make sure you have LAN connectivity via Gizmo and then restart it via the service unit.
sudo systemctl stop jriver-mediaserver;
mediacenter30; # Make sure everything is registered and working
sudo systemctl start jriver-mediaserver;
weird ... was getting errors but suddenly all errors went away. thanks for the script.
Can someone please confirm this install method still works with MC31. I can install 32 but not 31. I have no success with --mcversion 31.0.83.
Can someone please confirm this install method still works with MC31. I can install 32 but not 31. I have no success with --mcversion 31.0.83.
What platform are you on? You'll need to use the version of installJRMC provided in the OP for Fedora. The latest version in the main branch will only work with MC32 due to some changes in the MC deb package. If that doesn't clear it up, provide some output with --debug and I will add a workaround.
Hi BryanC
I am trying to install on Pi5 with raspberry pi os 64.
the warning i get when trying to install 31 is as follows
Using MC version 31.0.83 determined by user input
Installing JRiver Media Center from remote repository
Error: Failed to install mediacenter31=31.0.83. Attempting to continue
Error: Package install failed!
Error: JRiver Media Center installation from remote repository failed
i think i am ok with using version 32, so please do not worry too much about this.
I will however be installing 31 on my wife's laptop with Fedora soon. I can update if i have issues with that one too.
Hi BryanC
I am trying to install on Pi5 with raspberry pi os 64.
the warning i get when trying to install 31 is as follows
Using MC version 31.0.83 determined by user input
Installing JRiver Media Center from remote repository
Error: Failed to install mediacenter31=31.0.83. Attempting to continue
Error: Package install failed!
Error: JRiver Media Center installation from remote repository failed
i think i am ok with using version 32, so please do not worry too much about this.
I will however be installing 31 on my wife's laptop with Fedora soon. I can update if i have issues with that one too.
There's a parsing error here it seems: mediacenter31=31.0.83
I just tested in a Fedora 39 VM and everything went OK:
./installJRMC --install remote --mcversion 31.0.83
Starting installJRMC
To enable debugging output, use --debug or -d
Using MC version 31.0.83 determined by user input
Installing JRiver Media Center from remote repository
JRiver Media Center installed successfully from remote repository
I got it figured BryanC
curl -O &&
chmod +x ./installJRMC &&
./installJRMC --install remote --mcversion 31.0.83-arm64
i was using 'install repo' previously, not 'install remote'.
I think the thing that did it was 'mcversion 31.0.83-arm64' instead of 'mcversion 31.0.83'. One of the messages in terminal referenced mcversion 31.0.83-arm64 so I gave it a go.
I use Linux, but this does not mean I know how to use it. I guess I just have to get used to the new way of installing. I think installation was pretty consistent for versions 21 through 30, but this way is new to me.
Thanks for the help.
I have just recently upgraded my Linux Mint system from version 20.3 to 21.3 not by upgrading but with a completely fresh install. Currently I am still running MC29 on my Windows server and I installed MC29 on the new Linux install but I installed directly using the 'MediaCenter-29.0.91-amd64.deb' file and everything appears to be working fine so far.
I do have master licenses for MC versions 31 & 32 but never got around to installing either (I mainly purchased them to support JRiver development) but my plan now is to upgrade everything to MC 32 but wanted to know the best way to go about it. Bearing in mind that installing directly from the .deb file appears to have worked fine for MC 29 would there be any benefit to using 'installJRMC' over using the .deb file.
Installing from the .deb file uses the 'GDebi Package Installer' which should sort out all the dependencies required so I'm just wondering what the installJRMC installer does above and beyond this and which route would be the recommended one.
If you use installJRMC it'll add the repository which will allow MC32 to update when your system updates system packages, so you don't need to manually install .deb files.
You can also manually add the MC32 repo and do it that way too (use the Bullseye repo line):,137900.0.html
If you use installJRMC it'll add the repository which will allow MC32 to update when your system updates system packages, so you don't need to manually install .deb files.
Ah, yes, of course, I hadn't thought of that.
Thanks for creating this installer, it worked great for me with Fedora 40 and 31.0.83 once I figured out the right install options.
Trying to install MediaCenter 31 on OpenSuse Thumbleweed
./installJRMC --install local --mcversion 31.0.83 --debug
results in
Processing files: mediacenter31-31.0.83-1.x86_64
error: File not found: /home/software/tools/output/BUILDROOT/mediacenter31-31.0.83-1.x86_64/usr/bin/mc31
RPM build errors:
File not found: /home/software/tools/output/BUILDROOT/mediacenter31-31.0.83-1.x86_64/usr/bin/mc31
Am I trying to do something that is not possible, or is this a bug?
./installJRMC --debug --build=suse --install local --mcversion 31.0.83
Thanks, but same result.
Maybe you should delete all the files in the tools directory and start over again.
Of course I did that before I tried your suggestion.
I am sure it wasn't your intention, but your reply seems a bit patronising.
It is also a risky suggestion. An inexperienced person might end up deleting a lot of stuff they shouldn't delete by following your suggestion. The only thing that it is relevant to delete is the "output" directory.
To verify that I also tested your latest suggestion, I tried the same thing from a new, different, empty directory: Same result.
MC31 didn't have the symlink for the stub in the application directory (/usr/lib/jriver/Media Center 31/mc31) to /usr/bin/mc31
I assume that's why you are seeing the error above.
MC32 and MC33 added that but didn't have the symlink for the main program executable (/usr/bin/mediacenter32) to the application directory (/usr/lib/jriver/Media Center 32/mediacenter32) until the latest version 33.0.30. You can add those manually but installJRMC would have to take those missing files into account it sounds.
The stub mcxx is used for running MCC commands without using the web interface.
The executable mediacenterxx needs a symlink to the application directory to be able to restart automatically.
Yes, installJRMC used to handle the stub separately, but has changed recently to repackage the default stub. I will add a workaround for MC31 when I get a chance, unfortunately I've been affected by Milton so it may be a few weeks until my workstations are back online. In the meantime here is a pastebin link to the last release before that change:
Yes, installJRMC used to handle the stub separately, but has changed recently to repackage the default stub. I will add a workaround for MC31 when I get a chance, unfortunately I've been affected by Milton so it may be a few weeks until my workstations are back online. In the meantime here is a pastebin link to the last release before that change:
Thanks. The version in the pastebin linked worked fine, ish. Rpm complains about a missing freetype module. However, installing the produced .rpm file through Yast2, works if allowing the installer to "break" the application and ignore this dependence. This works fine if freetype2 is installed or available (which it is in the current Thumbleweed version at least). When trying to install the .rpm from the command prompt, I got some other errors (that I neglected to keep), but these did not show when using Yast2.
Thanks. The version in the pastebin linked worked fine, ish. Rpm complains about a missing freetype module. However, installing the produced .rpm file through Yast2, works if allowing the installer to "break" the application and ignore this dependence. This works fine if freetype2 is installed or available (which it is in the current Thumbleweed version at least). When trying to install the .rpm from the command prompt, I got some other errors (that I neglected to keep), but these did not show when using Yast2.
1.3.5 (10/19/2024)
1. SUSE automatically defaults to --install=local
2. RPMs build properly for <= MC31 that lack the MC stub
3. No MC latest version check is performed when only using --install=repo (faster, relies on package manager to identify latest version)
4. Added --no-update option to disable installJRMC self-updates