More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 32 for Windows => Topic started by: JimH on January 26, 2024, 03:09:42 am
How To Purchase an Upgrade License
Please read these instructions (,137399.0.html).
Download and Install The New Version
MC32 is at the top of this board. It's also on the Download Page (
Find Your License and Restore it
You can send yourself your licenses from the Restore Page. Please read Restoring a License ( .
Moving Your Data and MC Database
When you install MC for Windows, it will find your old database, copy it and use it. It should just work when you run it. You can also restore your settings at the same time.
On Mac or Linux
This should be automatic now. If necessary, you can restore a backup from a previous version. MC makes them automatically. Search for files ending in .zip. Restore is under File > Library.
Backup and Restore
Backups can contain settings and thumbnails.
What About Your Old Version?
Keep it as long as you want. Uninstall it when you're happy with your new version. Uninstalling doesn't affect the new version or your data.
I have MC31 64bit for Windows and works great, always has. Purchased 32 awhile back, no problem.
After downloading MC32, I still have MC31 on board. I'm told my registration is good but I check that and I'm still in MC31. ::) Every time I tried to retrieve MC32, I'm using up my available license downloads.
Did you install MC32? Run MC32 first, then restore your MC32 license.
Right, it never did install. AntiVirus software maybe?
Maybe. Uninstall the antivirus it to test. Configure Windows Defender.
I closed my anti-virus software and still unable to download 32. Not sure what the deal is, frustrating.
I closed my anti-virus software and still unable to download 32. Not sure what the deal is, frustrating.
Uninstall it.
Alrighty then, I have Microsoft Edge and Chrome browsers. For some strange reason I was not able to download 32 in my Chrome browser. I switched up to Edge and it worked. Not sure why but all is well. Thanks for your time and expertise Jim.
Still could be antivirus. What is the antivirus software?
What is always a pain in the upgrades is that it does not remove the previous version. You end up with both trying to run at the same time. Maybe an option to uninstall the previous version would be a good idea.
What is always a pain in the upgrades is that it does not remove the previous version. You end up with both trying to run at the same time. Maybe an option to uninstall the previous version would be a good idea.
My own opinion is that doing so could be risky. I'd rather have users make the decision after they're sure everything works. If we make it too easy, some people may do it and regret it.
It's pretty easy to uninstall the old version, as it is now.
AntiVirus Malwarebytes, also CCleaner & Windows Security. I thought I needed 31 installed to upgrade to 32.
Although, when trying to download 32 using Chrome, I had shut down my antivirus completely.
AntiVirus-Malwarebytes, also CCleaner & Windows Security. I thought I needed 31 installed to upgrade to 32.
Although, when trying to download 32 using Chrome, I had shut down my antivirus completely, still no help there.
Use only Windows Defender for antivirus.
You don't have to install MC31 to upgrade to MC32. MC32 can find older library backups.
Where I am stuck now (and I did try and get the answer thru Wiki), on upgrade from MC25 I lost a lot of my cover art. I have gone thru my files and updated(get cover art from internet). This is complete and I now get msg"Media Ctr can not perform this action while tools are running. Running Tools:Get cover art. Please close any running tools and try again.
how can I close this while saving cover art??????
I tried Tools>options>general(then I can not find "save cover art inside tags when possible"
Then I tried:Tools>options>file location(then I can not find "Track Images Location"
Any advice on how I can close this running tool so I can perform other functions
Sorry if these are dumb questions, I am so confused I'm not sure how to properly open ticket for help or even check for replies. I tried a reply on upgrading from older versions but cannot get answer. A lot of my cover art was missing on upgrade to MC32, I have corrected this using(get cover art from internet). This is now complete and I now get msg"Media Ctr can not perform this action while tools are running. Running Tools: Get cover art. Please close any running tools and try again. I did try and get the answer thru Wiki
???how can I close this while saving cover art??
I tried Tools>options>general(then I can not find "save cover art inside tags when possible"
Then I tried:Tools>options>file location(then I can not find "Track Images Location"
Any advice on how I can close this running tool so I can exit and then see if I can connect to my network player? Please help I am trying and have spent hours on this.
Thanks Jim, Appreciate it, I was worried I would lose the artwork I had obtained. I did the reboot, got the msg MC did not shut down properly on the last exit but all my album covers are still there.
Somehow, I am now connecting to my player with both laptops which is great. To clear some confusion I have a couple of questions.
1. I have MC32 installed on 2 laptops in my house, that is not an issue is it? I plan on leaving one in my bsmt music room.
2. The playlists on the 2 laptops seem independent of each other, does that sound correct?
The reason is I am getting an error msg: Media Center is running but there may be a problem, possible causes:
1. running on a different user account
2. MC32 and Media Server are both in Windows start up. You must remove one
3. The program is not responding
Trying to install MC32 on reinstallation of W10. Getting same error message from MC installer - that Media Center and MC 32 are in Windows startup. Problem is that Task Mgr doesnt show either.
Second problem: how do i import playlists, libraries etc. I tried copying my old libraries from MC28 on my laptop - all i got was a long list of garbage/
I tried importing JRiver from the laptop using Laplink - but even if you pick the files you choose to transfer, their program sneaks in some not on their checklist. One I saw the button that told me there were hidden files not listed, I removed them, but the total size of the transfer was less, but still high enough to make me worry about unwanted fellow travelers.
Any help on any of these would be greatly appreciated
Hello, I paid for the MC33 upgrade today, and it looks like the PayPal transaction went through properly. However, the name of the tab showing order completion is "PayPal Issue" and I have not received an e-mail with my license yet (also not in spam). I also had the system send me a list of my license codes and MC33 is not on there, so I think your system believes I did not pay for the upgrade yet. Could you please check whether there is an issue processing PayPal transactions or linking them to licenses?
I'm posting here in the MC32 thread because this is where the MC33 thread from JimH links to request additional support for issues like this.
Please read this:,139271.0.html
I have a fully installed MC28 on my laptop. Just got new desktop, installed MC32 on it. How do i transfer libraries, playlists, PS Audio Bridge (it's recognized by Windows 10 network, Radio stations etc?
The wiki has a topic called Moving Files.
I just purchased ver 32 for Windows. I have older (unused) versions of JRiver with an old email, a forgotten password and a bunch of blanks in my profile & am not able to recover the password (even though I can log in). I don't know how to change to my current password & email. System doesn't recognize my old email or password under the "password reset".
I am not particularly computer literate and would love to FINALLY get JRiver going and learn how to use it, but have gotten nowhere.
I'm not sure what you need. You purchased an MC33 license with your gmail account.
OK, just upgraded JRMC31 to JRMC32 on one Windows PC.
Have another Windows PC which still has JRMC29 installed tho' I did purchase the Windows upgrade but never installed.
Tried to update the 29 machine to rev32 but it does not appear to have picked up settings, etc., from 29?!
Can I go from rev29 to rev32?
IF so, what is the procedure for doing this while retaining my rev29 settings?
Sorry to say but I personally find the upgrade process confusing.
Older versions didn't back up and restore settings. Install MC32 and open both MC32 and MC29 to compare and copy settings.
Older versions didn't back up and restore settings. Install MC32 and open both MC32 and MC29 to compare and copy settings.
Well, that's good to! :'( Practically all apps that I use automatically retain previous configuration without my intervention.
Not only did rev32 NOT xfer settings for appearance, etc., it did not xfer library. For someone with very limited working knowledge of MC intricasies, "compare and copy settings" is easier said than done.
Backup the library in the old version and restore in the new version. Settings and files are included.
Backup the library in the old version and restore in the new version. Settings and files are included.
99% of cover art is missing. Screen setting is white rather than the black selected in v29.
The ability to backup and restore thumbnails in library backups was added in a newer version than MC29. You should be able to manually backup and restore thumbnails with both MC29 and MC32 closed by going into the %APPDATA%\J River folder and going into the Media Center 29 folder, right clicking Thumbnails and selecting copy then go back to the J River folder and go into the Media Center 32 folder and paste the Thumbnails folder there.
The ability to backup and restore thumbnails in library backups was added in a newer version than MC29. You should be able to manually backup and restore thumbnails with both MC29 and MC32 closed by going into the %APPDATA%\J River folder and going into the Media Center 29 folder, right clicking Thumbnails and selecting copy then go back to the J River folder and go into the Media Center 32 folder and paste the Thumbnails folder there.
OK, I shut down both 29 and 32 and then copied thumbnail folder from 29 (608MB) to 32 (840MB after copying).
Still no thumbnails?!
BTW, please refresh my memory on how to change the screen appearance from default white to something else, e.g., black.
how to change the screen appearance from default white to something else, e.g., black.
Skins. On the wiki.
OK, I shut down both 29 and 32 and then copied thumbnail folder from 29 (608MB) to 32 (840MB after copying).
Still no thumbnails?!
If all else fails, you can use the tool to rebuild thumbnails assuming they're embedded in the media or are a folder.jpg in the same directory or something.
If all else fails, you can use the tool to rebuild thumbnails assuming they're embedded in the media or are a folder.jpg in the same directory or something.
What is "the tool to rebuild thumbnails"?
How do you access "embedded in the media"?
"folder.jpg in the same directory or or something?
FWIW, I consider apps to be tools to be used without much thought or knowledge of how it was designed...sort of like a hammer.
That being said, I did a "BACK UP LIBRARY" including thumbnails and settings for v29 and determined the path to where backups are stored.
I then copied v29 backup into v32 folder.
Cursory inspection suggests that life is now good again!
You right click on files > Cover Art > Rebuild Thumbnail option. But again it'll depend on if the cover art is embedded in the files themselves or is an image file (e.g. folder.jpg) in the same directory as the media. There's options for those without an embedded cover or folder.jpg, Get From Internet menu option in the same Cover Art menu.
In MC32 I would recommend setting Thumbnails in library backups to Yes in MC's Options > Library & Folders > Behavior section. This will increase the time to create a library backup and increase the size of a library backup but all your thumbnails will be backed up for future use.
You right click on files > Cover Art > Rebuild Thumbnail option. But again it'll depend on if the cover art is embedded in the files themselves or is an image file (e.g. folder.jpg) in the same directory as the media. There's options for those without an embedded cover or folder.jpg, Get From Internet menu option in the same Cover Art menu.
In MC32 I would recommend setting Thumbnails in library backups to Yes in MC's Options > Library & Folders > Behavior section. This will increase the time to create a library backup and increase the size of a library backup but all your thumbnails will be backed up for future use.
Appreciate the tip on the thumbnail setting to YES.
Thanks to all who have been patient with my lack thereof.
It's not a hammer.