Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: neFAST on October 17, 2007, 12:46:37 pm

Title: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: neFAST on October 17, 2007, 12:46:37 pm
PM Flow v0.2 - 12-08-2008
Bug fix
Download (

v1.6 - 20-07-2008:
Changelog: minor tweaks, updated lastfm compatibility, automatically display lastfm cover when empty
Download (
( (

PM Flow v0.1 - 07-02-2008:
First release of this full-screen mod.
Known bugs:
 - album name is centered under Firefox but not IE
 - data grabber works under IE but not Firefox  ::)
 - covers are too big in windowed mode
Anyone knows how to build a basic VIS with a blue "onbeat" oscilloscope?
Download (

v1.5 - 07-02-2008:
Small update. Better web links display.
Download (

New layout preview.- 03-02-2008:
give me your opinion (look at the end of this thread)

( (

v1.3 - 06-01-2008:
added clean "artist picture"
added "album info" + "album cover" from
Download (
Try Deivit's great template PM_Lyrics_15 (

v1.2 - 04-12-2007:
quick & dirty update, just to get some feedback:
added lytebox  ( open links within MC
added "artist image" auto-download script
added some web links (thanks to Deivit)

more cover links to come
Download (

v1.1 - 07-11-2007:
small update:
added bio from last fm
fixed minor bugs
fine tuning in css
Download (

v1.0 - 30-10-2007:
fixed a bug with accentued characters
fixed a bug that appears when number of results was under the given limit
image sizes can now be set with the css
links open in a popup window
hover effect on album art

sometimes data are not correctly refreshed (timeout problem ) -> need to fix that
parse audioscrobbler page to get bio info

Everything you need to know and download is here (

v0.5 28-10-2007:
( (

I need suggestions regarding how data is displayed and organized. If you have any html knowledge you can customize it easily.

v0.0 - 17-10-2007
I've started a Trackinfo template that retrieves data from audioscrobbler and shows information related to the current track. Since it's an html page I had to write everything in javascript. I tried to provide something versatile and customisable. For the moment the user need to click to display info but I've in mind an "onload" version.

( (

You'll want to enable scrollbar: right-click on the track info and select "Enable Scroll Bar"...

Everything is still in a very early beta stage (including main ideas, javascript and css).
Functions are detailed in pm.js please take a look and send me comments.
If you get an error check:
Code: [Select]
Tools > Internet Options > Security > Custom Level > Micsellaneous >Access Data Sources across Domains > Prompt
PS: Extract the folder in "C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info"
PS2: Thanks to Hieu Nguyen for his template.
PS3: I would like to have audioscrobbler data interact with MC, for example when showing similar artist, display if the user has those artists in his library. Or query for toptracks to build a "mainstream" playlist. I think that the C##/VB PLugin from Mr Chriz will allow me coding this. But if you have any idea or time ... :p
PS4: I think I'll add automatic cover download in the trackinfo template, I can manage that in javascript. I was thinking about a coverflow display using that ( too.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: schmoose on October 22, 2007, 04:49:05 am
i'm surprised noone has replied yet.

this is one bad *ss plugin. i've been waiting for something like this for a while. i just installed and it worked straight away. haven't had a chance to play with it much yet, but i'm sure i'll have some things for the wishlist.

couple things off the bat:

add a scroll bar or at least if it recognized the scrolling of a mouse wheel. for example, when i clicked 'similar artist', i got 100+ hits, but could only see about 20. no way to scroll down to see the rest. layers that could be scrolled would be pretty cool.

pretty sweet to be able to click on one of those artists though, and be taken to the artist's page within MC12. but again, there's no way to scroll within the embedded webpage.

finally, when you click to go to that webpage, if you click back, you're taken to the MC12 start page, rather than back to 'PM track info'. you can of course, right click and select the 'PM track info' to get back, but this is not as intuitive.

anyway, great work. the spirit of this plugin is really sweet, and i can't wait to see it develop more.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on October 22, 2007, 05:14:02 am
wouhou it looks like someone posted a comment!
Concerning the scrolling problem, I've looked into trackinfo plugin source and seen that the scrollbar is volontary disabled.
I'd like to build a trackinfo plugin with personnal customization (fix the scroll pbm but also add interactivity between results and your database) but the source available on the wiki doesn't compile on my computer. Eventually I'll try to post in this board to get some help, but I'm not sure someone will take time to answer me.

Anyway, thanks for trying my template. Feel free to post comments and ideas. And if you have any css skills ... :p
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on October 22, 2007, 06:19:20 am
I just found this plug-in and it's very well done.  I'd agree that it needs the scrollbar automatically enabled, but once it's turned on, everything works very well.  I'd like a way to turn the spectrum analyzer off, but it's hardly distracting enough to be a deal-breaker.  The data accessing abilities are very useful.  Keep up the great work, you've definitely got a user here.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on October 22, 2007, 07:22:31 am
I'd agree that it needs the scrollbar automatically enabled, but once it's turned on, everything works very well.
You mean you can enable it? How do you do?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: mlefebvre on October 22, 2007, 08:04:50 am
I just tried it! Work nicely! Good job!

I also would like to know how to enable the scroll bar... ;-)

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: mlefebvre on October 22, 2007, 08:06:33 am

I also would like to know how to enable the scroll bar... ;-)


Just figured it out  ;D

Just right-click on the track info and select "Enable Scroll Bar"...  ;D

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Streaker on October 22, 2007, 12:45:00 pm
This is a pretty sweet interface. Nice work!  One question: How do get back to the template page after I click a link that takes me to the website? The JR back button switches to a previous MC page, not the embedded page... The only way I could find is to select a different track template then switch back to the "PM Track Info" template
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: schmoose on October 26, 2007, 12:23:03 am
wouhou it looks like someone posted a comment!
Concerning the scrolling problem, I've looked into trackinfo plugin source and seen that the scrollbar is volontary disabled.
I'd like to build a trackinfo plugin with personnal customization (fix the scroll pbm but also add interactivity between results and your database) but the source available on the wiki doesn't compile on my computer. Eventually I'll try to post in this board to get some help, but I'm not sure someone will take time to answer me.

Anyway, thanks for trying my template. Feel free to post comments and ideas. And if you have any css skills ... :p

oh, ok....thx for pointing the trackinfo scrollbar functionality out.

not much in the way of css skills over here. the following works fine for my monitor, but maybe not for everyone. if 'playing now' is not wide enough, the layer scrollbar will overlap the right selection menu.



   position: relative;
   left: 245px;
   width: 450px;

   text-align: justify;
   font-size: 100%;
   margin-bottom: 15px;
   color: #F2F2F4;
   line-height: 1;

   position: relative;
   left: 245px;
   width: 450px;
   height: 400px;
   overflow: auto;

   text-align: justify;
   font-size: 100%;
   margin-bottom: 15px;
   padding-right: 10px;
   color: #F2F2F4;
   line-height: 1;
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: jmone on October 26, 2007, 01:49:35 am
NooB Q - I've copied the files, and can select the template in Track Info but I only get a blank white screen.....
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: winniew on October 28, 2007, 03:12:59 am
I would like to test the plugin but the link to the download gave me the following error:

Erreur 403 - Refus de traitement de la requête

neFAST, could you please update the files? Thanks!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on October 28, 2007, 06:11:06 am
I would like to test the plugin but the link to the download gave me the following error:

Erreur 403 - Refus de traitement de la requête

neFAST, could you please update the files? Thanks!

Yes my website is down for a few hours. And I purchased MC today and lost evrything during reinstall. So we'll both have to wait for my server to come back !
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on October 28, 2007, 04:36:11 pm
Template updated!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Magic_Randy on October 28, 2007, 05:48:40 pm
I downloaded PM Track Info. Looks very nice.  I'll play around with it, but I'm not sure how to navigate using it.  As an example, if I click on something and it takes me to, how do I get back to where I was?  The back control does not seem to do it. It does go back when a new track is played.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on October 29, 2007, 06:03:16 am
Looking very nice!  I like the new configuration.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: AoXoMoXoA on October 29, 2007, 07:47:59 am
WOW, awesome template, very nice work!

Already been asked but I did not see the answer:
Once you click and get taken to the LastFM website, how to return to the template?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on October 29, 2007, 08:39:59 am
You can't. I need to find a solution.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: AoXoMoXoA on October 29, 2007, 08:59:08 am
You can't. I need to find a solution.
OK thanks, I can wait
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 29, 2007, 01:55:23 pm
Very nice one!
Thanks for sharing it.  :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 29, 2007, 03:32:35 pm
You can't. I need to find a solution.

Maybe you could set it so that the Lastfm pages open in a separate browser?

I've also found that, if the artist has less than 10 albums, a message "6 results found. 10 displayed" is shown instead of displaying the (6) available albums.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 29, 2007, 04:06:29 pm

I've modified a little your template, to show the lyrics (with scroll), a bigger cover art and some further information of the file. It's a 1366x768 full-display version for my personal use, though, and would not work at other resolutions.

This is how it looks. The "Now Playing (...)" of the top is a "Playing Now plug-in" companion that allows to rate the song (the green "play" button also acts ad toggle pause/play).

Thanks for the template.

Click here for a larger view (

Now, it would be great to be able to "interact" with the information of our own library. For instance, the 10 top albums shown on the left hand side could have a Media Center Logo if they were available in the library. Right clicking on the link could open the view scheme showing the album. Also, the top songs, if present in the library, they could be shown in a different colour or with the MC Logo. Right clicking on them could give you the option to add the song to Playing Now, etc.

I would glady give 100$ to the charity of your choice if somebody could get that to work :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on October 29, 2007, 05:04:34 pm
Now, it would be great to be able to "interact" with the information of our own library. For instance, the 10 top albums shown on the left hand side could have a Media Center Logo if they were available in the library. Right clicking on the link could open the view scheme showing the album. Also, the top songs, if present in the library, they could be shown in a different colour or with the MC Logo. Right clicking on them could give you the option to add the song to Playing Now, etc.
I have the exact same thing in my mind. It means changing our template into a full plugin. I think I should start with the trak info sources and extend its capabilities. (But the thing is that I can't compile the sources available on the wiki)
I would glady give 100$ to the charity of your choice if somebody could get that to work :)
I'd prefer you to give me a hand :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: robydago on October 29, 2007, 06:10:45 pm
I've modified a little your template, to show the lyrics (with scroll),

can it auto-scroll lyrics (for lyrics in .lrc or similar formats)?
if not, that would be a great feature.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: datdude on October 29, 2007, 10:58:16 pm

I've modified a little your template, to show the lyrics (with scroll), a bigger cover art and some further information of the file. It's a 1366x768 full-display version for my personal use, though, and would not work at other resolutions.

This is how it looks. The "Now Playing (...)" of the top is a "Playing Now plug-in" companion that allows to rate the song (the green "play" button also acts ad toggle pause/play).

Thanks for the template.

Click here for a larger view (

Now, it would be great to be able to "interact" with the information of our own library. For instance, the 10 top albums shown on the left hand side could have a Media Center Logo if they were available in the library. Right clicking on the link could open the view scheme showing the album. Also, the top songs, if present in the library, they could be shown in a different colour or with the MC Logo. Right clicking on them could give you the option to add the song to Playing Now, etc.

I would glady give 100$ to the charity of your choice if somebody could get that to work :)

That's my resolution, could you post it?

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 30, 2007, 01:46:57 am
I'd prefer you to give me a hand :)

I wish I could!... unfortunately I'm no programmer at all  ::) but count on me for testing.

Have you navigated through the SDK?

It seems that you can do anything with the database.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 30, 2007, 01:48:42 am
can it auto-scroll lyrics (for lyrics in .lrc or similar formats)?
if not, that would be a great feature.


No, sorry it can't... it's a manual scroll  :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 30, 2007, 01:49:55 am
That's my resolution, could you post it?


Sure, no problem. I'll do that this evening when I get home.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on October 30, 2007, 11:02:39 am
I forgot to say that your template is great! how do you manage the lyrics of your mp3? alyrics?
Do you have suggestions concerning the thumbnails in top albums/similar artist. Where could we put them in big without eating all the available space ...

May I add a link to your template variaton in the first post?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 30, 2007, 12:45:42 pm
OK, here's a link to download the "PM Lyrics" version of neFAST PM Track-Info Template.

Click here to download the PM Lyrics version (

neFAST, of course you can add the version to the first post if you wish to... it's your template!

I fill the lyrics of my songs using Mr. Chriz's EvilLyrics Plug-In, which is a great plug-in. However, it works only with the current playing song and you cannot do a batch. I'm currently using an old version of EvilLyrics since I understand that the last version caused some problems. KingSparta also had a nice plug-In (Data Master) to search for lyrics (and other tags). This one allows to batch the process. I'm not sure if DataMaster is still alive, though.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 30, 2007, 01:41:36 pm
Do you have suggestions concerning the thumbnails in top albums/similar artist. Where could we put them in big without eating all the available space ...

What is the parameter that controls that thumbnails size? I may play a little bit with it and see if I come up with something interesting.

I have a couple of questions:

1.- Is there any way that you could get the bio of the artist same as you do with the other information, such as Top Albums, Similar Artists, etc?

2.- Maybe the dumb question of the week, but... Is there any way to see the audioscrobbler page of the artist? We currently can do it for the similar artists, top albums, etc. but I don't see a way to do it with the current artist.

3.- Have you considered the possibility to force the opening of the audioscrobler pages in a separate browser window? This way we could always have the PM trackinfo visible while navigating the pages and this would also avoid the cancelling of the page with the new artist at song changes while you may still be reading or browsing the previous artist pages.

Good job, neFAST  :)

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on October 30, 2007, 01:49:17 pm
What is the parameter that controls that thumbnails size? I may play a little bit with it and see if I come up with something interesting.
You have to look at the end of pm.js, but I should remove this fixed size and control it via css.
I have a couple of questions:

1.- Is there any way that you could get the bio of the artist same as you do with the other information, such as Top Albums, Similar Artists, etc?
Nope, they do not provide this. I miss the bio too. But we can achive this by opening the audioscrobbler page and parse it ot find the bio.
2.- Maybe the dumb question of the week, but... Is there any way to see the audioscrobbler page of the artist? We currently can do it for the similar artists, top albums, etc. but I don't see a way to do it with the current artist.
Yes, I'll add this ASAP.
3.- Have you considered the possibility to force the opening of the audioscrobler pages in a separate browser window? This way we could always have the PM trackinfo visible while navigating the pages and this would also avoid the cancelling of the page with the new artist at song changes while you may still be reading or browsing the previous artist pages.
I didn't tried but I agree with you: this is the best way to open pages.
Good job, neFAST  :)
Thanks again, I hope I'll get answers to my dev post (library interaction ... I can't wait to add that)

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Magic_Randy on October 30, 2007, 02:53:17 pm
I'm not sure if DataMaster is still alive, though.

It is. I used it this past weekend.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 30, 2007, 03:06:34 pm
I did a slight modification in PM Lyrics Version:

1.- Corrected a typo in "Similar Artists"
2.- Now it shows all the albums, similar artists, top songs and similar songs instead of the top 10. The display shows the first 10-12 for each cathegory but you can scroll down to see the rest of them. This also solves the problem with the artists that had less than 10 items to show (as reported yesterday).

This is how it looks.


Click here for a larger view (

Click here to download it (
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: winniew on October 31, 2007, 12:01:01 am
Thanks for sharing this.
Your screenshot remembered me of your "Playing Now Skin companion" in the Track Info - thread of august:

Could you please re-upload the PN Skin Companion?


Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Magic_Randy on October 31, 2007, 01:21:20 am
EDIT Octobre 30, 2007:
fixed a bug with accentued characters
fixed a bug that appears when number of results was under the given limit
image sizes can now be set with the css
links open in a popup window
hover effect on album art
I get an error with the new version.

A Runtime Error has occured.
Do you wish to Debug?

Line: 116
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on October 31, 2007, 02:06:19 am
works fine here ?
You tried to clean everything up and re-extract the archive?
Does it crashed when dealing with a particular artist/album name?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Magic_Randy on October 31, 2007, 09:15:02 am
works fine here ?
You tried to clean everything up and re-extract the archive?
Does it crashed when dealing with a particular artist/album name?

I tried it with multiple artists and albums.  I get the same results.  The old version works fine. Deivit's versions also work fine.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 31, 2007, 12:28:50 pm
Thanks for sharing this.
Your screenshot remembered me of your "Playing Now Skin companion" in the Track Info - thread of august:

Could you please re-upload the PN Skin Companion?



Sure  :)

Click here to download the PN Skin Companion for PM Track Info Template (
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 31, 2007, 12:48:36 pm
I get an error with the new version.

A Runtime Error has occured.
Do you wish to Debug?

Line: 116
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method.

Just installed the new version. Renamed the folder as "PM New".
Works apparently well here, without the Runtime Error.

Will investigate a little bit further. Found so far:

- Similar Artists does not seem to load.
- Hovering over the cover art doesn't seem to show any special effect. What should I expect?

Thank you.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on October 31, 2007, 01:12:50 pm
Will investigate a little bit further. Found so far:

- Similar Artists does not seem to load.
- Hovering over the cover art doesn't seem to show any special effect. What should I expect?

Thank you.

I haven't had the runtime error either, but I'm using a version that I've cannibalized from both Deivit's and NeFast's code.  With the new NeFast version, I did have the "similar artists" problem but it was repaired somewhere along the line when I extracted the old "similar artist" code from an earlier version of the JSS.

I'm not sure if the cover art is supposed to do anything, but the art next to similar artists and similar albums all get bigger when I hover over them.  If the cover art did something, I probably broke that with my uneducated tweaks to the code.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 31, 2007, 01:44:17 pm
I'm not sure if the cover art is supposed to do anything, but the art next to similar artists and similar albums all get bigger when I hover over them. 

Ah! That's it! The hover effect is on the thumbnails next to top albums, etc. and not on the bigger cover art. That works  :)
Will see if I can get the "similar artists" to work too.
Thanks for the tip.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 31, 2007, 01:56:13 pm
Found the solution to the problem of "Similar Artists". There is a small mistake in the code of the new JSS

The Line:
  var list = getValue("similarartists", attributes);

has to be:
  var list = getValue(xmlDoc, "similarartists", attributes);

The xmlDoc part was missing.

Don't get me wrong... this is the first time I open a JSS! Found the error by chance just looking at the other var list lines... all of them had the xmlDoc thing but this one.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on October 31, 2007, 03:22:40 pm
I'm having some trouble updating the "PM Lyrics" to the new version. I need to compare side by side the JSS, the CSS and the Index file to find out what changed. Among other things, I seem to have lost the ability to show all the albums, similar artists, etc. instead of the top 10.

Anyway, if there's still interest I'm gonna try to get it as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on November 01, 2007, 09:06:00 am
Not sure if either of you want to add this to yours, but I've found it beneficial to include the number of listens, in parenthesis, after each of the top tracks.  It gives some context to how popular that artist's songs are, in total and in a relative sense.

Looking forward to everybody's new builds.  Excellent work all around.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 01, 2007, 10:42:20 am
OK, I finally got it to work and I've updated the "PM Lyrics" with the new version of 30-10.

Click here to download PM Lyrics 2 (
Click here to download the PN Skin Companion for PM Track Info Template (

New features, as per neFAST main version of 30-10. :

- Mouse over effect on cover art thumbnails.
- Links open in a separate browser page.
- Fixed a bug in the main version JS that prevented to load the "similar artists" information.
- Minor cosmetic changes.

Thanks neFAST for a very nice template.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 01, 2007, 11:32:03 am
Not sure if either of you want to add this to yours, but I've found it beneficial to include the number of listens, in parenthesis, after each of the top tracks.  It gives some context to how popular that artist's songs are, in total and in a relative sense.

Looking forward to everybody's new builds.  Excellent work all around.

Can you share the code for that, c1c9k72? I'd like to give it a try  :)

Other thinks I'd like to have:

1.- Bio of the artist. I would probably put it in the left hand side when "Top Albums" is now, reducing in a couple of lines (to 8-10) the visible part of both "Top Albums" and "Top Tracks" which would go immediately below it.
2.- Link access to the artist's page.
3.- Would be great to be able to play any of the "Top Tracks" directly from the template, instead of having to open the webpage first. Maybe by adding an icon on the left of each track that pointed to the song itself. I've checked the code for the songs in but I don't know how to handle that. Apparently there is a code number for each track... could that be parsed? No idea at all.

Thank you
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on November 01, 2007, 11:40:55 am
The modified line is:
EDIT: NOT PRINTABLE ON THE BOARD.  Or at least, I don't know how to do it without a few pieces being turned into formatting.
Just remove the asterisks, and I think this will work.

tmp = tmp + "<li><a target='popup' href='" + list[*i].url + "'>" + list[*i].name + " (" + list[*i].reach + ") [/url]</li>";

There is another line very similar beneath it, but I can't figure out how to make it do anything.

I'm afraid I can't help with the other stuff.  I can only modify the stuff already there.  Not sure how to make it do new things.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 01, 2007, 11:46:34 am
I'm afraid I can't help with the other stuff.  I can only modify the stuff already there.  Not sure how to make it do new things.

I'm exactly in the same case as you  :) No idea how to program at all, just trial and error.
Thanks for sharing the line, c1c9k72.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 01, 2007, 11:55:45 am
The modified line is:
tmp = tmp + "<li><a target='popup' href='" + list.url + "'>" + + " (" + list.reach + ") [/url]</li>";

There is another line very similar beneath it, but I can't figure out how to make it do anything.

Deleting the // in that second line (to make it active) and writting // before the other one (to make it inactive) makes the trick too. It seems that our friend neFAST did already think in giving that option when he wrote the script.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on November 01, 2007, 11:57:33 am
Deleting the // in that second line (to make it active) and writting // before the other one (to make it inactive) makes the trick too. It seems that our friend neFAST did already think in giving that option when he wrote the script.

So that's what those lines are for!  Alright, another bit of javascript knowledge learned.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 01, 2007, 04:11:21 pm
A new update of PM Lyrics (Version 3) is available

1.- Top Tracks display the number of hits in to show how popular that artist's songs are, in total and in a relative sense (Thanks c1c9k72).
2.- Clicking on the small AMG icon beside the Artist Name opens the AMG page for that artist.
3.- Clicking on the small AMG icon beside the Album Name opens the AMG page for that album.
4.- Added Audioscrobbler icon on the bottom right hand side of the display.
5.- Added header to the Lyrics section.

1.- Small redesign of the center section that allows the Track Name to not get truncated into two lines for long names.

Click Here to Download PM Lyrics 3 (
Click here to download the PN Skin Companion for PM Track Info Template (

This is how it looks:

Click here for a larger view (

Please recall that this versions displays better with a resolution of 1366x768. It may work with other resolutions, though. If you have a lower resolution, changing the values of the cover art dimensions in the index.html file will probably do.

Thank you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on November 01, 2007, 05:52:24 pm
A new update of PM Lyrics (Version 3) is available

1.- Top Tracks display the number of hits in to show how popular that artist's songs are, in total and in a relative sense (Thanks c1c9k72).
2.- Clicking on the small AMG icon beside the Artist Name opens the AMG page for that artist.
3.- Clicking on the small AMG icon beside the Album Name opens the AMG page for that album.
4.- Added Audioscrobbler icon on the bottom right hand side of the display.
5.- Added header to the Lyrics section.

Thank you.

Very nice build, Deivit, though I can hardly take credit for the hit count.  neFAST did it first, and even coded it.  I just didn't know how to activate it, so I cobbled together my own code.

I like the AMG access, but went in a different direction with my modified version, wiring the album and artist into Last.FM.  Mostly just to see if I could.  And I could.

One thing I'm having trouble with, though, is getting my browser to launch.  I use Firefox, but everytime I use anything in MC12 that launches a browser, IE7 comes up.  Does anybody know how to rectify that problem?

EDIT: I just finished reading the boards and have found that my Firefox problem is probably not fixable in the current state of MC12.  It's a shame, but something to be worked for in the future.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: GarF on November 02, 2007, 04:07:25 am
Very nice Template!!

Found a small error in the index.html file
Code: [Select]
    <p class="lyrics" title="" TRACKINFO_INSERT_LYRICS">Lyrics: TRACKINFO_INSERT_LYRICS</p>
should be
Code: [Select]
    <p class="lyrics" title="TRACKINFO_INSERT_LYRICS">Lyrics: TRACKINFO_INSERT_LYRICS</p>
Otherwise you get strange lyrics repeating themselves.

I'm currently making some small changes to this template mostly css changes. I also added a 3 box on the left with the complete album info. (cover, title, tracks)

I added
Code: [Select]
setTimeout("process('contentL3','album');", 2000);and made a contentL3 box on the left side in the index.html
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: melodika on November 02, 2007, 04:14:55 am
Great work!  :)

And about the artist bio section, I was just wondering if this could help:

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: GarF on November 02, 2007, 04:30:15 am
I don't think parsing the wiki/bio page is an option.

I couldn't find the bio info on so there is no standard xml feed to include in the template i guess.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 02, 2007, 10:10:05 am
Very nice Template!!

Found a small error in the index.html file
Code: [Select]
    <p class="lyrics" title="" TRACKINFO_INSERT_LYRICS">Lyrics: TRACKINFO_INSERT_LYRICS</p>
should be
Code: [Select]
    <p class="lyrics" title="TRACKINFO_INSERT_LYRICS">Lyrics: TRACKINFO_INSERT_LYRICS</p>
Otherwise you get strange lyrics repeating themselves.

Thanks for the tip, GarF. I'll correct that for version 4 if it ever happens. By the way, regarding your 3rd box on the left... would you mind posting all the changes required to get it? Thanks in advance.

I just want to thank again neFAST for this nice template. He's the only one to credit since he has coded everything... I've just merely changed a few things to better suit my taste.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: jmone on November 02, 2007, 10:39:01 pm
PM Lyrics (Version 3) looks great but I don't get any Lyrics (that part of the screen has no info displayed - though the rest does - any ideas?_
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 03, 2007, 08:08:48 am
PM Lyrics (Version 3) looks great but I don't get any Lyrics (that part of the screen has no info displayed - though the rest does - any ideas?_

Do any of those files have any lyrics? It will only display the lyrics that you've previously inserted  ;D I mean, it does not get the lyrics automatically.

There are, as far as I know, two good ways to get the lyrics for your songs in MC: both Mr. Chriz's EvylLyrics and KingSparta's DataMaster plug-ins will get them automatically for you. The later allows you to batch a group of songs whilst the former only gets them as they play.

Hope it helps.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Magic_Randy on November 03, 2007, 09:18:06 am

V3 looks very nice.  Thanks for sharing it.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 03, 2007, 09:32:17 am
Thanks, Randy :) Glad you like it but, again, neFAST is the only one to credit for this nice template. He has put a lot of work in coding it. 
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Magic_Randy on November 03, 2007, 11:50:25 pm
Thanks neFAST.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: jmone on November 04, 2007, 02:16:38 am
Do any of those files have any lyrics? It will only display the lyrics that you've previously inserted  ;D I mean, it does not get the lyrics automatically.

There are, as far as I know, two good ways to get the lyrics for your songs in MC: both Mr. Chriz's EvylLyrics and KingSparta's DataMaster plug-ins will get them automatically for you. The later allows you to batch a group of songs whilst the former only gets them as they play.

Hope it helps.

That would be it!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on November 06, 2007, 03:12:53 am
Other thinks I'd like to have:

1.- Bio of the artist. I would probably put it in the left hand side when "Top Albums" is now, reducing in a couple of lines (to 8-10) the visible part of both "Top Albums" and "Top Tracks" which would go immediately below it.

Thank you
Wait for next release :p

Other point: I'm back from holidays (Prague is wonderful) and it looks like a lots of things were fixed or modified. Is there any up-to-date version of my script?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 06, 2007, 07:35:55 am
Hi neFAST, good to see you again.

I think tat PM Lyrics Version 3 (link at the top of the 2nd page) is the most up-to-date version so far. The only thing to modify is the error in the index file reported by GarF a few posts back.

Can't wait for the next release  ;) 
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on November 07, 2007, 03:52:43 pm
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 08, 2007, 03:29:02 pm
Nice new version with the addition of the bio, neFast. Thanks very much.

I found out that the hyperlinks "inside" the bio do not open in a separate popup browser window as the other do, but instead they open in the main window. Could that be changed?

Thanks again.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on November 08, 2007, 03:35:47 pm
Is there a command we can use to open a new tab within the main window?  I know that Playing Now is now a tabbed interface, so is there some way we can force it to open a new one from within a track info template or plug-in?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on November 08, 2007, 04:02:21 pm
Nice new version with the addition of the bio, neFast. Thanks very much.

I found out that the hyperlinks "inside" the bio do not open in a separate popup browser window as the other do, but instead they open in the main window. Could that be changed?

Thanks again.
Yes, we shall use some Regexp on the bio variable in pm.js
Maybe google will give us some plug and play code...

Is there a command we can use to open a new tab within the main window?  I know that Playing Now is now a tabbed interface, so is there some way we can force it to open a new one from within a track info template or plug-in?
I'm sorry I don't get it ... What tab are you talking about ?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on November 08, 2007, 05:20:37 pm
I'm sorry I don't get it ... What tab are you talking about ?

At the upper-left of the Playing Now screen, there's the three "buttons" for back, forward and refresh. Then, the tab that tells you that it's the "Playing Now" window, or whichever window you're looking at.  Just to the right of that is a small light grey button.  Pressing it opens a new tab.


I was hoping we could find a way to trigger that command internally and open the websites there, instead of opening them in an external browser or over the trackinfo template.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on November 09, 2007, 02:57:12 am
Nope, I have no access to those tabs. Sorry
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 09, 2007, 06:03:57 am
Yes, we shall use some Regexp on the bio variable in pm.js
Maybe google will give us some plug and play code...


Just playing a little bit with google and found this page (
Would that help? Is that what you need?

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on November 09, 2007, 06:54:43 am
Nope. I don't have control over the content of the bio.
I need something that will replace "<a " with <a target='popup' " in the html content.
There is a class named Regexp that can do that in javascript but I failed at making it work.

I think I will add tab like this  ( to handle different bio sources (, wikipedia, google music search ...)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 09, 2007, 10:56:34 am
Nope. I don't have control over the content of the bio.
I need something that will replace "<a " with <a target='popup' " in the html content.
There is a class named Regexp that can do that in javascript but I failed at making it work.

I think I will add tab like this  ( to handle different bio sources (, wikipedia, google music search ...)

Hope you get it to work, eventually. I'm sorry I don't have any programming knowledge to help you with that.

The tabs for different bio sources would be nice. In my opinion, the best source for bios is AMG (, but I think they don't like plug-ins very much. 
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 09, 2007, 11:04:20 am
A new update of PM Lyrics (Version 4) is available

1.- Added biography as per new neFAST code. Thanks neFAST. Bio information populates itself from the source code written by neFAST and therefore, unlike with the lyrics, you don't need to have that info stored in your library to display.

1.- Minor cosmetic changes.

Click Here to Download PM Lyrics 4 (
Click here to download the PN Skin Companion for PM Track Info Template ( (no changes)

This is how it looks:

Click here for a larger view (

Please recall that this version displays better with a resolution of 1366x768. It may work with other resolutions, though. If you have a lower resolution, changing the values of the cover art dimensions in the index.html file will probably do.

For using the PN Skin companion you need to have Rhinobanga's Playing Now Plug-In installed.

Thank you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Magic_Randy on November 09, 2007, 06:35:27 pm
A new update of PM Lyrics (Version 4) is available

Thanks for the update 8)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: mojolo on November 15, 2007, 02:09:52 am
hi, the plugin seems to be having problems with international characters. for example, for the following artist:


i receive the error: "No xml found from"

this should be an error with with the plugin because the artist does exist on the website and the plugin from RhinoBanga also works fine with the artist.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: GarF on November 15, 2007, 03:52:31 am
I changed in the index.html the function stripVowelAccent

Change the var rExps line in the following:

Code: [Select]
var rExps=[ /[\xC0-\xC5]/g, /[\xE0-\xE5]/g,
/[\xC8-\xCB]/g, /[\xE8-\xEB]/g,
/[\xCC-\xCF]/g, /[\xEC-\xEF]/g,
/[\xD2-\xD6]/g, /[\xF2-\xF8]/g,
/[\xD9-\xDB]/g, /[\xF9-\xFC]/g ];

It solves the ø but also ï ë etc.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on November 15, 2007, 10:58:39 am
Could you add "ç", regular expressions seems to obey you "au doigt et à l'oeil" :p
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Marra on November 16, 2007, 07:39:55 pm
Thanks for this great plugin.
Small problem with version 4. Under biography "factbox ( )" appears before the body of text. Any ideas.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 17, 2007, 09:07:35 am
Thanks for this great plugin.
Small problem with version 4. Under biography "factbox ( )" appears before the body of text. Any ideas.

Yes, I've noticed that too. This is something that started to happen a few days ago and it's probably caused by a change in site. The "factbox" is a new concept of information about the artist that introduced recently. An example of a FASTBOX can be found here (

As of today, there seems to be no information entered and thus the factbox of most artists is empty. In the future, it's something that maybe interesting to have. For a test, just change the artist name of any of your tracks and put there "RJ Test Artist 1" (without the quotes). You'll get the idea of the info that could be displayed. Well edited, that info has all the chances to be another "block" of our template.

Now, if neFAST could take a look at that, he probably would come up with a nice solution to modify his script to accomodate the new factbox. I'm sorry I don't know how to do that, since I'm no programmer.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on November 17, 2007, 11:58:15 am
Thanks for this great plugin.
Small problem with version 4. Under biography "factbox ( )" appears before the body of text. Any ideas.
Factbox is already handled. Looked at pm.js with notepad and change
Code: [Select]
var factbox = content.substring(0, content.indexOf('<div class="f"></div>'));
var bio = content.substring(content.indexOf('<div class="f"></div>'), content.length-1);
Code: [Select]
var factbox = content.substring(0, content.indexOf('<div class="f">'));
var bio = content.substring(content.indexOf('<div class="f">'), content.length-1);

and everything should work just like before.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 17, 2007, 02:48:32 pm
Thank you, neFAST  :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Marra on November 18, 2007, 12:57:40 am
All fixed here. Another thanks to NeFast.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: mojolo on November 18, 2007, 05:26:03 am
I changed in the index.html the function stripVowelAccent

Change the var rExps line in the following:

Code: [Select]
var rExps=[ /[\xC0-\xC5]/g, /[\xE0-\xE5]/g,
/[\xC8-\xCB]/g, /[\xE8-\xEB]/g,
/[\xCC-\xCF]/g, /[\xEC-\xEF]/g,
/[\xD2-\xD6]/g, /[\xF2-\xF8]/g,
/[\xD9-\xDB]/g, /[\xF9-\xFC]/g ];

It solves the ø but also ï ë etc.

thanks! it seems to work for the most part for the artist Trentemøller.

top albums, top tracks, similar artists, etc. are all populated with data now.

unfortunately, the Biography data isn't correct. The message I receive is "This is an incorrect tag for Trentemøller."

If you look up Trentemøller on, there is indeed a bio available. However, if you look up Trentemoller on, there is no bio, but only the message "This is an incorrect tag for Trentemøller."

I'm not sure what's happening, but it seems that the plugin is still trying to pull data for Trentemoller for the biography field.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on November 18, 2007, 06:42:35 am
I'm not sure what's happening, but it seems that the plugin is still trying to pull data for Trentemoller for the biography field.
Could you try to edit index.html to change:
Code: [Select]
  else if( type == "wiki_bio" )
     html =  ""+artist+"/+wiki?setlang=en";
Code: [Select]
  else if( type == "wiki_bio" )
     html =  "";
but I'm not sure it will work...
EDIT: it won't
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 18, 2007, 10:26:56 am
A new update of PM Lyrics (Version 5) is available

1.- Bug with some international characters. Thanks GarF.
2.- Bug with the word "Factbox ()" appearing on top of the biography display. Thanks neFAST.

1.- Reworked center section layout, giving more space for the tittle, artist and album names; moving cover art to its own section; moving lyrics to the right beside the cover art and creating a new header for tags below lyrics.
2.- Only the 10 first tags will display to avoid cluttering.

Click Here to Download PM Lyrics 5 (
Click here to download the PN Skin Companion for PM Track Info Template ( (no changes)

This is how it looks:

Click here for a larger view (

Please recall that this version displays better with a resolution of 1366x768 at full display. It may work with other resolutions, though. If you have a lower resolution, changing the values of the cover art dimensions in the index.html file will probably do.

For using the PN Skin companion you need to have Rhinobanga's Playing Now Plug-In installed.

Thank you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: phoenix91 on November 18, 2007, 11:13:04 am
Thanks a lot to everyone who worked on this great TrackInfo!!!

Minor thing here, Artist AC/DC brings up no Information from
It's more difficult now to adjust index.html for a monitor resolution of 1280x1024. Before, changing the coverart size to 400px was all it needed. Now 'Coverart', 'Lyrics' and 'Tags' use the same space. Can you give me a hint please, how to place 'Lyrics' and 'Tags' south of the 'Coverart'.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 18, 2007, 11:54:52 am
It's more difficult now to adjust index.html for a monitor resolution of 1280x1024. Before, changing the coverart size to 400px was all it needed. Now 'Coverart', 'Lyrics' and 'Tags' use the same space. Can you give me a hint please, how to place 'Lyrics' and 'Tags' south of the 'Coverart'.


Try this:

Edit the style.css file

- Locate #centercontent1 in the "Columns" section. Change the width value to 400 (or less if that's not enough).
- If a line under the Album name goes too far to the right, just change the width value of #centercontent in the same "Columns" section to anything around 600 or less.

Let me know if that helps.

Thank you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: phoenix91 on November 19, 2007, 01:00:16 am
Thank you Deivit
Tried it, but didn't get the expected result. I will have a deeper look into it this evening. Have a nice day.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 19, 2007, 03:57:07 am
Hi Phoenix91,

Sorry about that. Did you make sure that you were modifying the #centercontent1 ? There are a couple of very similar named items.

If version 4 worked well for you, you may want to keep using it... Actually, version 5 only fixes two small bugs that can easily be fixed by you in your Version 4 files following the instructions that you can find 2 or 3 messages before this one. The other changes are layout changes that may not please everyone.

Thanks for your interest.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: phoenix91 on November 19, 2007, 08:33:54 am
Hi Deivit
Got it now. I changed the following statements:

#centercontent1 {
  top:150px;   from 200px

#centercontent2 {
  top:620px;   from 200px

under <div id="centercontent1">
  coverart-size=420 from 500

It's not perfect, but o.k. for me now. Thank you again for your help.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 19, 2007, 08:51:37 am
Glad you worked it out, phoenix91  :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Media Freak on November 26, 2007, 09:55:08 pm
Huge THANKS! to neFast and Deivit.
I finally can get to make MC my default player now.

For now I have 1 question and 1 suddestion:
* Question:

This is how it looks. The "Now Playing (...)" of the top is a "Playing Now plug-in" companion that allows to rate the song (the green "play" button also acts ad toggle pause/play).

Is it something I'm doing wrong? but I don't have the "Playing Now plug-in" on top in my screen... Is it something extra I have to download beside the PM Lyrics 5 and PN Skin files? I extracted both folders in the Track Info folder...right or wrong?

* Suggestion:
The only thing that throw me off right now is when I click a link and it opens up IE... that mess the whole experience. So, any of you with the power to code and program ever thought of makin' a "Lightbox" type of pop-up browser that would just come up in front of the Track Info without having to leave MC at all? if that's possible then it would seal the experience.

Something like this?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: gummbah on November 27, 2007, 01:53:36 am
Here is probably a very dumb question, but how do I install all this?
I don't know what to do with the files I have downloaded.  :P
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on November 27, 2007, 02:00:54 am
Is it something I'm doing wrong? but I don't have the "Playing Now plug-in" on top in my screen... Is it something extra I have to download beside the PM Lyrics 5 and PN Skin files?
Yes and it's not a free plugin.
Here is probably a very dumb question, but how do I install all this?
I don't know what to do with the files I have downloaded.  :P
PS: Extract the folder in "C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info"
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: gummbah on November 27, 2007, 10:51:42 am
Thanks neFAST. But I am still a bit confused.
I have extracted the files into the folder, but I still don't see how I get that screenpic you have.
Which additional plugin do I need?
I have the playing now plugin installed from James Dickson, is that the one you are referring to?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: phoenix91 on November 27, 2007, 11:40:48 am
1. Extract the .zip file to a folder i.e. to ..\PM Lyrics
2. Move this folder to the MC12 directory tree.
    Position depends on your installation, maybe \Programs\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\PM Lyrics
3. Restart MC12
4. Play a piece of music and select the Playing Now User Interface in MC12. Look can be different depending on your previously selected options.

5. Right click in the upper part (of the Playing Now UI) and select
    | Set Display | Track Info | PM Lyrics |

Hope this solves the problem. Otherwise please post again.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: gummbah on November 27, 2007, 12:22:40 pm
Thanks that really helped!!
Any suggestions on what to do with the files in the PM_1366 folder?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 27, 2007, 01:26:28 pm
Thanks that really helped!!
Any suggestions on what to do with the files in the PM_1366 folder?

Place the unzipped folder in the skins folder of your James Dickson PlayingNow plug-in folder. Then, just right-click in your current skin and select skins-> PM 1366.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 27, 2007, 01:56:44 pm
I'm currently using a new version of PM Lyrics (Version 9). This one may not please everyone... bigger fonts for title, artist and album; different layout, which may be more difficult to adjust to lower resolutions (optimized for 1366x768 as usual).

Anyway, this is how it looks


Click here for a larger view (

I'm having some problems with right now. Just let me know if anybody is interested and will try to arrange a way to download it.

Thank you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: phoenix91 on November 27, 2007, 03:21:06 pm
Hi Deivit

I'm would be pleased to get this new version. Since I have a working version (v5), I can wait until the uppit problem is solved.

I have a minor thing with PM Lyrics
- Coverart always fills the full designed square space.
- Some of my coverart has a rectangular shape (mostly DVD) and is distorted when displayed

Is it possible to retain the original shape?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 28, 2007, 03:26:00 am
Hi Deivit

I'm would be pleased to get this new version. Since I have a working version (v5), I can wait until the uppit problem is solved.

I have a minor thing with PM Lyrics
- Coverart always fills the full designed square space.
- Some of my coverart has a rectangular shape (mostly DVD) and is distorted when displayed

Is it possible to retain the original shape?

OK, I will try again tonight from home. Yesterday "uppit" was somehow rejecting my uploads but don't know exactly why.

Could you elaborate a litte bit that problem "coverart always fills the full designed square space"? Not sure I understand well what you want to do and cannot accomplish.

For the other part of your question, yes it's possible to retain the original shape and size of the cover art by simply removing the width and height atributes of the "cover art" display in the index file.

<img class="art" src="TRACKINFO_INSERT_IMAGE" width="500" height="500" alt="[trACKINFO_INSERT_ALBUM] Cover Art"/>

That will make your TrackInfo to display the cover art at its actual size and shapes instead of "resizing" it. This has a downside, though... if your art is much bigger than 500x500, it can mess up the whole thing.

I think that I have at home a script that I "borrowed" from another TrackInfo Template a few years ago that could be a good compromise for you. If I recall correctly, the script made the art to show at its actual size but not taller or wider that a given size. That was nice mostly for DVDs art, that is taller than wide. Would that work for you? Let me know, and I will try to locate that script tonight at home.

Thank you.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: phoenix91 on November 28, 2007, 06:02:57 am
Sorry Deivit for not being clear enough with my details.
Here is an example.

MC12 ActionWindow/Display shows the coverart correct in its original shape (taller than wide). Size (height/width) is reduced proportionally

In the track-info the same coverart looks like this
Coverart size is unproportionally reduced. (BTW the Chicks ladies wouldn't like their proportions  ;))

Maybe it needs another class or method to display the coverart image or the parameters for src="TRACKINFO_INSERT_IMAGE" width="420" height="420" can't be set to fix values. Unfortunately I have not the knowledge to solve this.

As I said before, it's a minor thing. But maybe, there is a way.
Thank you very much

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on November 28, 2007, 06:11:50 am

I'm pretty sure that if you just eliminate the width="500" element from the image generating line of code, it should give you the effect you're looking for.  Square images will remain squared, but DVD rectangles will slim down properly.

I think.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: phoenix91 on November 28, 2007, 06:27:08 am
Thank you c1c9k72. That's brought the difference! Dixie Chicks are happy again... and me too.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 28, 2007, 07:13:47 am
Great  :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 28, 2007, 09:28:04 am
I'm still having issues with uppit. It shows an upload error in the process though it eventually gives a download url. However, that url leads to a 403 page.

Can anybody please try it with a fake file ( just to make sure it's not something from my end? Thanks in advance.

Alternatively, does anybody know of any other similar service?

Thanks again.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 28, 2007, 12:11:46 pm

OK, I finally got it using an alternative upload site. Hope it works.

Click here to download PM Lyrics (Version 9) (

Thank you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: phoenix91 on November 29, 2007, 01:56:08 am
Got the zip-file. Thank you.

- Tried with too.
- Upload worked fine and fast. Resulting url:
- Download gives a 404  ?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on November 29, 2007, 02:01:39 am
* Suggestion:
The only thing that throw me off right now is when I click a link and it opens up IE... that mess the whole experience. So, any of you with the power to code and program ever thought of makin' a "Lightbox" type of pop-up browser that would just come up in front of the Track Info without having to leave MC at all? if that's possible then it would seal the experience.

I'm on it. Just a few tweaks and I'll release it :p
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on November 29, 2007, 02:24:23 am
Got the zip-file. Thank you.

- Tried with too.
- Upload worked fine and fast. Resulting url:
- Download gives a 404  ?

Yes, that's what was happening to me too. Strange.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Media Freak on November 29, 2007, 04:07:14 am
I'm on it. Just a few tweaks and I'll release it :p

neFAST, I'm your biggest fan :-)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 01, 2007, 09:16:05 am
A new update of PM Lyrics (Version 10) is available

1.- Added the "Artist Links" section, providing links to information about the current artist at the following sites:,, Wikipedia, Google, Youtube, and
2.- Added the "Album Links" section, providing links to information about the current album at the following sites:,, Wikipedia and Google.
3.- The Album Links section also provides a cover search of the current album, using the search form.
4.- Added a Lyrics search of the current song (via google search). Use the small icon right beside the Lyrics section header. You'll ned to  manually paste the lyrics to your MC lyrics field  ;D

Click Here to download PM Lyrics 10 (
Click here to download the PN Skin Companion for PM Track Info Template ( (no changes) (*)

This is how it looks:

Click here for a larger view (

Please recall that this version displays better with a resolution of 1366x768 at full display. It may work with other resolutions, though.

(*) For using the PN Skin companion you need to have Rhinobanga's Playing Now Plug-In installed.

Thank you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on December 01, 2007, 10:33:58 am

I like those new links a lot.  This has been my favorite track info template for a while now, and it just gets better and better.  Excellent work on the upgrades.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 02, 2007, 09:11:01 am
Thank you. Glad you like those changes :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Magic_Randy on December 02, 2007, 12:44:19 pm
neFAST & Deivit,

Thanks for the great skin. It gets better all the time.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on December 03, 2007, 03:09:15 am
Great job Deivit!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 03, 2007, 05:35:23 am
Great job Deivit!

Thank you, neFAST, but all the credit is yours! I just moved the things around.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on December 03, 2007, 09:19:34 am
Hi neFAST,
hi Deivit,

i really like your trackinfo-template.

I think it should be possible to  browse your trackinfo-template with a normal browser.... i only have to extend my project (xpTunes - enhanced remoteserver) a little bit.

I'd love to use your template in my project, so I'm seeking your permission.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 03, 2007, 11:38:43 am

What respects to me, no problem at all, but it's neFAST who did the work. Hopefully he will not mind either.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on December 03, 2007, 01:19:34 pm
I'd love to use your template in my project, so I'm seeking your permission.
Permission granted :p
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on December 03, 2007, 01:47:25 pm
thx ;-)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on December 04, 2007, 10:13:21 am
neFAST, I'm your biggest fan :-)
Check v1.2!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on December 04, 2007, 10:21:46 am
Internal sub-browser!

Excellent add, neFAST.  Thanks!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 04, 2007, 11:58:55 am

That's really COOL! 
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 04, 2007, 02:21:29 pm

Trying to adapt PM Lyrics to the new internal browser  ;D

I need some help from you:

1.- I'd like to take out the artist photo from the "Similar Artists" block and put it in the "Biography" block. Also, I'd like that photograph to show at least at 50x50 and floating on the upper left. This means modifying the js. Can you give me a hint as to how to do it?

2.- How can I keep the logos in the artist & album links? I can do it with plain text but no matter what I try, I can't get the logo to work.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: phoenix91 on December 04, 2007, 03:28:21 pm
Hi Deivit

As soon as there is a & character in the artists name, no information will be scraped from
- Brooks & Dunn
- Diana Ross & The Supremes
- Emmylou Harris & Carl Jackson
- Elvis Costello & The Imposters (Biography found! But not the other topics)

Maybe special characters must be masked in some way (i.e. /& ) for the query.

Thanks again Deivit and neFAST for your great work.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on December 04, 2007, 03:30:30 pm
1.- I'd like to take out the artist photo from the "Similar Artists" block and put it in the "Biography" block. Also, I'd like that photograph to show at least at 50x50 and floating on the upper left. This means modifying the js. Can you give me a hint as to how to do it?
I want to do this too. You need to alter the Displaydata function in PM.js. If you can wait a little, I'll do it. Maybe tomorrow. allows to retrieve the full tracklsit too. Would you like a function to display that?
I need help with album/artist links when search word contain quote. I tried to handle that but it looks like it's still not working. Can you confirm that?
2.- How can I keep the logos in the artist & album links? I can do it with plain text but no matter what I try, I can't get the logo to work.
That's strange... It should work perfectly. I can add an option if you need. Otherwise you can show me what you did and I can help you correct it.
I think I need to rewrite my code to allow users to modify the template easily. But I don't have much time.

There's something else I want to add. If you click on the artist picture (top right) you can see that it downloads and copy it in your album folder. I'd like to allow easy cover grabbing using the same method.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on December 04, 2007, 03:31:52 pm
As soon as there is a & character in the artists name, no information will be scraped from
Does it work with my original template? If yes the Deivit just need to include my fix for exotic chars.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: phoenix91 on December 04, 2007, 03:58:27 pm

Thank you for your fast reply.
Tried your new v1.2 with the artist name 'Brooks & Dunn'. Got the message 'No xml found from' too.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 05, 2007, 11:49:10 am
I want to do this too. You need to alter the Displaydata function in PM.js. If you can wait a little, I'll do it. Maybe tomorrow. allows to retrieve the full tracklsit too. Would you like a function to display that?
I need help with album/artist links when search word contain quote. I tried to handle that but it looks like it's still not working. Can you confirm that?That's strange... It should work perfectly. I can add an option if you need. Otherwise you can show me what you did and I can help you correct it.
I think I need to rewrite my code to allow users to modify the template easily. But I don't have much time.

There's something else I want to add. If you click on the artist picture (top right) you can see that it downloads and copy it in your album folder. I'd like to allow easy cover grabbing using the same method.

1.- Great. I'm gonna wait till you give me the syntax to change the Displaydata function properly. It should be good to have the full tracklist too. However, I'm not sure where can I put it in the TrackInfo Display (almost no available space) and since there's the ability to open the sub-browser clicking on the lastfm link, maybe that's not a priority.

2.- I think I was not clear. I was talking about the external links to lastfm, billboard, allmusic, etc. Basically, what I want to know is where or how do I put the expression
<img src="img/lastfm.jpg" border=0 alt="">

to get the logo displayed instead of the "word", ans the same with the other links. I've tried in several different loocations to no avail. I see that in your template you're showing the word instead of the logo but I'd prefer to show the logo (as in PM Lyrics Version 10).

Thanks again, neFAST.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on December 05, 2007, 01:56:09 pm
2. Look in the includeLinks() function inside index.html. But don't mess with single and double quotes:
Code: [Select]
+ "<a"+insertlyte+"href='"+artist+"/"+album+"'></a>"==>
Code: [Select]
+ "<a"+insertlyte+"href='"+artist+"/"+album+"'><img src='img/lastfm.jpg' border=0 alt=''></a>"
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 05, 2007, 03:45:07 pm
... don't mess with single and double quotes:

That was it! The single-double quotes old trick  ;)
Thanks very much, neFAST.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: winniew on December 06, 2007, 12:00:44 am
v1.2 - 04-12-2007:
quick & dirty update, just to get some feedback:
added lytebox  ( open links within MC
added "artist image" auto-download script
added some web links (thanks to Deivit)

more cover links to come

Download (
I have a problem with your download-link.
My Antivirus-Software blocks the link and reports:

This site contains infected Code: Trojan-Downloader.JS.gen (2x).

Even when I download the zip-File I can't extract it
("Error in zipped file").

Could you please check the link or give me a hint how to download it?

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on December 06, 2007, 02:16:31 am
Try to update your virus signature or disable your Antivirus-Software.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 06, 2007, 09:52:42 am
I have a new version of PM Lyrics (12) almost ready for prime time. This version will feature the new lytebox pop-up internal sub-browser recently added by neFAST. I'm going to wait to release it though, until I can get the artist image to move from the "Similar Artists" section to the "Biography" section  ;D

After a few days using the new lytebox pop-up, I have found a couple of drawbacks that I would like to share with you, neFAST:

1.- If you have a litebox open and there's a track change, your litebox will vanish. If you're in the middle of an interesting read, this can be annoying. Is that a limitation of the script or can it be changed, so that the litebox remains open until you manually close it?

2.- The litebox does not inherit the right-click options of a regular browser page, but the right-click options of a Media Center Playing Now Template. This means, for instance, that you don't have the ability to right click-> copy a cover art image or a text, as you can do with a regular page. I understand that this could be a limitation of how the Playing Now Templates are accomodated inside Media Center. Is there no solution to that? Perhaps we can ask the MC developers?

Also, I don't like the template to download anything to my computer hard disk without me specifically telling it to do so. I'm referring to the artist image downloading to the path folder when you click on it. I would rather change that behaviour and probably PM Lyrics 12 will have that ability disabled if I can figure out how to do that without messing up with other things.

Otherwise, great job neFAST! Thank you very much for having developed an excellent tool for enhancing the whole Media Center experience.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on December 06, 2007, 02:52:43 pm
1.- If you have a litebox open and there's a track change, your litebox will vanish. If you're in the middle of an interesting read, this can be annoying. Is that a limitation of the script or can it be changed, so that the litebox remains open until you manually close it?

2.- The litebox does not inherit the right-click options of a regular browser page, but the right-click options of a Media Center Playing Now Template. This means, for instance, that you don't have the ability to right click-> copy a cover art image or a text, as you can do with a regular page. I understand that this could be a limitation of how the Playing Now Templates are accomodated inside Media Center. Is there no solution to that? Perhaps we can ask the MC developers?
Both are limitation of the Playing Now plugin. I tried to get the SDK on the wiki and recompile the plugin without those limitation but I failed and nobody helped me ( I you can add your voice to mine maybe I'll get answers. Today I successfully compiled a basic Interface plugin starting from scratch. But Display plugins like Playing now behave differently.
Also, I don't like the template to download anything to my computer hard disk without me specifically telling it to do so. I'm referring to the artist image downloading to the path folder when you click on it. I would rather change that behaviour and probably PM Lyrics 12 will have that ability disabled if I can figure out how to do that without messing up with other things.
As you wish. I can add a link "click to download" if you want. In fact it was just a test before trying to combine this feature with "cover search" links.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 06, 2007, 03:56:59 pm
Both are limitation of the Playing Now plugin. I tried to get the SDK on the wiki and recompile the plugin without those limitation but I failed and nobody helped me ( I you can add your voice to mine maybe I'll get answers. Today I successfully compiled a basic Interface plugin starting from scratch. But Display plugins like Playing now behave differently.

I was affraid it was so. Don't know how difficult it can be for the developers to add basic web-browser right click functions such as copy, back, forward, etc. to the Playing Now Template Plugin, but that would be great.

I followed your posts in that thread you mention. I'm sorry nobody helped you with your efforts. I've bumped it. Hopefully one of the developers will see it again.

As you wish. I can add a link "click to download" if you want. In fact it was just a test before trying to combine this feature with "cover search" links.

I've re-read that part of my post and noticed it could be missinterpreted as a criticism and it isn't so in any way. Sorry if it seemed. Actually, it's just a question of personal taste.
With the limitations of the lytebox pop-up acting as a real browser and your idea of cover search links, it has more sense now. Probably a "click to download picture" button would work better for people like me.

nFAST, again thank you very much for your hard work  :)

(Did you have the chance to take a look at the picture moving from similars to bio?  ;D ;D )
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on December 08, 2007, 03:59:52 am
Sorry I moved recently and I'm waiting for my web provider to connect me.
So I don't have much time to work on the template, and when I have I must steal my neighbourg wifi.
But I may have found why playing now sources doesn't compile. I'll keep you informed.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 08, 2007, 11:56:41 am
In the meantime... A new update of PM Lyrics (PM Lyrics Lytebox 1) is available  ;)

1.- Added "Lytebox" internal browser pop-ups for all links. Thanks neFAST!

1.- Top Albums and Similar Artists sections display bigger cover art. The "visible" lines of information are reduced to 5, but there's still complete access to the other lines of information by scrolling. I think it looks nicer and less cluttered.
2.- A few minor internal changes.

Click Here to download PM Lyrics Lytebox 1 (
Click here to download PM Lyrics 13 ( (same look but regular web browser method for links).

- Please be advised that Lytebox (though nicer) has some limitations, as explained in this thread, such as, no right-click options, no back and foward navigation, window not resizable, vanishing at song change, etc.
- If you want the same look but with regular web-broswer navigation for external links, have a look at PM Lyrics Version 13.
- I have configured Lytebox pop-up to not covering the whole display, but leaving the song information still visible. I personally prefer that way but If you don't like that size, it's very easy to set it at a different size. Just let me know and I'll explain what to modify in the script.

This is how it looks:

Click here for a larger view (

Please recall that this version displays better with a resolution of 1366x768 at full display. It may work with other resolutions, though.

Thank you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on December 08, 2007, 12:55:47 pm
Hi Deivit,

i think there is a small bug in index.html:

Code: [Select]
//function WriteToFile(input_url, output_path, rename)
if( output_path =="" ) output_path = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0].text;

the var "output_path" isn't declared.... cause the function is commented out.

Great work.


Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 08, 2007, 01:43:17 pm
Yes, that's because I wanted to cancel that function without stripping it out of the code... and may be I did it in a wrong way  :-[

Does it prevent your template to run? It works well here.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on December 08, 2007, 02:47:56 pm
Yes, that's because I wanted to cancel that function without stripping it out of the code... and may be I did it in a wrong way  :-[

try something like this:

Code: [Select]
/*get current Picture
curloc = window.location.pathname;*/

Does it prevent your template to run? It works well here.
With activated debugging -> ie7  throws an error... but I can handle this ;-)

Is it possible for you to write "TrackInfo_Insert(Date Imported)" in uppercase in future ?

At this moment i have only two things to change "TrackInfo_Insert(Date Imported)" and the "wiki_bio".
I spent some hours to solve the "wiki_bio"-problem... but with no success, so my webservers has to handel the request to lastfm in future.


Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 08, 2007, 03:05:19 pm
Is it possible for you to write "TrackInfo_Insert(Date Imported)" in uppercase in future ?

Sure  :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on December 08, 2007, 04:13:30 pm
what's your problem with wiki_bio messiah?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on December 08, 2007, 04:30:24 pm
Quote from: Deivit
Sure  :)
thx :-)

Quote from: neFAST
what's your problem with wiki_bio messiah?

When i start your template from a normal web browser (TRACKINFO_INSERT fields are filled with values)  i can't get any biography.
Don't know why and like mentioned i spend some hours to find out the problem... with no success.
I relazied that the bio request is no Ajax-request (all async-requests are ok), but i found no error in your code (and in MC the error didn't occurs).
On the one hand i would say... a error in my webserver.... but on the other the request goes directly to youfm... so i'm a little bit confused.

Perhaps i can release a new version of my webserver next week, so you can see my problem.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Media Freak on December 10, 2007, 02:44:26 pm
Check v1.2!
Wow!! so much has happened since my last visit.
neFast and Deivit, I'm so happy that you guys took on the browser project. I haven't been lucky with the new PM Lyrics though... now, whenever I load MC with the latest version, I get these following error as posted below; and that's for every time a new track is played. I'd press "no" for the first one and the second prompt follows.
Switch to any other "display" and the error is gone, so it's gotta be something with PM.
I'm using MC 12.0.318 on Vista Ultimate.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 10, 2007, 02:56:04 pm
Hi Media Freak,

Try this:

- Open with Notepad the index.html file
- Look for the following sentence:

//function WriteToFile(input_url, output_path, rename)

- Change it to:
function WriteToFile(input_url, output_path, rename)

(just strip the two //)

That should work. Let me know.

Thank you.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Media Freak on December 10, 2007, 04:01:15 pm
Hi Media Freak,

Try this:

That should work. Let me know.

Hey Deivit, thanks for the quick answer but unfortunately the workaround only fixed one prompt and now give me a new error prompt when I launch the litebox.
On the main "display" window, when songs come on I get this:
When I click on any link to launch the litebox browser, the following comes on top of the browser:
It seems an easy fix but I'm clueless on what to delete or, some help is still needed.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on December 10, 2007, 06:26:37 pm
Hi Media Freak,

is it possible, that your song has a special character ?

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 11, 2007, 12:40:36 am
Hi Media Freak,

Unfortunately I'm very limited with html and scripting. Just for a test, can you try both PM Lyrics 13 (in the same post than the lytebox 1) and also Version 2 from neFAST on top of the thread? Do you have the same problem with those two templates too?

Thank you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Media Freak on December 15, 2007, 02:43:33 pm
Hi Media Freak,

Unfortunately I'm very limited with html and scripting. Just for a test, can you try both PM Lyrics 13 (in the same post than the lytebox 1) and also Version 2 from neFAST on top of the thread? Do you have the same problem with those two templates too?

Thank you.

Thanks for the help.
I upgraded MC to 12.0.393 and the error now has stopped.

If I bump into other bugs/situation then I'll post on here.

Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 16, 2007, 09:30:55 am
That's good news, Media Freak.
Thank you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on December 19, 2007, 02:43:44 pm
Found a fix for string containing "&".
Replace previous string definitions with :
Code: [Select]
  var track  = encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent("TRACKINFO_INSERT_TITLE"));
  var artist = encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent("TRACKINFO_INSERT_ARTIST"));
  var album  = encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent("TRACKINFO_INSERT_ALBUM"));
Should work with accentued chars too. Drop a line if it fails with danish/swedish/[insert very cold country here]
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on December 29, 2007, 03:03:39 pm
Hi neFAST,

Did you have the time to take a look at the possibility to show the artist picture together with the bio? A 80x80 or 100x100 image would be great... Can you give me a hint as to how to do it?

Thanks in advance and, again, thank you very much for this nice idea of a template.

Best wishes for the new year to all of you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: schmoose on January 01, 2008, 04:43:28 pm
Found a fix for string containing "&".
Replace previous string definitions with :
Code: [Select]
  var track  = encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent("TRACKINFO_INSERT_TITLE"));
  var artist = encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent("TRACKINFO_INSERT_ARTIST"));
  var album  = encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent("TRACKINFO_INSERT_ALBUM"));
Should work with accentued chars too. Drop a line if it fails with danish/swedish/[insert very cold country here]

thx! working well with the artists from Daneland.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on January 04, 2008, 06:05:06 pm
Hi neFAST,

Did you have the time to take a look at the possibility to show the artist picture together with the bio? A 80x80 or 100x100 image would be great... Can you give me a hint as to how to do it?

Thanks in advance and, again, thank you very much for this nice idea of a template.

Best wishes for the new year to all of you.
I'll look at that as soon as I come back from holidays. But be warned that the artist picture from is small.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on January 05, 2008, 07:25:06 am
OK, take your time. No problem with the size of the picture... the bio section in my template is less than 240px wide, and I was thinking in something around 1/3 of it (as it is with the mouse-hover effect in the "similar artists" section of PM Lyrics 14).

Thank you!

(Make the change easy to adapt to PM Lyrics   :P )
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on January 05, 2008, 12:01:53 pm
Download error ''

-> "Erreur 403 - Refus de traitement de la requête"

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on January 06, 2008, 06:56:41 am
My blog has been shut down due to comment spam :(
Any advice on a free php/mysql hosting service?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on January 06, 2008, 04:26:18 pm
update in #1 post
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on January 06, 2008, 05:52:15 pm
hi neFast,

i don't understand line 12 "<script>TRACKINFO_INSERT_TRACKPATH</script>"
any use of this line or can i remove it ?.... the line throws an error in IE.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on January 07, 2008, 03:45:54 am
it's a trick to handle backslashes in the path name.
Do you open the template in IE?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on January 07, 2008, 12:19:24 pm
Quote from: neFAST
Do you open the template in IE?

Not really, i connected to my small web server (with ie) and he filled the template with the necessary values...  i hope like the TrackInfo-Plugin do
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on January 07, 2008, 01:12:50 pm
small bug in pm.js

Code: [Select]
else if( type == "artist_top_tracks" )

     if( limit ) {var imax = limit;
     else var imax = list.length;

should be

Code: [Select]
  if( limit < list.length ) var imax = limit;
     else var imax = list.length;

i think...
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on January 07, 2008, 02:13:10 pm
Thanks for the update, neFAST. Gonna try to update PM Lyrics accordingly.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on January 11, 2008, 12:29:59 pm
small bug in pm.js

Code: [Select]
else if( type == "artist_top_tracks" )

     if( limit ) {var imax = limit;
     else var imax = list.length;

should be

Code: [Select]
  if( limit < list.length ) var imax = limit;
     else var imax = list.length;

i think...
You're absolutely right, thank you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on January 11, 2008, 12:37:08 pm
Not really, i connected to my small web server (with ie) and he filled the template with the necessary values...  i hope like the TrackInfo-Plugin do
Try commenting the line:
Code: [Select]
This line should be useless to you.
I've a question concerning your webserver. How do you open template.html and fill it? DId you wrote a plugin to do that?
If yes did you wrote that in c++ or using the SDK?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on January 11, 2008, 09:18:51 pm
How do you open template.html and fill it? DId you wrote a plugin to do that?
If yes did you wrote that in c++ or using the SDK?

I only copied your template in my 'JR-webServer'.
I had to made two or three changes on the template (e.g. artist biography didn't work with this environment, so my webServer parses the youfm-site... )

The webServer (written in has a com-interface (SDK) to JR and every command ('TRACKINFO_INSERT_..') in the template is changed to the values of the current file...

At this time my JR-webServer is a small stand-alone-application, cause is easier to debug and to develop... but with some changes it also can be a plugin.

If I will find some time, than i will release a preview.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on January 13, 2008, 10:06:05 am
A new update of PM Lyrics (PM Lyrics 15) is available  ;)

1.- Fixed problem with strings containing &. Thanks neFAST

1.- The Tags section now shows the Artist Tags instead of the track tags. There were too many tracks without information when showing the track tags. It's easy to switch back to Track tags if you don't like the change.
2.- Artist tags are set to the same font size instead of using the "cloud" system. May not please everyone, but avoids scrolling.
3.- Some sections (similar artists, top albums, etc.) have been relocated.

1.- New "Artist Overview" section showing the artist picture and what used to be the "biography" section.

Click here to download PM Lyrics 15 (

This version opens the external links in separate web-browser pages, as the other versions in the same series, and does not use the "Lytebox" system. I'm not updating PM Lyrics Lytebox at this time. Sorry.

This is how it looks:

Click here for a larger view (

Please recall that this template is optimized to display at a full display resolution of 1366x768. It may work with other resolutions, though.

Thank you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Magic_Randy on January 13, 2008, 04:27:10 pm
Another nice update. Thanks Deivit...
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on January 13, 2008, 06:02:55 pm
so, the new version (beta preview) of my webserver is available...

i send you the download-link via ICQ (i found no email-address in your profile).

if you send me your ICQ or eMail i also send you the download link.

Both templates are implemented in the new version.

so long

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on January 14, 2008, 03:15:24 am
Thanks a lot Messiahs.
Deivit, your template is so much better than mine. The only things is that I have almost no lyrics info, although I'd like to see lyrics for all my songs. Concerning lytebox, you don't want it or you don't have time to update your code, 'cause I can do it for you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on January 14, 2008, 09:08:05 am
Deivit, your template is so much better than mine. The only things is that I have almost no lyrics info, although I'd like to see lyrics for all my songs. Concerning lytebox, you don't want it or you don't have time to update your code, 'cause I can do it for you.

Thanks for your kind words, neFAST, but my template would not exist if you hadn't done all the coding job!... I just moved the things around a little bit to better suit my taste.

Mr. Chriz's Evyl Lyrics plugin is working perfect for me for getting the lyrics, although I've recently read that it is causing problems to some other users. I think I did not install the latest update, and this may be the cause that it works great for me and not for others.

What respects to lytebox... to be honest, I don't use the lytebox version because of the limitations that I reported several posts ago. Since I have no javascript or html coding knowledge at all, I have to use the old method of trial and error to update pmlyrics. I finally got it with the "regular" version (PM Lyrics 15 is the result), but I don't have the time to update the other one at this time... maybe later. If you can do it, please feel free to do so!  ;D (What takes me hours would probably take you only minutes)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: gummbah on January 17, 2008, 02:28:00 pm

I have been trying a couple of the latest versions, but all the time the cover picture is too big, and is displayed on top of the info. See attachement. Any idea what the problem is?

( (
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on January 17, 2008, 02:53:33 pm
It's because that one is optimized to display at a resolution of 1366x768. And I suppose your resolution is lower than that. If you know a bit of css you can fix it in style.css, look for ".art". Otherwise I think Deivit could provide us with a version where the size is relative (in %age) so that it will fit both his and our screens :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: gummbah on January 18, 2008, 01:51:21 am
It's because that one is optimized to display at a resolution of 1366x768. And I suppose your resolution is lower than that. If you know a bit of css you can fix it in style.css, look for ".art". Otherwise I think Deivit could provide us with a version where the size is relative (in %age) so that it will fit both his and our screens :)

If Deivit can do that that would be excellent!
I must admit my css knowledge is somewhat limited (i.e. it doesnt exist :))
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on January 18, 2008, 03:39:16 am
You can quickly fix that by editing index.html with notepad, finding the following line:
Code: [Select]
<img class="art" src="TRACKINFO_INSERT_IMAGE" width="500" height="500" alt="[TRACKINFO_INSERT_ALBUM] Cover Art"/>and replacing width and height values with something that fits your screen resolution. 250 should be okay.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on January 18, 2008, 10:24:21 am
Thanks neFAST for your quick advice to gummbah. Yes, unfortunately when I first started with PM Lyrics 1, it was solely intended for my personal use and I did not think in its portability to different display resolutions. This is why it's optimized for 1366x768.

I'll try to work with % in future versions.

In the meantime, changing the parameters advised by neFAST to gummbah will do the trick.

Thanks again.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: gummbah on January 18, 2008, 04:12:26 pm
I have played around a bit and now have it more or less look decent.
But a future versions with the % line would be very sweet!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: elo on January 19, 2008, 09:23:44 am
I have read this thread with great interest and I have instaled neFast's template. I am hovewer not able to download the  Deivit template which seems to be beter suited to my need.  Is this a temporary problem with upit or something else? After the "comercials" i get an error message stating that the link is broken?

I am in the prosess of implementing a remote control capability via Girder and have been forced to do this via the girder used scripting language LUA because I want functionality byond just play commands.  You guys way of displaying playing now info is great and even better if I am able to control it via the MC Automation interface and  the MC Core commands inteface.

But first things first : HOW TO DOWNLOAD DEIVIT's PM Lyrics 15??  Please advice
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on January 19, 2008, 10:02:12 am
Hi elo,

Thanks for your interest. I just tried the link and you're right... page not found. I pressume it's a temporary problem with uppit servers and will be working again shortly... not the first time something like this happens.

Anyway, don't worry. If it's not working by tomorrow, I'm gonna try to find an alternative site so that you can download it.

Thank you.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on January 19, 2008, 12:04:13 pm
Works fine here, I put a mirror  ( my blog.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on January 19, 2008, 12:17:46 pm
Thank you, neFAST. The Uppit link seems to work fine now.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: elo on January 20, 2008, 09:55:36 am
Thanks you both of you. Have instaled it and it works fine. Will start programing this evening..... :D
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: elo on January 27, 2008, 08:59:29 am
I need some help. I want to change the track info template from Girder (with a remote control). I have tried to dynamicaly change the entries in the registry but that does not work. I need a handle into mc12 from girder that offers the same functionality as the Track Info item in the pulldown menu when you right clisk in the playing now window. I have searched the core commands and also the functions accessible through the COM interface but can not find anything I can use.

What I want to achive is to change the track info template when going between the fullsceen mode and the windowed mode (both in windowed and theaterview). So I need to be able to read the current window mode from a script in Girder and to change the track infor template from the same script??

Anys hint or suggestions??

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on February 03, 2008, 12:33:28 pm
I worked on a new layout this evening. I'm not comfortable with css positioning so if anyone want to suggest something better, feel free to post your mod. It should fit a 1024*768 screen and bigger. It is also a "full screen" layout that you may want to display when you're away from your computer. I will work on another one (closer view and more content) later on.
( (
left and right covers correspond to "top album" from
You can try this layout here (
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on February 03, 2008, 01:25:52 pm
wow !!!! really nice  8)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on February 03, 2008, 01:46:32 pm
This looks amazing.  I can't wait to check this one out.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: elo on February 04, 2008, 02:49:44 am
Looks very nice, clean and simple.. Would like to test it!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on February 07, 2008, 03:37:24 pm
Enjoy PM Flow v0.1!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: c1c9k72 on February 07, 2008, 05:55:23 pm
Very, very nice.

Are the albums shown in chronological order, with the current one in the center?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on February 08, 2008, 02:33:46 am
The current album is the one in the middle, but others are sorted by popularity. The xml file from aonly returns album names, not their release date.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on February 09, 2008, 11:07:04 am
Very nice one, neFAST. Thank you!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Magic_Randy on February 09, 2008, 11:43:44 am
Enjoy PM Flow v0.1!

Very nice :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: JONCAT on February 10, 2008, 11:26:53 am
Is there is working lyrics plugin for MC? I thought Evil_Lyrics was broken?Could someone fill me in on something that works for MC?

I'm getting PM_Flow and PM15 runtime errors on XP SP2. Should a post details or is this known?

thanks...looks great btw.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Magic_Randy on February 10, 2008, 12:06:58 pm
Is there is working lyrics plugin for MC? I thought Evil_Lyrics was broken?Could someone fill me in on something that works for MC?

DataMaster from KingSparta (works in Batch mode)

Lyrics Editor from Doof (Works with a list, edit lyrics, fix lyrics, lookup individual missing lyrics)

I don't use Evil Lyrics, but I think you can make it work. Try a search, I think there was some software updates that were discussed.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: JONCAT on February 10, 2008, 12:24:22 pm
I think he's working on AutoLyrix now but maybe the original still works.

I saw in this thread that at least one of the track info templates is optimized for 1368x768 that why I'm getting black screens on track netx/previous as well as runtime errors?

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on February 10, 2008, 12:54:54 pm
I'm getting PM_Flow and PM15 runtime errors on XP SP2. Should a post details or is this known?
? Yep, gimme details or screenshots please!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: JONCAT on February 10, 2008, 09:45:41 pm
About time I started using the DataMaster...good stuff.

Here is a screenshot. Basically, if I don't get this error I have a black screen. I'm running 1920x1080...fits the screen nicely - I love having all this info at my fingertips, thanks for your efforts!

I get the debug error upon playback as well as track next.

As you can see I get the error even when not running full screen.


Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: JONCAT on February 10, 2008, 10:20:59 pm
I'm having issues with stock Track Info (Noire, etc.)displays in MC .232.

Sometimes loading a blackscreen and cover art is inside file....any else?

EDIT - looks a reported bug in .432 but I rolled back to .428 and I'm getting the same behavior: Line 70 is document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = "<img src='img/loading.gif'>" Firefox is my default browser but I think when I selected Artist Info, IE7 was opened up in a new window - I don't have IE6 on this machine.

The page loads up to the Top Tracks and stops, after debug is skipped page, the finishes to load the other areas.

BTW - is displaying the Date next to Album in PM15 by design, how about Date (Year)? Looks really weird with that date and time in there, also might be nice to offer the cover art in the new reflective/angled look.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: raym on February 15, 2008, 03:18:54 am
Enjoy PM Flow v0.1!

I certainly am! Thanks so much for such an excellent piece of work. I've been looking for something in this style to integrate on the BIG screen with Theater View for some time. This is by far the nicest I've seen. A couple of questions though:

1, is it possible to somehow show the track's elapsed time at the top?
2, the albums shown either side of the currently playing one is nice but when I first saw a screen shot of this (and not knowing much about audioscrobbler) I thought these represested the songs prior to and ahead of the currently playing track (in playing now). This is kinda what I was after. Is there any way of achieving this?

Thanks again!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: datdude on February 15, 2008, 08:05:03 pm
One suggestion on this is could the Artist Overview section cycle through the images under this link for each artist:[Artist]/+images?

And then if you could run some sort of script on top of that to download those images in MC, that would be sweet.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: datdude on February 15, 2008, 08:15:37 pm
I wonder if there would be any way to integrate a visualization like g-force in this thing...
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on February 16, 2008, 10:18:05 am
1, is it possible to somehow show the track's elapsed time at the top?
It is not possible with the trackinfo "out of the box" but maybe through an integrated VIS window. But I've tried to display a progress bar with the VIS studio and I failed.
2, the albums shown either side of the currently playing one is nice but when I first saw a screen shot of this (and not knowing much about audioscrobbler) I thought these represented the songs prior to and ahead of the currently playing track (in playing now). This is kinda what I was after. Is there any way of achieving this?
It's not possible either. You can see here ( what are the available keyboards. They are all relative to the current playing track, not the other ones in the playlist. I don't know if it would be difficult for MC's staff to change a bit this plugin and update the keywords to accept a number as a parameter:
TRACKINFO_INSERT_TITLE(int i) would display the title of the track #i of the playlist.

One suggestion on this is could the Artist Overview section cycle through the images under this link for each artist:[Artist]/+images?
And then if you could run some sort of script on top of that to download those images in MC, that would be sweet.
It is possible but would require some work. I'll see if I have time.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: datdude on February 16, 2008, 12:51:55 pm
No rush, the integration part in mc is not that important but just being able to cycle the images would be great
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: raym on February 17, 2008, 02:15:02 am
Thanks for the feedback neFAST. This is such a great template!

Sorry for another stupid question but I installed v1.5 (07-02-2008) of the template for Standard View as well but I don't get any info. It doesn't look like it's even trying. The only items populated are basic things like track name, genre and "media Center File info". Everything else is empty - Artist Picture, Top albums, Top tracks etc, etc... Internet connectivity is fine.

What am i doing wrong?

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on February 17, 2008, 02:33:25 pm
Are there any strange characters in your title, artist or album name?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: raym on February 17, 2008, 09:56:21 pm
Are there any strange characters in your title, artist or album name?

No, and it happens for any track I try. I tried v1.3 to compare and it at least is trying to download something but for all sections, TrackInfo reports: "No XML found from". Do I have to enable a certain port on my firewall or something? It's strange coz the TheaterView version of this works perfectly.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on February 18, 2008, 03:50:09 am
There is something I never checked, but maybe you need to login on before using their web resources?
But wait, you say that theater-view works fine for you???
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: raym on February 18, 2008, 04:14:32 am
There is something I never checked, but maybe you need to login on before using their web resources?
But wait, you say that theater-view works fine for you???

Yes, that's right. The Theater View template retrieves info fine. Perhaps I'll try logging into just to rule this out though.

By the way, in the case of the Theater View version you mentioned this problem:

album name is centered under Firefox but not IE

I found that changing the following fixes this (for IE at least):-

#bottom table {
  height: 151px;
  padding: 0;
  cell-spacing: 0;
  margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;
  position: center;
  bottom: 5%;

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: JONCAT on May 04, 2008, 09:30:34 pm
All I load are white screens after installing PM cover flow & PM 1.5 on my wife's laptop....any ideas?

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on May 05, 2008, 01:20:04 pm
Do the other templates work fine?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: JONCAT on May 05, 2008, 07:46:45 pm
I tried a few others, none seem to work. I use PM 1.5 on my 1080P system. Are these usable at any resolution?

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on May 06, 2008, 07:50:44 am
The resolution shouldn't have anything to do with that problem.
Try asking someone from the official staff
Title: Best way to install this Plugin?
Post by: jettrocker on June 14, 2008, 06:06:13 am
Hey Guys!

What's the best way to install a third party plugin?  Just put it into a specific directory?  Unzip it first?  This one looks amazing and I'd love to install it properly.  Please don't be offended by my novice question -- I tried to research before I asked.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: wcage01 on July 04, 2008, 10:56:18 am
This thing makes my antivirus scream virus when I try to download!  Looks nice from the discussion thread, but I don't think I am going to let it near my machine!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: wcage01 on July 04, 2008, 11:04:42 am
Try to update your virus signature or disable your Antivirus-Software.

Interesting.  I have made no changes, but now the version 1.5 download does not complain, but the version 1.3 still does.

Kaspersky Internet Security 7.0

The requested URL is infected with Trojan-Downloader.JS.gen virus
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: John Gateley on July 04, 2008, 11:24:17 am
Anit-virus technology is an inexact science, unfortunately.

I suggest checking these free alternate scanners before reporting a virus (here or anywhere)

And I don't have the other one handy, sorry. Anyone know the URL for the website that uses a bunch of scanners to scan a single file? I'll post it on Monday if no one knows...


Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: wcage01 on July 05, 2008, 03:24:58 pm
Ok, took your advice.  Used which runs it through about twenty virus scanners.  3 of the 20 scanners came up positive for a virus (apparently some sort of trojan).  This site says from those test results that it considers it infected.

Here is the summary from the site.
MD5:    26e01b6e6db068da3b62d64973baf0b2

That's enough of a deterrent to me!  Whether it is enough to pull it from this site is up to others.  I would think a post at the top of the thread letting people know that "some scanners indicate these files have virus" would be a nice service to the users of this board since few are likely to scroll to the bottom of the 5th page to see this (and it seems to escape notice of many antivirus tools).
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: wcage01 on July 05, 2008, 03:37:44 pm
Another consolidated virus checker ( gives similar results... 4 out of 33 antivirus programs find it as infected.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: John Gateley on July 05, 2008, 03:47:01 pm
virustotal is the other site I was thinking about.

3 out of 22 is marginal - it may be a virus or it may be false positives.
neFast - you might want to run the housecall link above on your entire machine.
Both: the next step is to research the virus, and look for known destructive behaviors to find out if it really exists.


Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Messiahs on July 05, 2008, 04:06:05 pm
i already checked it... it's no virus.

Just remove the line "var adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2;" in the javascript function "WriteToFile" and everything is ok.

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on July 05, 2008, 05:20:30 pm
Yep. You won't find any virus either in this archive nor on my computer.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on July 19, 2008, 08:24:26 am
Hi neFAST,

Since a couple of days, it seems that the plug-in does not grab the bio info as it used to. However, the other info is retrieved correctly. Maybe changed anything? Could you take a look?   Perhaps it's just a matter of changing a few lines in the script... :)

Thanks in advance for your help.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on July 19, 2008, 05:04:55 pm
That's fun you ask, 'coz I was currently working on a fix.
Expect a release tomorrow.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on July 19, 2008, 05:23:18 pm
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on July 19, 2008, 05:31:51 pm
I don't have time to upload anything tonight but if you want to fix it just update pm.js with:

Code: [Select]
  else if( type == "lastfm_wiki")
var content = xmlDoc;

var bio     = content.substring(content.indexOf('<div id="wiki">'), content.indexOf('<!-- #wiki -->') );
var factbox = content.substring(content.indexOf('title="What’s This?">?</a>)</h4>')+32, content.indexOf('<div class="wikiInfo">'));

document.getElementById(type+'_bio').innerHTML = bio;
document.getElementById(type+'_factbox').innerHTML = factbox;
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on July 20, 2008, 09:39:18 am
Thank you very much, neFAST.

I did update the pm.js with your code and also changed all the mentions of "wiki-bio" in the index.html to "lastfm_wiki" but, unfortunately, I'm getting the "no xml found in" message instead of the bio even for well known artists. I'm surely doing something wrong...

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: neFAST on July 20, 2008, 03:08:31 pm
That's strange Deivit. You should have a look at the update I've just uploaded. Everything is working fine on my computer.
Tell me if it still doesn't work.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - Audioscrobbler web services
Post by: Deivit on July 21, 2008, 02:28:08 pm
That's strange Deivit. You should have a look at the update I've just uploaded. Everything is working fine on my computer.
Tell me if it still doesn't work.

Well, the good news is that yours works perfectly well. Mine, doesn't ::) but the problem is on my side. Actually, your pm.js and mine are miles away because of the multiple changes I've made over the several versions. I'm gonna keep on trying, though.

By the way, your new version looks great  :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: neFAST on July 21, 2008, 02:39:33 pm
Have you heard of winmerge? We use this at work to get a smart difference between two similar files.
If you need help, just share your latest build and I'll see what I can do.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: Deivit on July 22, 2008, 02:17:57 am
Have you heard of winmerge? We use this at work to get a smart difference between two similar files.
If you need help, just share your latest build and I'll see what I can do.

No sorry, haven't heard about it. I don't want to bother you with this... I'll do some more tests in the next few days and see what I can come up with. Thank you  :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: Deivit on July 24, 2008, 04:37:48 am

Can you give me a hint as to what to change in the script so that a specific external link opens in a regular browser and not in lytebox?

I'd like to keep the ability to "hide" the links until they are revealed by the mouse-click as in your current release (nice one) but I don't want all of them to open in lytebox.

I'm specially thinking on those links for cover art and lyrics... the main reason for those is to be able to right-click and save the info. Unfortunately, lytebox does not allow to do that with the current implementation of the plug-in... you get Media Center right-click commands instead of regular web browser right-click commands.

Thank you!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: neFAST on July 25, 2008, 03:32:16 pm
Can you give me a hint as to what to change in the script so that a specific external link opens in a regular browser and not in lytebox?
If you look at index.html where the links are detailed:
Code: [Select]
     + "<a"+insertlyte+"href='"+artist+"/"+album+"'></a>"Removing the mention to indertlyte should disable lytebox.
Code: [Select]
     + "<a href='"+artist+"/"+album+"'></a>"
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: Deivit on July 26, 2008, 08:34:30 am
Thank you!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: yooz on August 05, 2008, 11:38:07 pm
Just a small question:

Is it possible to get this working with streaming radio stations submitting titel infos?
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: darichman on August 06, 2008, 10:59:39 pm
Thanks for a really great plugin... I'll be using this for sure :)
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: antipode on August 07, 2008, 02:49:41 am
I'm getting PM_Flow and PM15 runtime errors on XP SP2.

Same here, both with PM_Flow and PM16. Happens everytime I manually switch songs. Strangely, when a song ends an a new one starts, there's no problem. Keep getting different runtime errors as well.

Now playing: Tori Amos - Cornflake Girl (
via FoxyTunes (
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: raym on August 08, 2008, 01:14:17 am
Hi neFAST, PM_Flow (full screen mod) is no longer downloading all four album covers. It's seems sporatic - sometimes 1, sometimes 2 but never all of them. I've tried numerous popular artists and from different clients. Do you see this issue too? Last time it was working fine (that I noticed anyway) was a couple of weeks ago.

Thanks for any help on this. I really love this plugin!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: neFAST on August 12, 2008, 01:00:56 pm
It's working like a charm on my computer. Could you both try this?
PM Flow v0.2 - 12-08-2008
Bug fix
Download (
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: raym on August 12, 2008, 08:51:28 pm
It's working like a charm on my computer. Could you both try this?
PM Flow v0.2 - 12-08-2008
Bug fix
Download (

Thanks for this. It seems a bit better but it's still doing some strange things. For example, I was listening to an Audioslave album today and every couple of tracks would not render any album art even though all tracks are from the same artist and album. All I get is that default grey cover art. Sometimes if I tried stopping and restarting or skipping back and forward between tracks then everything's ok. It seems like the art is there but for some reason doesn't always load???

I'm using XP SP2 (or SP3 depending on the client) with IE7 if that makes any difference.

Thanks again.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: haylo75 on August 16, 2008, 07:22:01 am
This is a wonderful plugin!  I tried both the latest and the PM flow didn't get grab the left and right cover art relative to the current song.  The Track Info view better suits my tastes anyway.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: neFAST on August 16, 2008, 01:45:07 pm
Yep there's a problem with cover. I don't have much time to fix this this weekend.
But I may release a patch next week.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: raym on August 16, 2008, 07:17:43 pm
Yep there's a problem with cover. I don't have much time to fix this this weekend.
But I may release a patch next week.

Much appreciated! Thanks.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: haylo75 on August 17, 2008, 08:00:20 am
Yes, thanks for looking into it!

Question: French is the default language shown in the Biography and I do not see anywhere to change that to English.  I looked through options and for any files that I could change, but I didn't see anything in either area.

Listening to: Koufax - Five Years of Madness (
via FoxyTunes (
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: wickesy on September 13, 2008, 07:47:19 am

Question: French is the default language shown in the Biography and I do not see anywhere to change that to English.  I looked through options and for any files that I could change, but I didn't see anything in either area.

Towards the top of the index.html is a line that reads

Code: [Select]
change it to read

Code: [Select]
and the bio will come up in English as default.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: steveklein on September 20, 2008, 11:44:55 am
i can't extract this zip file.

i try to put it in the C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info directory and here is what I get:
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create folder PM_Track_Info_1_6
!   Access is denied.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create folder PM_Track_Info_1_6\img
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\arrow.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\as.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\bd-bg.jpg
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\default_cover.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\english_mini-flag.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\france_mini-flag.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\german_mini-flag.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\loading.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create folder PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\blank.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\close_blue.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\close_gold.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\close_green.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\close_grey.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\close_red.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\loading.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\next_blue.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\next_gold.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\next_green.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\next_grey.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\next_red.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\pause_blue.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\pause_gold.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\pause_green.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\pause_grey.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\pause_red.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\play_blue.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\play_gold.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\play_green.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\play_grey.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\play_red.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\prev_blue.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\prev_gold.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\prev_green.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\prev_grey.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\prev_red.gif
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\lytebox\Thumbs.db
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\rating-1.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\rating-2.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\rating-3.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\rating-4.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\rating-5.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\rating.png
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\img\Thumbs.db
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\index.html
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\lytebox.css
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\lytebox.js
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\pm.js
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
!   C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info\ Cannot create PM_Track_Info_1_6\style.css
!   The system cannot find the path specified.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: neFAST on September 20, 2008, 02:12:23 pm
It looks like there's a problem with your winzip (or equivalent).

BTW I hope to deliver an update next week.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: neFAST on September 21, 2008, 08:00:57 am
I SHIFT+DEL the wrong directory this morning and lost all my source code.
I'm currently testing different file recovery freeware but the best I can get are fully scrambled files :s
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: raym on November 15, 2008, 07:15:29 pm
I SHIFT+DEL the wrong directory this morning and lost all my source code.
I'm currently testing different file recovery freeware but the best I can get are fully scrambled files :s

Ouch! I was checking back here for a possible update to this excellent plugin. Good luck with the recovery!
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: neFAST on November 16, 2008, 05:03:44 pm
Hopefully I had to time to rewrite everything I lost. I may release something within the next 2 weeks.
Here is a screenie to tease you.
( (

PS: this new flow is animated (adobe flash) and clicking an album cover will play this file.
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: raym on November 17, 2008, 04:38:50 am
Awesome! Thanks so much. I can't wait  ;D
Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: JONCAT on November 23, 2008, 11:02:21 pm doesn't download anymore unfortunately. Anyone else notice this?

Title: Re: NEW PLUGIN: Trackinfo Template - LastFM [v1.6 - 20 July 2008]
Post by: neFAST on December 10, 2008, 05:24:58 pm
Here we go! (