More => Old Versions => Media Center 14 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: joergstumpp on January 27, 2010, 10:42:06 am
I'm am new in the forum and have been reading most topics on library fields and tags.
I stopped after several hours reading.
Of course before I have read compete official documentation, help and manuals available.
Unfortunately I could not find an actual and complete list of the standrad library fields for audio files and how they are mapped to the file tags.
Some of the information I found are reported for older versions of MC ( MC12) and seem to have changed in later versions.
It is essential to have such a list to set upper proper handling of meta information in a big collection of media files.
As a software developer I know that such a list should exist, otherwise a quality ensured developing process will not be possible.
Collection pieces of the list from the customers in a forum is not an adequate replacement for information provided by the comany selling a product.
So where can I find a complete list at a central place ?
Best regards Jorge Stumpp
Tag "standards" are a moving target. We don't have a list other than the list in the program.
You could try importing a file to see what happens. Check the details by clicking on the little button in the upper left corner of the tag window when in any view, and choose "also show".
Welcome to the forum.
So let me ask for 3 specific fields I was not able to import or fill correctly:
What tags in a flac file do I have to add to fill the library PEOPLE ?
What tags in a flac file do I have to add to fill the library INSTRUMENT ?
To which library field is the TAG PERFORMERS mapped ?
I excpect that you do not want to publish the complete mapping due to competitor products.
But please understand that doing try and error is not the appropriate solution for your customers.
Awaiting your answers
Best regards Jörg Stumpp
If you know the name of a tag that is missing in MC, you can add it. The name must be identical. You may need to re-import (or do Library Tags/Update Library from Properties). I hope this is what you're asking.
I know that already and I managed to have several private tags in my flac files appearing in the new defined library fields.
But what about the first part of my question:
What tags in a flac file do I have to add to fill the library field PEOPLE ?
What tags in a flac file do I have to add to fill the library field NSTRUMENT ?
There are standard fields in the libraray (PEOPLE , INSTRUMENT) and I have no idear how to fill them.
Would it be sufficent to add a custom tag to my flac file with the same name as the library field ?
Best regards Jörg Stumpp
I had more or less the same problem when importing WMAL in MC.
Some tags like Subtitle are not mapped to a corresponding MC tag.
I first populates the tags in MC like typing 'people' in the people tag.
The I opened the file in MP3Tag
It list both the MC and the WMAL tags.
A simple script (format values) copies all the WMA tags to the MC tags of my choice
FLAC is easy. Almost every tag header is identical with name of the corresponding library field. AFAIK, the only exceptions are Track # (= TRACKNUMBER), Replay Gain (= REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN) and Peak Level (= REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK).
I.e. If you create a field named Performers the tag header in the file will be PERFORMERS.
Keep in mind that you can freely change the displayed name, but that does not change the internal name of the tag, which stays as it is.
The format info window can display the actual physical tag headers (in most cases). Select a file and click the first line or the Format field in Action Window > Tag to see the detailed format info window:
All other formats use a more complex mapping system.
I had more or less the same problem when importing WMAL in MC.
Some tags like Subtitle are not mapped to a corresponding MC tag.
I first populates the tags in MC like typing 'people' in the people tag.
The I opened the file in MP3Tag
It list both the MC and the WMAL tags.
A simple script (format values) copies all the WMA tags to the MC tags of my choice
All custom and proprietary tags in WMA files have the JR/ prefix in file tags. Only the usual tags that are supported in WMP are written in a WMP compatible way. MS may have added more tags after the mappings were defined and those are not automatically supported.
Thanks that helps a lot.
So my decision to use flac was a good decision.
I currently have a library containing 100 000 tracks of classical music and I managed to first have clean meta information in private tags.
So the wa y to go with MC14 will be first to include those fields as custum library fields and use those for viewing the content.
The only restriction I found reading the forum will be that I cannot use those custom fields for grouping.
After I got some more experience I will decide what I will put inteo the ARTISTS fields. I can managed this outside MC14 without destroying my custum tags in the flac files.
Are the any chances to have the limitations in grouping removed in later version and allowing using all library fields including expressions ?
Best regards Jörg Stumpp
The only restriction I found reading the forum will be that I cannot use those custom fields for grouping...
... Are the any chances to have the limitations in grouping removed in later version and allowing using all library fields including expressions?
Where did you find that info?
I don't think there are any limitations. You can group as you will. You can use an user field for creating a thumbnail group, you can use an user field for grouping in list views and you can create an expression that includes one or more user fields.
Cannot remember where I actually read this. But I tried the following:
In Audio -> Panes -> right click -> customize view
in section Group By I only see the following options:
Album by Date
More (sort groups)
OK with more I can find all the other fields
My mistake was reading sort group as sorting the groups according ..
However I could not find a possibility to select an expression.
What I want is to groupdepending on a combination of several fields ALBUM+CONDUCTOR+PERFORMERS
Is there a possibility to select an expression ?
Or do I need to add a custom library field based on a caculation for this purpose ?
Best regards Joerg Stumpp