Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: EpF on March 08, 2010, 04:06:59 pm

Title: Custom trackinfo tooltip?
Post by: EpF on March 08, 2010, 04:06:59 pm
Is it possible to create your own custom track info tooltips? I'd like to have just the description field show for tv show episodes...
Title: Re: Custom trackinfo tooltip?
Post by: morrison on May 06, 2010, 10:28:27 am
I'm also very interested in this feature. I'm not modify the "name" field in their videos and would like to see my field(s) instead of default. And in bottom status line too  ::)
Title: Re: Custom trackinfo tooltip?
Post by: darichman on May 07, 2010, 07:24:49 pm
One criticism of MC has been where to display the metadata for files once you have it. The difficulty is naturally:

I think the file info panel works really well in theatre view. Perhaps the same idea can be used in other areas of the program as well? Maybe a standardised approach for areas of the program which display information might be a good idea. Just a quick thought, but current areas which display information about the selected/playing file are:

It is my hope that these sorts of things might become available in more areas of the program:

A recent post on customising tiles, which could be equally applicable to tooltips and some of the above options:
There could be two nice options here I think:
  • A configuration dialog like the one used for file info panel in theatre view
  • A text-editor where you could create templates with formatting and fields/expressions etc (eg bold, italicise, change font size and position of fields) - think of track info templates
Title: Re: Custom trackinfo tooltip?
Post by: makersjam on February 26, 2012, 08:08:54 am
Any progress in this area? I would absolutely love to be able to edit the tooltip content.


This is really the only way I use the program and to have better info in the tooltip would be freakin great.

Title: Re: Custom trackinfo tooltip?
Post by: MM_switcher on May 01, 2012, 07:37:52 am
I can fully subscribe to this. I just switched from the foc Mediamonkey to the paid MC, and think MC is really worth the money: Lots of functions, frequently updated program with quick bug-fixes, very active and helpful forum.
Perfect for me, if there wasn't the issue with the track info: I tried several of them: either dead download-links, plugin not working in MC17, or displaying just a basic information.

Currently for me the only thing (besides an embedded window for Minilyrics) I'm really missing is a track info plugin similar to this:

Any chance for something like that?