More => Old Versions => Media Center 15 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: KeystoneCop on May 05, 2010, 09:45:10 am
Been Reported before: If I double click a mp3 when media center is NOT loaded.. It loads and plays the music.
If I double click a mp3 when media center IS loaded. It takes me to the media center program.. BUT does NOT play the music.
32 bit vista
Media Center 15.0.35 Registered -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 15\
Microsoft Windows Vista 6.0 Service Pack 2 (Build 6002)
Intel Pentium 4 2798 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 2094 MB, Free - 921 MB
Internet Explorer: 8.0.6001.18904 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.6001 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.6002 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.6002 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping / Drive F: Mode:Normal Type:Auto Speed:Max
Drive G: Mode:Normal Type:Auto Speed:Max
Digital playback: Yes / Get cover art: Yes / Calc replay gain: Yes / Copy volume: 32767
Eject after ripping: Yes / Play sound after ripping: No
Burning / Drive F: HL-DT-ST DVDRRW GSA-H21L Addr: 1:0:0 Speed:17 MaxSpeed:17 BurnProof:Yes
Drive G: HP DVD Writer 1040d Addr: 1:1:0 Speed:48 MaxSpeed:48 BurnProof:Yes
Test mode: No / Eject after writing: Yes / Direct decoding: Yes / Write CD-Text: Yes
Use playback settings: No /
Portable Device Info
Removed devices:
Device info dump for 'Sansa e260':
WMDMName: Sansa e260
DeviceUID: $$?$usb#vid_0781&pid_7420#00000000-00000000-0408b389-d918fe01-00000000#{f33fdc04-d1ac-4e8e-9a30-19bbd4b108ae}$0
CanonicalName: \\?\usb#vid_0781&pid_7420#00000000-00000000-0408b389-d918fe01-00000000#{f33fdc04-d1ac-4e8e-9a30-19bbd4b108ae}$0
VendorName: ; VendorID: 1921
ProductID: 29728; FirmwareVersion:
WMDMSerialNumber: 300030003000300030003000300030002d00300030003000300030003000300030002d003000340 03000380062003300380039002d00640039003100380066006500300031002d0030003000300030 003000300030003000
DeviceType: 2; DeviceID: ; DeviceName: ; UnsupportedDevice: 0
IsDrive: ; DriveLetter: ; DrivePath: ; MainDriveLetter:
IsJanusCapable: 1; IsIpod: ;iTunesDBVersion:
SupportsAlbumArt: 1; AlbumArtEnabled: 0; CoverArtTagRule: 0; SaveCoverArtToFolderJPG: 0
GetPlayStatsFromDevice: 0; SupportsFolders: -1; PlaylistFormat: 6; EjectMode: ; AlwaysPumpCOMMessages: 0
SupportedFileTypes: mp3;wav;wma;jpg
ApplicationName: Media Center
ImageName: Sandisk Sansa e200
AudioBasePath: Music\[Album]\
ImageBasePath: Photo\
VideoBasePath: Video\
DataBasePath: Data\
PlaylistBasePath: Playlists\
AudibleBasePath: Audible\
MatchKeyExpression: If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), [Name][File Size, 0], [Name]Clean([Artist], 1)[Album][Genre]FormatNumber([Track #, 0])[Media Type])
Interface Plugins: (Active)
TiVo Server (Active)
Been Reported before: If I double click a mp3 when media center is NOT loaded.. It loads and plays the music.
If I double click a mp3 when media center IS loaded. It takes me to the media center program.. BUT does NOT play the music.
I concur. This annoys me a lot as I often like to start mp3s from Total Commander. This problem was first introduced with the release of MC15.
I concur. This annoys me a lot as I often like to start mp3s from Total Commander. This problem was first introduced with the release of MC15.
I can't reproduce this using Total Commander.
Try going into Options > File Types and updating the file associations. Maybe uncheck, OK, open again, and check the association.
Let us know what you find. Thanks.
I can't reproduce this using Total Commander.
Try going into Options > File Types and updating the file associations. Maybe uncheck, OK, open again, and check the association.
Let us know what you find. Thanks.
Association is ok. I unchecked, restarted, checked and restarted again. When MC is not loaded a doubleclick on a mp3 file will start the program and playback of the file. When playing the file and then doubleclicking on another mp3 in Total Commander file the focus is moved back to MC, but song doesn't change nor being added to playing now. Exactly what descbibed by KeystoneCop.
I use Windows 7 64 Bit.
Association is ok. I unchecked, restarted, checked and restarted again. When MC is not loaded a doubleclick on a mp3 file will start the program and playback of the file. When playing the file and then doubleclicking on another mp3 in Total Commander file the focus is moved back to MC, but song doesn't change nor being added to playing now. Exactly what descbibed by KeystoneCop.
I use Windows 7 64 Bit.
Could UAC be relevant? Are you running Total Commander elevated and Media Center non-elevated? I tested this and it works, but maybe it matters in some cases?
With me it works just fine: play song in MC15, doubleclick another mp3 in Total Commander and this other songs starts in MC. No problem whatsoever.
I disabled UAC. No change......... I found something.. but not sure what to do...
If I right click the file and say open with... there are TWO media center icons.. one plays the song and adds it to the play list.. the other just goes to media center.. and does not play the song. the two icons do NOT look the same.
"d"="Media Center 15.exe"
"Progid"="Applications\\Media Center 15.exe"
If you have old versions of MC, please uninstall them.
Also, take a look at this thread:
I have uninstalled prior versions.
My first download of 15 was on 4/3/2010.
I went to uninstall 15.. and it shows an install date of 4/3/2010.. thought the date would change when I installed a new version.. no big deal...
here is what is left AFTER the remove with the check box checked to remove entries.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"d"="Media Center 15.exe"
"Progid"="Applications\\Media Center 15.exe"
Forgot to say.. still not working right
I don't usually bump 'old' threads, however, this was the first one that came up when Googling for the issue I was having (which is, unsurprisingly, the same as the OP's..).
I've sorted the problem on mine and thought I'd share the solution here for others who find the same thread;
When I had set up 'Open With..' I had manually selected 'Media Centre 15' via the browse menu (and latterly v16). However, as the OP noted, there then two entries in the 'Open With..' panel - one that says 'Media Centre' and one that now says 'Media Centre 15/16'. Selecting the latter causes the issue the OP experienced. Selecting the former resolves the problem.
A quick check in the Registry shows that the former actually opens with 'MC16.exe' rather than 'Media Centre 16.exe' (I presume the same was true of v15).
So why did I manually choose the .exe file in the JRiver folder? Well when I upgraded from v15 to v16, I had only 'Media Centre 15' in the 'Open With..' menu, so I manually navigated to the .exe for v16. It was from there I started experiencing the problems with a double-click on a file not starting playback.
I've done a fresh installation and the problem is resolved. Hope this helps others who've experienced the same.
Welcome and thanks very much for posting your solution.