Networks and Remotes => Remotes => Topic started by: GrantDG on March 12, 2012, 04:11:39 pm

Title: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on March 12, 2012, 04:11:39 pm
nMedium is the latest remote control software for Windows Phone and J River Media Center.

You can see the details of nMedium here. (

With nMedium you can:

It's free to try for 20 days - and only $1.99 to buy if you like it!
( ( (
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: JimH on March 13, 2012, 05:44:26 pm
I've added nMedium to the list of remotes at the top of this board.  Thanks for your work!
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on March 30, 2012, 06:04:14 pm
Version 1.1 has been released to the Windows Phone Marketplace.

Changes include:

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 01, 2012, 03:56:44 pm
In trying this out, I am unable to connect to my Library Server after entering the access key, user name and password.

Looking at the activity log on the Library Server, the connection generates three get commands and then nothing more.

If you can tell me where to look for the actual logs as a text file I can send you a copy of the exact commands. Let me know. Thanks.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 01, 2012, 11:40:31 pm
If you can tell me where to look for the actual logs as a text file I can send you a copy of the exact commands. Let me know. Thanks.

As far as I am aware, MC doesn't output the Media server Activity log to a file. Just a screen shot should suffice - you may want to scramble any ip addresses tho. Feel free to send me a private message.

As a test can you also run the Access key test from within Media Center:
   Tools > Options > Media Network > "..." Next to "Access Key" > "Test connection to this server..."

While you're in the options screen, try to click
   MCWS (web service) > "Open with web browser"
If you can get to this via your browser, nMedium should be able to too (it uses these services for it's functionality)

Hope this helps
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 02, 2012, 04:57:52 pm
Attached is a screenshot of the log. The first three lines are what resulted when I tried connecting with your app.

Running the access key test from within MC works fine as does the MCWS (web service) > "Open with web browser".

It is just access from Medium that does not work.

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 02, 2012, 06:18:08 pm
Attached is a screenshot of the log.

Can you confirm that on the 'settings' page you are entering the server details (access key, username, password) and then hitting the "Try connect" button? On successful connection, the icon to the right of the access key field should have a tick on it.

If this is the case, go to the "general" page of settings, and ensure that your server is listing in the "Current server" box.

You may also try a reboot of both your phone and media server if the above doesn't work...
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 02, 2012, 06:37:31 pm
It looks like I was connecting after all. I did not realize that after pressing the "Try connect" button, I then needed to hit the Ok button at the bottom of the screen to be taken to the main part of the app. Instead I just assumed (since I did not notice the ok button become live) that I was not connected to the server.

Something to think about for the next version (going directly to the "library" screen)...  :)

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 02, 2012, 06:48:31 pm
Something to think about for the next version (going directly to the "library" screen)...  :)

Great suggestion - I think I have an idea on how to make it more obvious.

Glad you got in!
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 02, 2012, 06:52:57 pm
After playing around with this a little I notice that the structure of the menus in the library that appear relate to the first of the DLNA servers I have running using MC, rather than the menu structure of MC Libary that appears when I connect to Library server with another instance of MC.

FYI, I have three DLNA servers plus Library Server running because of some unique characteristics of the DLNA devices I connect with. I run one for the Roku Soundbridges, one for the Xbox 360s and a generic DLNA server that I try to use for other DLNA playback devices.

Usually DLNA playback devices will show all three of the DLNA servers and allow me to choose which one I want to connect to.

Two questions:

1. I assume this app is meant to connect to a DLNA server rather than the Library Server, correct?
2. If that is the case, is there a way to allow me to choose which DLNA server it connects to? (Now it defaults to the first one in the list, which happens to be for the Xbox 360.)
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 02, 2012, 07:01:23 pm
1. I assume this app is meant to connect to a DLNA server rather than the Library Server, correct?
2. If that is the case, is there a way to allow me to choose which DLNA server it connects to? (Now it defaults to the first one in the list, which happens to be for the Xbox 360.)

nMedium connects via the MC web services (not DLNA). Those web services expose other DLNA servers as 'Zones', which you will see in the list box at the bottom of the playing now screen. If you click the zone name, you should be presented with a list of all of the 'Zones' in MC and move control between them.

The selected Zone defaults to the 'Current' zone in MC. There is currently no way to set a default in nMedium - but it could be added easily
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 02, 2012, 07:20:57 pm
I see.

Obviously I am not very familiar with this mode of connection. How can I customize the menu structure that appears when connection this way? Are there Wiki entries or other posts that talk about this?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 02, 2012, 07:41:40 pm
Views from MC are controlled via "Media network" options.

I've always thought it strange myself that they are different to what you see in MC itself, but that's the way it is...

Maybe look up media network in the MC wiki.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 02, 2012, 08:57:55 pm

To be more precise, the views are in Media Network\Options\Advanced\Customize views for Gizmo, WebRemote and WebPlay

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 02, 2012, 09:58:52 pm
I've done some more experimentation. Tree traversal generally seems to work ok (although sometimes branches show no contents when there really are contents).

The main problem comes when selecting a playback zone. I take it that "Player" will ultimately be the Windows Phone device, but that has not been implemented yet, right?

The problem is that when selecting other playback zones, the vast majority of the time nMedium will crash. I attach a copy of the log for one such attempt. They are all similar. I note that Webgizmo does not suffer from the same issue and it uses the same web services server.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 02, 2012, 11:26:12 pm
I've done some more experimentation. Tree traversal generally seems to work ok (although sometimes branches show no contents when there really are contents).

Branches show no content when they contain only files (not sub folders). Retrieving the files can be a terribly slow process - but I realise that showing nothing is not the best state.

The main problem comes when selecting a playback zone. I take it that "Player" will ultimately be the Windows Phone device, but that has not been implemented yet, right?

"Player" is the name given by the MC instance you are connecting for itself. You'll see that name under "Playing now" in MC's tree view.
You are correct, nMedium does not currently support playback on the phone itself (it's coming), when the zone selector shows "Player" you are controlling MC.

The problem is that when selecting other playback zones, the vast majority of the time nMedium will crash. I attach a copy of the log for one such attempt. They are all similar. I note that Webgizmo does not suffer from the same issue and it uses the same web services server.

Are you running version 1.1 of nMedium? There's a bug currently that nMedium will crash if there is no current playlist for the selected zone. A fix is in test at the moment.

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 02, 2012, 11:38:12 pm
"Player" is the name given by the MC instance you are connecting for itself. You'll see that name under "Playing now" in MC's tree view.
You are correct, nMedium does not currently support playback on the phone itself (it's coming), when the zone selector shows "Player" you are controlling MC.

Interesting. In this case I am connecting to an instance of MC running on a server without any means to play files (no speaker). Attempting to play files to Player using MC results (as it should) in an error dialog. I wonder if this situation is related to the termination of nMedium, although it does not seem like it should be. Gizmo saves the name of the specified player between runs, but nMedium does not appear to do so.
Are you running version 1.1 of nMedium? There's a bug currently that nMedium will crash if there is no current playlist for the selected zone. A fix is in test at the moment.

I think I am running v 1.1 as that is the version in the marketplace. How can I tell for sure?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 03, 2012, 12:21:15 am
I wonder if this situation is related to the termination of nMedium, although it does not seem like it should be. Gizmo saves the name of the specified player between runs, but nMedium does not appear to do so.

I don't understand what you mean? You should see the same list of zones in Gizmo as you do in nMedium - they both read from exactly the same source.

Do you mean Gizmo defaults to a specific Zone when you navigate to it? As mentioned above - nMedium defaults to the 'current' zone in MC - I'll add some logic to reset the zone much as Gizmo does (Gizmo uses a cookie to remember the selected zone between visits). For the moment you'll have to select it each time you launch nMedium, sorry.

It does sound like you are running 1.1

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 03, 2012, 12:39:08 am
Do you mean Gizmo defaults to a specific Zone when you navigate to it? As mentioned above - nMedium defaults to the 'current' zone in MC - I'll add some logic to reset the zone much as Gizmo does (Gizmo uses a cookie to remember the selected zone between visits). For the moment you'll have to select it each time you launch nMedium, sorry.

That's what I mean. Do you think the crashes are related to the "bug currently that nMedium will crash if there is no current playlist for the selected zone"?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 03, 2012, 01:23:50 am
Do you think the crashes are related to the "bug currently that nMedium will crash if there is no current playlist for the selected zone"?

I would say so - do the zones you are switching to have a current playlist?

As a test, try the following :
Navigate, in your browser, to

after seeing the returned list of zone information, go to:[ZoneIDx]
where [ZoneIDx] is one of the ZoneID's from the first test

If you get a result of Status=Failure or no data, this will crash nMedium
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 10, 2012, 10:25:44 pm
I get:

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 10, 2012, 11:35:45 pm
I get:


From the second call? Seems strange...

Must say I've never tested against a DLNA device, I'll have a try tonight
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 16, 2012, 10:17:02 am
Any update on this, or the ability to play back media on the Windows Phone itself?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 16, 2012, 06:11:08 pm
Version 1.2 has been sent for certification (usually takes a week) which fixes the crash issue, and adds a few of your requested features.

Local play back is still in the works - it'll be released as version 2. No time frame yet.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 20, 2012, 05:28:11 am
Version 1.2 has been released to the Marketplace.

Changes include:
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 28, 2012, 12:35:04 pm
Tried out the new version and still can't it to play to my Soundbridges-- although nMedium doesn't crash anymore.

Attached is a screenprint of the logfile.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 29, 2012, 01:42:09 am
Tried out the new version and still can't it to play to my Soundbridges-- although nMedium doesn't crash anymore.

I did some investigation into this on my own DLNA device. For me, it seems that MC can't override a playlist on a DLNA device which was started by the device itself. However, it can successfully 'push' a playlist to the device if it is inactive.

Have you tried controlling your Soundbridges via MC directly? Keep in mind that nMedium can only do what MC can (and only a subset thereof)...
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 29, 2012, 04:24:54 pm
Have you tried controlling your Soundbridges via MC directly? Keep in mind that nMedium can only do what MC can (and only a subset thereof)...

Yes. MC does this without any problem. The problem only occurs when I attempt to use nMedium.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 29, 2012, 07:17:21 pm
Yes. MC does this without any problem. The problem only occurs when I attempt to use nMedium.

Maybe I'm confused on all of this...

Can you give me a run down on what you do in MC, and then how you try to achieve it in nMedium?  (e.g. a click-by-click...)

I need to work out if it's a use case that I'm missing - or is supported at all...
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on April 29, 2012, 08:54:47 pm
Can you give me a run down on what you do in MC, and then how you try to achieve it in nMedium?  (e.g. a click-by-click...)

For some reason this seems to be working most of the time now. I'll see if I can figure out when it doesn't work and let you know if I can make this fail consistently, but so far I can't. I have noticed a different problem that I will explain below, but here is what I was doing in each of MC and nMedium.

In MC:

-- I select a track of music, right click Send To -> Play (There: Soundbridge LR)

and the track plays. There are other combinations to get to the same result, or course.

In nMedium:

-- I select Soundbridge LR as the player on the Playing Now screen
-- Select Library on the same screen
-- Navigate to the level where I want to play (e.g. an album) and press the play button next to it
-- Select Replace Playing Now

Here is the problem I now notice: In nMedium when I follow the steps above, if I don't press Play when I get to the level, but instead try to select and individual track, I get a blank screen instead of a list of tracks. To be more precise, the screen is not completely blank, it has a "library" and the path at the top, but certainly not the list of tracks I would have expected.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: DWAnderson on May 15, 2012, 01:07:06 am
Any move to address the issues I noted above?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on May 15, 2012, 05:02:18 am
Any move to address the issues I noted above?

Sorry, I got consumed by another project.
There was a last minute change before the 1.2 release which caused this issue.
1.3 has just been sent for certification. I'll let you know when it's published
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on May 24, 2012, 06:37:39 pm
1.3 has just been sent for certification. I'll let you know when it's published

Version 1.3 has been released on to the Marketplace
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: ronenash on August 10, 2012, 10:06:11 pm
I just installed Medium on my Windows Phone but I cannot get it to connect to MC.
Can someone please send me an example of the connection string I need to input in nMedium?

BTW, I can connect without a problem through the browser on my phone to Gizmo and to the web service interface page so there is no technical problem. I guess I am entering a wrong connection string.

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: ronenash on August 10, 2012, 10:24:50 pm
One more piece of information, when I try to connect with the following string "" the application just crashes and returns to the  windows phone start screen. If the string is different I get an error stating there is an error with the connection.

Any ideas?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: ronenash on August 24, 2012, 10:44:47 pm
Is anyone following this thread? Is this app still supported?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: StFeder on April 04, 2013, 12:39:12 pm
I'd like to buy this from germany, but this not possible to buy or even to test ("Sorry, you can't get apps in this region. Please check the Store in your region"). Is it possible to get it on an other way? And is it still supported?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on April 17, 2013, 09:23:41 pm
Hi all,

Sorry for having been quiet on this thread - I'm set up to receive notifications, but they haven't been coming through to me.

There is a new version of nMedium in the works (some very big improvements) - but it's been held up up with some other projects I have on the go.

If you have any issues, please feel free to PM me from here.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: StFeder on April 18, 2013, 03:29:42 am
I'd like to buy this from germany, but this not possible [...]
I was able to buy it here finally :) I'm not sure what was/is going wrong. I still can't find the app when searching in the german store. Neither on my phone store nor using a browser. I can find it using the US/UK store. But if I found it there and then change back to germany it says, the app is not available for me. I had to use google to get the working german store link. I was able to download and buy it coming from google.

Strange, but I'm happy to get it work finally. And even more happy to see that development hasn't ended!
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: goatherder on May 03, 2013, 11:17:02 am
Hi all,

Sorry for having been quiet on this thread - I'm set up to receive notifications, but they haven't been coming through to me.

There is a new version of nMedium in the works (some very big improvements) - but it's been held up up with some other projects I have on the go.

If you have any issues, please feel free to PM me from here.

Hooray, I have hope. It was feeling very alpha TBH and I gave up on it after a few too many 'dump to app screen' and other issues.

Ultimately I'd really love a client at feature parity along with the leading iOS ones and I wouldn't mind paying a decent amount for it. The problem is that all the ones on the market feel like real works in progress, and early-stage ones at that. 

It just doesn't make much sense for me to need to pack the iPhone or iPad when my main handsets are a WPfest. Someone make me happy...
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 19, 2013, 10:48:24 pm
One more piece of information, when I try to connect with the following string "" the application just crashes and returns to the  windows phone start screen. If the string is different I get an error stating there is an error with the connection.

Any ideas?

I'm getting the same issue on my WP8 device, app just closes after I click "Try Connection" if I have the ip:port and userid/password set.

If I leave the ID/password out I get an error saying I need to provide authentication details, so I know it is communicating with the server.

I can't use it to check, but does nMedium support MC zones?


EDIT: it worked for me this evening, I managed to connect, but then it crashed when I tried to open up the library.

EDIT2: Last night it was working OK, but there was something in PlayingNow before I launched nMedium, I'll do more testing when I can but could the crash be caused when there is nothing in PlayingNow?. 

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: GrantDG on September 12, 2013, 07:43:08 pm
After a significant break - version 1.4 of nMedium has been released to the store.

Version 1.4 offers some significant performance enhancements and a number of new functionalities.

See the link at the top of this thread for details.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC
Post by: StFeder on September 12, 2013, 08:10:56 pm
Congratulations 8)

After a long wait we get a update which is worth the wait! Works much faster and much more useful with some great new features. Best of course: Volume control now also works in Germany :) And I like the new progress bar. It's very handy to be able to edit the files infos via the phone and the ability to remove single files from playlists is great! One big plus is the ability to chose between to stop immediately and after the current playing song.

The very best remote for WP and MC!! Thanks so much for this!
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **UPDATED**
Post by: goatherder on September 15, 2013, 04:32:54 am
Still get dumped to app screen. I think I've also paid twice for this now for some reason...? Not that that's a big deal but I've not had any other WP7/8 app reliably crash 2 seconds after I go into it.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **UPDATED**
Post by: GrantDG on September 15, 2013, 04:17:06 pm
Still get dumped to app screen. I think I've also paid twice for this now for some reason...? Not that that's a big deal but I've not had any other WP7/8 app reliably crash 2 seconds after I go into it.

What phone are you using?
What steps are you going through / getting up to?
Are you on Wi-Fi or 3/4G?

By the way - saw your comments on another thread about local media playback. That will be fully supported in the next version of nMedium (well - it will be a different version, as it will be a WP8 only App)
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **UPDATED**
Post by: goatherder on September 15, 2013, 04:24:28 pm
By the way - saw your comments on another thread about local media playback. That will be fully supported in the next version of nMedium (well - it will be a different version, as it will be a WP8 only App)

Oh OK. I'll wait for that then. It's like a race - we've got three remote control clients going now, which one will get to handset playback first?!?!
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **UPDATED**
Post by: StFeder on September 15, 2013, 05:35:01 pm
which one will get to handset playback first?!?!
My bet is nMedium :)
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **UPDATED**
Post by: GrantDG on September 15, 2013, 07:29:29 pm
Oh OK. I'll wait for that then. It's like a race - we've got three remote control clients going now, which one will get to handset playback first?!?!

Cool - a challenge! I'm up for it!

Microsoft don't make it terribly easy to invoke local playback - but I have a proof of concept working in my development environment (including video playback). I've now just got to tie it in with a seamless experience against the existing nMedium UI.

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **UPDATED**
Post by: goatherder on September 16, 2013, 01:48:33 pm
Ooooooh. You tease you.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **UPDATED**
Post by: StFeder on September 16, 2013, 03:15:47 pm
Still get dumped to app screen.
Just curios: did you solve your problems?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **UPDATED**
Post by: DavidDahl on November 04, 2013, 09:57:00 am

I've downloaded and installed version 1.4 on my Nokia 928.

For the life of me I cannot figure out how to format the connection settings.  I have the access key, IP address, and port information.  (Example: ReFFtq,, 52199)

I am hopeful that somebody can spell out, exactly, how to format the information to put into the nMedium app.


Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **UPDATED**
Post by: DavidDahl on November 04, 2013, 10:00:55 am

As is often the case, I have figured out the answer to a question moments after posting it online.  It turns out that I only needed to enter the access key and not the IP address or port information. 

It may be worthwhile to update the app so that it is clear what information is needed.  Right now it states: Access key / IP & Port:

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **UPDATED**
Post by: cbee on February 06, 2014, 01:09:31 pm
Just started using this and works well except I cannot rate the files. Is there a setting in JRiver I have to alter?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **UPDATED**
Post by: GrantDG on February 06, 2014, 02:47:15 pm
Just started using this and works well except I cannot rate the files. Is there a setting in JRiver I have to alter?

Rating should 'just work' - as long as you can launch nMedium and access the server, you can rate tracks.

Having said that - there is a current bug in nMedium that ratings will sometimes not 'stick'. This is fixed in the next (major) release of nMedium - and should be available in a few weeks.

As a work around - you can rate files by going to the 'Edit' screen.

Note also :- J River as a slight rendering bug that when a rating IS updated externally, the listing screen will not update the stars until you mouse over the track.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **UPDATED**
Post by: Krunchy on February 07, 2014, 04:42:10 am
Just a word to say that it works fines for me (connecting, rating,...)
And happy to hear that the project is still on. Hope we will soon discover new nice fonctions :)

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **UPDATED**
Post by: GrantDG on February 07, 2014, 06:16:17 am
Hope we will soon discover new nice fonctions :)

The next version of nMedium has been sent for certification - should be out in a few days - many new improvements...

Of course, if there's anything you'd like added - feel free to ask on here!
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on February 09, 2014, 04:28:37 pm
Version 2.0 brings many changes, big and small to nMedium.

Also, we've implemented an error reporting system. If nMedium is going to crash, it will ask if you'd like to send an email to the developer about the crash - very helpful to all for adding stability to the software.

**Valid for multi zone systmes
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: StFeder on February 10, 2014, 04:44:30 am
Great to see all the improvements of nMediumPlay made their way straight to nMedium! Thanks for this nice update!

One thing: there is a settings page called "playback" where I can set the encoding quality for files. I think it unnecessary in nMedium and should only be accessible in nMediumPlay.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on February 21, 2014, 06:08:34 pm
nMedium has been released to the store.

This version add a completely revised first-time start-up process, and completely reworks server setup.

It also adds the ability to connect via a fully qualified domain name (in addition to the previous Access Key and IP address connections)

One thing: there is a settings page called "playback" where I can set the encoding quality for files. I think it unnecessary in nMedium and should only be accessible in nMediumPlay.

The above issue is also fixed
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on March 06, 2014, 03:19:08 pm
Version 2.1 of nMedium has been released to the store... lots of updates and enhancements in this release


Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on March 21, 2014, 06:29:19 pm
nMedium version 2.2. has been released to the store.

Changes in this version:

- Library browsing speed has been increased
- Add some extra helper buttons/actions to track and image view screens
- Server setup / connection provides more details about the server you are connecting to
- In a multi-server setup, if connecting to a server fails, you will be asked to connect to another server
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: Ashfall on April 15, 2014, 08:36:33 pm
I just started using nMedium Play and think it's wonderful.  The music quality streaming on my local wireless is really good with headphones.

Anyway, any chance of adding Magic Packet support to wake the HTPC when the app starts up?

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on April 15, 2014, 08:42:43 pm
I just started using nMedium Play and think it's wonderful.  The music quality streaming on my local wireless is really good with headphones.

Anyway, any chance of adding Magic Packet support to wake the HTPC when the app starts up?

Thanks for the feedback Ashfall.

Cool idea - I'll do some investigation!
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on April 16, 2014, 05:17:12 pm
nMedium version 2.2.1 has been released to the store

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on May 31, 2014, 08:32:39 pm
nMedium version 2.3 has been released to the store.

This version adds the ability to save the 'playing now' list as a playlist on the server
There's also a few bug fixes and stability irovements
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: TCube on June 08, 2014, 04:30:51 am
Sorry wrong topic .. back to NMedium Play  :P

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on July 05, 2014, 10:05:40 pm
Version 2.4 of nMedium has been released to the store

- Support for new Media Sub Types
- nMedium now has the ability to manage linked Zones (Link / Unlink) via the Zone picker.
- Some bug fixes and stability improvements

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: goatherder on August 08, 2014, 06:05:03 pm
Quick question - I've just revisited nMedium recently. Just to confirm, I need to buy nMedium Play for on-phone playback? And does it work with a public IP address?

If so, I'll get it - and thanx for sticking with WP. Can't be easy lol
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: Abarth on August 09, 2014, 12:39:28 pm

I'm trying out JRiver, and looked for a WP8 remote.
Found nMedium Play, which I'm evaluating right now.

One Feature I saw in a Blackberry 10 app for JRiver was "Wake on Lan" for the Server.

I saw a proposal here in this thread to implement, but I think it is not (yet?) implemented?

For reference, I'm using this WP8 app to wake up my PC:

It does work only on LAN. For me, it would suffice anyway.
Any Chance we get this Feature?

Thank you!

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on September 13, 2014, 07:19:03 pm
The latest version of nMedium (2.6) has been released to the store.  

Changes include:
Title: nMedium Play
Post by: arthur071169 on October 10, 2014, 04:14:21 am
 :) :) :)
Just bought the above after having direct email contact with the developer (which was a breeze, I had actually used the version that did not allow local playback (nMedium) on my phone and used the link within the app)..
He suggested I try his other product, 'nMedium Play'.
It is fantastic.  A direct replacement for JRemote on my Iphone.  This looks fantastic on my Lumia 1520, and uses the windows interface very effectively.
I genuinely cannot offer enough praise, as I was spoiled by having my entire MC library able to stream to my iphone and thought i had lost this when I moved to Windows Phone.

Give this a try if you have a windows phone, as the other remotes I tested were just not as good.

I am replying to this topic, but if a moderator thinks it should be moved elsewhere i have no problems.

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on October 10, 2014, 04:32:48 am
Quick question - I've just revisited nMedium recently. Just to confirm, I need to buy nMedium Play for on-phone playback? And does it work with a public IP address?

Sorry - just seeing this (apparently you fall off notification from Yabb if you don't visit regularly)!

Yes - only nMedium Play supports local playback.
And yes - it works with a public IP address (or domain name or access key).
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on October 10, 2014, 04:36:35 am
I saw a proposal here in this thread to implement, but I think it is not (yet?) implemented?

For reference, I'm using this WP8 app to wake up my PC:

It does work only on LAN. For me, it would suffice anyway.
Any Chance we get this Feature?

Thank you!

I did investigate WOL, but I decided that it was really out of the scope of nMedium. There are apps out there (as you have mentioned) that are able to wake up a server if it's offline. The amount of work I'd have to do to enhance the nMedium startup process didn't seem appropriate.

nMedium can only work with a online server
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: Dieter Karner on October 14, 2014, 07:02:29 am
I bought the app yesterday - which was a tricky Business as I'm from Austria..... would be something else to work on: make it truly global available.

So far I am quite impressed with this app and would like to express my gratitude to the developer for providing us MC Junkies with a solid app for remotely controlling our media collection.

There's this one tiny problem I have though:
I am as not able to stream photos directly to my networked TV. Audio and Video plays just fine on the big screen, but Photos always play directly on the phone, no matter what playback zone is activated.
Am I doing something wrong or do other people have the same issue?

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on October 14, 2014, 03:49:04 pm
I bought the app yesterday - which was a tricky Business as I'm from Austria..... would be something else to work on: make it truly global available.

Sorry to hear you had trouble accessing nMedium on the store. nMedium is specifically released to the Austrian market (truthfully - it is released to ALL store markets) - Not sure why you had issues... glad you were able to get it tho!

So far I am quite impressed with this app and would like to express my gratitude to the developer for providing us MC Junkies with a solid app for remotely controlling our media collection.


There's this one tiny problem I have though:
I am as not able to stream photos directly to my networked TV. Audio and Video plays just fine on the big screen, but Photos always play directly on the phone, no matter what playback zone is activated.
Am I doing something wrong or do other people have the same issue?

The observed functionality is as per design. The main design goal of nMedium is 'remote' access of JRiver. Controlling photos on the same screen as the instance of JRiver seems better done via JRiver itself. Also, playback of photos on your phone seems a more beneficial use case for the app.

Hope this all helps
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: Dieter Karner on October 17, 2014, 02:52:18 am

looks like I posted to the wrong thread. This is about nMedium Play.

nMedium (play) is definitely not available in the regional store, I checked again. I had to by it from the US store.

@ photo playback:
I agree, that if I personally want to look at photos from the server (jriver), I rather look at them on the phone directly. However, any user should be savvy enough to select "My Device" as playback zone.
If I want to show pictures to the family then I must use the big screen, or the shared experience is rather limited.
Because of this (your?) design decision, I have to switch to webgizmo, or JRemote or use the clunky menu from the TV.

To me the current design is a restriction, something like parental control: "oh no you can't use the TV for that. You have to watch your photos on the mobile!"  ::)

I hope you see my point?
Title: Re:
Post by: StFeder on October 17, 2014, 03:41:42 am
I too had some problems with regional store when nMedium first appeared. But for me it was more a problem related to the store search which was for some reason unable to find nMedium. Going to the US Store and changing to my regional store made nMedium appear there.

I'd of course call this a problem, because somebody searching nMedium wouldn't find it but for me it wasn't something the developer of nMedium could change.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: Dieter Karner on October 18, 2014, 01:35:17 am
totally agree that this is not the program error. Just wanted to point out that there's something wrong with the distribution/store
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: MaschNe on October 24, 2014, 11:23:57 am
just downloaded the app. great work!! works fine ;D no problems. i`m using a lumia 920.

but one feature is missing. adjustable sliders for volume and position of a track would be cool.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: eljr on May 05, 2015, 02:44:42 pm
how can I play two zones, same music, simultaneously?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: bmoura on June 11, 2015, 04:13:47 am
What is the difference between nMedium and nMedium Play? 
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: eljr on July 30, 2015, 09:35:03 am
What is the difference between nMedium and nMedium Play? 

nMedium Play will play your JRiver library over your phone. nMedium is strictly a remote control.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: Abarth on August 14, 2015, 07:56:07 am
Now that W10 is out, and W10 for mobile is in sight, is there any chance this app will be updated to an unified app which will run on all form factors?
It would be great to have such an app on a tablet without the need to install complete JRiver.

Microsoft with this really has opened a huge field of possibilities to clever developers!
Title: Re:
Post by: Abarth on October 02, 2015, 06:26:42 pm
Bump. I would pay for such an app....
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on October 22, 2015, 07:52:04 pm
Now that W10 is out, and W10 for mobile is in sight, is there any chance this app will be updated to an unified app which will run on all form factors?
It would be great to have such an app on a tablet without the need to install complete JRiver.

Microsoft with this really has opened a huge field of possibilities to clever developers!

Sorry for the slow reply on this - I have been out of the country on holidays.

Yes - there is a plan to do this (!

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: Abarth on October 26, 2015, 07:56:41 am
Thanks, I right now spotted that other post!

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: B73 on November 14, 2015, 05:33:41 am
Hello, can someone help me with that question concerning nMedium?

nMedium uses mobile network instead of WiFi:
I'm using the nMedium app for Windows Phone as a remote and I'm quite happy with it. Only problem is that nMedium always uses the mobile network instead of WiFi. There are no app settings to change this. Since this is the only app on my phone with this specific behaviour I'm confused. Is this typical for nMedium? Do I have to change any phone settings? Thank you!

Original thread: (
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: B73 on April 06, 2016, 03:28:19 am
Finally, I solved it by myself. Quite easy if you know it... It's not enough to use a 'guest' network only, it has to be exactly the same one. That's all.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: Ashfall on September 12, 2016, 09:22:49 am
I'm having a minor issue with nMedium Play version

I've customized views for media network connected devices to match what I have configured for theater view.
This post illustrates the views:,106984.msg743407.html#msg743407

When drilling down, it goes through Artists->Albums->Releases (year, label, country ,media)->Mix->Disc Subtitle.

In theater view, if any of those groups have only 1 member, or if any of those fields are empty (zero members in the grouping), that level is skipped.  This is also true for JRemote.

But in nMedium, each level is displayed even if there is only one member.  That part isn't too bad, but for my custom fields "Mix" and "Disc Subtitle", most albums have an empty tag for those, and nMedium displays a single "Unassigned" group that I have to traverse.

Can an option be added to skip levels with 1 or fewer groups?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: Ashfall on September 14, 2016, 09:32:04 pm
I was able to find a solution that works.  Instead of having all my additional groupings at individual levels, I just got rid of disc subtitle and consolidated the rest into one "album-release-mix" grouping.  Works fine for me.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: bmoura on March 05, 2017, 02:02:30 am
What is the difference between nMedium and nMedium Play? 

Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on March 05, 2017, 02:24:51 am
What is the difference between nMedium and nMedium Play?

nMedium allows you to control playback of your JRiver installation

nMedium Play additionally allows you to stream music / pictures / video to your phone.
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: syndromeofadown on March 05, 2017, 11:06:28 pm
Hi GrantDG.
I have been using nMedium Play lately and am very impressed with it.
Would this be a good place for feature requests/suggestions?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on March 05, 2017, 11:42:24 pm
I have been using nMedium Play lately and am very impressed with it.


Would this be a good place for feature requests/suggestions?

Send me a direct message on here...
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: Gatherum on March 15, 2017, 03:01:51 pm
Are there any plans to add Theatre View remote functionality to this, as well as the ability to play to the phone?
Title: Re: nMedium: Windows Phone remote control for MC **Version 2.0**
Post by: GrantDG on March 15, 2017, 05:33:17 pm
Are there any plans to add Theatre View remote functionality to this

None is planned (nor likely to happen)

as well as the ability to play to the phone?

Absolutely: Look up 'nMedium Play' in the store