More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 19 for Windows => Topic started by: Mike48 on July 12, 2013, 01:24:06 pm

Title: Feature Requests
Post by: Mike48 on July 12, 2013, 01:24:06 pm
Do you anticipate any extensions/improvements to Gizmo?  There are a few threads with many desired features.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: daveman on July 12, 2013, 01:51:12 pm
Just bought the upgrade,

can't wait to see what is awaiting in the next version.

Some issues I would like to see in the next version.
1.  on title bar where is says JRiver Media Center 18 I would also like to  version number (rather than having to go to Help about).
2.  Registration info under help, should have the registration codes (I had to search through old email to find it when I paid for upgrade for v. 19).
3.  Search option should have a global option rather than searching based on category (audio, video, etc.).
3.  Better documentation of features directly within MC19.
4.  More DLNA templates.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: pdf1964 on July 12, 2013, 02:10:00 pm
Is the issue with streaming gapless playback in a "push" fashion resolved in version 19? It works fine when "pulling" from a DLNA rendering device in version 18, put when pushing either directly from the MC console, or with JRemote, there are always 5 second (or more) gaps between songs.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Fleckenzwerg on July 12, 2013, 02:35:37 pm
Will there be a "live" PCM -> DSD conversion (so no saving of the DSD files on hard drive would be necessary)? This was announced in a thread about PCM -> DSD conversion in MC18.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Matt on July 12, 2013, 02:40:25 pm
Will there be a "live" PCM -> DSD conversion (so no saving of the DSD files on hard drive would be necessary)? This was announced in a thread about PCM -> DSD conversion in MC18.

It's too soon to speak much about features, but real-time DSD output is planned.  Also 2x DoP mode.  And support for startup and between track silence when bitstreaming DSD.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Neco on July 12, 2013, 11:15:06 pm
I have faith in MC as a product, so I have already purchased the upgrade as a matter of course,  since I had the money on hand.

Having said that, I look forward to what kind of new features you are going to come up with,  and am interested to see how you plan to  slim down and optimize the program.

I never did get around to making that  SSA/ASS  bugs thread, but I hope to one day when I have some free time.    I would be very happy to see continued improvements in subtitle  support in  MC19;  whether its by external renderer support or internal improvements.   It would be nice to see  DLNA streaming with properly rendered subs burned into the video as well  :P

Would also be nice to see improvements in   Theater View  levels organization (Show->Season->Ep / art for all supported etc)  and some more flexability on cover art in general for music.   Simple things (imho) mainly,  that shouldn't require you to learn complex expressions to "hack" it in to working the way you might want.

That's my 2 cents.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: kstich on July 13, 2013, 12:57:42 am
I would like to see improvements in the Theater view as well. I rarely use this feature even though it was one of the original reasons I opted for JRiver over other audio only programs. I think it is a fairly clunky interface for theater view.

Better Bluray playback would be awesome. I get the occasional glitch that's occasional enough I stick with my dedicated bluray player. Bluray/DVD ripping to MKV would be a great feature. MC18 seems to imply DVD ripping is supported but this has never worked afaik.

Audio is excellent. Not sure how to improve this... Have yet to try use the ASIO Line In interface in MC18 but this was next on my list. My ultimate goal will be the computer as full AVR with my external DAC. I hope the line in interface works pretty solidly for this purpose.

Video playback is good. It has become my standard player. It is pretty solid here. My aging computer (Core 2 Duo E8400) has trouble with the Red October HQ mode, but not sure what can be done on your end for this...

More streaming support would be awesome. I use the Netflix app on Win 8 because its so easy, but it would be cool to do this from JRiver as well. Airplay support would be cool, not sure what the comparable feature on Androids would be. That's fun for parties.

Lastly, Gizmo "Play All" mode and shuffle support would be nice. Not sure the MC18 version does these basic tasks.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: gtgray on July 14, 2013, 12:11:36 am
Here is the suggestion of the day, now that we have cable card support for the Ceton and the HD Prime it is time to take that all the way to support cable labs certification and allow copy protected TV content playback. While those of us on Comcast and Verizon Fios get a lot of content that is not flagged many of those with other providers get little or no uses out of the cable card tuner support. I know of many users who have Comcast and they just don't take MC seriously for HTPC use for the lack of copy protected content support and the still kind of awkward guide/PVR interface. My brother and I had a chat today. He likes the engineering for audio, hates the interface and despite having a Ceton won't bother with it on MC for TV until it supports copy protected content. We are both on Comcast and my tier is largely copy freely so I have finally migrated away from WMC with the last few version even though they had some odd bugs. So he is WMC for TV and JR for music and he has a hard time seeing it as an HTPC solution. Now I am committed to madVR and that is hugely important to me especially with the almost frantic development of the calibration with large 3D LUTs madVR is near to bringing us.

Yeah, you will get my $20 bucks, but I don't like the lack of any roadmap either.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: husmoaschta on July 14, 2013, 12:18:28 pm
Include support for IPTV (DVB-IP) ( ( ), and you'll get my money for MC19,20,21... ;)

DVB-S with CI-support, and my money is yours (and probably not only mine ...)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: shldnsmth on July 15, 2013, 10:09:12 pm
I have a couple of "asks" for the future if possible...

1) Is there any possibility of the GUI being user configurable? In my particular case, at this time, I'm only interested in the audio functionality that MC provides, as I'm using it to setup for my radio show. I don't need any of the other features (video, podcasts, documents, etc) at this time. I'd really like to be able to "un-configure" them and have them not be displayed or processed by MC.

2) As much as I normally hate it, I would like the addition of a "Confirm on Delete" for Playlists OR a "recovery" capability. It's my own fault for not paying more attention however I've lost Playlists for my show several times due to my hands moving faster than my mind. Maybe a "trashcan" as a temporary delete, which empties when MC closes???

3) I'd also like to be able to "Bookmark" my position so I can return to that point in MC immediately, i.e. I'm in Audio>Genres>Blues>Hans Theessink>Call Me and I drop down to Playlists>X>Y>Z to check something. Now I want to go right back to where I was prior to going to Playlists without having to step thru the whole path again. THAT would be VERY functional!
Thanks ~ Sheldon
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: mojave on July 15, 2013, 10:24:52 pm
I have a couple of "asks" for the future if possible...

1) Is there any possibility of the GUI being user configurable? In my particular case, at this time, I'm only interested in the audio functionality that MC provides, as I'm using it to setup for my radio show. I don't need any of the other features (video, podcasts, documents, etc) at this time. I'd really like to be able to "un-configure" them and have them not be displayed or processed by MC.

2) As much as I normally hate it, I would like the addition of a "Confirm on Delete" for Playlists OR a "recovery" capability. It's my own fault for not paying more attention however I've lost Playlists for my show several times due to my hands moving faster than my mind. Maybe a "trashcan" as a temporary delete, which empties when MC closes???

3) I'd also like to be able to "Bookmark" my position so I can return to that point in MC immediately, i.e. I'm in Audio>Genres>Blues>Hans Theessink>Call Me and I drop down to Playlists>X>Y>Z to check something. Now I want to go right back to where I was prior to going to Playlists without having to step thru the whole path again. THAT would be VERY functional!
Thanks ~ Sheldon

1.  This has been possible for as long as I remember. Go to Tools > Options > General > Features to turn of features you don't want/need.

2.  You can save and restore library backups which will allow you to recover deleted playlists.

3.  Open multiple tabs. Use one tab for your current view and another tab for browsing. Just like in a browser, you can click the blank tab to the right of the current tab to open another view. You can have many views open at once.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: packux on July 16, 2013, 07:58:15 am
Upgraded to MC19 as well. Excellent software product, keep it up guys.

Would love to see DLNA transcoding capabilities including upscaling/upmixing using LAV/JRiver's audio engine.

Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Dr Tone on July 16, 2013, 08:07:11 am
1) I'd like to be able to configure J River to backup libraries on some sort of schedule when left running 24/7.

2) This one might be tougher. When looking at tracks for an album artist, I'd like to be able to list tracks where the album artist is in the artist tag of tracks as well.  Sometimes certain songs for an album artist are on soundtracks only or they made guest appearances on other artists songs and there is no easy way to see this with the current J River model besides doing a search.  Sure this can be achieved by using artist tag in the first place, but with my very large music collection that artist list is rather polluted.  This is the last feature I miss from my squeezebox days.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Chauncey on July 16, 2013, 12:49:37 pm
I think these comments and feature requests may have been missed in all the squabbling regarding the upgrade price. I will pre-purchase but haven't gotten around to it yet. JRiver really has been a great program and occupies the majority of my time on the computer. I would love to see these to help it get even better. Thanks!

I would love a better Theater View experience.  It's the main reason I bought MC18 but I found it a bit too bloated.  I was hoping to have something similar to an Apple TV but with hi-res support.

That's also why I would love Airplay support in MC19; that and BD menus and I'm set!
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JimH on July 16, 2013, 12:53:53 pm
You can customize Theater View in Options.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Fangio on July 16, 2013, 02:49:38 pm
Support for .rec video files please.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Mars on July 16, 2013, 02:51:28 pm
Include support for IPTV (DVB-IP) ( ( ), and you'll get my money for MC19,20,21... ;)

Related to that, my provider broadcasts its contents through RTP streams, an IP per channel, so the ability to play RTP streams would definitely make the trick.  Watching TV is the only feature I have to relay on a third party program due to this lack, and I'd love MC to be the only solution for our HTPC experience  ;).
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: rlebrette on July 16, 2013, 03:22:35 pm
RTP streams, an IP per channel, so the ability to play RTP streams would definitely make the trick.  Watching TV is the only feature I have to relay on a third party program due to this lack, and

It's already working on my MC with french Freebox channels.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: StuckMojo on July 16, 2013, 03:26:34 pm
-Now that we have moviedb,tvdb: Integrating '' would be nice for audio files.

-Full BluRay (Menu) Support

-Full 3D Support (Frame Packing, SBS, Over-Under)

-The ability to choose different languages for Movie and TV Series descriptions (Get Movie Info)
 There are different languages available on both sites.(TVDdB & MoviedB)

-Putting the audiophile level one step further, if it is possible.  ;D

-Integrating IMDB Ratings for movie tagging would be nice.

This would be my wishlist.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on July 16, 2013, 03:35:12 pm
-Full BluRay (Menu) Support
-Full 3D Support (Frame Packing, SBS, Over-Under)
I think these are unlikely to happen without Media Center becoming a licensed Blu-ray player - which would mean restrictions on what the program is allowed to do with audio, and may even prevent things like madVR from being used.

As far as I know, there are no projects out there for Blu-ray menus or 3D support which are anywhere near a state that they would be suitable for MC integration.
And many (most?) people running software like Media Center actually prefer not having to deal with Blu-ray menus, with the software automatically playing the film as soon as you start playback, and not having to configure audio or subtitles.
Menu support also means things like being forced to sit through 10 minutes of trailers before you can even get to them.

Madshi has mentioned that he would like to add 3D support to madVR, so if that ever happens, we may see 3D supported that way, but that could be a long time away. I think it's a low priority for him.
There are only a very small number of real 3D titles out there, and the industry considers 3D to be a failed venture, with focus shifting towards 4K now.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Mars on July 16, 2013, 03:46:27 pm
It's already working on my MC with french Freebox channels.

You mean you're able to play streams in the format rtp://@###.#.#.##:####  rtp://@(Channel's Ip address):(Port)?  :o

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: danrgleason on July 16, 2013, 04:10:47 pm
Just like scrobbling for, I would like to have update to Facebook so I can turn it on and post what I am listening to, to my FB wall. I can do this in Pandora, and also click a share button that will allow me to share on twitter and FB at same time, along with a post. I do this to remind myself of goods songs and also people that follow me, comment on songs I post and I miss having that kind of interactivity in MC.

I think right-click, share on FB would be a very cool thing.
BTW-I too have paid for my MC19 upgrade. I've been a faithful advocate for this great program since mc13
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: rlebrette on July 16, 2013, 04:11:48 pm
You mean you're able to play streams in the format rtp://@###.#.#.##:####  rtp://@(Channel's Ip address):(Port)?  :o

Finally I can't totally confirm what I was writing, they are too many r?tp? protocols (rtp, rtpc, rtsp), it's correctly working with rtps://ip:port/query
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: drmimosa on July 16, 2013, 04:15:42 pm
Two Theater View - Youtube related requests:

-Support for youtube channels in Theater View. It would be great to add channels like or, then browse using remote control.

-Add custom youtube search terms for Theater view. In addition to the current tabs (the new ones from v18 are great!), it would be great to add a "Charlie Parker" and a "Red Hot Chili Peppers" tab, or "Puppies", or whatever...

Also, I've hacked in some webpages to Theater View. HBOGo, ESPN, etc. It would be nice to be able to take advantage of some of the loopback/dsp features for these added items, perhaps a way to toggle loopback on and off for Theater View items. This would be great for Netflix as well

Thanks for considering these. I'm excited. New MC versions make every day like Xmas morning for months and months...
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Mars on July 16, 2013, 04:27:38 pm
Finally I can't totally confirm what I was writing, they are too many r?tp? protocols (rtp, rtpc, rtsp), it's correctly working with rtps://ip:port/query

Oh, I see. Whenever I try to open an rtp://ip:port stream through "Open URL" in MC, nothing happens.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: ravenswood1000 on July 16, 2013, 04:58:57 pm
Wanted to say that J River is the finest audio program I have ever seen and I work with audio a lot. In fact, as software goes, it is the finest piece of software ever written (in my book).

Some feature requests:

Along with Audio, images, video, etc could we have a slot for audiobooks so as to keep them completly away from the music library?

A secondary password would be wonderful so that we could have one that would allow remotes such as ipads, etc to access the media server, with another to actually make changes to it (such as delete a song).

That is about all I could hope for. Thanks again for such fine software.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: packux on July 16, 2013, 05:04:27 pm
Upgraded to MC19 as well. Excellent software product, keep it up guys.

Would love to see DLNA transcoding capabilities including upscaling/upmixing using LAV/JRiver's audio engine.

Keep up the good work.

Matt (or whoever) can you please comment on this request? Is it even remotely possible? If yes, do you believe it could be implemented within the next 3-6 months? It's somewhat important for me as it will drive my buying decisions for a next htpc.

Thanks a bunch!
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: mrfx on July 16, 2013, 06:29:27 pm
-Support for youtube channels in Theater View. It would be great to add channels like or, then browse using remote control.

+1 for configurable list of Youtube Channels in Theater View.
Simple access to Youtube Playlists would be great too (and watch history and liked videos ;D) since AFAIK YouTube Data API V3 support that. :)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Matt on July 16, 2013, 07:04:51 pm
DLNA already supports audio and video transcoding.  We've done a lot of work on it to support a wide array of formats.

Look in Options > Media Network > Add or configure servers...

I'd like to add full DSP Studio support for DLNA to MC19, but there are some usability / complexity concerns, so I'm not sure if it'll happen.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Blaine78 on July 16, 2013, 09:39:04 pm
Will there be a "live" PCM -> DSD conversion (so no saving of the DSD files on hard drive would be necessary)? This was announced in a thread about PCM -> DSD conversion in MC18.

+1. Quality selectable Delta Sigma Modulators would be nice- high quality high CPU usage/Lower quality easy on CPU.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: EdBrady on July 16, 2013, 11:41:51 pm
It may not be sexy, but the best feature I can think of is real documentation.  I'm sure Media Center can do a lot more than I know about.  A help file and pdf manual would be well worth the upgrade cost.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: syndromeofadown on July 16, 2013, 11:57:57 pm
An "Import / Export" button in 'Tag On Import'
so expressions can be copied like in 'Set Rules For File Display'

As is, when I make the switch to MC19, I will have to manually add 14 'Tag On Import' expressions for each of my 7 drives for a total of 98 individual copy and pastes.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: ead1 on July 17, 2013, 01:13:37 am
1) DR analyzer, just like in foobar2000

2) Better interpenetration with HDtracks and other download sites, so when you buy it automaticaly download from JRiver in the background and import if wanted

3) DSD better handling like DSD 128 and 256 and on the fly like someone said here before

4) better use of the GPU for showing movies, so will be faster and less CPU use

5) Faster ;)

6) 64 bit version !!!

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: ead1 on July 17, 2013, 01:57:48 am
Oh, also support for better DVD and Blue ray playing, and ripping! so I can rip Audio out of the DVD/BLUE RAY  without any issue. (in the native format, using stereo or whatever)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Videophile on July 17, 2013, 02:08:22 am
A dts 96/24 output in jrivers engine to get the most out of the signal would be desirable.Thus an 8 channel dac purchase could become unnecessary.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on July 17, 2013, 02:44:19 am
4) better use of the GPU for showing movies, so will be faster and less CPU use
If you're seeing high CPU usage during video playback, you either have hardware acceleration disabled, or your system might be too slow.

6) 64 bit version !!!
Why do you want a 64-bit version?

A dts 96/24 output in jrivers engine to get the most out of the signal would be desirable.Thus an 8 channel dac purchase could become unnecessary.
If you mean encoding DTS in real-time to go over an optical connection, I don't think that is feasible.

Oh, also support for better DVD and Blue ray playing, and ripping! so I can rip Audio out of the DVD/BLUE RAY  without any issue. (in the native format, using stereo or whatever)
"Make it better" isn't a very good feature request. What do you want to see improved? And Media Center can already do video to audio conversions.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: packux on July 17, 2013, 02:46:13 am
DLNA already supports audio and video transcoding.  We've done a lot of work on it to support a wide array of formats.

Look in Options > Media Network > Add or configure servers...

I'd like to add full DSP Studio support for DLNA to MC19, but there are some usability / complexity concerns, so I'm not sure if it'll happen.

To begin with, thanks for the reply Matt, I really appreciate it.

On the video transcoding side, correct me if I am wrong,  the ROHQ filters (or any custom configuration an end-user might have)  are not utilised. My question relates more to that perspective: would it be possible to use LAV for decoding, then add some upscaling/frame interpolation (using a custom configuration where  AviSynth is invoked) when transcoding video for DLNA, in a similar way as PS3 Media Server does it?

If that would be possible, it would all of the sudden become possible to diminish the CPU/GPU requirements on the DLNA renderer or even use an operating system (such as MacOSX) which does not provide such strong capabilities for video upscaling/post-processing as Windows.

Thanks already for your time.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: yannis on July 17, 2013, 02:47:59 am
Well, it's sad to see noone is really rooting for some serious scraping for videos. This would have been my #1 request.

Besides that, I posted a wishlist months ago ( (, and I haven't seen a lot resolved in the meantime. So I'll withhold judgment on v19 and I'll upgrade when I see some improvements that really affect my way of using this great piece of sw.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Videophile on July 17, 2013, 03:29:45 am

If you mean encoding DTS in real-time to go over an optical connection, I don't think that is feasible.

I will make a wish on a falling star...
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: csimon on July 17, 2013, 03:40:41 am
1. Improvements to Theater View - default skins to be "better looking" and more swish; better support for touch for use with Windows 8 tablets (or else a vastly improved mobile-device app that gives the Theater View experience on a hand-held device).

2. Reworking of client/server, i.e. complete transparency when connected to a library server, you should be able to tag, import, rip etc exactly the same as if you were working on the server, with no vague synching process that has to take place. This should also pave the way for client/server functionaility to be separated so that you could run a server on a Linux box or whatever and use Windows (or Mac or iOS or Android...) clients to play or manage. Server = handles database, serves data and media by various protocols.  Client = connects to server, allows user to manage the libraries and play media.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: paul1970 on July 17, 2013, 03:52:01 am
+1 for Theater View development. Sprucing up the default skins is maybe less important than giving third parties the flexibility to really go to town though (for me).
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: ead1 on July 17, 2013, 03:52:38 am
Also, what about VIP subscription? so I can get each month like 24/96 of newest HDtracks direct and auto into my JRiver? that will be cool :)

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: raym on July 17, 2013, 06:21:57 am
+1 for configurable list of Youtube Channels in Theater View.
Simple access to Youtube Playlists would be great too (and watch history and liked videos ;D) since AFAIK YouTube Data API V3 support that. :)

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: daveg on July 17, 2013, 07:19:22 am
When detaching viewing window, would like player controls somewhere on that window. ie show when hovering over video.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: DoubtingThomas on July 17, 2013, 09:08:10 am
Savable Equalizer Presets that can be applied on a track by track basis.

I would use this to set up a few eq curves to help me manage bass better, some tracks are simply mixed with too much bass compared to  most of my other albums.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: csimon on July 17, 2013, 09:18:00 am
1. Improvements to Theater View - default skins to be "better looking" and more swish; better support for touch for use with Windows 8 tablets (or else a vastly improved mobile-device app that gives the Theater View experience on a hand-held device).

2. Reworking of client/server, i.e. complete transparency when connected to a library server, you should be able to tag, import, rip etc exactly the same as if you were working on the server, with no vague synching process that has to take place. This should also pave the way for client/server functionaility to be separated so that you could run a server on a Linux box or whatever and use Windows (or Mac or iOS or Android...) clients to play or manage. Server = handles database, serves data and media by various protocols.  Client = connects to server, allows user to manage the libraries and play media.


3. Reworking of Zoning, to allow easier linking/unlinking, defining zones in groups that persist.

I think my wishlist is all to do with making it easier to use the program as a whole-house media hub, making it easier to browse and select and play from wherever you are and choose where you want sound to be heard. Keyboards, mice and remote controls are last century, let's move forward.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: rec head on July 17, 2013, 09:52:10 am
I just got into MC with v18 but have already paid for 19. Here's the features I'd like to see:

1) Having the best interface for the big internet video services like Netflix, Hulu and Youtube. I want to use my Harmony remote to easily get around all these services.

2) Documentation would be great.

3) Gizmo: running as a widget would be great and rating tracks.

I would be willing to pay up front in a Kickstarter fashion to get any of these features.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: imeric on July 17, 2013, 09:59:34 am
Tech support is great but there's a few obvious things I posted that never got resolved or updated...
-TV Guide info showing up while watching TV (A bit like Sage..Still using Sage as I never was able to make MC work as nicely for TV watching and my colossus card never worked only the ATSC ones did...)  Mind you I quit trying a few months ago...Too  time consuming
-When renaming files there should be an option to let you move other contents in the folder as well (rip log files, jpg files etc...). (I do like the prompt to delete the folder though thx for that :)
-Ability to automatically transcode ALAC files to AAC (with QAAC) when transferring to devices while keeping 320 kbps or other mp3 files intact
-Ability to automatically rename files going to device and not just folder renaming.
-I have to say Stability is a lot better now thanks for that!
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: flac.rules on July 17, 2013, 04:40:52 pm
Well i have the same 3 as I have had a good while now

1. Ability to have several shared libraries on the server, and choose between the several server libraries on the client.
2. Gizmo need a update, in particular when it comes to flexibility
3. Smoother looking theatre view.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: dean70 on July 17, 2013, 04:59:16 pm
Integrated room correction measurement functions to generate filters rather than relying on 3rd party software.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: locust on July 17, 2013, 09:37:53 pm
The ability to mkvmerge & replace internally within mc would be amazing.

If not then some sort of ghost merge that would hide the originals, and show pseudo file like particles.. I've read in another thread that this is more complicated than is seems to get seamless playback with directshow.. For me that is not a problem because even if I lined up the files in playing now I would not seamless playback.. It would be very handy as a quick and dirty way to merge a file until you can be bothered using mkvmerge on them and even more useful for files that aren't supported in mkvmerge such as wmv, couldn't imagine anyone who had a whole bunch of wmv files wanting to convert and merge them..

Also resizable label column in the tagging window..

Some sort of warp speed video preview when working with files in the main application just like we have for audio, it could overlay the video over the coverart of the video if at all possible or in the display window.. If rendering is an issue the ability to pre make the previews in the options also where you can globally rebuild thumbnails..

It would be great if mc could generate thumbnail previews (The ones that show a grid of several images throughout the video) when rebuilding cover art.. Which could be shown when you hover over a file.

Rebuilding indexes of avi files that are corrupt.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: v_erich on July 18, 2013, 03:27:35 am
I want more features for Theater View, especially for scrapping the data (from German speaking websites please possible), great would be like Yadis for Dune Media Players.
Maybe I can use JRiver then also in my homecinema, but now its not "easy", no german descriptions, no good possibilities to edit the Cover flow...

DSP Features (Convolving!) for DLNA, so that you can make a PC as Server for the complete flat/house where everything can also be convolved (only one place where every feature is neccessary, you can use featureless hardware to listen to music.

Better control app for Android (no 3rd party needed)

Best Regards,
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: WeeHappyPixie on July 18, 2013, 05:53:49 am
Would love it if MC wouldnt list everything as a MediaCenter File with the same icon. Would prefer it if it said MC FLAC file, MC MP3 file etc.
Also the icon could have the type of file on it like many other programs. Makes it so much easier when browsing large lists of files.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on July 18, 2013, 06:30:46 am
Would love it if MC wouldnt list everything as a MediaCenter File with the same icon. Would prefer it if it said MC FLAC file, MC MP3 file etc.
Also the icon could have the type of file on it like many other programs. Makes it so much easier when browsing large lists of files. (
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: DangerJP on July 18, 2013, 06:55:54 am
Features I would like to see implemented in MC19:

1) a tool to obtain the dynamic range values of tracks and albums
2) a tool to check whether a FLAC or WAVE file is truly lossless or not (similar to Audiochecker)

Currently, I use external programs to perform these two tasks. It would be great if MC could do this!

It could be integrated in the "Analyze Audio" feature, for example.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Quixote on July 18, 2013, 01:49:30 pm
1) Detachable views and action windows would be a HUGE boon.  Having just 1 active action window limits the displaying information and multitasking at times (i.e. Keeping the "Image" and "Tag" action window open at the same time.

2) Separate status bar items (areas) for view information and progress indicators.  After adjusting tags, the status bar changes to tagging progress indication and you loose the view (selection) summary.  In MC18 and below, if you are doing a lengthy tag process, the progress indication always overrides any new selection indications.  I would suggest putting the Tag Progress Indication right justified in the status bar.

3) Use Icons for the services in the View headers (Amazon, AMG, Google, etc...).  This would take up less space.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: DoubtingThomas on July 18, 2013, 08:39:22 pm
Features I would like to see implemented in MC19:

2) a tool to check whether a FLAC or WAVE file is truly lossless or not (similar to Audiochecker)

Interesting... how would a checker determine that?  FLAC and WAV is lossless by design, although they could have been created from a lossy file... (no loss from the lossy format LOL ...)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on July 19, 2013, 11:25:00 am
Something that I think would be a nice UI improvement would be to keep the currently playing track in a fixed position on the "now playing" list, and scroll the list up rather than have the currently playing track move down the list until it's the last item in the view.

I did a little testing, and keeping about 15% of the list size above the currently playing track seemed to be a nice value for this, giving a good balance between displaying upcoming tracks, and previously played tracks.

So if the list is tall enough to display 10 tracks at once, the currently playing track would always be #3 on the list until there are no more tracks to scroll through, at which point it does start moving down the list towards the end. (rather than continuing to scroll up and leaving a blank area)
If you stick to 15%, with 20 tracks it would be fixed at #4 on the list. When displaying 30 tracks it would be #6, with 40 tracks it's #7 etc.

Adjusting dynamically based on the list size seemed to work better than simply deciding that the currently playing track is always #5 on the list, for example.
That number might be fine when you have a lot of tracks being displayed, but not when there's only a few.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: obchristo on July 19, 2013, 11:58:47 am
While I love JRiver for Audio and my media collections, I wish for Cablecard support of encrypted channels on the Cetons. JRiver is essentially useless for me with Cox cable.

If this was available, my wife would stop yelling at me (about TV)  ::)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: mojave on July 19, 2013, 12:26:32 pm
While I love JRiver for Audio and my media collections, I wish for Cablecard support of encrypted channels on the Cetons. JRiver is essentially useless for me with Cox cable.

If this was available, my wife would stop yelling at me (about TV)  ::)
JRiver has supported Ceton Cablecards and encrypted channels flagged as Copy Freely since March (18.0.146).

Ceton InfiniTV 4 Support (
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: John57 on July 19, 2013, 12:37:47 pm
I would like to see configurable mouse wheel control like for tempo for audio or video
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: prerich on July 19, 2013, 12:53:07 pm
+! for integrated room correction measurement functions to generate filters rather than relying on 3rd party software. I'm pretty successful with the 3rd party software, but I would even pay a premium to be able to do this through JRiver alone!!!! JRiver was the best $50 I've spent and I paid for the upgrade to 18 as well, I'd be willing to pay an extra price for this featrue (say another $40 for first timers and $25 to $30 for old timers). If you do it, make sure its compatible with the UMM-6 from Dayton! ;) :D
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: lightchild on July 19, 2013, 02:16:04 pm
Wow I just looked and I first starting using this product in 2002!

Very major change

Fully split client and media server.
Stand alone running of media server as a service / daemon
Stand alone fat client for changing options, updating db, importing media etc.
Stand alone thin client for playback only, maybe web based (html5?)

In the future this could allow you to develop for different platforms easier.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: lightchild on July 19, 2013, 02:22:20 pm
Minor changes

1. Proper ebook support

2. SQL like interface to the database

3. Documentation
I mainly use this product to play music.
When I even look at the features request, I don't even understand what people are talking about.

I keep seeing people having trouble with wanting to watch Red October,
the last time I watched it, I think it was on VHS; what is so special about that movie?
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Sesam on July 19, 2013, 02:38:45 pm
MC is basically already perfect for me when it comes to audio, but it is lacking in video/theater features.

What I would like to see:

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: cycler2 on July 19, 2013, 03:09:19 pm
Minor change, please:  add a "pause" function to the Media Center thumbnail when positioned on the quick start bar.  Currently, hovering over the thumbnail allows forward and previous track, start play, and stop functions. 

Congrats on your success with version 18 and I'm looking forward to more great things from version 19, which I have purchased.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Sesam on July 19, 2013, 03:29:19 pm
-When renaming files there should be an option to let you move other contents in the folder as well (rip log files, jpg files etc...).

Yes, that would be really useful. I always store album art and related content in the same folder.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: pjasper on July 19, 2013, 03:51:08 pm
I'd be interested in wireless syncing from Media Center to Gizmo. I have 64GB cards in my Android phone and tablet, primarily to store my audio collection. Mobile storage is only going to get cheaper and larger in coming years.

However, syncing to MC currently requires connecting my devices by USB (or plugging the micro-SD cards into my computer). It sometimes syncs quickly (e.g., adding new music only in a few minutes), but often wants to delete everything and start over.

So I guess I'm asking for Gizmo to support syncing and for better support in MC for recognizing devices and only syncing what has really changed.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: FrankP1953 on July 19, 2013, 04:03:54 pm
Merge multiple tracks into a single track, to get rid of gaps... now I have to go to Foobar and EAC
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: mojave on July 19, 2013, 04:09:46 pm
Merge multiple tracks into a single track, to get rid of gaps... now I have to go to Foobar and EAC
You can select gapless playback in Tools > Options > Audio > Track Change. You can do gapless for all tracks, or just sequential tracks in an album.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: locust on July 19, 2013, 05:07:50 pm
MC is basically already perfect for me when it comes to audio, but it is lacking in video/theater features.

What I would like to see:

  • Possibility to easily add custom Movie & TV Info scrapers
  • Parental Controls, so you can hide select content

+1 on the scrapers

You can allready set parental controls via Access Control but what is needed is an easy way to enable/disable it within Theatre View.. I'd personally like to be able to program a button on my mce remote via core commands that would overlay a pin box in theatre view where you could then just key in a four digit pin..
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Maeghaus on July 19, 2013, 05:45:22 pm
I'd like to see a few more artwork display options in MC. For example, I would like the artwork to enlarge in the Display window under say, Artist view, when I move the vertical border to the right. Also, a choice between Playing Now and Selected Item. There are some great Display options in MC, but would like a few tweaks added.

My "Wish upon a Star" request is something akin to the old Coverflow in iTunes (now sadly gone in v.11). I don't expect it to show up in MC19, but wanted to mention it in passing.

For playback, I don't really have any requests other than the Selected Item feature above. I have no complaints about the sound quality; it is excellent, and I love the hi-res audio support. FYI: I'm also using MC 18 Mac, and am looking forward to that finished product.

-- Tom

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: mcastro on July 19, 2013, 11:20:20 pm
I would like to see better integration with Windows 8 UI and the touch screen interface. I use MC to manage my music library, and primarily use the standard view, sorting using artist and track name primarily. It would be nice to have the touch screen gesture support, such as scroll and window expansion capabilities.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: nick_wadsley on July 19, 2013, 11:38:54 pm
Now that we can rip CDs, it would be awesome to be able to rip my DVD and Blu-Ray collections using H.265 (HEVC) and playback via MC19!!! Is H.265 supported for playback already?

The second part of this request concerns the codec.  H.264 is OK for DVDs, but the newer H.265 (High Efficiency Video Codec) would be much better!  Using H.265 you can typically compress to half the size compared with H.264 for the same quality.  A comparison of the two can be seen here:

Pretty please  :D

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: obchristo on July 20, 2013, 12:31:45 am
JRiver has supported Ceton Cablecards and encrypted channels flagged as Copy Freely since March (18.0.146).

Ceton InfiniTV 4 Support (

Most Cox channels are not "Copy Freely". I only get a few non-hd channels on JRiver, but I get all of them on WMC.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Sesam on July 20, 2013, 06:57:42 am
+1 on the scrapers

You can allready set parental controls via Access Control but what is needed is an easy way to enable/disable it within Theatre View.. I'd personally like to be able to program a button on my mce remote via core commands that would overlay a pin box in theatre view where you could then just key in a four digit pin..

TIL, I didn't realize that it was called "Access Control" in MC. Having just looked at it, yea there doesn't appear to be any way to disable it in Theatre View. But also in desktop mode it would be useful if there were menu options like:

Access Control
|-- Enable
|-- Disable
|-- Options

So that you can quicker enable/disable it.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Claude Lapalme on July 20, 2013, 07:58:41 am
1. The choice of having a low decibel signal sent instead of a silence for hardware sync. Silence does nothing with my hardware and any new track I play is silent for the first 2 seconds.

2. The ability for the client to choose more than one library from the server.

3. Multimedia playlists (in other words, slide shows that could include movie clips and photos together)

4. I was going to say the ability to copy zone settings, but you guys are way ahead of me!!

5. It would be great to work with the madvr people to have better mode and de-interlacing recognition of MPEG-2 video, especially in an mkv container.

6. The ability to ”shuffle in” an album into an already shuffled playlist without reshuffling everything

Shuffled                New      New
Playlist      Album      Playlist
A      1      A
B      2      3
C      3        B
D   +    4   =   1
E            C
F            D
G            4

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: LeoB on July 20, 2013, 08:00:31 am
1. Replay gain for videos.
2. Easier way to see all available audio tracks and subtitles, and switch between them without cycling though all other OSD items.
3. Certain level of OSD customization.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Hendrik on July 20, 2013, 08:03:25 am
1. Replay gain for videos.
This is already implemented in MC19, although not using ReplayGain, but EBU R128, which is an official standard for volume leveling (like ReplayGain, just slightly better).

See here for audio analysis of video files:

And the new Adaptive Volume modes:
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: pompon on July 20, 2013, 12:13:22 pm
I wish have columns that keep it's positions. It's annoying to have allways to rezise the columns because j-river apply an automatic size all time.

I wish have parametric eq switching through tags in music. I would like create a tag "EQ" and give the name of the EQ I want for this track. On the playback, he only use that EQ ... The zones don't work well and it's very difficult to understand for me.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on July 20, 2013, 01:04:37 pm
I wish have columns that keep it's positions. It's annoying to have allways to rezise the columns because j-river apply an automatic size all time.
Tools > Options > Tree & View > Auto size columns
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: dafloydman on July 20, 2013, 05:25:29 pm
Do you anticipate any extensions/improvements to Gizmo?  There are a few threads with many desired features.

Totally agree first on my list would be
An option for list view (try browsing 2000 artists to put together a  playlist, not fun)
2  a-z index like almost any android music player with scrolling that slows down as your
Finger gets further away from the edge of the screen , this would really improve navigation of
The large databases that most of us possess.
Love jriver,
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: dean70 on July 20, 2013, 08:46:52 pm
One bugbear that can be improved on is the way "startup volume" currently functions. Maybe this could be a per-zone user configurable value. The current operation is a long way down from listening level & requires substantial initial volume adjustment for each zone.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Castius on July 20, 2013, 09:55:09 pm

With the wifes and kids music all mixed in one library. Play doctor is working too hard to find the right music.

I'd like to rip my dvd/Blueray with a python script

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on July 20, 2013, 11:12:34 pm
One bugbear that can be improved on is the way "startup volume" currently functions. Maybe this could be a per-zone user configurable value. The current operation is a long way down from listening level & requires substantial initial volume adjustment for each zone.
Startup volume is configurable. It sounds like you have Volume Protection enabled.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: stevemac on July 20, 2013, 11:52:32 pm
The ability to export and import settings (eg those for a DLNA zone / device, handheld,  theatre view, gizmo etc) for sharing with other users or just other PCs in the same household


Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: dean70 on July 21, 2013, 12:21:15 am
Startup volume is configurable. It sounds like you have Volume Protection enabled.

Then startup volume with Volume Protection enabled   ? - shouldnt have to sacrifice one to get the other.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: stevemac on July 21, 2013, 12:35:15 am
Separate default start-up volume settings for each zone
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: geier22 on July 21, 2013, 01:58:29 am
First: excuse my bad english
A new start: I've wanted this already with MC 18:
Why is MC unable to use the title and artist of the current song in the "Playing Now" window?
When I listen to an Internet radio station, the station name appears in the Name field. Only the small upper window shows the correct title and performer (See picture).
Is there no way, in the Now Playing - Window to show this correct?
The current display (Web-Radio) I find very poor, both in display and Theater View
It would be nice if MC would be exemplary in this feature.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: jologskyblues on July 21, 2013, 03:14:11 am
A few requests for JRMC19:

1. Configurable keyboard shortcut key assignments.
2. Save playback song position on close and resume on startup.
3. Option to install only audio related components in JRMC19
4. Auto loading of cover art (eg. cover.jpeg, front.bmp, album.png, etc.) upon adding songs to the playlist.
5. Direct "add files/folders" to playlist menu option instead of importing first. Something that works like fb2k and winamp.

Thanks for all the hard work guys!  :)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: pr1me on July 21, 2013, 03:30:27 am
Audio Skipping up to the second (and not 5 as it is right now)
Steady video skipping up to the second, instead of 5x 20x 100x (the arrow keys are not global)
Integrated shortcut customization instead of working on xml file
Analyzer in dsp studio as visualization
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: rael71 on July 21, 2013, 04:20:25 am
I've just upgraded to MC19 and I must say that I like this way of software developing.

So here are my feature requests!

These are all features  that I requested for MC18 and that were not implemented: I hope that this time I will be luckier!

- improved lyrics support. I'd like to have scrolling lyrics just as what minilyrics in both standardand theatre view
- "Liner Notes" button that lets you show digital booklet (pdf or images slideshow) in standard and theatre view
- conversion from DSD to DST compressed files; I've also requested many times a way to tag DST compressed .dff files
- HDCD decoding
- Improved customization of Theatre View:for example it would be great  to have a choice between different progress bar (I want a real progress bar nont hat near invisible moving point!!) or to show elapsed time on the left of the bar and remaining time on the right (just as ipod does).

Here's a new one:
- Accurate Rip support  for audio ripping and a tool for already ripped files to check ripping errors with Accurate Rip (I've seen this feature in Illustrate Perfect Tunes)

[/quote]3. Option to install only audio related components in JRMC19[/quote]


[/quote]1) DR analyzer, just like in foobar2000[/quote]


Thank you in advance!


Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: hoyt on July 21, 2013, 07:45:38 pm
Wake up PC for recording TV
I use MC17 (yes, 17 not 18 because of some video issues with my TV Tuner card) to record TV.  I have to remember to leave my HTPC on if I'm going to record something in the morning, or when I'm not home.  I would love for MC19 to be integrated with the PC in the fact that it could "wake up." 

Use Gizmo to View TV Guide
Again with the TV stuff I guess.  I'd like to be able to have Gizmo up on my tablet, phone, Mac, etc and be able to see the current TV listing that MC sees.  Then be able to change the channel on MC19 directly from there.  Essentially taking the paper TV Guide magazine from the 1990s to 2010s.

More Vague Requests
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: yano on July 21, 2013, 07:56:11 pm
Better subtitle support for anime in Red October HQ (MadVR?).  I always go back to <insert player> when I watch anime - MC's subtitle engine is getting better but it's not the same as DirectVobSub.  It's mostly the ssa/ass styling.  If I could get this I wouldn't ever need another media player!
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: natehansen66 on July 21, 2013, 08:25:05 pm
I'd like to be able to rename channels from the standard L,R, SL, SR, etc. It would also be nice to have more channels available in the PEQ (10 right now unless I'm missing something).

I'd also like to see better handling of window size when larger fonts are used. My PC is hooked up to a 32" flat panel in my living room, so I have to increase the font to 12pt. Problem is, the bottom of most of the windows gets cut off so I have to revert to 8 or 9 pt to see the rest of the window. This also involves either a:)getting off the couch and walking up to the TV to see the words, or b:)keeping a pair of binoculars handy ::)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: sinoaudio on July 21, 2013, 11:34:08 pm
Hi, great to hear the new version is coming, we would like to see those new features in MC19:
1) a back cover could be shown in the album controlled by a switch button and other pictures could be shown by choosen when the album is playing
2) lyric is helpful when we want to listen and sing a song, we hope to find this new feature in MC19
3) support DVD-A format
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: jodokus on July 22, 2013, 06:02:16 am
Just upgraded and my biggest issue in version 18 is the lack of using .srt subtitles without matching the exact name.

It's possible in KMplayer for example... Next to this problem, i'm your biggest fan!
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JimH on July 22, 2013, 06:42:33 am
Wake up PC for recording TV
I use MC17 (yes, 17 not 18 because of some video issues with my TV Tuner card) to record TV.  I have to remember to leave my HTPC on if I'm going to record something in the morning, or when I'm not home.  I would love for MC19 to be integrated with the PC in the fact that it could "wake up." 
MC will currently wake your PC from sleep, record, then put it back in sleep.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: prerich on July 22, 2013, 07:20:35 am
  When the guide is activated, to display the current channel you are watching in a small window, and start the guide from the current channel instead of going all the way back to the begining. It's the one thing missing that WMC can do (but I'm not going back to WMC ;) ).
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JustinM on July 22, 2013, 10:08:19 am
+1 Theatre View developement.. We all love jrivers engineering prowess...   making Threatre View extremely intuitive, slick, and visually stunning will require much more than a new skin imho to achieve. I   (+1) request  to completely open up TheatreView developement to 3rd parties also. Make threatreView a pluggin, provide 3rd parties the means to provide alternate threatreviews..

2.) scraper...  easier, more accurate, less maintainence  for poorly named video  ( and music ) files please..

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Sheugel on July 22, 2013, 02:55:52 pm
Spotify integration is just one step away through Spotify for Jamcast: (
All it requires is a second way for JRiver to Interact with a DLNA server where the server exposes its folders and the client just shows them without importing things in its specific structure. Or maybe the way WMP does it where the Spotify playlists appear under...playlists.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: drewgarth on July 22, 2013, 03:48:05 pm
Unless i have missed it somewhere, but i would love to be able to stream live tv either via DLNA or using Gizmo (with access to the TV guide)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Paul W on July 22, 2013, 03:53:00 pm
I'd like to be able to rename channels from the standard L,R, SL, SR, etc. It would also be nice to have more channels available in the PEQ (10 right now unless I'm missing something).

+1 for the ability to rename channels.  (I believe all enabled channels are already available in PEQ)

Another request....add "Q" to the PEQ lines that currently list filter frequency and level.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: struct on July 22, 2013, 04:38:24 pm
+1 The blurb for the new version said it would look prettier.  So I assume this means some, one or any of the countless theatreview suggestions from v18 will be considered?

+1 to any of the many requests for gizmo improvement that were put forward in the last cycle.

+1 to any of the carnac/scraping improvements put forward in the last cycle.  For me carnac (althugh quite amazing) only has a 70% success rate.

Looking forward to the new version.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JimH on July 22, 2013, 04:51:54 pm
Unless i have missed it somewhere, but i would love to be able to stream live tv either via DLNA or using Gizmo (with access to the TV guide)
Try a search.  You'll find some threads on how to do LiveTV over the network.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Fabith on July 22, 2013, 07:09:23 pm
1. Grooveshark Integration

2. More Subtitles options (Color, Effects...)

3. More options for Surround Sound on Headphones and Stereo Speakers
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: bulldogger on July 22, 2013, 08:07:30 pm

Another request....add "Q" to the PEQ lines that currently list filter frequency and level.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Chico on July 22, 2013, 08:31:40 pm
I'd like to see a separate default path for each library and category.  Example: Main Library path for Music is C:MP3s while the path for Network Library music is P:MP3's/Music.  Same with video, podcast, streaming etc.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: BigCat on July 22, 2013, 09:53:46 pm

1) Gizmo should play local files - make it into a real player that can play from the Android phone's own card. You could OWN this market AND bring in a ton of new customers for your main software! Many would pay extra for this.

2) Gizmo should have more power - Gizmo should be allowed to delete, tag, and add files to play/smart lists. I want to be away from my computer and use Gizmo on my phone as a way to edit my music collection. At least be able to put a crappy song into a "probably delete later" playlist!


1) "Include this folder but NOT child folders" - There should be an option to "Include this folder but NOT child folders". It would make setting up auto-importing easier. Tools -> Import -> Configure auto import -> Folders -> Edit

2) Custom "Clean File Properties" - Under "Clean File Properties", add a user customizable category that allows things like 'UFO' or 'III' (roman numerals) to be capitalized correctly. I have seen other programs do this and it is nice.

3) More "Don't show this message again" checkboxes - When importing (or tagging), some of the confirmation prompts can be unnecessary (once you get used to them). It would be nice if you had a 'check here to' "Don't show this message again" on some of them (like you do on the "delete empty folder?" prompt). For example, when using "Rename, Move & Copy Files" I don't need to see the "Confirm Library Changes" prompt anymore. Of course this change should be complemented with a place in Options to redisplay the prompts.

4) Combine "Clean File Properties" with "Rename, Move & Copy Files" Option - Add an option to combine "Clean File Properties" with "Rename, Move & Copy Files" so you only have to click once and they both happen sequentially and with the option for no prompting. Streamline!


1) Search and Cut, Copy and Paste - When right clicking the search bar at the top of the program, make the Cut, Copy and Paste options NOT be under an "Edit" sub-menu, but have them right there instead! Pasting is what I do there the most by far.

2) Right Click for "Clear Playing Now" - When I'm in, say, "Audio" in the main 'tree' on the left, I want to be able to right click on "Playing Now" and select "Clear Playing Now" WITHOUT LEAVING AUDIO.  I used to be able to do that in the past, but now when I right click Playing Now while trying to remain in Audio, it just gives me a choice of "Add Zone" and "Delete Zone".  I then have to actually go select Playing Now first before I can right click on "Player" and select Clear Playing Now. Or one can go to the Player drop down menu, click Playing Now, slide over and scroll down to Clear Playing Now... I lose my place in Audio and it disrupts my work flow.

3) Tell us what update version - When MC finds an update, it should tell you what version it has found (and possibly what version you already have as well), not simply "an update is ready to install" or "Downloading...".

4) Multiple images per file - Do we have multiple images per music file yet? We should have multiple album art AND multiple artist images per single song to slideshow WITHIN a Track Info plug-in.

5) "Fingerprint" ID of media files - Anything you can do to develop or improve fingerprint identification (metadata) of media files, including finding files that seem to be mislabeled.

6) Improved Handling of Video in ISO format...

Thanks for listening to us.  This, more than anything, is what I believe makes MC the greatest software project out there, and honestly what keeps me a paying customer.

Long live JRiver!
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: ThoBar on July 22, 2013, 10:41:40 pm
Just throwing another vote behind the Touch style interface request. Theater View is reasonable, but definitely behind in the touch screen usability stakes. I know this doesn't go well with the cross-platform side of things, but a decent Metro/Modern style UI for MC would be very much appreciated.

Better mkv/mka support would be nice too - chapters etc., which is excellent for classical and audio books.

Some good suggestions in this thread :)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: brillotmanu on July 23, 2013, 02:39:27 am
1. support for comic format : cbz, pdf ...

2. And i don't know if a website exist for music video infos but a fonctionnality like "update tags from" will be a good choice
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: amitaggarwal on July 23, 2013, 03:11:57 am
One important feature is missing in MC18
i.e., "User Login Window"

Multiple user should login first and the library specified to that user only loads.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: dean70 on July 23, 2013, 03:19:15 am
64 bit version
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: drewgarth on July 23, 2013, 03:50:58 pm
Try a search.  You'll find some threads on how to do LiveTV over the network.

Jim, yes i know how to use google and i have done that a lot....

I already use live tv over network, but as far as i can tell, it only works using the MC client.

So i cant for instance stream live tv to an Ipad, an android phone, or to a DLNA playback device, or to Gizmo.
If you can point to a search result that shows me how to do do that it would be much appreciated.
I have spent a lot of time searching and i cant find it.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: locust on July 23, 2013, 08:22:32 pm
Don't know if it broken or not but I'd like to see isremovable() fixed, nothing I tag on that is located on any of my external hard drives output a positive result.. I raised the issue in a previous thread and it was suggested that Media Centre may not consider a external hard drive as a removable medium.. I'd like to be able to use this expression along with ismissing in theatre view file info panel or somewhere like that with HTML styles..

This has also spoken about on the forum I believe. I'd quite like to see it in V19, in the Configure Auto Import window, the ability to nest paths under labels.

Like now, it can be quite difficult to manage..
If I have the following structure..

In reality my import folders aren't that uniform, so above is quite pleasing on the eye to me, alas above would look much nicer nested like so.. Having the option of Using parent scheme for "Apply these tags (optional)" would be a nice touch too..

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: dallasjustice on July 23, 2013, 08:56:32 pm
  When the guide is activated, to display the current channel you are watching in a small window, and start the guide from the current channel instead of going all the way back to the begining. It's the one thing missing that WMC can do (but I'm not going back to WMC ;) ).

There's no category for HD channels.

The guide always starts at first channel when guide is opened from a live channel, instead of opening the guide at the channel being viewed. Also, it would be nice if Gizmo could control the guide better.  Using the theater view remote to navigate the guide isn't great.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: jologskyblues on July 23, 2013, 09:19:46 pm
+ 1 on Angelo.R's request

I've also been having similar troubles with imported folders from multiple external drives.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: terrym@tassie on July 23, 2013, 09:56:26 pm
I would like a minor change in the way the Watched() function works, please.

In MC18 if the "Use Bookmarks" tag is set to "Default" then the Watched() function returns "XX% on DD MMM", if the "Use Bookmarks" tag is set to YES then the Watched() function only returns "DD MMM".
If the file is audio then to get it to restart using bookmarks the "Use Bookmarks" tag must be set to "YES".

It would also be good if the Watched(2) function displayed a tick for Audio files with a subtype of Radio in Theater View.

This is causing me an issue with downloaded radio files (M4A format) some of which are several hours long, I'd like to be able to see how far through a particular radio show I am using the Watched() function and then restart the show using the bookmark.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: tcman41 on July 23, 2013, 10:13:29 pm
> allow dockable windows throughout
> enhance theater view to xbmc levels
> overall stat reporting
> built-in module for creating custom skins
> enhance playing now visualizations
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: syndromeofadown on July 24, 2013, 01:01:16 am
It would be great if MC worked with album art when its located in a subfolder within the album art folders.
I'm not asking that MC puts album art into subfolders, just that it simply looks in them.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: xeroian on July 24, 2013, 04:49:45 am
1. Better documentation - MC has so many hidden features and the Wiki is so incomplete. Also it would be good if solutions posted in the forum could be added to the wiki. Only by chance did I stumble across a post that explained how I could output to a Sony TV.

2. Enhanced audio file conversion. I want to be able to take my hi-res FLAC files and create iphone friendly "lossless" files. That means changing the bit rate and the sampling rate. (removes need for dBpoweramp)

3. Would a 64 bit version mean one less app. that is fighting for the first 3Gb of memory?

4. airplay support (removes need for airfoil)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: locust on July 24, 2013, 05:24:27 am
Sorry for hogging up this thread, just thought of one other area that is a minor hindrance for me anyway.. In a view scheme that uses panes where the list style is Album thumbnails.. When you click on an album it shows play, in this instance I believe is would be much better if this list style could behave more like categories and show Play and Files. So many times when I navigate through I see an album & I want to pick one track from that album, currently I have to change the list style or go into a different view altogether..
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JimH on July 24, 2013, 06:53:16 am
It would be great if MC worked with album art when its located in a subfolder within the album art folders.
I'm not asking that MC puts album art into subfolders, just that it simply looks in them.

Start a thread if you want to discuss, but check your settings for Cover Art folder.  MC can use it to store all cover art.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Paul W on July 24, 2013, 08:42:13 am
A larger, easier to control, volume control.  The current VC is tricky to use with very dynamic amps and speakers.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: nachoville on July 24, 2013, 10:54:37 am
Here are a few I'd like to see:

* Delayed application start-up option or enhanced logic to account for Windows network initialization delay.

* Ability to jump to a specific time in a video with the number pad.  ie - 47 takes you to the 47th minute.

* Plasma setting to prevent static images.

* Gizmo overhaul.  The most basic features are there, but most everything else (shuffle, create a playlist, etc.) is missing.

* Improve documentation.  Sifting through 10 year old posts which likely don't apply and missing info in the wiki can make getting up to speed cumbersome.

* Theater View improvements, such as an option when browsing audio albums to prevent Left arrow behaving like the Back/Exit button.  Right now when browsing albums if your overshoot the album in the right-hand column you must go Up-Right-Right-Right (etc) to get back.  I love the simplicity of "Left button to Exit", but I think it's a shortcoming in this view.

* Option to auto-import a single folder without including all sub-folders. 

Thanks for your efforts and I look forward to playing around with v19 once it's ready.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on July 24, 2013, 11:24:10 am
A larger, easier to control, volume control.  The current VC is tricky to use with very dynamic amps and speakers.
Have you tried using the mouse wheel on it? You can also set a maximum volume that Media Center is allowed to use, and enable volume protection to stop it from allowing more than a 5% change in volume at a time, and more than 20% per second. (
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: morrison on July 24, 2013, 01:29:31 pm
Purchased. Together since 10th version)

The main desire consistently for several years - support for IPTV (its just a mpeg stream!), assign and show EPG for any of video files / urls, not only for .tvlb.

Thanks for a great product.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Fleckenzwerg on July 24, 2013, 01:36:29 pm
I will buy the upgrade, because today I got my new DSD "able" DAC and I tried the PCM to DSD conversion of JRiver with bitstreaming output of the DSD file. The soundquality is realy improved a lot. So I hope for the real time DSD feature of MC19. Thank you guys!

PS.: Done ;)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: raldo on July 24, 2013, 02:04:03 pm
Simple access to Youtube Playlists would be great too (and watch history and liked videos ;D) since AFAIK YouTube Data API V3 support that. :)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: raldo on July 24, 2013, 02:12:45 pm
[...] Or maybe the way WMP does it where the Spotify playlists appear under...playlists.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Paul W on July 24, 2013, 02:19:17 pm
Have you tried using the mouse wheel on it? You can also set a maximum volume that Media Center is allowed to use, and enable volume protection to stop it from allowing more than a 5% change in volume at a time, and more than 20% per second. (

Yup, I already use volume protection.  With over 10db in variation among some CDs, BR, DVD etc, a better "feel" on the slider would be helpful for "drag & drop" people like me.  (Since we must "click" the slider anyhow, the wheel seems like an unnecessary extra step.)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on July 24, 2013, 02:24:58 pm
With over 10db in variation among some CDs, BR, DVD etc
Volume Leveling should take care of this.

a better "feel" on the slider would be helpful for "drag & drop" people like me
Do you have any examples of programs that have a better "feeling" volume control, or suggestions for what you want?

Since we must "click" the slider anyhow, the wheel seems like an unnecessary extra step
You don't need to click, just place your cursor over the volume control and scroll - it adjusts the volume in 0.5 dB steps.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Paul W on July 24, 2013, 07:10:38 pm
Does volume leveling impact dynamic range?

Just a slider at least 2x the current length, with a larger dot/handle would do it.  (I end up adjusting volume standing next to a desk so accurate mouse placement is awkward.)

Got it regarding mouse position.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on July 24, 2013, 09:04:30 pm
Does volume leveling impact dynamic range?
No, Volume Leveling won't affect dynamic range.

Just a slider at least 2x the current length, with a larger dot/handle would do it.  (I end up adjusting volume standing next to a desk so accurate mouse placement is awkward.)
Of course it's not up to me, but it seems like making the volume slider twice its current length would be rather awkward for the rest of the UI.
Perhaps the best solution is follow what Adobe does with their sliders. (look at Lightroom for a great example of this)

When you just click and drag on them, they move with the mouse cursor, so it is dependent on your movement speed.
If you hold down the shift key and drag on them, they hide the mouse cursor and now move the marker at a much slower speed so that you can make ±0.01 adjustments with ease.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: chrisxyz on July 25, 2013, 04:53:17 am
I love MC and always recommend it to my friends, but I still have some suggestions for MC19 (maybe some of the features are already implemented and I simply did not find them; sorry for the long posting and for my English...):

I would very much appreciate an improvement of Gizmo and/or Webgizmo (I use an audio-PC which has no mouse, keyboard or monitor):

A) Gizmo:
* Please cache cover art on the phone: It always needs a lot of time to load cover art. After scrolling, Gizmo sometimes "forgets" cover art pictures which were loaded some seconds before.
* Maybe you also could improve speed: In my case loading cover art at the first time (without caching) seems to be faster in Webgizmo than in Gizmo (on the same tablet or phone).

B) Webgizmo:
* The playing now window does not scale to the size of my phone/tablet: On my 10" Tablet it only shows a very small playing now picture (similar in size to the view on my phone).
* Playing now window: It would be great if the volume slider would be bigger and - for me this is the reason why I do not often use Webgizmo - would be more sensitive to smaller volume changes (I love the very sensitive volume control using the phones volume control in Gizmo).

C) Gizmo and Webgizmo:
* Please implement a possibility to view longer artist names / titles especially below cover art: I have a lot of music - mostly classical - where the description is cut. Therefore searching for my music sometimes becomes to be a try and error story.
* Please implement the possibility to show information on filetype, bitrate and bitdepth (especially in the playing now window).
* Make better use of the landscape mode: Maybe you could put the cover art picture to the left hand side and provide more information (see above) on the right hand side.
* Please allow to create playlists.
* Please make Gizmo and Webgizmo more user configurable: I do not mean the very good standard configuration possibilities which could be configured in MC, I mean a phone / tablet specific (!)  possibility to configure font size, cover art size, the length of file description or - more generally - the amount of provided information (bitrate,..).
* Please make better use of tablets: I use Gizmo and Webgizmo on two different phones and two tablets (7" and 10"). Except that on the tablets more cover art icons are presented (I love this very much) there are no differences. In "playing now" in Gizmo the cover art picture covers a big part of my screen and therefore often becomes blurred, in Webgizmo the playing now window is too small. Maybe a tablet-Version could also present an additional column on the left hand side which presents genres, playlists and smartlists.

Moreover, a better implementation of webradio would be great:
* I tag internet radio station URLs with the icon of the radio provider. However, this means that MC does not show the cover art of recently playing songs (e.g Linn Radio would show the cover art). Am I doing something wrong or could this be improved?
* Moreover, is there a possibility for an automatic search of webradio station cover art? Till now I do this manually.
* Implementation of webradio on Gizmo/Webgizmo: I would be very happy, if I could search for webradio stations even in Gizmo/Webgizmo (e.g. similar to apps like TuneIn) and that Gizmo sends the URL to MC in order to play it. It would be perfect if search could also be reduced to "audiophile" radio stations (high bitrate).

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: dean70 on July 25, 2013, 05:57:00 am
Expand the options under Output Format->Sample Rate to include 352,800Hz and 384,000Hz
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Paul W on July 25, 2013, 10:57:30 am
Of course it's not up to me, but it seems like making the volume slider twice its current length would be rather awkward for the rest of the UI.
Perhaps the best solution is follow what Adobe does with their sliders. (look at Lightroom for a great example of this)

When you just click and drag on them, they move with the mouse cursor, so it is dependent on your movement speed.
If you hold down the shift key and drag on them, they hide the mouse cursor and now move the marker at a much slower speed so that you can make ±0.01 adjustments with ease.

I agree it would look clunky to simply enlarge the slider in the current area.  But the GUI is up for revision???    Looked at least for VC, the additional functionality and .01 volume steps would be unnecessary.  The current 0.5db steps are fine... not looking for anything fancy, just larger so it is easier to grab and manipulate.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on July 25, 2013, 11:16:04 am
I agree it would look clunky to simply enlarge the slider in the current area.  But the GUI is up for revision???    Looked at least for VC, the additional functionality and .01 volume steps would be unnecessary.  The current 0.5db steps are fine... not looking for anything fancy, just larger so it is easier to grab and manipulate.
I'm not saying that it should adjust volume in 0.01 steps, but that's what Adobe does to allow for adjustments in 0.01 steps on their controls.
It could still make adjustments in 0.5dB steps, but at a much slower rate when the shift key is held down. (so you need to move the mouse more for each step)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Mars on July 25, 2013, 11:27:50 am

The main desire consistently for several years - support for IPTV (its just a mpeg stream!), assign and show EPG for any of video files / urls, not only for .tvlb.

Yes! +1.

And also ability to play RTP streams, please  ;D .

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: telecaster on July 25, 2013, 01:35:43 pm
I know there is the theater mode but it's useless for little touchscreens.
1 - touch control in cover mode like simply scrolling the covers.
2 - a spash screen with touch control over playback, queueing in cover mode
3 - or extreme customisation ability in Theater mode : over fonts size, album info placement(over cover or Under), text cartridge, cover size, space bewteen covers etc...
4 - in all the mode simply alphabetic touch to browse like small letter button with size customisable, or a variable size cartridge.
5 - Please include more touch control, it's seriously missing and we are in 2013... It will open new markets for your player software for audiophile alikes...
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: lello on July 26, 2013, 12:30:52 am
it is possible to implement a function open / close the DVD tray? When I was TheaterTek this feature was there and was very comfortable
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: alvester on July 26, 2013, 02:55:01 am
I hope that MC 19 has a better interface for touchscreen monitors. I have a 23 inch Acer touchscreen monitor connected to an Hp Envy 17 3D laptop running Windows 8 Pro. The monitor is excellent for certain programs that have been fine tuned for a touch interface but unfortunately using MC 18 is rather difficult on a touch screen monitor. 

Working with the MC 18's menus and tagging on a touch screen monitor are rather cumbersome and at times unresponsive. The hardest on screen button within MC 18 to use on a touch screen is the close "x" button at the top right. I hope this is improved in 19. MC 18 is an excellent program in terms of it's ability to play high quality lossless formats (thank you very much JRiver!) but I hope the interface becomes easier to use on the next version.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: v_erich on July 26, 2013, 04:04:18 am
is it possible to have an Startup directory in the explorer view as default (like in foobar in files and directory view)?
I do not use an music library, only directory view and navigation.


Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: zkeller on July 26, 2013, 05:45:32 am
Would it be possible to have a "DLNA connection refresh" feature?

Often I want to start playing I find that the connection to my DLNA player has 'disappeared'. It takes a few minutes before it registers again. It would be great if we could do a 'reconnect' somehow?

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: ths61 on July 26, 2013, 10:22:06 pm
How about an SACD Ripper ?
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: jmschnur on July 26, 2013, 10:36:39 pm
Dsf over dlna to my Oppo 103 would be very nice.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on July 27, 2013, 06:16:13 am
How about an SACD Ripper ?
As I understand it, this is a hardware problem rather than a software one. No SACD drives for PC.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JimH on July 27, 2013, 07:48:11 am
As I understand it, this is a hardware problem rather than a software one. No SACD drives for PC.
That's correct.  Our wiki topic on SACD has a link to a thread on ripping at  You need to find an original Sony PS3, which had the right drive.  Newer ones don't.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Paul W on July 27, 2013, 09:30:00 am
With no hardware constraints, JRSS seems like a perfect platform to explore vector sound placement.  Maybe just a setting for 11.X as a beginning.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on July 27, 2013, 11:45:45 am
When you manually start downloading a file from a podcast, you are shown its progress in this pane:


It would be nice if this appeared with automatic downloads as well, rather than having to check Services & Plug-ins  > Downloads to see if anything is currently downloading.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: hoyt on July 27, 2013, 02:48:07 pm
This is a pretty random one, but I would love to be able to have a custom webservice call as an expression.  I maintain all of my live recordings in a MySQL database with some pretty strict metadata rules so it would be fantastic to have MC19 call a webservice with the location of a FLAC file and have my database respond back with the venue, artist, taper, source, etc.  Right now I maintain the two independently.  This way I could tell MC to go to my database and get values when tagging & importing.  Instead I rely on the metadata that someone else has added to the FLAC files, which isn't as consistent as I would like.

Perhaps this is possible today with some magic, I hadn't really tried to link these things together...  Just a thought.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Krunchy on July 28, 2013, 08:39:12 am


Here are my wishes for the new version:

- Linux version
- diaporama while music is playings (acually playing a diaparama is seen as an audio playback)
- artist or movie information integrated (maybe just a link to wikepedia or last fm could be automatically added)
- improvement of the theater view (in my opinion useless on a computer)
- name of the artist while listennig to a webradio (like rds system). Otherwise there is no interest listenning a radio with JRiver
- integration of other VOD programms (don't forget europeen users that don't have netflix ou hulu...)
- integration of Quobuz (high quality music, far better than HD tracks)

for the moment, that will be all!

Thanks and good work

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: winniew on July 28, 2013, 10:26:13 am
As a longtime JRiver-user I also purchased the new version.

Here are my wishes:

Thanks for a great product.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Samson on July 28, 2013, 07:56:05 pm
   • Documentation in the form of a logically sequenced self-contained user manual
   • Wizards
      ○ for easy setup video/TV/epg /display
      ○ for setup import options and tagging
      ○ for setup  audio
      ○ more library view schemes maybe based on existing  advanced user templates eg mixed audio/music video, classical music, compilations…
      ○ An expression wizard or some of way making expression language more accessible to non coders (very difficult I suspect).
   • Synchronize option for standard view and theatre view schemes (not just add library item from standard view once)
   • Support for Australian TV guide OTA
   • Read/write capability for more than one client simultaneously accessing a networked library would be neat. (allowing total synching and editing which is not fully possible with library server)
   • Free bmw M3 sports car with every MC early upgrade (just  kidding a Toyota would be fine)
   If none of these things are possible, just keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: gazjam on July 29, 2013, 09:39:41 am
Coming  from a Squeezebox background, I enjoyed exploring my collection by branching off from a particular Tag; Artist, Genre whatever.

I use MC in Theartre View mainly, but need to go in to Standard View to do the same thing, which takes away from the experience a lot.

To be able to "branch off" from Tags in Theatre View in this way would be superb!

Thanks. :)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JimH on July 29, 2013, 09:51:16 am
Coming  from a Squeezebox background, I enjoyed exploring my collection by branching off from a particular Tag; Artist, Genre whatever.

I use MC in Theartre View mainly, but need to go in to Standard View to do the same thing, which takes away from the experience a lot.

To be able to "branch off" from Tags in Theatre View in this way would be superb!
You can use Play Doctor from Theater View.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: psam on July 29, 2013, 12:09:13 pm
Conversion of SACD .iso files to wav or mp3 so we can transfer selected tracks to our mobile phones/ipods etc.
Foobar does it, but it is rather cumbersome to switch between MC and foobar to build a playlist for a portable device.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: gazjam on July 29, 2013, 05:40:21 pm
You can use Play Doctor from Theater View.

Can Play Doctor be set up to be that precise though?
I'm thinking terms of, say, Listening to Artist B, and I want to "branch off" and:

..bring up a list of other albums by them
..or explore other bands with the same genre, year etc.

thinking in terms of being able to bring up lists specific to tags used for whatever is being currently played and is showing in "Playing Now".

Basically mean Jim the right click on Now Playing track/Locate/... functionality in Standard View - but in Theatre View.

Not used Play Doctor much before, but I understood it to be a dynamic "playlist generator" of sorts.
Can it be set in Theatre View to bring up specific things like other albums by the same artist?

Thanks much.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: MrHaugen on July 30, 2013, 04:24:21 am
It's been several versions now, and the meta data and image scraper system is still lacking. Would it be possible to do something to improve the system, or at the very least add some more relevant tags?

I'm thinking along the lines of allowing people to choose which source to scrape specific tags from. And/or to add customized code for scraping to the appropriate library fields, so each user could download meta data from what ever location they want. I'm not sure how easy this would be, but it should be possible to add something similar.

Adding more images and meta data is also high on my list. This is a previous thread which I think is up to date. (

I'd be thrilled if some effort was put into improving this important feature! Thanks for considering.

I see the MC19 version is public now. So, feel free to move the post if needed.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: jstach500 on July 30, 2013, 07:02:07 am
This is great software, but I have a couple of requests.

1.  For those who have 2.35 or 2.37 constant-image-height systems, it would be nice to have the option to place the OSD options within the 2.35/2.37 viewing window when watching a movie.  For example, when I call up the progress bar showing elapsed and remaining time, it now appears at the bottom of the 16:9 screen.  This ends up being off the screen when in 2.35/2.37 mode.  I need to switch to a 16:9 viewing mode to see it.  The option to move the progress bar up slightly on the screen would avoid this issue.

2.  I think this has been discussed over the years, but it would be nice to be able to view items within stacks in theater view.

My thanks to the JRiver team for continually working to improve their product.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: lello on July 30, 2013, 07:47:38 am
This is great software, but I have a couple of requests.

1.  For those who have 2.35 or 2.37 constant-image-height systems, it would be nice to have the option to place the OSD options within the 2.35/2.37 viewing window when watching a movie.  For example, when I call up the progress bar showing elapsed and remaining time, it now appears at the bottom of the 16:9 screen.  This ends up being off the screen when in 2.35/2.37 mode.  I need to switch to a 16:9 viewing mode to see it.  The option to move the progress bar up slightly on the screen would avoid this issue.

2.  I think this has been discussed over the years, but it would be nice to be able to view items within stacks in theater view.

My thanks to the JRiver team for continually working to improve their product.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: nuke2000 on July 30, 2013, 08:09:54 am
I would request extending linked zones to support video files. In mc18 this can be done (sort of) from the playing now list so the software is capable, however, proper support would be useful as adding video to the playing now with zones already linked forces you to unlink zones (error - media type unsupported error - unlink and continue or cancel)

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: MrC on July 30, 2013, 09:19:10 am

Scraping metadata from sites comes in two forms: parsing the page's raw HTML (the hard, non-robust way) and using a site's APIs (the easier, more robust, sanctioned way).

The problem with the former is that it is very cumbersome to maintain, resource intensive, and is error prone (and can get blocked).

The problem with the latter is that a) the developer typically must sign-up for an account and use a provided unique identifier for all requests, b) there are usage quotas, and c) there are almost always fees based on usage.

This isn't a technical problem so much as a business problem.

So smaller companies are in a bind...
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JustinChase on July 30, 2013, 09:50:03 am
I would also like to see some customizability with what gets pulled.  One example is [Keywords].  This field just adds noise to my database, and I'm constantly deleting all keywords.  I'd rather just stop them being populated in the first place.  As for grabbing from more/other places, I can see that there may be other issues with this, but even allowing some tags from one place, and some from another place  (TMDB for cover art and Wikipedia for descriptions for example) would be a step in the right direction, IMO.

There were many posts on this in the past, some had some great ideas and examples, but if memory serves, there was a lot of arguing mixed in which will make it more difficult to find the good ideas, but it's still probably worth searching for some good ideas in this area.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: rossp on July 30, 2013, 10:04:58 am
Here is a feature I would like.

The ability to create web pages from images and send them to my personal WWW server. I have my own server so I would like to just copy the files and not ftp them to the correct place. I know some of this can be done via share to web but this is limited to 120 pics. I would like to build pages of 1300 holiday photos with slideshow and thumbnails

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: MrHaugen on July 30, 2013, 12:37:38 pm
A more customized system for scraping is certainly not easy. I understand that. A way of giving the users the ability to add some customization would probably allow us to go around certain restrictions. At least when grabbing data with HTML and non API method. Adding more meta data to the existing tools would probably be a breeze though. So, I hope that there will be at least SOME improvements in this area.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: InflatableMouse on July 30, 2013, 01:09:29 pm
For starters I would be happy if it would grab all the info available, instead of only a small subset.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Henglander on July 30, 2013, 02:00:18 pm
When you click on an album it shows play, in this instance I believe is would be much better if this list style could behave more like categories and show Play and Files. So many times when I navigate through I see an album & I want to pick one track from that album, currently I have to change the list style or go into a different view altogether..
Even worse is when you are playing a different album and in an attempt to view the files you double click the album
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: drm286 on July 30, 2013, 07:20:07 pm
Are there any plans to include the ability to make MP3 cd's? This is a feature that is sorely missing IMO from such a great program as this one.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: ths61 on July 30, 2013, 09:10:02 pm
- Linux version

+1 on a Linux Version that can be run in either GUI (Linux run level 5) or Text/Server mode (Linux run level 3).

The Text/Server mode (Linux run level 3) should be very small and lightweight.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: duskdrums on July 30, 2013, 09:15:00 pm
+1. Already published data on sites JRiver is connected to via API would be my first ask, since it seems like it would be the easiest. Example would be cinematographer from TMDb.

My second ask would be to add image options for more fields. For example, I'd love to be able to add images for the Director field (like the artist field for music), even if it means going out and getting it myself (though i will note this is also a possible call from the TMDb API).
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: struct on July 31, 2013, 06:15:02 am
JRiver is the best data manager but definitely not the best at helping to get it (yet).
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: v_erich on July 31, 2013, 08:08:31 am
I need german data for movies, my wife cannot understand englisch.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on July 31, 2013, 08:53:49 am
I would also like to see some customizability with what gets pulled.  One example is [Keywords].  This field just adds noise to my database, and I'm constantly deleting all keywords.  I'd rather just stop them being populated in the first place.
Yes, I hate this.

Because there don't appear to be any guidelines on keywording from whatever source they are being pulled from, the keywords are useless data.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: exodus1977 on July 31, 2013, 12:38:39 pm
I use the "Clean File Properties" action quite often to clean and then rename files in a large library database of music, video, pics, etc.  

Certain fields get "cleaned"/renamed inaccurately for various reasons. For example: a video from "NASA" gets converted to "Nasa".  The band "ABBA" gets converted to "Abba". The band "ACDC"... well, you get the point.

I would like to have a saved "user library" (similar to the way MS Word has a user library) wherein I can enter certain words such that the above field corrections no longer occur. I can input the correct spelling/case (ie, "ACDC" not "Acdc") and the "Clean File Properties" and "Rename File" function would not auto correct the input to the wrong case.

Just a thought.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: gabeg on July 31, 2013, 12:55:44 pm
Maybe this exists and I've missed it but foobar has a plug-in component presents any UPnP MediaRenderer devices present on your home network as foobar2000 output devices.  It takes the output from foobar's player and streams it (bitperfect) to the renderer.  The advantage to this is you get gapless regardless of the renderer's capability.  Psaudio is working on something like this that will take the output of any player to stream to their Perfectwave dac which has gapless issues.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: hoyt on July 31, 2013, 04:56:05 pm
I believe this request is similar to what I mentioned in this thread:

If I have access to an API, or maintain one for my music, I would love to be able to integrate that to MC19.  Opening this door would be huge for me to add in whatever other webservices I have access to.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: RoderickGI on July 31, 2013, 06:53:07 pm
It is already there.

MC has a hierarchy of media serving capabilities.

The top level is called "Media Network" (formerly known as Library Server, formerly known as Media Server, as far as I can tell). See and
The next level down is DLNA server capabilities. See
The next level down is UPnP server capabilities. See

From my understanding, when you turn off DLNA Server in the Media Server configuration, you are left with UPnP services. But I'm no expert in this area. All settings are under the Media Network section of Options.

Have a read of this:

Spoiled for choice.  :)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JustinChase on July 31, 2013, 09:55:38 pm
It's been requested before, and it's still a great idea.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: gabeg on August 01, 2013, 01:22:45 am
Great.  Which would be the choice to use for what I'm looking to do?
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: eddyshere on August 01, 2013, 05:35:08 am
Most feature requests I would like to see have already been addressed.

I have a (i think) easy request (and asked for it a zillion-times) regarding Theaterview : please make the audio path window become available in theaterview mode. (just the same pop-up as it is but at theaterview font sizes !!!) with a keyboard shortcut.

And yes a linux version for widespread NAS-boxes (the synology etc...) would be certainly of interest to a lot of people...


I know I might be old school on that one but keep this audiophilegrade audio/video player (and excellent multi room server) free from social-media stuff integration (or at least let users switch it off if not used). I don't want to end up in a PDVD like super library where I can watch DVD, Bluray, 60 audio video formats, post automatically on my twitter account which movie I like, like it on my facebook, send a mail to my google friends and post a clip on youtube of me watching the movie and if it continues like that I'll end up book my next flights for my holidays and order automatically my pizza.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: DangerJP on August 01, 2013, 06:46:37 am
Most feature requests I would like to see have already been addressed.

I have a (i think) easy request (and asked for it a zillion-times) regarding Theaterview : please make the audio path window become available in theaterview mode. (just the same pop-up as it is but at theaterview font sizes !!!) with a keyboard shortcut.

And yes a linux version for widespread NAS-boxes (the synology etc...) would be certainly of interest to a lot of people...

+ 1 for both requests.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: csimon on August 01, 2013, 09:17:03 am
It is already there.

I don't think this is what the OP means, unless he has indeed missed the fact that MC already has DLNA server/controller/renderer capabilities.  DLNA doesn't have any provision for gapless if the renderer doesn't support it. What the OP is describing is allowing gapless even if the renderer doesn't support it.

What he is saying is to use MC to actually play, or render the audio, so that MC can work out all the gapless logic, but instead of passing it to the sound output device, pass it to DLNA instead. This will result in the renderer seeing one long never-ending stream.  Even if that is possible, I suspect it might cause problems with seek operations
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: gabeg on August 01, 2013, 10:35:43 am
Yes.  That's correct in what I meant.  The foobar implementation works flawlessly for me.  I guess it's essentially as if you we're streaming radio to the player.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Samson on August 01, 2013, 04:25:26 pm
Handheld Sync and convert/transcode tool to use MC Field Values to name converted files rather than creating a directory structure similar to a base file path.

Example, if you currently specify [track #] it  creates a Directory called track # 1,2,3 ....etc, if you specify [name] it currently creates a Directory called the field value for [name] but inside is stiil the music file with the name of the filename in windows.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Samson on August 01, 2013, 04:42:12 pm
When tagging, to have an advanced option to access all File Properties from the Action Window not just a context limited set. The current workaround is by editing in the List pane but it would be nice to also add the capability from the Action Window "Tag" .
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: MrC on August 01, 2013, 04:54:25 pm
When tagging, to have an advanced option to access all File Properties from the Action Window not just a context limited set. The current workaround is by editing in the List pane but it would be nice to also add the capability from the Action Window "Tag" .

You tried the Show All Tags menu item from the TAWs drop down menu (top left of TAW)?
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Samson on August 01, 2013, 05:20:56 pm
You tried the Show All Tags menu item from the TAWs drop down menu (top left of TAW)?

Hi MrC, yeh but it still hides stuff based on media type eg tagging composer for a music video. As I understand it this is intentional to protect newcomers from an overwhelming number of irrelevant choices but would be nice to over-ride this somewhere in options.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Samson on August 01, 2013, 05:28:29 pm
If technically possible the ability for MC to reference/link music tracks  to multiple albums (as you can do for artists).This would make it easier to manage compilations or group tracks into an album without using [album artist] or [album artist auto]
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: RoderickGI on August 01, 2013, 07:16:54 pm
Yes.  That's correct in what I meant.  The foobar implementation works flawlessly for me.  I guess it's essentially as if you we're streaming radio to the player.

Ah. I read it as if you were using Foobar as an example of what you wanted to achieve in MC, and I thought that the MC Media Network (Library Server, not DLNA or UPnP) could stream gapless to a renderer as if it was effectively streaming radio, where the renderer wasn't controlling the stream, rather a separate controller or MC was, hence no problem with gapless.

But I am out of my depth when talking about true audiophile systems, so I defer to you csimon.

I should read up more on what renderers actually do in the audio chain. I thought they just rendered digital into analogue, but if they are handling gapless control then they must be doing more.    ? 8) :)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: gpelts on August 01, 2013, 08:59:10 pm
1. Enable flexible user-defined categorization. I use MediaMonkey to organize all of my audio files and playlists. When I sync my playlists with JRiver MediaCenter, they always appear under Playlists->Imported Playlists rather than under Audio. Similarly, in TheaterView, Imported Playlists appear as a sibling of Audio rather than as a Child of Audio as I would like.
Part of this request is to improve playlist synchronization
1.a. I would like to be able to configure children of the Video menu (as well as their sort order) in TheaterView
1.b. I would like to be able to hide Gadgets or rename them and be able to configure children of this menu in TheaterView
1.c. All of these requests require basically the same implementation
2. Native movie synchronization with MyMovies.
I use MyMovies to organize my collection. It's painful to have to regenerate the title & other info for MediaCenter every time I add a new movie. Additionally, I have to jump through many hoops to get JRemote to see the updates.
3. FastForward and Rewind buttons on the screen when playing a movie in TheaterView
4. More alternate skins defined for TheaterView
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Matt on August 01, 2013, 09:04:25 pm
Are there any plans to include the ability to make MP3 cd's? This is a feature that is sorely missing IMO from such a great program as this one.

Action Window > Burn > Data.  Set Conversion to MP3.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Matt on August 01, 2013, 09:16:42 pm
Wake up PC for recording TV
I use MC17 (yes, 17 not 18 because of some video issues with my TV Tuner card) to record TV.  I have to remember to leave my HTPC on if I'm going to record something in the morning, or when I'm not home.  I would love for MC19 to be integrated with the PC in the fact that it could "wake up."

This has been there for years :P

Just run Media Server:
Options > Startup > Run on Windows Startup > Media Server (allows library sharing, television recording, etc.)

A simple improvement for us would be to offer to start Media Server the first time you schedule a TV recording.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JustinChase on August 01, 2013, 09:23:00 pm
I would like MC to automatically resize the aspect ratio of a detached window to match the AR of the video being played.  I find my self constantly resizing the window to get rid of the extra black space around the video.  This is especially true because it seems to change when I move the window, for some reason. Sometimes when I move the window up, it gets much wider after the move, not always, but often enough to be annoying.

I use a detached display very often to watch videos/TV while working on my desktop, and often have to move the window around, or make it smaller/larger to accommodate whatever I'm working on, and having it automatically maintain the 'proper' aspect ratio would be MOST welcome.  If you've ever used WMC, you'll know what I mean.  Resizing by grabbing anywhere on any side of the window keeps the AR fixed, so you don't have to grab a corner and be careful when resizing.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: astromo on August 01, 2013, 10:12:38 pm
This has been there for years :P

Just run Media Server:
Options > Startup > Run on Windows Startup > Media Server (allows library sharing, television recording, etc.)

A simple improvement for us would be to offer to start Media Server the first time you schedule a TV recording.

And the Media Server delivers wake/record/sleep function just fine for me.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on August 01, 2013, 10:26:08 pm
I suspect I am in the minority here, but animated .gif support in the images section would be useful.
I don't really use Media Center for viewing photographs, because I already have Lightroom for my photo editing and library management, and I don't see Media Center replacing that any time soon.
But I'm thinking that Media Center might be useful for other collections of images, and something few other applications have is support for animated .gifs - most will just display the first frame and treat them as a still image.
It would be even better if Media Center could display the animations when viewing a grid of images in thumbnail view, or perhaps on mouse-over if that's too taxing, rather than having to view a single image in isolation.

I also wondered about a similar thing for videos on mouse-over when browsing your library rather than using static thumbnails, unless they have cover art associated with the file.

I would like MC to automatically resize the aspect ratio of a detached window to match the AR of the video being played.  I find my self constantly resizing the window to get rid of the extra black space around the video.  This is especially true because it seems to change when I move the window, for some reason. Sometimes when I move the window up, it gets much wider after the move, not always, but often enough to be annoying.
Yes, this would be a really nice change.

Something else that this reminded me about, that was a problem in MC18:
I have a video series with about 160 episodes, and every single one of them is 4:3 video encoded to a 16:9 file, with bright borders on the edges. I don't know why they decided to do this, but I find it very distracting.
And to make matters worse, when adding the borders they also compressed the video slightly so it's not quite 4:3. If you were to simply mask off the sides, some of the bright border would remain.

It looks something like this:

With other video players, such as MPC-HC, you have independent horizontal and vertical stretch controls, so you can stretch the center portion out to fill the screen, cropping the borders.
You can then override the aspect ratio of the video to be 4:3, which means you are only displaying the center portion of the video with black borders, and it's now in the correct aspect ratio rather than being slightly compressed.

And another change I would like to see, which that reminded me of: I'd really like it if the "crop edges for DVD video" option not only applied to DVD discs, but also DVD rips. i.e. any files which are 720x480 or 720x576.
The "crop edges for non-DVD video" option applies to everything, including HD video, so that's not really a good alternative. It's really only DVDs where the edges of the video are a problem. Anything else - even if it's lower resolution - seems to avoid that problem.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: csimon on August 02, 2013, 03:17:51 am
Ah. I read it as if you were using Foobar as an example of what you wanted to achieve in MC, and I thought that the MC Media Network (Library Server, not DLNA or UPnP) could stream gapless to a renderer

If you're streaming to a renderer, you have to use DLNA/UPNP.  Library Server only works with MC clients.

I should read up more on what renderers actually do in the audio chain. I thought they just rendered digital into analogue, but if they are handling gapless control then they must be doing more.    ? 8) :)

They have to tell the server/controller when they are ready to accept the next track. Some (most) don't handle gapless and request the next track when the current one has finished, which leaves a gap. Some recognise the DLNA protocl where the controller can tell the renderer in advance what the next track will be so that it can pre-process and tag it seamlessly onto the end of the current track, but the renderer has to support and understand this command, hence gapless does not work with all renderers even if the server/controller supports it.

I guess what we're discussing here is "trackless" DLNA streaming, where the renderer has no concept that it is getting individual tracks, it's just one big long stream which the server/controller has constructed.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Skogkatt on August 02, 2013, 04:42:31 am
In the last few months I have been using “Album Replay Gain” and found it quite consistent with some exceptions like classical music. Some albums have quite large dynamic range and that could lead, in some tracks, to subjectively playing music with the wrong volume. I hope the new method (R128) will be more reliable.

I still have the need to control volume more precisely from my tablet using RDP to remote control MC.

Controlling MC in “Album View” from a 10.1” touchscreen is perfectly feasible and usable except for the volume slider which is a frustrating experience. For this I would gladly give up the “Action Window” (useless for me when listening music but useful when importing/editing) and in change would like to have an alternate volume control with two quite large buttons to increase and decrease volume, and a three digits window to display attenuation in programmable steps (0.5 dB as a smallest step should suffice).
|       |        _    _      |       |
| _|_ | _  |  _| |_      | __   |
|   |   |    | |_ . _| dB |       |

Also, a scroll function like for web browsing on tablet to scroll albums with a finger touch would be very useful.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Arindelle on August 02, 2013, 04:48:15 am
Just my two cents, hopefully not too late for consideration...

Theater View: 

Ver. 18 added some very powerful options which were great. Understandably thinking ahead, seems like a lot is geared toward future tactile screen tech and remotes. Im a couch potato like the best of them, but there are too many practical uses to forego using wireless mouse/keyboard - especially for searches and external web use running through jriver. 

I primarily use jrmc in Theater View on my TV from a distance of about 8 to 10 feet and standard view at present makes me go blind. I use a combination of a remote, keyboard/mouse and jremote. 

So my suggestions  ....

Theater View

1) Search Box - incorporate a scalable (or at least large enough to use from a distance) box like in Standard View in which you can type your searches. The present virtual keyboard is slow as molasses and the search results are not as usable/customizable as in S.V.

2) Right Click on Mouse to play - at the very least be able to use mouse to direct play a selection like the play button on a remote (if possible with play options from S.V.) 

3) Bring Back version 16 3d Views (still exist in S.V.) - where the album cover pivots and you can choose a song or album with pal options. Very convenient and not just eye-candy. 

4) Connected Media - have the connected media as part of theater view. Possibility to import web APIs would be icing on the cake. Not terribly important if it just opens up a browser externally as long as the audio (most important for me) still is running through the jrmc "engine". Options at present are very buggy 

Standard View

1) keep menu bar and search box visible, auto hide tree column - this would allow  better visibility at a distance. At present Views can be enlarged but top bar disappears. Could auto hide like the player does now if easier.

Minor "wishes"^^

- option to open tagging in separate window 

- fix broken links/force external changes without full auto import

- possibility to add more of those nifty arrows next to artist and album for other fields like composer or track name

I guess what is most important for me would be to not see disappear mouse/keyboard functions from theater view

Thanks for your consideration in advance and thanks for putting continuing development first in terms of your priorities. I really think your biz model is great, btw.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: pitzaman on August 02, 2013, 06:02:31 am
Hi there,

I have to 2 requests, both related to subtitles:

1.       When using a left to right subtitles (I'm using Hebrew), the punctuation is shown on the wrong side.

2.       Please let the user choose the location of the subtitles on the screen (i.e. On the black bar at the bottom of the screen…)

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: RoderickGI on August 02, 2013, 06:57:07 pm
If you're streaming to a renderer, you have to use DLNA/UPNP.  Library Server only works with MC clients.

Of course. I should have thought of that.

They have to tell the server/controller when they are ready to accept the next track. Some (most) don't handle gapless and request the next track when the current one has finished, which leaves a gap. Some recognise the DLNA protocl where the controller can tell the renderer in advance what the next track will be so that it can pre-process and tag it seamlessly onto the end of the current track, but the renderer has to support and understand this command, hence gapless does not work with all renderers even if the server/controller supports it.

I guess what we're discussing here is "trackless" DLNA streaming, where the renderer has no concept that it is getting individual tracks, it's just one big long stream which the server/controller has constructed.

Thanks csimon. That all makes sense.

Sorry I misunderstood the question Gabeg.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Samson on August 02, 2013, 07:28:29 pm
Apologies if already requested:

1. A music database equivalent to existing TV and Movie databases.
2. Lyrics database
3. Theatre view to have "inherit parent scheme rules" yes/no option as per standard view.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Djobydjoba on August 02, 2013, 08:09:53 pm
More options on tabs in standard view, in fact a similar implementation than in web browers :

- Manually tabs reordering (by drag and drop)
- Close a tab with middle button. Linked : option to not display red X close button (for more place for tabs on medium size screens and for cosmetic taste)
- Possibility to save and recall all open tabs (i.e. "session favorites"), and to start MC with a saved session.
- Lock a tab. If a locked tab is active when a view is selected in the left panel, the view is opened in a new tab.
- Basic mouse gesture would be very handy (right clic + drag left = previous, right click + drag right = next. And why not other stuff...)

- Option to prevent modification of rating in list in standard view. Or at least a message to ask for confirmation. It's too easy currently to change rating by mistake.

Slideshow launched automatically after idle time of keyboard and mouse when music is playing. (I think of the standard view at least. I don’t know well the theatre view)
- Slideshow could include album or artist arts, other images from MC, visualizations, or a mix of the 3 (and why not : videos (particles?) with muted sound ?...).
- Users could set options for the slideshow : types of media picked, time between transitions.... A sort of playlist for the visual part of music listening.

- Rights management on the medias and functions of MC. Users and groups management. Several authentication levels for clients. MC would enter in another media server dimension with rights management. The big topic for the end of the post ! :P

Thanks. Great software !
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Djobydjoba on August 02, 2013, 08:32:53 pm
Oups.. mistake
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Krunchy on August 03, 2013, 02:19:36 am
I know I might be old school on that one but keep this audiophilegrade audio/video player (and excellent multi room server) free from social-media stuff integration (or at least let users switch it off if not used). I don't want to end up in a PDVD like super library where I can watch DVD, Bluray, 60 audio video formats, post automatically on my twitter account which movie I like, like it on my facebook, send a mail to my google friends and post a clip on youtube of me watching the movie and if it continues like that I'll end up book my next flights for my holidays and order automatically my pizza.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: darkheart on August 04, 2013, 06:34:27 am
1st and 3rd order slopes for low/high pass filter in parametric equalizer.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: musicmax on August 04, 2013, 08:17:11 am

I guess what we're discussing here is "trackless" DLNA streaming, where the renderer has no concept that it is getting individual tracks, it's just one big long stream which the server/controller has constructed.

This is correct.  You can play "The Dark Side Of The Moon" and there are no gaps between, say, "On The Run" and "Time".  The foobar plugin is called "UPnP_MediaRenderer_Output".  It does indeed have issues with fast-forward, at least when I push to my WDTV Live.  Trying to skip to the next track gives an error.  But the whole point of listening to this type of album (or opera, or live recording) is to play the entire disc or fileset in a single sitting without gaps.

I haven't checked to see if UPnP_MediaRenderer_Output embeds metadata that dynamically updates on the renderer.  I suppose this would be useful for listening to unfamiliar operas; I think I know the song names for TDSOTM :-)

So back to the OP's question - is there or will there be functionality in JRiver to match foobar's functionality? 
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Paul W on August 04, 2013, 11:54:41 am
1st and 3rd order slopes for low/high pass filter in parametric equalizer.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: arundalep on August 04, 2013, 02:04:57 pm
Deezer integration would be a fantastic feature, is it likely to be added any time soon?

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Samson on August 04, 2013, 06:35:24 pm
 Client = connects to server, allows user to manage the libraries and play media.

1+ full read/write capability irrespective of Library already opened elsewhere
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: darkheart on August 05, 2013, 05:42:32 am

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: rlj on August 05, 2013, 02:58:59 pm
A feature I'd like to see are playlists that are editable from iPad/Android apps. That is the ability to add or remove tracks or albums, and then 'save' or 'save as' those playlists from the app. The app developers seem to indicate that no 'hooks' are given to them to be able to do this in JRiver. (I'm no programmer, so I have no idea what they need. In MPD, playlist editing works quite well.)

I only use Win8 to get albums/tracks into an orderly arrangement and then want to control what plays to via an app while listening, not tied to a screen and keyboard. Often, while listening it's convenient to remove one or two tracks; instead I must write them down and later perform a playlist edit on the computer (and more of an annoyance as it runs headless).

Editing playlists from an app would be more convenient, esp when listing with friends.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: raldo on August 05, 2013, 11:34:08 pm
I'd like to see 1 to 1 mappings between exif/iptc photo metadata and the JRiver photo metadata.

Currently supported tags (iptc), from the WIKI:

     BYLINE -> Artist
    CREDITS -> Notes
    DATECREATED ->[changed] Date
    CITY STATE, COUNTRY ->(combined) Places
    COPYRIGHTNOTICE ->Copyright (read only)
    CAPTION ->(same: no longer Comment)

So, please add: Author, events (ext),city, state, country, ++

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: mark_h on August 06, 2013, 02:05:29 am
Attempting to build a view of my collection that uses panes to group various items produced by each artist.  The panes are created with expressions, but unfortunately items that do not match the expression get grouped into "Unassigned" which, as you can see, rather spoils the results and in particular the counts for each entry as they are all incremented by 1 giving "false" results.


Could we get an option added to the pane settings "Hide Unassigned Items", or similar, that would suppress the Unassigned entries from appearing in the pane?

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Jasonpctech on August 06, 2013, 04:26:09 am
Expand on the car dash buttons idea. Create a clean simple interface as a view option.
Theater view is nice but it needs to be quickpress simple to use for driving.
Think, intuitive large mappable buttons for tiny displays & a small visualizer.
A actual car radio skin or such would be cool for Carputer types.

I currently use a Android Nexus 7 and a Play store app called music visualizer to control Poweramp.
I think this community and your crack sharp software engineering team could 1up that concept.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: csimon on August 06, 2013, 04:43:29 am
That's given me an idea!    Along with a general spruce-up of Gizmo, provide an off-line mode so that music (possibly video too) along with the view schemes, can be downloaded to the device for use in a car.

[I'm having huge problems trying to find a decent music player for Android or iOS that has big, clear buttons for in-car use and can provide menu structures in the way I have my music categorised. Most music players mangle the library and cannot sort properly.)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Fred1 on August 06, 2013, 05:14:43 am
[I'm having huge problems trying to find a decent music player for Android or iOS that has big, clear buttons for in-car use and can provide menu structures in the way I have my music categorised. Most music players mangle the library and cannot sort properly.)

For iOS i can recommend the app LeechTunes with its wonderful clear user interface and gestures - very cool!
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: csimon on August 06, 2013, 05:25:09 am
For iOS i can recommend the app LeechTunes with its wonderful clear user interface and gestures - very cool!

OK, thanks for the recommendation, will check it out!
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: instigator on August 06, 2013, 12:35:57 pm
Would you implement this in v19? A checkbox to decide if control access turn on when exit from JRiver
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Vocalpoint on August 06, 2013, 04:15:38 pm
Yes, I hate this. Because there don't appear to be any guidelines on keywording from whatever source they are being pulled from, the keywords are useless data.

+100. Nothing annoys me more than my weekly "keyword" houseclean.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: StuckMojo on August 06, 2013, 04:21:44 pm
I need german data for movies, my wife cannot understand englisch.


Shouldn't be a big problem i think, Moviedb and TVdb have descriptions in different languages
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: ead1 on August 06, 2013, 11:06:37 pm
Don't know how possible, but always better audio + faster and less CPU consuming.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: stelfe on August 07, 2013, 02:18:41 am
I use gizmo a lot from my android device, so please enable playlist management directly in gizmo.
Pleeaaaase!!! :'(
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on August 07, 2013, 10:20:03 am
Don't know how possible, but always better audio + faster and less CPU consuming.
Try playing back audio, and minimizing Media Center. I find that it typically uses less than 1% CPU playback for music.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: mwillems on August 07, 2013, 02:16:19 pm
1st and 3rd order slopes for low/high pass filter in parametric equalizer.

I would second that request (and the request for a PEQ GUI above).  I also wouldn't mind seeing support for a 2nd order Linkwitz-Riley (which support for 1st order Butterworth would give us by extension, I guess) and alternative crossover filters (e.g. Bessel, Horbach-Keele, etc.)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: exodus1977 on August 07, 2013, 09:36:56 pm
Ability to do slow motion video.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: magnust on August 08, 2013, 01:26:21 am
Search history

(something like in the Windows Explorer search box)

Please please please  :)

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: jannweiss on August 08, 2013, 07:45:55 am
The possibilitiy to change the order of the channels in Bitstreaming (DSD) mode. Now the feature is only enabled in none bistreaming mode. In the player HQplayer, this feature is present and in some circumstances very useful.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: bilbo2112 on August 08, 2013, 08:05:39 am

Do you plan to add Airplay support and iPhone/iPod management?

Thanks and keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: rec head on August 08, 2013, 08:03:05 pm
Being able to see ratings in playlists while in theater view would be nice.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: cal3713 on August 09, 2013, 12:21:45 am
I'd love to see an "Add (after most recently added item)" option.  That would allow you to build within a playlist. 

Sometimes I'm listening to a long playlist and would like to browse the music collection and cue a couple special songs for the next few minutes and then let the playlist continue with the prior ordering.  As is, I can only add one (as next to play), and then I have to wait for it to start before adding the next to achieve this functionality.

And I too love this product.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: natehansen66 on August 09, 2013, 04:51:50 pm
I would second that request (and the request for a PEQ GUI above).  I also wouldn't mind seeing support for a 2nd order Linkwitz-Riley (which support for 1st order Butterworth would give us by extension, I guess) and alternative crossover filters (e.g. Bessel, Horbach-Keele, etc.)

I'll third that request and all that follows.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: InflatableMouse on August 11, 2013, 07:14:50 am
Many of these have been brought up by others or even yourselves. I wanted to keep them 'warm', so to speak. Oke I didn't count any forum posts to say these are the most wanted but they certainly come up quite often in one way or another  ;)

Fully functional client connection
Right now clients can edit tags but that's about it and this limitation has been brought up frequently.
It would be great to see sync add support for more actions on the client like view customization, file importing, etc.

Client Sync & Authentication
We all know the limitation; to edit tags we need to enable authentication and this disables read-only connections.

I wish read-only connections would still be possible when enabling authentication.

Multi User Support
Edit: as of build 19.0.25, MC has rudimentary support for multiple user accounts.

Control over Library Backups
Recently re-requested by Glynor here ( and regularly requested by others in the pas as well.

We've gone from full control requests with schedules and whatnot to the most humble and simple ones like Glynor's most recent one.

Edit: as of build 19.0.25, the MC command MCC_BACKUP_LIBRARY (20011) will perform a silent automatic backup when passed "1" as the parameter.

Toggle watched/unwatched in Theater View
I know its possible with custom fields and some expressions, and its probably possible even to create a command and link it to a remote control button. But really, its just too complex. I believe (and I wish) it would be possible out of the box with a push of a (remote control) button.

The current system is unreliable, I've got watched marks on movies I know for a fact I've never watched and then I got plenty of episodes I know I watched that don't have the mark. Some people start over, reimport all their stuff on a fresh library. Then there are people who come from XBMC or Plex or whatever, and start using MC. They will have plenty of movies and series they watched with their previous system. There is no easy way to deal with these. You really expect new users to start fiddling with expressions and custom views to get a watched mark on stuff they watched?

Bluray menu support
Need I say more?  ::)

My latest fiasco ( with the EU/NL bluray release of Planet Earth made me wish for this. And these were probably the only blurays I wanted to see the extras from.

64-bit Support
Twice the bits, twice the speed right? How many times do we need to ask?

Just kidding!  ;D
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Matt on August 11, 2013, 07:34:19 am
Fully functional client connection
I wish a client could become a 'full' client, in which everything works as if I was on the server locally, including program settings, DSP and playback options. Obviously in this mode, local playback and settings are no longer available. Right now clients can edit tags but that's about it and this limitation has been brought up frequently.

This isn't the current model, and it's not one I would want.

For me, a client is a separate computer that needs separate settings, DSP, etc.

It would be great to see sync add support for more actions on the client like view customization, file importing, etc.  However, if you just want to use the server remotely, you might be best using Remote Desktop or equivalent.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: InflatableMouse on August 11, 2013, 07:42:05 am
It would be great to see sync add support for more actions on the client like view customization, file importing, etc.

I'll edit the text to reflect what you just stated as that is most often requested. I overstated my own personal wish and I don't think many people actually requested what I typed there.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on August 11, 2013, 08:28:18 am
Well everything in my list from before still applies: (

Some of the things that still really stand out to me:
Toggle watched/unwatched in Theater View
I know its possible with custom fields and some expressions, and its probably possible even to create a command and link it to a remote control button. But really, its just too complex. I believe (and I wish) it would be possible out of the box with a push of a (remote control) button.

The current system is unreliable, I've got watched marks on movies I know for a fact I've never watched and then I got plenty of episodes I know I watched that don't have the mark. Some people start over, reimport all their stuff on a fresh library. Then there are people who come from XBMC or Plex or whatever, and start using MC. They will have plenty of movies and series they watched with their previous system. There is no easy way to deal with these. You really expect new users to start fiddling with expressions and custom views to get a watched mark on stuff they watched?
I agree that the current system is unreliable, and also wish that it could be better.

I like that iTunes has three states for this - watched, partially watched, and new.
This expression ( works reasonably well to give you a checkmark for content that has been seen, and displays a percentage for partially watched content, but it's still not ideal, and there's still no easy way to reset this, or mark content as watched. In iTunes it's just in the context menu.

Another big issue is that streaming content to my iPad via JRemote, and presumably to DLNA devices, does not affect the watched status. Is there no way for Media Center to keep track of this?
I was watching a series almost exclusively on my iPad at one point, and I had to keep checking a number of items to find out which one I was up to - and it was even worse when I had stopped part of the way through an episode and had to find my place again.

64-bit Support
Twice the bits, twice the speed right? How many times do we need to ask?
A 64-bit version actually makes some sense now with the new way that memory playback is handled.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: marko on August 11, 2013, 08:47:04 am
This isn't the current model, and it's not one I would want.

For me, a client is a separate computer that needs separate settings, DSP, etc.

It would be great to see sync add support for more actions on the client like view customization, file importing, etc.  However, if you just want to use the server remotely, you might be best using Remote Desktop or equivalent.
Currently, if we remove playlists from the server with an authenticated client connected, the client merrily pushes the deleted playlists back to the server, rather than the server pushing the changes out to the client. If view editing on a client came about, this would need to considered. I would not be happy if view changes made on the server were promptly discarded by an update from a connected client.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: preproman on August 11, 2013, 01:29:09 pm
Better support for Windows 8

Able to see the sample rate and bit depth of a track in Theater View.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JimH on August 11, 2013, 01:56:12 pm
Networking split (
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: LeoB on August 11, 2013, 02:58:36 pm
Dialogue Lift

Can we have a DSP feature similar to YAMAHA's “Dialogue Lift”?

In YAMAHA AVRs, this feature assigns some of the Center Channel information to the special Presence Speakers, located above the front left and right speakers, resulting in raising the perceived height of the center channel.

I suggest doing the same thing, but instead of mixing the sound into Presence Speakers, which most people do not use, mix it into the front left and right ones.

This feature may be useful for the people with Center Channel speaker located below the screen.

I’m a bit concerned that doing this might adversely affect the clarity of dialogue sound, because of the resulting combing effect; however, some people on the Internet swear by it.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: goatherder on August 11, 2013, 04:40:47 pm
On the matter of the client, I don't really see the point of a 'full client' either but I would like to see a one-hit option to cache selected tracks for later offline playback without complicated setup of playlists. etc.

(or if I missed that feature, perhaps someone could let me know about it)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: raym on August 11, 2013, 09:17:01 pm
I think adding cover art from the client is one of those things we should be able to do. Deleting a playlist is another. I actually like the server controlling view layouts for the clients but I agree it's not for everyone and could be better handled with improved multi-user/auth controls.

+1 on BD menu support (although not sure this will ever really happen due to the known limitations). I would like to be able to use MC for 3D playback also, or at least detect a 3D file/disc and launch a 3rd party player automatically. It shouldn't just do nothing IMO.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Castius on August 11, 2013, 11:13:27 pm
It kind of looks like there working on this?

Although it's possible it might need it's own category

I struggled with this for a long time. With mid range budget speakers and AVR. It's nearly impossible to deal with. (At least if you have kids or neighbors)
So it certainly wouldn't hurt to have better tools than just midnight mode to help.
Every time i boosted the center channel it killed me knowing i was messing with all the other times people are not whispering.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: ead1 on August 12, 2013, 01:38:43 am
Can we get a 64bit version of JRiver??

For me  that is a must, so the program will be faster, move more data, and can use more than 4GB (for HD movies, a lot of DSP and so on)

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: flac.rules on August 12, 2013, 09:05:51 am
Gizmo need a work-over IMHO, it lacks a lot of features (like handling playlists that are not very small), and some way to be able to customize which elements are in the UI, and the order, would be great too (althoguh probably a good deal of work)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: yooz on August 12, 2013, 01:05:13 pm
I would still like to see the feature to edit the rules for filesorting with articles....

I'm using the interface in english because I got used to it, but there are several german bands with the article "Der, Die or Das" in front, and I like to put this in the filter like "The" in the moment this sorting depends on the language i switch to...I don't like that

The second "rule" I'd like to see editable is the rule how MC is recognizing complete's not done when the files are scattered in differend folders...I'd like to swich this off and on

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Vocalpoint on August 12, 2013, 01:43:40 pm
Moved to Feature Requests thread...

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Vocalpoint on August 12, 2013, 01:44:49 pm
Small one but I use CTRL-SHIFT-V all the time to paste metadata to an album when upgrading a existing set of files to a higher res set.

Would love it if CTRL-SHIFT-V would bring along the Album art from the source over to the target when pasting the data.


Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Vocalpoint on August 12, 2013, 01:46:16 pm
Can we get a 64bit version of JRiver??

For me  that is a must, so the program will be faster, move more data, and can use more than 4GB (for HD movies, a lot of DSP and so on)

Outside of the slight possible benefit to accessing more RAM (still not convinced there is one) - the program will actually not run any faster.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: alspoll on August 12, 2013, 03:26:09 pm
I think adding cover art from the client is one of those things we should be able to do.

+1 I agree, the ability to update cover art and renaming files are two of the main reasons I have to remote in to server.

It would be MUCH easier to be able to manage these things on the client the same way I can edit tag info.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: retro on August 12, 2013, 05:54:19 pm
1st and 3rd order slopes for low/high pass filter in parametric equalizer.
I would second that request (and the request for a PEQ GUI above).  I also wouldn't mind seeing support for a 2nd order Linkwitz-Riley (which support for 1st order Butterworth would give us by extension, I guess) and alternative crossover filters (e.g. Bessel, Horbach-Keele, etc.)

+1 for that. We can never have too much options in the crossover department.. :)

Also, since I understand support for European tv inc. pay-channels is not coming for a long time, if ever...look at and please add support for their excellent Recording-service. Others, like XBMC, have added a client for RS. If they can, surely you can too, right.. ;)..?

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: InflatableMouse on August 13, 2013, 08:28:06 am
Edited OP to reflect recent changes in latest MC19 builds.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: park on August 14, 2013, 01:37:03 am
I also want to say that I agree with the client being more powerful. Personally, the best time for me to do mundane tasks like tagging, and View edits is when I am out of the house and have down time. At the very least we should be able to get movie/TV/cover art info into the files.
If there are no technical hurdles to doing this, and with the new user accounts as a safety control, I say do it.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: jgreen on August 14, 2013, 11:05:27 am
Time for another Stupid Question (SQ):  Is there an easy/seamless method for editing an MC library file as a client, and then later importing it onto the server as Admin?
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Efjay on August 14, 2013, 11:08:41 am
My all-time favorite track-info plugin remains ( Unfortunately, it does not work with MC18, presumably will not work with MC19 and it appears to be abandoned. Therefore, I'd like to see this become a permanent track-info selection. It need not look exactly the same but it should show current song, including cover art, band and album info, and upcoming song, including cover art, band and album info. track progress would be nice and the clock in the corner is a nice touch as well.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: audunth on August 14, 2013, 05:40:28 pm
I asked for this way back in the MC 13 forum, thought I'd ask again:

Support for sidecar audio files. Zoomplayer had this way back when I used it for video. Which means the possibility to play back a for example a flac or DTS-HD audio file with a mkv video file without having to mux them together. It's already possible for subtitles, so why not with audio?

One possible scenario that it would be useful is if I have a ripped Blu-ray, then I get a new edition with a similar video stream but better audio (or a new language), I could just rip the audio from the new one and play it with the old rip, and even delete the old audio file if I don't need it anymore, since I would have the possibility to keep all my BR rips as separate audio and video files.

Also, by muxing the DTS core into the video file and keeping the DTS-HD separate I would save space when dropping some movies on the tablet's memory card for watching on the go. A DTS-HD track can take 5-6 gigs, which is a lot when using 16/32/64 gig memory cards.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: hulkss on August 14, 2013, 07:48:53 pm
Automatic particle creation from Matroska (.MKV video) chapters.

This would automatically make thousands of multi-channel audio music videos for me and I hope many others that use the MKV video container for concert films.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Samson on August 15, 2013, 05:04:32 am
A big request to fix the remaining bugs in the handheld sync function, both cache  and delete on sync.A little complex to elaborate here but MrC aware  :)

It is a potentially great feature if working properly.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: magnust on August 15, 2013, 10:03:11 am
I just bought MC19 so now I feel more welcome in this forum, hahaha.


Is any work on Gizmo planned for 19?

Gizmo need a work-over IMHO, it lacks a lot of features (like handling playlists that are not very small), and some way to be able to customize which elements are in the UI, and the order, would be great too (althoguh probably a good deal of work)

And repeating myself, please please please, search history in the search box drop down (like in windows file explorer). Please? I miss this daily.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: renpetra on August 15, 2013, 11:18:21 am
Like to see a stripdown version that plays audio only.
With only the components to play audio.

For the diehard audio fanatics like me.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JimH on August 15, 2013, 11:19:47 am
Like to see a stripdown version that plays audio only.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on August 15, 2013, 11:20:19 am
Like to see a stripdown version that plays audio only.
With only the components to play audio.
For the diehard audio fanatics like me.
Tools > Options > General > Features.

Though I don't see the point. There's no benefit to disabling everything.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: ElQuia on August 15, 2013, 11:35:25 am
My Requests:

1- Video equalizer with hue, color, contrast, gamma and brightness settings that can be stored individually for each movie or clip in database. Like SM Player
2- MiniSkins or at LEAST ONE miniskin with only play controls and semi transparent playlist that autohides, skin should fit on any window title bar, manually position it on monitor and remember last position.
3- Skin Manager.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Matt on August 15, 2013, 02:43:38 pm
1- Video equalizer with hue, color, contrast, gamma and brightness settings that can be stored individually for each movie or clip in database. Like SM Player

That's been there for several versions.

Use the OSD (up, down, left, right) while playing a video.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: StuckMojo on August 15, 2013, 06:25:51 pm
Would be nice to have the same settings when converting videos as it is for audio conversion.
For Example:
Add or replace file in library,copying tags to new video format,.... and so on. Really miss this options.
Or am i blind and didn't see them.  ?
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: sgclark on August 17, 2013, 03:43:41 pm
I would like to see better integration with Windows 8 UI and the touch screen interface. I use MC to manage my music library, and primarily use the standard view, sorting using artist and track name primarily. It would be nice to have the touch screen gesture support, such as scroll and window expansion capabilities.

Since I have used some of the expanded tags offered by MC to construct several useful views of my music collection which I find invaluable when choosing what to play in MC (and because some of the titles of classical pieces are too long for display in Gizmo--at least on my Android phone), rather than using Gizmo I have found it easiest to use a Windows 8 tablet running full MC as a remote, controlling my network's relatively inaccessible and very stationary library server.  Unfortunately, due to its lack of integration with the Windows 8 touchscreen interface, MC 18 can be somewhat difficult to use on the tablet.  So I too would very, very much like to see the Windows 8 integration features mentioned in the above post.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Dirhael on August 17, 2013, 04:10:18 pm
I'd *love* the possibility to separate out files using various codecs instead of containers only. Currently the [File Type] field will only return something like flac/m4a/mp3/ogg etc. For instance, this means that there is currently no simple way to separate out ALAC from AAC in a Mp4 (m4a) container. How about adding fields such as [Audio Codec] and [Video Codec]? This would make it a whole lot easier converting from one format to another :)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on August 17, 2013, 05:10:29 pm
That's been there for several versions.
Use the OSD (up, down, left, right) while playing a video.
These settings seem to be global rather than per-video. If I set one video to -100 saturation with them, all videos are displayed in black and white.

Any madVR tag adjustments e.g. [saturation=25] seem to be relative to the current value rather than absolute.
So if saturation is at -100 in Media Center, that tag changes it to -75, instead of +25.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Lasse_Lus on August 18, 2013, 05:09:06 am
custom relational fields
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: AndyU on August 19, 2013, 06:09:25 am
Spotify integration would be wonderful, especially if it was implemented such that Spotify could be used via JRemote. Right now I have to fall back to iPeng and my Squeezebox Touch.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Arindelle on August 19, 2013, 07:02:11 am
Spotify integration would be wonderful, especially if it was implemented such that Spotify could be used via JRemote. Right now I have to fall back to iPeng and my Squeezebox Touch.

It can be integrated seamlessly through Audio/Connected/Media in standard view (so no jremote), but can't get it to work via Theater View (so no jremote). Should work though by Adding a Webpage in T.V. options, but that has never worked for me (even the jriver site doen't show)

I interested here's what you copy into a new "Connected Media" Account you have to log in once though

Code: [Select]
and this works very well (no commercials)
Code: [Select]
So (already in my suggestions above  ;) )  Please put Connected Media in Theater View ( then you get a lot more than Spotify)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: AndrewFG on August 19, 2013, 07:49:27 am
DLNA already supports audio and video transcoding.  We've done a lot of work on it to support a wide array of formats.

I think the OP was asking about transcoding support for additional target formats. For example today you offer MP3, L16, L24, (and WAV ?) as target formats, but it would be nice also to have FLAC and perhaps even AIF and ALAC as targets too.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: AndrewFG on August 19, 2013, 08:09:25 am
It would be nice to have an option for the DLNA / UPnP Server part of MC to be started when the computer (re)starts.

The current options only allow starting MC's server when a user logs in to Windows. If you are running MC as a server on a headless PC, this is no good, because it requires someone to login to Windows after each restart.

By contrast, running MC's Server as a Windows Service Application would allow the server to be left completely un-attended. Whenever the PC restarts, (such as when the PC downloads automatic Windows updates, or anti- virus updates, and restarts itself), then MC's server service would automatically be restarted too...
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Vocalpoint on August 19, 2013, 10:51:28 am
It would be nice to have an option for the DLNA / UPnP Server part of MC to be started when the computer (re)starts.

The current options only allow starting MC's server when a user logs in to Windows. If you are running MC as a server on a headless PC, this is no good, because it requires someone to login to Windows after each restart.

I have my new HTPC set to auto login and (then auto lock) after each reboot. The MC server component starts without issue and is "always" on. Works great.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: gabeg on August 19, 2013, 01:48:46 pm
This is correct.  You can play "The Dark Side Of The Moon" and there are no gaps between, say, "On The Run" and "Time".  The foobar plugin is called "UPnP_MediaRenderer_Output".  It does indeed have issues with fast-forward, at least when I push to my WDTV Live.  Trying to skip to the next track gives an error.  But the whole point of listening to this type of album (or opera, or live recording) is to play the entire disc or fileset in a single sitting without gaps.

I haven't checked to see if UPnP_MediaRenderer_Output embeds metadata that dynamically updates on the renderer.  I suppose this would be useful for listening to unfamiliar operas; I think I know the song names for TDSOTM :-)

So back to the OP's question - is there or will there be functionality in JRiver to match foobar's functionality? 

Yes. This is exactly what I'm looking for.   For me, UPnP_MediaRenderer_Output works perfectly with my PS Audio PWD/Bridge.   I can forward, skip, rewind, etc and it works perfectly.    Doen't embed metadata but I don't mind.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: woop on August 19, 2013, 06:30:04 pm
Simplified integration for streaming audio such as MOG, Spotify etc etc etc
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: dean70 on August 19, 2013, 11:00:29 pm
Make particles more accessable from theatre view.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: AndrewFG on August 20, 2013, 02:06:16 am
I have my new HTPC set to auto login and (then auto lock) after each reboot. The MC server component starts without issue and is "always" on. Works great.

How do you do that?
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Mikkel on August 20, 2013, 04:40:11 am
A nice feature would be:

- Discrete left, center and right channels in JRSS music mode (EDIT: when upmixing)

Best regards,
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: mojave on August 20, 2013, 08:25:45 am
A nice feature would be:

- Discrete left, center and right channels in JRSS music mode
What do you mean by discrete? The left and right channels in JRSS for music are identical to the original left and right stereo signals. The center is matrixed from the left and right channels. Therefore, all 3 channels are discrete.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Mikkel on August 20, 2013, 08:48:54 am
What do you mean by discrete? The left and right channels in JRSS for music are identical to the original left and right stereo signals. The center is matrixed from the left and right channels. Therefore, all 3 channels are discrete.

Perhaps an incorrect use of the term on my part  :). What I mean is that JRSS should remove the signal content from left and right which is matrixed to the center channel.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JustinM on August 22, 2013, 08:17:15 am
3D support... I know this has been brought up before. (with mixed opinions)  but I've recently been playing  alot of 3d content for my kids, which doesn't really require any support from JRiver to do... (The tv does all the work) The only issue is (in my rig)  when you want to change volume or ff, or something.. JRiver menu isn't displayed properly when the tv is put in 3d mode (side by side, or 'above and below mode).
The only thing that JRiver would need to support 3d :
- is be able to display the 'playback controls' in side by side, or above and below mode.
This could be easily activated with expressions and/or fields that identify 3D content.
pls note that if theatre view gets more skinning freedom (fingers crossed); Skinners could also implement this.

You could also attempt to detect 'side by side' or 'above and below' content automatically (to display the videos controls properly) but it's not neccessary.

- I watched "Rise of the guardens" in 3D last night (empressive!)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Efjay on August 22, 2013, 10:09:41 am
I'd like to have the ability to play a particular disc from a multi-disc album. So, in regular view, mousing over play would reveals each disc number if they have been tagged. Allowing this behavior to work via Gizmo and JRemote would be great as well.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: gabeg on August 23, 2013, 05:58:39 pm
This is correct.  You can play "The Dark Side Of The Moon" and there are no gaps between, say, "On The Run" and "Time".  The foobar plugin is called "UPnP_MediaRenderer_Output".  It does indeed have issues with fast-forward, at least when I push to my WDTV Live.  Trying to skip to the next track gives an error.  But the whole point of listening to this type of album (or opera, or live recording) is to play the entire disc or fileset in a single sitting without gaps.

I haven't checked to see if UPnP_MediaRenderer_Output embeds metadata that dynamically updates on the renderer.  I suppose this would be useful for listening to unfamiliar operas; I think I know the song names for TDSOTM :-)

So back to the OP's question - is there or will there be functionality in JRiver to match foobar's functionality? 

Is there any chance of this being implemented?
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: NorRob on August 24, 2013, 03:39:50 pm
I would add my vote to this feature. Operas are mostly unlistenable due to this feature. I lay part of the blame on the CD producer's feet as well, but CD players have no problem seamlessly playing from one track to the next.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Beamer on August 26, 2013, 03:40:50 am
1. Could you consider adding a pop-up keyboard search facility in Theater View for movie / music collections? The keyboard could use cursor commands but preferably have commands designated for each key in the same way a Kaliedescape to enable a remote control to engage directly. I appreciate the Gizmo App may already have this capability and so does the Kaliedescape App but most users want a single remote for everything.

2. Can we have Theater View more tightly integrated. Presently Theater View drops back to main view while executing some functions. This makes Theater View look like an afterthought add on which I guess it was but times are changing and I'm guessing that more people are using MC to watch movies than HiFi music enthusiasts.     

This is my personal wish list but feel free to kick the points around or even add to them  :)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: MarSies on August 26, 2013, 08:20:20 am
Is it possible to add a conversion-to-rating parameter for handhelds.

I'd like to use ALAC for 4 and 5 stars on my iPod and mp3 for three stars. For my Blackberry devices I'd like to use ape or FLAC for 5 stars, Ogg (high)for 4 stars and Ogg (medium/high) for 3 stars. And so on ans so on.

This is primarily to save memoryspace.

Marsies .....
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Wilhelm Kabus on August 27, 2013, 07:08:05 am
Two functions from the menu tree to be available in the customized toolbar:
- Stop playing after current song
- Add as next to play

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: kensn on August 27, 2013, 09:17:50 am
I would like to add my vote for being able to link tracks to always play together. If one track is selected in a random playlist, or selected to play manually, all linked tracks will be added and play in succession.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: thunderlips222 on August 27, 2013, 09:46:19 am
custom relational fields

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: kewe65 on August 27, 2013, 10:24:49 am
simple request - would be great if the DSP studio icon could be highlighted with a color when there is one or more items enabled, changing the audio.  the screen shot attached shows the hover over box when the mouse is over the icon.  i'd just like to be able to see if something is turned on just by looking at the icon...
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on August 27, 2013, 08:52:58 pm
simple request - would be great if the DSP studio icon could be highlighted with a color when there is one or more items enabled, changing the audio.  the screen shot attached shows the hover over box when the mouse is over the icon.  i'd just like to be able to see if something is turned on just by looking at the icon...
It's the other way around - if there are no changes being made, the DSP Studio icon will light up blue to indicate that the audio path is "bit-perfect". When you enable DSP, it disappears. This may not be available in your currently selected theme though - try the standard Noire theme.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Matt on August 27, 2013, 10:08:24 pm
simple request - would be great if the DSP studio icon could be highlighted with a color when there is one or more items enabled, changing the audio.  the screen shot attached shows the hover over box when the mouse is over the icon.  i'd just like to be able to see if something is turned on just by looking at the icon...

Use the default 'Noire' skin.  The button is blue when no changes are being made.

Third party skins could support this as well (just look at Noire for an example).
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: joa_mb190 on August 29, 2013, 09:38:08 am

Is it possible to get a new feature that displays when the "Alternate Mode Settings" is enabled?

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Bccc1 on August 29, 2013, 11:42:41 am
I'd like to have the possibility to add as many instances of the dsp-studio effects as I want. I would primarily use that to keep my peqs organized.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: weedub on August 29, 2013, 06:15:15 pm
I have purchased the Media Center 19 update/expecting something different and I do not really see anything much visually,

and I am sure people have  been working hard with changes to the code and there will be more to come.

So I would like to mention a few things that would improve the functionality of Media Center for me ,and others I am sure

I would like to see the categories changed to be displayed as

"Shows" to be changed to "TV Series"

and a Category created to be viewed as "Documentary" where all documentaries can be compiled.

I would also like to Group a certain Genre of movie or TV series in a folder with an image on the folder

so that it can be viewed in the Theater View,  for instance Sci Fi and when I click on that image it opens to display my

Sci fi collection  only.

I know I can select different Genre's and many other options in the main window / although I would like this to be as explained

and available in the Theater View.

Also I added the Bios tab to a music album for a particular Band and in the main window if I mouse over this it pops

up/ and then when I try to read it,another tag type window opens over the top of it and makes it difficult to read.

I would like to be able to add my own info for Bands and for Movies/TV Shows/ and Documentaries and to have

them display the info in the theater view.The Band Bios I mentioned did not display in the Theater View

I an not sure if JRiver listens to requests like this /I hope so as it would be very hard for me to justify

the next upgrade,if the Media Center is restrictive and limits me in what I can do.

XBMC allowed this flexibility and I like that /JRiver Media Center is more polished and I like to use this Media Centre

But if I have to return to XBMC to have the functionality I desire then so be it /I hope not

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 6233638 on August 29, 2013, 09:34:55 pm
It is possible to make these changes via Tools > Options > Theater View. (though the JRiver team may wish to implement some of them as defaults anyway)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: InflatableMouse on August 30, 2013, 02:41:05 am
I have purchased the Media Center 19 update/expecting something different and I do not really see anything much visually, and I am sure people have  been working hard with changes to the code and there will be more to come.

So I would like to mention a few things that would improve the functionality of Media Center for me ,and others I am sure I would like to see the categories changed to be displayed as "Shows" to be changed to "TV Series" and a Category created to be viewed as "Documentary" where all documentaries can be compiled.

I would also like to Group a certain Genre of movie or TV series in a folder with an image on the folder so that it can be viewed in the Theater View,  for instance Sci Fi and when I click on that image it opens to display my Sci fi collection  only. I know I can select different Genre's and many other options in the main window / although I would like this to be as explained and available in the Theater View.

Also I added the Bios tab to a music album for a particular Band and in the main window if I mouse over this it pops up/ and then when I try to read it,another tag type window opens over the top of it and makes it difficult to read. I would like to be able to add my own info for Bands and for Movies/TV Shows/ and Documentaries and to have them display the info in the theater view.The Band Bios I mentioned did not display in the Theater View I an not sure if JRiver listens to requests like this /I hope so as it would be very hard for me to justify the next upgrade,if the Media Center is restrictive and limits me in what I can do.

XBMC allowed this flexibility and I like that /JRiver Media Center is more polished and I like to use this Media Centre But if I have to return to XBMC to have the functionality I desire then so be it /I hope not


Media Center is very customizable, you can already do much of what you ask. I suggest you create your own thread with these questions.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: imugli on August 30, 2013, 02:59:14 am
 - Spotify and / or Performer Media Center integration in Theater View. As PMC seems to be getting little if any love, Spotify.
 - Gizmo as a complete "Second Device" experience (on tablets, anyway). Control what plays on main MC, then display information, cover art etc on Gizmo.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: csimon on August 30, 2013, 04:14:10 am
I have purchased the Media Center 19 update/expecting something different and I do not really see anything much visually,

Just to clarify the MC development cycle...

JRiver is quite unique because it continually releases incremental updates to the product regularly, usually at least once a week. Therefore you are not going to see "major" changes from week to week. The version number is arbitrary really, I guess it only serves as a milestone. A build (and an MC version) is packaged up and labelled with a version number as being completed about once a year.

Development of MC18 was completed about a couple of months ago. That's when development of MC19 started. You are lucky in that you have access to all the intermediate builds of MC19 until it is declared as complete sometime in the middle of next year. Obviously, it took MC18 as its start point so, like I said at the beginning, you are not going to see much of a difference between the last build of MC18 and the first build of MC19. It will take a year to do that! But already there are quite a few significant ennhancements.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: eagleyelgae on August 30, 2013, 06:48:12 am
An option to use Windows Native Appearance, no skins.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JimH on August 30, 2013, 07:01:43 am
Here's more about how we work:
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: touccer on August 30, 2013, 10:07:43 am
Hi i've recently switched from foobar2000 to J River Media Center and even it is a very good media center i miss the option to load the cover art image from any image inside the audio file folder despite the name of the image or the option to specify the pattern used by the program to search the cover art inside the audio file folder, i've also got problem with some movie with subtitles.
Keep it up!  ;)

P.S: and i noticed that foobar2000 has a smaller soundstage but a better bass response, any suggestion?
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: audioriver on September 02, 2013, 02:46:19 am
"Minimize to tray in Mini View" option.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JustinM on September 05, 2013, 02:30:57 pm
Be able to import,scape and play media contained in rar/zip files..
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: BartMan01 on September 10, 2013, 04:02:32 pm
Wake On LAN from client to server.  When main Library of MC is installed on a machine set to go to sleep when not in use, and a client goes to connect to that library while the computer is asleep, the client should be able to send a WOL request to wake up the machine MC server is running on.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JimH on September 10, 2013, 04:22:38 pm
Wake On LAN from client to server.  When main Library of MC is installed on a machine set to go to sleep when not in use, and a client goes to connect to that library while the computer is asleep, the client should be able to send a WOL request to wake up the machine MC server is running on.
That has been in MC for a couple of years.  See the wiki topic for details.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: RoderickGI on September 10, 2013, 09:07:53 pm
That has been in MC for a couple of years.  See the wiki topic for details.
Yep. I use it regularly. Sometimes it takes a few retries to get a connection, as the PC doesn't wake up immediately. Of course your home theatre PC BIOS needs to be set to allow WOL, and possibly the Ethernet card/port driver???

I couldn't find a Wiki topic on it though, just a brief mention in release notes...
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JimH on September 10, 2013, 09:19:22 pm
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: BartMan01 on September 10, 2013, 10:32:15 pm
That has been in MC for a couple of years.  See the wiki topic for details.

Cool.  My mistake was searching the Forum for WOL instead of the Wiki.  

Edit - read that topic and see one issue:  "just be sure to connect using an access key (instead of an address)."  I guess my request would be for WOL when using a direct address.  I don't use access keys because I need it to work even when the internet does not.  Really don't want to tell the wife - sorry cable is out so you can't watch TV, Netflix, or our own movies stored here locally.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Adhara on September 11, 2013, 02:54:55 am

I didn't see any dedicated topic for the MC features desired by end-users.
So I start with some ideas (most of them were asked on the previous version).

- Qobuz plugin.
- Scraper for FR,DE,ES languages for TV/movies informations and jackets.
- An Automatic Color Management System (CMS) used to calibrate the color of the display (need a third party software like chromapure + a colorimeter).
A partnership with Chromapure might make sense ...
- An advanced video setup menu. Look at what Lumagen offers (p12 of this link
In resolution --> Out resolution / CMS / Madvr / ...


- Qobuz plugin.
Rather than a plugin, I think people have the Qobuz application playing through Media Center with the new ASIO input driver.

- An Automatic Color Management System (CMS) used to calibrate the color of the display (need a third party software like chromapure + a colorimeter).
A partnership with Chromapure might make sense ...
There is work being done for automated calibration in madVR via ArgyllCMS. As Media Center uses madVR for video playback with the Red October HQ setting, you will be able to take advantage of this. There's a large topic with details on this over at AVS Forum:
It can be quite technical though, so you may wish to wait until it has been made more user-friendly. I am hoping that there will be CalMAN integration, as that's the package I use for display calibration.

- An advanced video setup menu. Look at what Lumagen offers (p12 of this link
In resolution --> Out resolution
madVR has an advanced display switcher built in. I strongly recommend that you let madVR scale images to your display's native resolution (which it will do by default) rather than anything else.

There are details about this in my guide, which can be found here:

Regarding a Qobuz plugin, it will able us to centalize operations on a single UI (gizmo, JRemote).
Very usefull when using (only) an Ipad to deal with MC.

Scraper for native languages is highly wanted. Free source code is available, just need to implement it on MC.

For the video setup over Madvr (rather than MC), I’m not familiar with it.
I usually do as follows (over MC): All « In Resolution » --> 1080p60 except for ..p24 (--> 1080p24).
My Pioneer Kuro is 1080p 50/60/24Hz  capable
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: D-Kalck on September 11, 2013, 02:57:21 am
DLNA already supports audio and video transcoding.  We've done a lot of work on it to support a wide array of formats.

Look in Options > Media Network > Add or configure servers...
Please add a remux feature !
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: JimH on September 15, 2013, 07:53:17 am
Some discussion split here:
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: scgt1 on September 15, 2013, 02:17:14 pm
It would be nice for a selection under the Video tab in options where you could select what you want jriver to display to just like you already can select where the sounds go. Ie if your running dual monitors in clone view with one being your actual computer monitor and the other being your tv elsewhere in your house. You should easily be able to select where jriver actually sends the image.

My case:

Pc that is used as a media server ----->to living room tv using my android with Gizmo to control theater view all while still being able to perform normal tasks on the pc without walking in the office and seeing theater view on the screen with what ever is on the living room tv.

In otherwords it would be nice to easily setup JRiver to display audio and video and run theater view all in the background on the computer that is running it in the first place. Therefore someone can watch content that is on the media server while someone else uses the media server for say the internet or something.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: guido310 on September 16, 2013, 09:19:06 am
Support to HDMI video and audio capture cards would be grat!
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: dean70 on September 17, 2013, 05:14:40 pm
Ability to specify an external player for a specific Zone. Could be used to launch an external player, eg: TMT to play 3D content and use Zone Switching/tags to auto switch when a "3D" tag value is present.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: mojave on September 17, 2013, 05:22:22 pm
Ability to specify an external player for a specific Zone. Could be used to launch an external player, eg: TMT to play 3D content and use Zone Switching/tags to auto switch when a "3D" tag value is present.
Change your file type tag for 3D Blu-rays to something like Tivo. Then go to Tools > Options > File Type and change Tivo's playback method to External Program (custom) and set it to launch TMT. Now all your 3D Blu-rays will launch in TMT.
Title: Re: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: natehansen66 on September 18, 2013, 10:35:58 am
I'll put in another request for 1st order xover filters in the PEQ.
Title: Re: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: mwillems on September 18, 2013, 10:59:57 am
I'll put in another request for 1st order xover filters in the PEQ.

This is happening next build according to Matt:

Title: Re: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: natehansen66 on September 18, 2013, 05:34:52 pm
This is happening next build according to Matt:


Killer! I need to pay better attention........
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Hollingshead on September 18, 2013, 07:12:29 pm
Is it possible to add DVD Audio authoring to JRiver?
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: DangerJP on September 19, 2013, 06:30:03 am
A more "advanced" data scraper for audio files, based on albums.

This could be similar to the one used for Movies/TV Shows, allowing to select a specific data set (or specific album title) amongst those found by the scraper.

Fields/tags to be retrieved could be defined by the user.

Retrieving album ratings from a database like Rate Your Music (my personal favorite) would be super easy with this feature.

Fingers crossed :)
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: swizlyCH on September 29, 2013, 01:59:09 am
The direct import of cd's, DVD's etc. over the client to the Media Server would be very helpfull.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: rlj on October 06, 2013, 12:55:01 am
Ability to do true 4.0 (have subwoofer merged into front 2 channels) and use no center channel.

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: Wander_Homer on October 07, 2013, 05:16:20 am
It would be nice to have an option for text alignement in columns (left, center, right). Right now some columns (e.g. ReplayGain, Duration, ...) seem kind of messy with left aligned text. Maybe this could be implemented by a function for the expression language (e.g. leftAlign(string), ...) or through an addition to the context menu of columns.

How it looks now:

How it might look (taken from foobar2000):

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: 666JackTheKnife666 on October 08, 2013, 06:41:44 pm
I would really like to be able to create a list of expressions that operate as a batch and can be assigned to a gui button.

this would make my tagging workflow a ton faster.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: sirkus on October 09, 2013, 02:19:05 pm
With the use of pro audio cards it will be cool to have front height speakers support (9.x or 7.x with fronts, like Dolby IIz) in JRSS.
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: gabeg on October 14, 2013, 07:09:26 am
Maybe this exists and I've missed it but foobar has a plug-in component presents any UPnP MediaRenderer devices present on your home network as foobar2000 output devices.  It takes the output from foobar's player and streams it (bitperfect) to the renderer.  The advantage to this is you get gapless regardless of the renderer's capability.  Psaudio is working on something like this that will take the output of any player to stream to their Perfectwave dac which has gapless issues.

Just bumping this up.  Any chance of this happening?

Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: swizlyCH on October 15, 2013, 01:12:53 pm
Thanks for all the improvements in the new version 19.0.54

the import of DVD's over the network is now running. great
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: guido310 on October 16, 2013, 05:05:03 am
Support to HDMI video and audio capture cards would be grat!

Or just an analog or digital record input to make audio from REW or AUDIOLENSE on another PC flows trough jriver
Title: Re: Feature Requests
Post by: mojave on October 16, 2013, 09:02:56 am
Or just an analog or digital record input to make audio from REW or AUDIOLENSE on another PC flows trough jriver
You can already do this with the ASIO line in. See File > Open Live.
Title: Re: Feature Requests - DSD resampling
Post by: 2a3set on December 31, 2013, 08:15:30 am
Right now all PCM are upconverted to 5.6M DSD128.
Can future release keep same sample rate ratio when upconverting to DSD128? For example 44.1->5.6M DSD, 48K->6.1MDSD?