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Author Topic: Feature Requests  (Read 109934 times)


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #200 on: August 02, 2013, 06:57:07 pm »

If you're streaming to a renderer, you have to use DLNA/UPNP.  Library Server only works with MC clients.

Of course. I should have thought of that.

They have to tell the server/controller when they are ready to accept the next track. Some (most) don't handle gapless and request the next track when the current one has finished, which leaves a gap. Some recognise the DLNA protocl where the controller can tell the renderer in advance what the next track will be so that it can pre-process and tag it seamlessly onto the end of the current track, but the renderer has to support and understand this command, hence gapless does not work with all renderers even if the server/controller supports it.

I guess what we're discussing here is "trackless" DLNA streaming, where the renderer has no concept that it is getting individual tracks, it's just one big long stream which the server/controller has constructed.

Thanks csimon. That all makes sense.

Sorry I misunderstood the question Gabeg.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #201 on: August 02, 2013, 07:28:29 pm »

Apologies if already requested:

1. A music database equivalent to existing TV and Movie databases.
2. Lyrics database
3. Theatre view to have "inherit parent scheme rules" yes/no option as per standard view.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #202 on: August 02, 2013, 08:09:53 pm »

More options on tabs in standard view, in fact a similar implementation than in web browers :

- Manually tabs reordering (by drag and drop)
- Close a tab with middle button. Linked : option to not display red X close button (for more place for tabs on medium size screens and for cosmetic taste)
- Possibility to save and recall all open tabs (i.e. "session favorites"), and to start MC with a saved session.
- Lock a tab. If a locked tab is active when a view is selected in the left panel, the view is opened in a new tab.
- Basic mouse gesture would be very handy (right clic + drag left = previous, right click + drag right = next. And why not other stuff...)

- Option to prevent modification of rating in list in standard view. Or at least a message to ask for confirmation. It's too easy currently to change rating by mistake.

Slideshow launched automatically after idle time of keyboard and mouse when music is playing. (I think of the standard view at least. I don’t know well the theatre view)
- Slideshow could include album or artist arts, other images from MC, visualizations, or a mix of the 3 (and why not : videos (particles?) with muted sound ?...).
- Users could set options for the slideshow : types of media picked, time between transitions.... A sort of playlist for the visual part of music listening.

- Rights management on the medias and functions of MC. Users and groups management. Several authentication levels for clients. MC would enter in another media server dimension with rights management. The big topic for the end of the post ! :P

Thanks. Great software !


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #203 on: August 02, 2013, 08:32:53 pm »

Oups.. mistake


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #204 on: August 03, 2013, 02:19:36 am »

I know I might be old school on that one but keep this audiophilegrade audio/video player (and excellent multi room server) free from social-media stuff integration (or at least let users switch it off if not used). I don't want to end up in a PDVD like super library where I can watch DVD, Bluray, 60 audio video formats, post automatically on my twitter account which movie I like, like it on my facebook, send a mail to my google friends and post a clip on youtube of me watching the movie and if it continues like that I'll end up book my next flights for my holidays and order automatically my pizza.



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #205 on: August 04, 2013, 06:34:27 am »

1st and 3rd order slopes for low/high pass filter in parametric equalizer.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #206 on: August 04, 2013, 08:17:11 am »

I guess what we're discussing here is "trackless" DLNA streaming, where the renderer has no concept that it is getting individual tracks, it's just one big long stream which the server/controller has constructed.

This is correct.  You can play "The Dark Side Of The Moon" and there are no gaps between, say, "On The Run" and "Time".  The foobar plugin is called "UPnP_MediaRenderer_Output".  It does indeed have issues with fast-forward, at least when I push to my WDTV Live.  Trying to skip to the next track gives an error.  But the whole point of listening to this type of album (or opera, or live recording) is to play the entire disc or fileset in a single sitting without gaps.

I haven't checked to see if UPnP_MediaRenderer_Output embeds metadata that dynamically updates on the renderer.  I suppose this would be useful for listening to unfamiliar operas; I think I know the song names for TDSOTM :-)

So back to the OP's question - is there or will there be functionality in JRiver to match foobar's functionality? 

Paul W

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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #207 on: August 04, 2013, 11:54:41 am »

1st and 3rd order slopes for low/high pass filter in parametric equalizer.



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #208 on: August 04, 2013, 02:04:57 pm »

Deezer integration would be a fantastic feature, is it likely to be added any time soon?



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #209 on: August 04, 2013, 06:35:24 pm »

 Client = connects to server, allows user to manage the libraries and play media.

1+ full read/write capability irrespective of Library already opened elsewhere


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #210 on: August 05, 2013, 05:42:32 am »

  • Channel phase shift by x degree and
  • GUI for parametric equalizer, so that applied changes can be seen like that would be great:



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #211 on: August 05, 2013, 02:58:59 pm »

A feature I'd like to see are playlists that are editable from iPad/Android apps. That is the ability to add or remove tracks or albums, and then 'save' or 'save as' those playlists from the app. The app developers seem to indicate that no 'hooks' are given to them to be able to do this in JRiver. (I'm no programmer, so I have no idea what they need. In MPD, playlist editing works quite well.)

I only use Win8 to get albums/tracks into an orderly arrangement and then want to control what plays to via an app while listening, not tied to a screen and keyboard. Often, while listening it's convenient to remove one or two tracks; instead I must write them down and later perform a playlist edit on the computer (and more of an annoyance as it runs headless).

Editing playlists from an app would be more convenient, esp when listing with friends.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #212 on: August 05, 2013, 11:34:08 pm »

I'd like to see 1 to 1 mappings between exif/iptc photo metadata and the JRiver photo metadata.

Currently supported tags (iptc), from the WIKI:

     BYLINE -> Artist
    CREDITS -> Notes
    DATECREATED ->[changed] Date
    CITY STATE, COUNTRY ->(combined) Places
    COPYRIGHTNOTICE ->Copyright (read only)
    CAPTION ->(same: no longer Comment)

So, please add: Author, events (ext),city, state, country, ++



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #213 on: August 06, 2013, 02:05:29 am »

Attempting to build a view of my collection that uses panes to group various items produced by each artist.  The panes are created with expressions, but unfortunately items that do not match the expression get grouped into "Unassigned" which, as you can see, rather spoils the results and in particular the counts for each entry as they are all incremented by 1 giving "false" results.

Could we get an option added to the pane settings "Hide Unassigned Items", or similar, that would suppress the Unassigned entries from appearing in the pane?



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #214 on: August 06, 2013, 04:26:09 am »

Expand on the car dash buttons idea. Create a clean simple interface as a view option.
Theater view is nice but it needs to be quickpress simple to use for driving.
Think, intuitive large mappable buttons for tiny displays & a small visualizer.
A actual car radio skin or such would be cool for Carputer types.

I currently use a Android Nexus 7 and a Play store app called music visualizer to control Poweramp.
I think this community and your crack sharp software engineering team could 1up that concept.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #215 on: August 06, 2013, 04:43:29 am »

That's given me an idea!    Along with a general spruce-up of Gizmo, provide an off-line mode so that music (possibly video too) along with the view schemes, can be downloaded to the device for use in a car.

[I'm having huge problems trying to find a decent music player for Android or iOS that has big, clear buttons for in-car use and can provide menu structures in the way I have my music categorised. Most music players mangle the library and cannot sort properly.)


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #216 on: August 06, 2013, 05:14:43 am »

[I'm having huge problems trying to find a decent music player for Android or iOS that has big, clear buttons for in-car use and can provide menu structures in the way I have my music categorised. Most music players mangle the library and cannot sort properly.)

For iOS i can recommend the app LeechTunes with its wonderful clear user interface and gestures - very cool!


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #217 on: August 06, 2013, 05:25:09 am »

For iOS i can recommend the app LeechTunes with its wonderful clear user interface and gestures - very cool!

OK, thanks for the recommendation, will check it out!


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #218 on: August 06, 2013, 12:35:57 pm »

Would you implement this in v19? A checkbox to decide if control access turn on when exit from JRiver


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #219 on: August 06, 2013, 04:15:38 pm »

Yes, I hate this. Because there don't appear to be any guidelines on keywording from whatever source they are being pulled from, the keywords are useless data.

+100. Nothing annoys me more than my weekly "keyword" houseclean.



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #220 on: August 06, 2013, 04:21:44 pm »

I need german data for movies, my wife cannot understand englisch.


Shouldn't be a big problem i think, Moviedb and TVdb have descriptions in different languages
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #221 on: August 06, 2013, 11:06:37 pm »

Don't know how possible, but always better audio + faster and less CPU consuming.



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #222 on: August 07, 2013, 02:18:41 am »

I use gizmo a lot from my android device, so please enable playlist management directly in gizmo.
Pleeaaaase!!! :'(


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #223 on: August 07, 2013, 10:20:03 am »

Don't know how possible, but always better audio + faster and less CPU consuming.
Try playing back audio, and minimizing Media Center. I find that it typically uses less than 1% CPU playback for music.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #224 on: August 07, 2013, 02:16:19 pm »

1st and 3rd order slopes for low/high pass filter in parametric equalizer.

I would second that request (and the request for a PEQ GUI above).  I also wouldn't mind seeing support for a 2nd order Linkwitz-Riley (which support for 1st order Butterworth would give us by extension, I guess) and alternative crossover filters (e.g. Bessel, Horbach-Keele, etc.)


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #225 on: August 07, 2013, 09:36:56 pm »

Ability to do slow motion video.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #226 on: August 08, 2013, 01:26:21 am »

Search history

(something like in the Windows Explorer search box)

Please please please  :)



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #227 on: August 08, 2013, 07:45:55 am »

The possibilitiy to change the order of the channels in Bitstreaming (DSD) mode. Now the feature is only enabled in none bistreaming mode. In the player HQplayer, this feature is present and in some circumstances very useful.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #228 on: August 08, 2013, 08:05:39 am »


Do you plan to add Airplay support and iPhone/iPod management?

Thanks and keep up the good work!

rec head

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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #229 on: August 08, 2013, 08:03:05 pm »

Being able to see ratings in playlists while in theater view would be nice.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #230 on: August 09, 2013, 12:21:45 am »

I'd love to see an "Add (after most recently added item)" option.  That would allow you to build within a playlist. 

Sometimes I'm listening to a long playlist and would like to browse the music collection and cue a couple special songs for the next few minutes and then let the playlist continue with the prior ordering.  As is, I can only add one (as next to play), and then I have to wait for it to start before adding the next to achieve this functionality.

And I too love this product.  Thanks.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #231 on: August 09, 2013, 04:51:50 pm »

I would second that request (and the request for a PEQ GUI above).  I also wouldn't mind seeing support for a 2nd order Linkwitz-Riley (which support for 1st order Butterworth would give us by extension, I guess) and alternative crossover filters (e.g. Bessel, Horbach-Keele, etc.)

I'll third that request and all that follows.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #232 on: August 11, 2013, 07:14:50 am »

Many of these have been brought up by others or even yourselves. I wanted to keep them 'warm', so to speak. Oke I didn't count any forum posts to say these are the most wanted but they certainly come up quite often in one way or another  ;)

Fully functional client connection
Right now clients can edit tags but that's about it and this limitation has been brought up frequently.
It would be great to see sync add support for more actions on the client like view customization, file importing, etc.

Client Sync & Authentication
We all know the limitation; to edit tags we need to enable authentication and this disables read-only connections.

I wish read-only connections would still be possible when enabling authentication.

Multi User Support
Edit: as of build 19.0.25, MC has rudimentary support for multiple user accounts.

Control over Library Backups
Recently re-requested by Glynor here and regularly requested by others in the pas as well.

We've gone from full control requests with schedules and whatnot to the most humble and simple ones like Glynor's most recent one.

Edit: as of build 19.0.25, the MC command MCC_BACKUP_LIBRARY (20011) will perform a silent automatic backup when passed "1" as the parameter.

Toggle watched/unwatched in Theater View
I know its possible with custom fields and some expressions, and its probably possible even to create a command and link it to a remote control button. But really, its just too complex. I believe (and I wish) it would be possible out of the box with a push of a (remote control) button.

The current system is unreliable, I've got watched marks on movies I know for a fact I've never watched and then I got plenty of episodes I know I watched that don't have the mark. Some people start over, reimport all their stuff on a fresh library. Then there are people who come from XBMC or Plex or whatever, and start using MC. They will have plenty of movies and series they watched with their previous system. There is no easy way to deal with these. You really expect new users to start fiddling with expressions and custom views to get a watched mark on stuff they watched?

Bluray menu support
Need I say more?  ::)

My latest fiasco with the EU/NL bluray release of Planet Earth made me wish for this. And these were probably the only blurays I wanted to see the extras from.

64-bit Support
Twice the bits, twice the speed right? How many times do we need to ask?

Just kidding!  ;D


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #233 on: August 11, 2013, 07:34:19 am »

Fully functional client connection
I wish a client could become a 'full' client, in which everything works as if I was on the server locally, including program settings, DSP and playback options. Obviously in this mode, local playback and settings are no longer available. Right now clients can edit tags but that's about it and this limitation has been brought up frequently.

This isn't the current model, and it's not one I would want.

For me, a client is a separate computer that needs separate settings, DSP, etc.

It would be great to see sync add support for more actions on the client like view customization, file importing, etc.  However, if you just want to use the server remotely, you might be best using Remote Desktop or equivalent.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #234 on: August 11, 2013, 07:42:05 am »

It would be great to see sync add support for more actions on the client like view customization, file importing, etc.

I'll edit the text to reflect what you just stated as that is most often requested. I overstated my own personal wish and I don't think many people actually requested what I typed there.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #235 on: August 11, 2013, 08:28:18 am »

Well everything in my list from before still applies:

Some of the things that still really stand out to me:
  • Any time I start video playback, it adds all videos in my library to the "Now Playing" list. Please allow us to control this behavior independently for audio/video files.
  • Similarly, I don't think music playback is handled very well when grouping is used.
  • No way to selectively disable tracks.
  • Being able to create a "checkbox field" would have a lot of uses - and could theoretically be used for the above, and to toggle watched/unwatched status.
  • Being able to set the "neutral" point for Play Doctor to two stars instead of three. It's basically been useless for me since I rated a large portion of my library, as it expects "neutral" to be three stars. I understand why it uses that, but I don't need varying degrees of "I don't want to hear this track."
  • I would really like the option to adjust the size of the memory playback buffer, and have the option of caching the file. The old memory playback worked perfectly for me, I cannot use the updated version.
  • There are a lot of little changes that could be made to make the program look a lot more polished than it currently does. The main thing that constantly stands out to me is the way that number formatting is handled. Without using monospaced characters (such as a figure space, or minus rather than hypen-minus) or using anything but left alignment, it really hurts Media Center's presentation.
  • I know that you are focusing on multi-platform development, but I wish the Windows taskbar integration could see some work done. It would be really nice if it displayed the current track name and cover art or video when hovered over, if it displayed status on the icon, if the play/pause button would update, and if you could rate items from the jump list task menu.
  • Being able to set up auto-import rules that cover a number of folders (e.g. "C:\Video\"; "D:\Video\"; "E:\Video\" etc.) would save a lot of time, any time those rules need changed. It would also be really useful if we could set up an auto-import rule that only looks in the specified directory and ignores subfolders.

Toggle watched/unwatched in Theater View
I know its possible with custom fields and some expressions, and its probably possible even to create a command and link it to a remote control button. But really, its just too complex. I believe (and I wish) it would be possible out of the box with a push of a (remote control) button.

The current system is unreliable, I've got watched marks on movies I know for a fact I've never watched and then I got plenty of episodes I know I watched that don't have the mark. Some people start over, reimport all their stuff on a fresh library. Then there are people who come from XBMC or Plex or whatever, and start using MC. They will have plenty of movies and series they watched with their previous system. There is no easy way to deal with these. You really expect new users to start fiddling with expressions and custom views to get a watched mark on stuff they watched?
I agree that the current system is unreliable, and also wish that it could be better.

I like that iTunes has three states for this - watched, partially watched, and new.
This expression works reasonably well to give you a checkmark for content that has been seen, and displays a percentage for partially watched content, but it's still not ideal, and there's still no easy way to reset this, or mark content as watched. In iTunes it's just in the context menu.

Another big issue is that streaming content to my iPad via JRemote, and presumably to DLNA devices, does not affect the watched status. Is there no way for Media Center to keep track of this?
I was watching a series almost exclusively on my iPad at one point, and I had to keep checking a number of items to find out which one I was up to - and it was even worse when I had stopped part of the way through an episode and had to find my place again.

64-bit Support
Twice the bits, twice the speed right? How many times do we need to ask?
A 64-bit version actually makes some sense now with the new way that memory playback is handled.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #236 on: August 11, 2013, 08:47:04 am »

This isn't the current model, and it's not one I would want.

For me, a client is a separate computer that needs separate settings, DSP, etc.

It would be great to see sync add support for more actions on the client like view customization, file importing, etc.  However, if you just want to use the server remotely, you might be best using Remote Desktop or equivalent.
Currently, if we remove playlists from the server with an authenticated client connected, the client merrily pushes the deleted playlists back to the server, rather than the server pushing the changes out to the client. If view editing on a client came about, this would need to considered. I would not be happy if view changes made on the server were promptly discarded by an update from a connected client.

Some alternative skins are here | Import Stats on Steroids | Middle click the close button=One of the neatest things added to MC in a long time


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #237 on: August 11, 2013, 01:29:09 pm »

Better support for Windows 8

Able to see the sample rate and bit depth of a track in Theater View.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #238 on: August 11, 2013, 01:56:12 pm »



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #239 on: August 11, 2013, 02:58:36 pm »

Dialogue Lift

Can we have a DSP feature similar to YAMAHA's “Dialogue Lift”?

In YAMAHA AVRs, this feature assigns some of the Center Channel information to the special Presence Speakers, located above the front left and right speakers, resulting in raising the perceived height of the center channel.

I suggest doing the same thing, but instead of mixing the sound into Presence Speakers, which most people do not use, mix it into the front left and right ones.

This feature may be useful for the people with Center Channel speaker located below the screen.

I’m a bit concerned that doing this might adversely affect the clarity of dialogue sound, because of the resulting combing effect; however, some people on the Internet swear by it.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #240 on: August 11, 2013, 04:40:47 pm »

On the matter of the client, I don't really see the point of a 'full client' either but I would like to see a one-hit option to cache selected tracks for later offline playback without complicated setup of playlists. etc.

(or if I missed that feature, perhaps someone could let me know about it)


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #241 on: August 11, 2013, 09:17:01 pm »

I think adding cover art from the client is one of those things we should be able to do. Deleting a playlist is another. I actually like the server controlling view layouts for the clients but I agree it's not for everyone and could be better handled with improved multi-user/auth controls.

+1 on BD menu support (although not sure this will ever really happen due to the known limitations). I would like to be able to use MC for 3D playback also, or at least detect a 3D file/disc and launch a 3rd party player automatically. It shouldn't just do nothing IMO.
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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #242 on: August 11, 2013, 11:13:27 pm »

It kind of looks like there working on this?

Although it's possible it might need it's own category

I struggled with this for a long time. With mid range budget speakers and AVR. It's nearly impossible to deal with. (At least if you have kids or neighbors)
So it certainly wouldn't hurt to have better tools than just midnight mode to help.
Every time i boosted the center channel it killed me knowing i was messing with all the other times people are not whispering.


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #243 on: August 12, 2013, 01:38:43 am »

Can we get a 64bit version of JRiver??

For me  that is a must, so the program will be faster, move more data, and can use more than 4GB (for HD movies, a lot of DSP and so on)



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #244 on: August 12, 2013, 09:05:51 am »

Gizmo need a work-over IMHO, it lacks a lot of features (like handling playlists that are not very small), and some way to be able to customize which elements are in the UI, and the order, would be great too (althoguh probably a good deal of work)


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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #245 on: August 12, 2013, 01:05:13 pm »

I would still like to see the feature to edit the rules for filesorting with articles....

I'm using the interface in english because I got used to it, but there are several german bands with the article "Der, Die or Das" in front, and I like to put this in the filter like "The" in the moment this sorting depends on the language i switch to...I don't like that

The second "rule" I'd like to see editable is the rule how MC is recognizing complete's not done when the files are scattered in differend folders...I'd like to swich this off and on



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #246 on: August 12, 2013, 01:43:40 pm »

Moved to Feature Requests thread...



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #247 on: August 12, 2013, 01:44:49 pm »

Small one but I use CTRL-SHIFT-V all the time to paste metadata to an album when upgrading a existing set of files to a higher res set.

Would love it if CTRL-SHIFT-V would bring along the Album art from the source over to the target when pasting the data.




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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #248 on: August 12, 2013, 01:46:16 pm »

Can we get a 64bit version of JRiver??

For me  that is a must, so the program will be faster, move more data, and can use more than 4GB (for HD movies, a lot of DSP and so on)

Outside of the slight possible benefit to accessing more RAM (still not convinced there is one) - the program will actually not run any faster.



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Re: Feature Requests
« Reply #249 on: August 12, 2013, 03:26:09 pm »

I think adding cover art from the client is one of those things we should be able to do.

+1 I agree, the ability to update cover art and renaming files are two of the main reasons I have to remote in to server.

It would be MUCH easier to be able to manage these things on the client the same way I can edit tag info.
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