More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 21 for Windows => Topic started by: JimH on July 14, 2015, 06:49:22 pm

Title: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: JimH on July 14, 2015, 06:49:22 pm
A while ago, we did an experiment with a request thread that had limitations.  It's here:

The rules are the same and if you don't read them, you may lose your place in line.

Long or complex posts will be removed.

In the Too Complex ( thread, we were told how unintuitive MC could be.

So here's the challenge for those who think it's easy to make intuitive software.

Suggest a change that will make MC easier to use (but NOT a feature request).  

If you can meet the following guidelines, we'll try to make the change.

A change needs to be:

1.  Easy to implement (less than an hour)

2.  Generally useful to most users

3.  Something that doesn't remove existing functionality and that isn't controversial

In other words, it must be obviously better.


4.  Something that can be described in 10 lines or less (not complex)

PLEASE don't post anything else in this thread.  Start a new thread if it doesn't fit here.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: glynor on July 14, 2015, 07:16:05 pm
As discussed in this thread (, it would be handy to have a checkbox to do an automatic Clean() as a post-processing step on the properties filled by the Fill Properties from Filename ( tool, to fix things like capitalization, underscores, and spacing.

Done. See:
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: yonkiman on July 14, 2015, 07:33:12 pm
How about interpreting [Track] and [Track#] the same as [Track #] in the cases where humans are typing the fields (vs. a pulldown or other fixed choice)?

Moderator EDIT: See discussion here:
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: stevemac on July 14, 2015, 07:41:22 pm
Suspect this is easy / quick, but not sure on the # users who would benefit

Make the Create Particle option (Stacks - Advanced - Create Particle) appear in the "recent commands" list.  This would make the UI experience more consistent (& make a laborious task a little easier)


Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on July 14, 2015, 07:49:31 pm
Thanks for reviving this thread.

Please add an "Enable/disable ZoneSwitch" to the Zone menu (currently there is "Toggle Zone" but not for ZoneSwitch, which requires going further into the menu).

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: 6233638 on July 14, 2015, 08:04:11 pm
Have "Send to <zone>" commands bypass Zone Switch

Done. See:
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: 6233638 on July 14, 2015, 08:05:42 pm
Write iTunNORM tags to files when analyzed, in addition to R128 and ReplayGain
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: michaelmcclatchy on July 14, 2015, 08:43:43 pm
Make the default artwork truly customizable.
For example:  Every time that I update JRiver, I lose my personalized logo.png picture  :'(
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: glynor on July 14, 2015, 10:17:02 pm
I removed a couple +1 posts. Sometimes that is useful to denote that you approve of an idea as suggested. However, this thread is not the place for that, as it will just make the thread longer and full of not-idea posts (and usually devolves into discussion).

As Jim said in the rules:
PLEASE don't post anything else in this thread.  Start a new thread if it doesn't fit here.

It says "don't post anything else". Anything means anything.

If you have comments on a post in here (perhaps, it doesn't meet Jim's Rule #3) then start a new thread and quote the original post in that new thread (the quote the forum generates will have a link back to here).

If you do this, and you want it noted in the original idea (so the discussion thread doesn't get missed), PM me. If it has merit as a discussion or controversy, then I'll add a note to the post as I did above.


PS. King, you too. Sorry (even though you made me laugh).  ;D
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: flac.rules on July 15, 2015, 01:09:15 am
When in some kind of album-sorted view, clicking "play" on the album should play one album after another when there are duplicates (for instance a mp3-version and a flac-version), not track 1 twice, then track 2 twice, and so on. (this is especially a hassle when using a phone app)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: StFeder on July 15, 2015, 02:34:45 am
I want to repeat a Too Easy request from the last Too Easy thread (

Make it an option to tie the search field to one of more visible split views.

Discussion here (
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RoderickGI on July 15, 2015, 02:57:19 am
I know, neither alternative may be easy, but;
"Rename, Move, & Copy Files" was recently upgraded to support moving single program JTV format TV recordings to a new directory, and renaming of component files.

When two or more sequential programs are recorded in JTV format they are saved into one directory, named according to the first recording. "Rename, Move, & Copy Files" is not currently supported where multiple programs in JTV format exist in one directory, so the two programs cannot be split out into more appropriately named directories, one for each program.

Please consider enhancing "Rename, Move, & Copy Files" further to support moving/copying individual programs out of the common directory they are placed in.

Alternately, enhance the Format Conversion tool so that it can convert JTV recordings to TS or MP4 files, for all FTA formats. i.e. 1440x1080i25fps with AC3 audio, common in Australian FTA broadcasts.

Not Simple. See:
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mattkhan on July 15, 2015, 03:02:33 am
Provide an expression debugger so you can understand why your expression isn't working. I suspect this particularly applies to search filters.

A simple implementation might be to show all records with an extra column that contains a pretty print of the 1st failing predicate.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: lepa on July 15, 2015, 03:37:32 am
Please consider changing the dots in the Theater View's Playing Now.  Time/Volume fields which are visible when row is seleceted are much nicer looking and also more informative than dots which are just flowing in the air.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mark_h on July 15, 2015, 04:04:32 am
OK, so just trawling through my history of requests that I'd still like to see: (in no particular order)

1. Multiple navigation bars on the toolbar
(Maybe not quite a Too Easy, but the devs are such stars it might just be :)
My Navigation menu is becoming unwieldy with many entries to display at one time.  Would be INCREDIBLY USEFUL to be able to add multiple navigation bars to the toolbar that could then be grouped as needed, eg MyCharts, MyViews, MyWhatevers to allow much more direct and easy access to navigation items.  Would need to be able to rename the bar on the toolbar as well.

2. Expression Request: ROW()
One thing I keep wanting to do for many MCs now, but can never find a solution for (and I believe there is currently no solution available) is the ability to show the view row number in my views.  So the expression row() would display the current row in the current view, allowing us to create eg charts and numbering the rows sequentially 1,2,3, etc.

Done. See:

3. Can we get a datatype that works with date queries?
I have a bunch of user created fields that contain date data, but the smartlist engine doesn't recognise them as date fields, even with &datatype=[date] or as a result of convertdate/formatdate and so I cannot use them with "is in the last", "is not in the last", etc date logic in smartlists.

4. Expression request: isselected()
Would return data for the currently selected entry, allowing targetted processing, eg isselected(Artist) returns the [artist] for the selected item in the current view, which could then be used by smartlists etc to trigger logic based on the selected item.

What's interesting looking at my history of requests is just how many have already been addressed and implemented.  Thanks so much! :D

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jmone on July 15, 2015, 06:01:00 am
Some oldies that Jim asked me to Bump and put a Priority on regarding Particles awhile ago and are still outstanding that fit the criteria:

Core Library Maintenance Stuff
#2 - "Rename, Move, & Copy Files" does not work on Particles - : I thought this had been fixed but I've seen other posting problems recently.  
#1 - Sidecar Files & Particles - : If something goes wrong and you need to "Update Library from Tags" you are out of luck
#3 - "Right Click --> Stacks --> Advanced --> Create Particle" action is not added to the "Recent command" list : Just a time saver as when making alot of particle entries (for say time based particles to do chapters you have to navigate through the menu over and over)
#5 - Time based Particle Duration not correct in DB but correct when it plays -

Playback Stuff - From memory I believe this one is "Hard" due to the way DVD's are made and is more of a note
#6 - No Subtitles or Languages with DVD Particles -

Random Bug
#4 - Incorrect Filename on Create Particles (sometime) -  (especially irritating due to the Create Particle not being on the Recent Command list)

Happy to expand, test, update any of these threads etc - Thanks for looking  ;D
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jmone on July 15, 2015, 06:19:33 am
Web Radio - Current process is here  ( the Wiki but it is not that intuitive, would suggest that:
- Allow streams to be added to a Library View instead of just under the Connected Media Playlist
- If possible use the existing import logic to populate the "Media Sub Type" tag (eg to "Radio" or even a new one such as "Web") so views can be created easily

I'd also suggest that when remotes and clients try to play these items that are treated like all other media and pushed through the transcoding engine when "Always Convert" or "Convert Audio If Necessary" has been selected, instead of just forwarding the URL (note: Don't convert audio would keep this behaviour). 
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: JimH on July 15, 2015, 07:00:07 am
I know, neither alternative may be easy, but;
"Rename, Move, & Copy Files" was recently upgraded to support moving single program JTV format TV recordings to a new directory, and renaming of component files.

When two or more sequential programs are recorded in JTV format they are saved into one directory, named according to the first recording. "Rename, Move, & Copy Files" is not currently supported where multiple programs in JTV format exist in one directory, so the two programs cannot be split out into more appropriately named directories, one for each program.

Please consider enhancing "Rename, Move, & Copy Files" further to support moving/copying individual programs out of the common directory they are placed in.

Alternately, enhance the Format Conversion tool so that it can convert JTV recordings to TS or MP4 files, for all FTA formats. i.e. 1440x1080i25fps with AC3 audio, common in Australian FTA broadcasts.
Not a simple change.  Please re-read the first post.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on July 15, 2015, 07:46:45 am
Have "Send to <zone>" commands bypass Zone Switch

I like this idea.

In the first build of MC21:
NEW: Sending files to a particular zone disables Zone Switch from engaging.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on July 15, 2015, 08:43:23 am
As discussed in this thread (, it would be handy to have a checkbox to do an automatic Clean() as a post-processing step on the properties filled by the Fill Properties from Filename ( tool, to fix things like capitalization, underscores, and spacing.

That's a good idea, and it was pretty easy!

Next build of MC21:
NEW: Added a 'Clean results' checkbox to the Fill Properties From Filename tool that will fix spacing, capitalization, etc.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Headcool on July 15, 2015, 09:08:34 am
I've posted it before, but to be sure it will be implemented:

When searching for season-cover-art, MC should automatically remove leading zero from the query.
For instance if i want to get the cover-arts for "SeriesXY" it should search for "SeriesXY - Season 1", even if the value of the season field is 01, because the query "SeriesXY - Season 01" will not find anything(In contrast to "Get Movie & TV info" which seems to return same information with or without leading zeroes).

I know there is a feature that allows to remove leading zeros from library fields but I would like to keep them(For the purpose of file naming). Thus the result of the leading zero removal should be used only for the query, but not written to the library.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Iznogūd on July 15, 2015, 09:27:21 am
The ability to use LAV Splitter's advanced subtitle selection mode in ROHQ
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on July 15, 2015, 09:38:20 am
2. Expression Request: ROW()
One thing I keep wanting to do for many MCs now, but can never find a solution for (and I believe there is currently no solution available) is the ability to show the view row number in my views.  So the expression row() would display the current row in the current view, allowing us to create eg charts and numbering the rows sequentially 1,2,3, etc.

In the first build of MC21:
NEW: Added an expression function Row() that outputs the current row number of a record.

I'm not totally happy with how it works because it has to search the entire set of files for a match and then it knows the index.  That's a little heavy, but we'll let it ship anyway.

I had second thoughts and ended up rewriting the expression functions so that the index is passed in.

Best of both worlds (except for my time) :)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on July 15, 2015, 09:59:45 am
Thanks for reviving this thread.

Please add an "Enable/disable ZoneSwitch" to the Zone menu (currently there is "Toggle Zone" but not for ZoneSwitch, which requires going further into the menu).

Is this still needed now that sending to a particular zone bypasses ZoneSwitch?

I'm hoping that's enough, but if not, say the word and we'll consider add the enable / disable to the top menu.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mojave on July 15, 2015, 10:12:38 am
Is this still needed now that sending to a particular zone bypasses ZoneSwitch?

I'm hoping that's enough, but if not, say the word and we'll consider add the enable / disable to the top menu.
Audio Calibration follows ZoneSwitch rules and will always go to a music zone and you can't "send" Audio Calibration to a zone. Probably a limited application, but I would also prefer a Enable/Disable ZoneSwitch.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: FelixM on July 15, 2015, 10:16:31 am
Playing Now (Theater View)

Configure option to not display the Rating and the Volume fields in Audio Playing Now Screen.

I only change the volume in the amplifier and it displays "Volume n/a" in Playing Now screen wich is useless. Also I do'nt use Ratings.
I want to access the position slider without having to press the arrows in the remote passing sequentially these options I never use.
Even sometimes, accidentally, I rate a song when I press the wrong arrow.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mojave on July 15, 2015, 10:24:36 am
Move Zone tools (ZoneSwitch) to Options like was done with TV tools. I go to Options first almost every time I want to make a ZoneSwitch change and then remember, "Oh yeah, ZoneSwitch is somewhere under Player." You get the benefit of being able to search in Options, too.

18.0.185 (5/15/2013)
9. Changed: Moved all TV tools that were under the 'TV Options...' button in Standard View > Television into Options > Television.  'TV Options...' now just shows Options > Television.

Done. See:
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: flac.rules on July 15, 2015, 12:14:58 pm
I think it is somewhat non-intuitive that settings are never auto-backed up when you are connected to a remote library so I would like the program to do auto-backups also when connected to a remote library (for the sake of settings, not the files in the library)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on July 15, 2015, 12:27:21 pm
Move Zone tools (ZoneSwitch) to Options like was done with TV tools. I go to Options first almost every time I want to make a ZoneSwitch change and then remember, "Oh yeah, ZoneSwitch is somewhere under Player." You get the benefit of being able to search in Options, too.

Next build of MC21:
NEW: Added the command 'ZoneSwitch...' to the Audio options page.

This turned out to be a little more complicated that I expected because the ZoneSwitch dialog didn't take a zone but instead always worked on the current zone.  But it should all be sorted in the coming build of MC21.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: leezer3 on July 15, 2015, 12:45:38 pm

This was in the last thread & agreed to be a good idea, but it never made it:

Make imported HTM / HTML files open in a new internal browser tab when double-clicked in the library. (Same tab would be OK-ish, but I think confusing)

You've already got the browser there internally, and it's very irritating for another app to pop up :)

(IIRC, you can work around this using the links feature, but that's not ideal either)

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: 6233638 on July 15, 2015, 12:49:51 pm
The ability to add more Parametric EQ sections to DSP Studio.
There are a number of changes I'd like to see made to Parametric EQ, but being able to add more to the DSP list would be a quick fix for some of them, as it would let me toggle "groups" of EQ on/off with one click.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: rec head on July 15, 2015, 01:17:43 pm
Add a field similar to DSP that could be checked to allow bitstreaming of selected tracks. I plan on going Atmos/DTS:X next year and it would be nice not to have to go into settings and switch bitstreaming on/off every time.

I have no idea how simple or difficult that is.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Llannis on July 15, 2015, 01:48:36 pm

I think this belongs here. At first I had posted it at the feature request (I removed it from there)... Also, since I have mentioned it a few times before, this is the last time I am posting this anywhere :)

 - When I applying a preset to a playlist group, it doesn't take effect for all the children playlist groups and playlists, but only to some. Also, could we have a dialog open asking if we want to apply to all children folders and playlists or not?

Thanks for considering and have a nice day!
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: HTPC4ME on July 15, 2015, 02:03:58 pm
the following 4 seem like reasonable requests that build upon whats already built... and could really make for a more enjoyable experience.
To a novice like myself they seem like they maybe "too easy" as well.

1. Please consider refreshing libraries from clients AUTOMATICALLY on a daily or at the minimum weekly basis for those of us who have authentication/sync changes to server disabled... as discussed here;topicseen#new

2. please add an option to right click highlight all files in conversion tab once conversion is complete, so we can goto recently imported see the new files that are imported, Verify they are to our liking, and then be able to jump back to finished conversions and delete those original files (.TS files) for those of us with large libraries/multiple disks/folder structures it's quite tough to do mass video conversion, and then having to manually search for the originals to delete them.

* just an fyi... when converting many of my home videos which have all been tagged, they are coming into recently imported as Media Type - TV show. even though before conversion they were ALL labeled as Home Movies.

3. Please add a recently imported time stamp to all files upon initial import... really is a pita when a drive goes down, and then we restore that drive to a new drive and when we re-import that new drive all those files do not go back into the library to the initial imported date...they show up as new files, and one looses all truly recently imported lists/views.

4. please give us the ability to change (load) libraries from theaterview;topicseen#new

Thank You

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Awesome Donkey on July 15, 2015, 03:13:40 pm
Here's two from me;

1) Customization for the Ignore articles feature found in the Options > Tree & View > Sorting. Let's say I want to apply ignore articles to just the artist or album artist field(s), but leave the album field with articles enabled.

2) Currently double clicking on the Display album art at the bottom of the sidebar above Action Window opens the album art in Display View. Can an option be added to instead open album art in the Detach Display view?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: tdipower on July 15, 2015, 04:06:13 pm
The "keyword" area in the tag.. when I try to fill it out, the box to type in goes behind the startmenu if the program is in fullscreen. Could you make it "fit" better? Other fields don't behave this way as far as I found. Can post a screenshot, if you don't know what I mean.  :)

Note. I see it's ok with a few keywords, but with 15-20 it just grows out of scale
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on July 15, 2015, 04:35:21 pm
Is this still needed now that sending to a particular zone bypasses ZoneSwitch?

I'm hoping that's enough, but if not, say the word and we'll consider add the enable / disable to the top menu.
Yes, it is still needed because I often use the Windows Explorer Context Menu "play" option, so "send" does not apply.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on July 15, 2015, 04:41:31 pm
Which reminds me of another Too Easy request:

In the "Shell Integration" (aka Windows Explorer Context Menu):

Please add "Play in MediaCenter" as a choice in the Context Menu itself (as opposed to the sub-menu under Media Center).

All other Media Players have "Play in(with) [player name]" in the context menu as well as a second entry for other purposes.

Having to navigate to the sub-menu and find "Play" only takes a few more seconds, but over the years, I've done this hundreds of times and it adds up.

If I had to choose, I would prefer this change over the similar change with ZoneSwitch (since I use it much more).

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: BartMan01 on July 15, 2015, 05:07:40 pm
In the import dialog box, 'Please select the folder to search:' does not include UNC paths just local drives.  It would save a ton of time when I import to have my recently UNC paths cached here.

It would also be nice to be able to import multiple folders at once.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: CountryBumkin on July 15, 2015, 05:12:51 pm
How about a new wallpaper (background) for Theater View?

MC21 is a new program - it should look different.
Of course no one will agree on what the wallpaper should be, so just have Jim pick it. I need a change!  ;D
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: AndrewFG on July 15, 2015, 05:27:28 pm
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: BryanC on July 15, 2015, 09:08:24 pm
Please keep the "details" link in the handheld sync action window even after the handheld has synced (right now it is replaced by eject). It's a better way to get to the handheld sync page where a "Recheck Sync" can be run or the sync options edited after a successful sync (such as when new playlist items are added to a synced playlist during a sync).
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstich on July 15, 2015, 10:19:52 pm
1. Easy way to remove duplicate songs from library. Ideally, a right click --> Library Tools item to do this.

2. When playing content, the selecting theater view go right to a "playing now" view.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: astromo on July 15, 2015, 11:01:06 pm
Missed this initially.

See here for a stunningly, fantabulous idea that you slick dev types should be able to knock over in the blink of an eye:
2EZ REQ II - URL Address Bar (
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Castius on July 16, 2015, 02:29:57 am
Add red dot to tray icon when recording. I'd also like to add it somewhere in the standard UI. But not sure where is best.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Castius on July 16, 2015, 02:32:49 am
I'd like to have a TV show favorites. Right now you can only do channels.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: rael71 on July 16, 2015, 07:27:37 am
1) I'd like to select songs in file windows just holding left click and dragging as in most softwares. Now you can only select files with mouse and ctrl or shift or select all qith ctrl+a
2) Customizable thumbnail text also for theater view as in standard view (I don't know if it's simple...)


Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jmhsb on July 16, 2015, 09:22:29 am
In Rename Move & Copy, when "Move all files in folder" is checked, please show those additional files in the preview window. 
Title: Re:
Post by: apgood on July 16, 2015, 09:57:21 am
Ability to select MC or a predefined external program to play a given file type (e.g. mk3d) when it is selected for playback.

Similar to what "playback method"  external program (custom) setting does now but gives you a choice to use the JRiver video engine instead on play back. Dialog box could be similar to the resume / start from beginning one.

Useful for 3D iso's or mkv's as it allows you to decide at point of selection whether playback is 2D in MC or 3D in external player.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: 6233638 on July 16, 2015, 10:23:51 am
Could we get an option to disable search history? ("recent searches")

1) I'd like to select songs in file windows just holding left click and dragging as in most softwares. Now you can only select files with mouse and ctrl or shift or select all qith ctrl+a
Search for "lasso" in the options window and enable "Allow list lasso with left mouse button"
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: prerich on July 16, 2015, 10:26:45 am
SVP intergration and optimization - that would be a cool feature.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: JonnyRedHed on July 16, 2015, 10:39:24 am
Ease of use:

Extend the control for kinectic short and long mouse wheel scroll-on time and fall off for play list (standard view - car radio playlist and playing now) with spinners in a section in 'general'.   To adjust for longer kinetic roll on when doing a fast-full scroll down a long 2000+ entry play list.  A short scroll has X kinetic roll on and is currently very good.  A fast full scroll could go on longer and have adjustment for its fade.  

Will make some peoples experience better inc my own.  But is this a feature request or a too Easy II suggestion, I'm not sure.   I have no idea how easy or hard this is to do.  There appears to already be some kinetic scroll fall off when one scrolls fast.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: flac.rules on July 16, 2015, 11:09:35 am
The ability to use copy/paste as a right click menu, and ctrl+x/c/v on playlists. (or possible even some playlist manager in the "Playlist main window (the thing explanin playlists if you click on playlists today, with a green graphic, however i am sure if the latter is a 1 hour job).

Why? Because when you have a lot of playlists (in a group) moving them with only the mouse is quite a hassle, since you have to use the incredibly slow autoscrolling when the amount of playlists are over a screen high.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: rael71 on July 16, 2015, 11:29:43 am
Quote from: rael71 on Today at 07:27:37 am
1) I'd like to select songs in file windows just holding left click and dragging as in most softwares. Now you can only select files with mouse and ctrl or shift or select all qith ctrl+a
Search for "lasso" in the options window and enable "Allow list lasso with left mouse button"

I didn't know that!

Thank you!
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Vocalpoint on July 16, 2015, 12:01:51 pm
Can't remember if this was ever done - but can we have an option to NOT display the recently imported items "playlist"?

I tend to get this only in certain situations on certain installs - maybe I am missing something somewhere?


Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on July 16, 2015, 07:21:11 pm
Can't remember if this was ever done - but can we have an option to NOT display the recently imported items "playlist"?

I tend to get this only in certain situations on certain installs - maybe I am missing something somewhere?

It was in the previous Too Easy list:
An Option with default to current behavior, to:

Not change Standard View display to "Recently Imported" playlist after an Import.

(That would save me from having to click BACK after every Import, in order to return to what I was doing.)

Do this or similar

but was never entirely done... a change occurred which only did half of what was originally done (which did make it easier).

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: ferday on July 16, 2015, 08:44:04 pm
Allow the selection of which fields to allow YADB to change (like the CTRL-V tag paste menu) rather than YADB changing all the tags automatically

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: marko on July 17, 2015, 12:32:24 am


To the expression data types so that we can sort expression based date fields correctly, and if day, Monday to Sunday sort correctly too.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mark_h on July 17, 2015, 03:01:21 am
In any view location where "Unassigned" can appear, provide the checkbox option to "hide unassigned" from the view on the view creation editor.

It messes up so many views and is rarely of practical use, and yet it's currently impossible to avoid:


And, indeed, just noticed that "unassigned" is included in the count for "Studio Albums", so it's showing 22 (21 + 1 unassigned) instead of the correct 21...
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Daveyravey on July 17, 2015, 03:04:25 am
Easy one

Whilst watching live TV when going into the guide change the default to current channel being watched in guide... At the moment defaults to channel 1 !

Ability to add TV channel logos in guide

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: stricko on July 17, 2015, 03:12:21 am
Create a new Album Date field to better support date handling of compilation albums. Could be based on existing functionality which populates the Album Artist (Auto) field. Be nice if it could be parameterized to used earliest or latest date, etc.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Al ex on July 18, 2015, 03:56:14 am
In Playing now - right mouse click and say

"Stop playing after finishing this song" or

"Stop playing after xx minutes" or

"Stop playing after next 5 songs".
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: flac.rules on July 18, 2015, 04:14:37 am
In Playing now - right mouse click and say

"Stop playing after finishing this song" or

"Stop playing after xx minutes" or

"Stop playing after next 5 songs".

I have actually requested the first thing, and it exists (although not in playing now window), if you right click the stop-button, you get the "stop after current"-function.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: flac.rules on July 18, 2015, 04:19:17 am
The ability to manually change the search string for the cover art function. (at least for single album searches), if i have some extra information in the title, for instance "Waterloo [Japanese Edition], it can throw of the search.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Al ex on July 18, 2015, 04:21:43 am
I have actually requested the first thing, and it exists (although not in playing now window), if you right click the stop-button, you get the "stop after current"-function.

Great thanks, didn“t realize that before. Behind the stop button: makes sense, much more intuitive.

Now - maybe a function to say "after 10min (or select from a list 15-30-45-60)" or after X songs (select 1 / 3 / 5 songs...) would be nice as well.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: 6233638 on July 18, 2015, 07:44:53 am
In Playing now - right mouse click and say
"Stop playing after finishing this song"
I really like this suggestion.
I'm not sure how you would indicate this to the user (Change the icon to a red stop sign, the opposite of the green "now playing" icon? Perhaps highlight the track red or a color defined by the skin?) but being able to select a track and say "stop after this track" without having to clear the rest of a playlist would be great.
I have actually requested the first thing, and it exists (although not in playing now window), if you right click the stop-button, you get the "stop after current"-function.
The "stop after current file" option doesn't seem to work if you use it within the last ~30 seconds of a song, which probably happens 50% of the time that I use the feature.
I'd really like to see a fix for that. It's one of those small things which is very frustrating.
[...]or "Stop playing after xx minutes" or "Stop playing after next 5 songs".
I would like to see something similar to this.
What I'd really like is a "sleep timer" functionality where you can say "stop playback after XX minutes" - but interacting with the player will reset the timer.
E.g. "stop playing after 30 minutes" but display a warning for the last 60 seconds, and if you hit a button during that time, it will extend it for another 30 minutes.
But I think these suggestions are beyond the scope of "too easy" if they are to be implemented well.
The ability to manually change the search string for the cover art function. (at least for single album searches), if i have some extra information in the title, for instance "Waterloo [Japanese Edition], it can throw of the search.
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you mean, but I have run into similar problems.
If I have multiple copies of an album by the same artist, but those versions have different covers, Media Center gets confused.
The files themselves are tagged correctly, but its cache only uses the most recently added cover.
So if I'm browsing Theater view, the wrong cover is displayed for example.
I'd really like Media Center to be using [Artist] - [Album] [Description] for cover art, instead of [Artist] - [Album]
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Don W on July 19, 2015, 09:14:58 am
If a theater view skin has the StarFilled and StarUnfilled nodes defined, but does not specify bitmaps for them, then don't put the rating field in playing now.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: 6233638 on July 19, 2015, 11:31:41 am
An option to prevent playback from stopping when Media Server is running and the main MC window is closed.
If I'm running Media Server, it's to prevent someone from accidentally killing all media playback house-wide.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: JimH on July 19, 2015, 11:36:58 am
An option to prevent playback from stopping when Media Server is running and the main MC window is closed.
If I'm running Media Server, it's to prevent someone from accidentally killing all media playback house-wide.
Please start a thread or bump one if you've reported this.  Closing MC doesn't close Media Server.  No playback involving Media Server would stop.  Media Server is Media Center in a reduced footprint configuration.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Moe on July 19, 2015, 12:42:02 pm
This should be super easy and I know it would make me really happy.

When right clicking the search box make copy and paste top level choices.  Right now you have to choose Edit and then copy or paste.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Neis on July 19, 2015, 08:21:42 pm
The ability to bypass jriver/madvr subtitle renderer and use external renderer like xysubfilter. Mainly for anime subtitles in ass/ssa format.

Old thread from last year on this: (
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Gl3nn on July 19, 2015, 11:46:40 pm
In an Explorer tab, in addition to the existing check-box "Show only Files in Library", could we have the opposite too: "Show only Files not in Library"?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: john_kane on July 20, 2015, 11:44:01 am
Make device sync expression editable by user.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on July 20, 2015, 12:24:57 pm
The ability to use copy/paste as a right click menu, and ctrl+x/c/v on playlists.

Ctrl+C/V is working fine for me on playlists.  It's strange that it wouldn't work for you.

Maybe start a thread if you'd like to investigate.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: durere on July 20, 2015, 02:05:09 pm
One thing that has been bugging me from day one of using Media Center (~3 years ago) is that the Right Click --> Library Tools --> Analyze Audio window spawns with the Cancel button in focus. I think I directly pressed Enter hoping that it would mean "Analyze" 1000 times by now.

Would it be possible to make the window's default focus be on the Analyze button? That would move it in line with other windows, like the Clean File Properties one.


Better still, would it be possible to have an option along the lines of "Automatically Analyze Audio upon Import"?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: ferday on July 20, 2015, 02:31:24 pm

Better still, would it be possible to have an option along the lines of "Automatically Analyze Audio upon Import"?

in the import menu (tools>import>configure auto import) check the "analyze audio for audio files" box
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: durere on July 20, 2015, 03:06:37 pm
in the import menu (tools>import>configure auto import) check the "analyze audio for audio files" box

Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately I don't use the Auto Import feature. In my original post, it should have said something like "Analyze Audio After Adding to Library". Sorry for the confusion.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on July 20, 2015, 03:07:31 pm
Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately I don't use the Auto Import feature. In my original post, it should have said something like "Analyze Audio After Adding to Library". Sorry for the confusion.

Well you can set it up to analyze the audio on imported files and just have it watching no folders for new files.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mattkhan on July 20, 2015, 03:15:02 pm
are remotes in scope of this thread? if so....

let jremote/gizmo retry for a longer period (on WOL) before giving up, either user configurable or something like 15s (it seems to be ~5s atm, I nearly always connect on the 2nd try, another jrmc client on windows never retries... all on the same LAN)

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: durere on July 21, 2015, 05:43:02 am
Well you can set it up to analyze the audio on imported files and just have it watching no folders for new files.

OK, so having auto import enabled with no folders equates to "after any import"? Being a programmer, this makes sense to me, but I had no idea this functionality was there. I'll try it out when I get home and if it works as expected, it will save me a lot of time in the future. Thanks!
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jmone on July 21, 2015, 06:30:57 am
I got a new TV (Samy 64F8500) to replace a dying old Hitachi (plus it lets me test the 3D stuff easier).  Trouble is this unit has a big input lag so I need to use Tools --> Options --> Video --> Advanced --> AV sync correction.  Trouble is the AV Sync is different between 23/24, 50, and 60 but we currently only have 24 and 50/60/120.  Like with Display settings, can we expand this to three from the current two options to have:
- 23/24hz
- 50hz
- 59/60/120hz

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: astromo on July 21, 2015, 06:51:03 am
I've asked for this before but I'd say it's been lost.

This one is for Television. Provide the user a check question to confirm whether "Delete" is the desired action. At the moment, a recording can be deleted with a single click. I think that it shouldn't be that easy by default.

Sincere apologies. Had my head stuck in the clouds. This one exists in MC20.

As you were ... nothing to see here ...  :D
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mojave on July 21, 2015, 08:28:27 am
I did add a few more of the o characters that you posted to our list.
I'm glad you didn't add the "etc."  :P
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on July 21, 2015, 08:40:50 am
I'm glad you didn't add the "etc."  :P

Oh, darn it!  I did add the etc.  I assumed that was another o character.  Silly me!
Title: Feature Request (again): open linkable columns in new tab
Post by: Amadan on July 21, 2015, 10:16:51 am

In respect of the "Get it back on track" post ( ( I'd like to ask again for a feature that I already suggested in the following posts. It also has been confirmed as being asked from other users, too: ( (

Let me check the criteria as defined in the "Get it back on track please" post:

  • Is it a simple and concrete suggestion? Check!
  • Is the the problem explained clearly? Check!
  • Is the suggestion explained clearly? Check!
  • Anything to be re-done from the ground? Nope!
  • Is it an incremental improvement that can be done within the framework of the current system? Check!
  • Is this a realistic expectation? IMHO: Yes!

So maybe there is a chance now to see this in MC 21?

thanks and kind regards,
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on July 21, 2015, 10:44:27 am
Amadan, coming next build of MC21:
NEW: Middle-click on a link column will open the link in a new tab.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: fitbrit on July 21, 2015, 01:04:30 pm
Amadan, coming next build of MC21:
NEW: Middle-click on a link column will open the link in a new tab.

Nice work!
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on July 21, 2015, 02:49:51 pm
I've asked for this before but I'd say it's been lost.

This one is for Television. Provide the user a check question to confirm whether "Delete" is the desired action. At the moment, a recording can be deleted with a single click. I think that it shouldn't be that easy by default.
IMHO that is a bug.   Post it in the TV Forum and Yaobing will surely fix it.

Computers should never (by default) delete anything with one click (when that click can be accidental).
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: stevemac on July 21, 2015, 04:09:45 pm
When installing an upgrade, warn the user if MC is serving media to any client / device (incl Gizmo, JRemote, DLNA etc).

I semi-regularly cause an outage to someone in the house when installing an upgrade as I either forget to check the playing now overview or media is being served to gizmo (which doesn't show in the overview)


Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: drmimosa on July 21, 2015, 06:41:08 pm
I have trouble using spacebar as a start/stop because I switch zones a lot, and play music using "Send To:" functions.

Fix/Request: Last played zone automatically comes into in focus for spacebar start/stop (except when you need the spacebar for tagging/edits)

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mark_h on July 24, 2015, 05:47:09 am
On Get From Internet...

When it's used full screen, have the album artwork take up the majority of the screen, rather than the Album name as at present (which leaves a ton of unsused screen space).

Would make the tool much more useful for comparing artwork and making better choices.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Gatherum on July 25, 2015, 02:51:02 pm
Hmm...can't remember if I already got an answer for these ones, but here goes:

1. Allow for the creation of particles based on a user-defined range of chapters, in addition to the option already available to define them based on timestamps. Would make TV series BD and DVD rips much less of a hassle, and would also aid very much in separating concert footage by track.
2. Allow for the duplication and editing of particles, so that recreation of a whole particle is not necessary to make small changes.

A new one:

3. This might take a bit longer than an hour--forgive my ignorance--but I would expand on CountryBumkin's notion and suggest that we should have a new (default?) skin for MC (in its various views) in light of Windows 10, that makes the programme consistent with the whole Metro feel. There already exists a user-created skin called MetroX that can be found somewhere on DeviantArt, but I think it's about time we had something that was officially supported by JRiver. Noire and Noire Glass have worked very well over Windows 7's lifetime, but MC21 is, indeed, a new programme, and it should look new.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jdizzy623 on July 25, 2015, 05:09:24 pm
In Theater view like to see JR remember where in list you last were when re-entering list.
It seems that when exiting Movies back to main menu, if you re-enter Movies, you are taken to first item on list rather than item you exited on.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: 01011000 on July 25, 2015, 05:37:18 pm
In the Settings - Audio - Volume, would it be possible to add a toggle next to "Maximum Volume" for "Map to full volume range"
The Maximum Volume setting is wonderful for people with power amps (thank you!!!), but now my volume slider is stuck in the 0-20% range which is fiddly as well as being weird from a usability POV. It would be great if the actual volume would be limited but the volume slider would still operate from 0 - 100%.

I spent some time trying to get a second date field to tag my audio files with (for Date Composed vs. Date Recorded for classical; or Date Originally Released vs. Date This Version Was Released for pop), however I couldn't figure it out. It would be nice if a second date field was built in or at least easier to add.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: raldo on July 26, 2015, 03:26:16 pm
Establish new database fields city, country, state.

Map those fields one to one with JPG EXIF City, Country, State fields.

Detect external changes to these fields and update the MC fields when they're changed externally (like Picasa's face tags)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: raldo on July 26, 2015, 03:29:27 pm
JPG EXIF time writeback.

Batch time offset.

Detect external changes to these fields and update the MC fields when they're changed externally (like Picasa's face tags)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: sjhilton on July 28, 2015, 07:22:10 am
In the options for Theater View allow 'jump on play (audio)' to be a per zone setting. This is primarily for launching applications outside MC and using the JRiver WDM driver to capture the audio. I find that when I program theaterview to launch say spotify or something full screen in an external web browser (eg netflix) and 'jump on play (audio)' is set to 'playing now' the screen jumps back to MC when I still want to see the external application. I still want 'jump on play (audio)' to jump to playing now for normal audio (ie music), but if I'm playing something in my WDM zone I don't. Hopefully this makes sense and is 'Too Easy'!
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: ferday on July 28, 2015, 12:46:57 pm

I spent some time trying to get a second date field to tag my audio files with (for Date Composed vs. Date Recorded for classical; or Date Originally Released vs. Date This Version Was Released for pop), however I couldn't figure it out. It would be nice if a second date field was built in or at least easier to add.

Thank you.

There is a second date field, currently it's called date (release)

Adding new fields is very easy to do
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: flac.rules on July 29, 2015, 03:29:58 pm
The icons on the left side (audio, video, and the sub-choices) are to big when you use the resizing function of the program, especially from 150% and up, the icons overlap. Would be nice if this could be fixed.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: locust on July 30, 2015, 12:16:12 pm
Stacking video segments where clicking play would play them as a playlist in sequential order according to the number at the end of the name field.

We can stack videos now but you have to click to open the stack to play all the files within double clicking only plays the topmost stack, ignoring the rest of the videos within. Having this would allow me and possibly others to declutter video scheme views.

For some videos I have mkv merged them but others are in different formats that aren't compatible with mkvmerge this would save a heap of time transcoding whilst still retaining the original files.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Mr ChriZ on July 30, 2015, 02:32:10 pm
I'd like an option in Send To for Video.  Send to->detached window-> full screen-> on display x
I know I can go in options and set defaults for full screen... but I use a laptop... it's not always set up the same way.
Also I want the standard UI to remain on my laptop screen - since the TV I use doesn't really have the resolution to read standard view.
Finally for bonus points if MC could turn the laptop screen off after so many seconds of non mouse movement!
I suspect someone much smarter than me will shortly tell me a better way of doing this :)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on July 30, 2015, 03:23:48 pm
I suspect someone much smarter than me will shortly tell me a better way of doing this :)
Your setup is unclear... I'm guessing a laptop for selecting the audio or video programming, and then a separate TV for viewing the video itself ?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Sesam on July 31, 2015, 09:14:18 am
It would be great if the actors, genre and keywords tag fields would automatically interpret "," as ";".

Why? Because it makes it easier if you are manually tagging media. Because most sites list actors like this "Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Bruce Willis". So if you could just copy/paste that string into the actors field and have it automatically formatted as "Sylvester Stallone;Jason Statham;Jet Li;Bruce Willis" it would save a lot of time.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on July 31, 2015, 09:25:19 am
It would be great if the actors, genre and keywords tag fields would automatically interpret "," as ";".

You could just use an expression:
Replace([Actors], /,,;)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: BernhardS on August 01, 2015, 10:24:25 am
 Please can you set the Lyrics Popup edit of the experimental Tag window modless?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Humbledore on August 03, 2015, 05:38:57 am
An edit/rename function for view presets! The current behaviour it's quite annoying considering that you must delete and create a new preset in order just to change the name...
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Castius on August 04, 2015, 05:14:32 am
Load program data auto match channels by number only.
I just switched my EPG to zap 2xml but only 10℅ match the description. But all channel numbers match. Also if you sign a channel it might be helpful if the channel can be hidden from the list to choose from. So you don't have to scroll to 1900.

Also there is no edit import only add delete.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: vulture_g7 on August 04, 2015, 09:36:58 am
As I've asked in the features thread, it'd be good if the rules window had also a checkmark box next to each rule to enable/disable it, instead of just adding and deleting rules.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: vulture_g7 on August 08, 2015, 02:35:34 pm
Another thought that might be easily implemented: when on a split artist/albums view, it'd be nice to have another search box just for the selected artist's albums to narrow down results quickly.

Also, an alphabet for the gizmo wouldn't hurt!
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: JimH on August 08, 2015, 03:33:09 pm
Another thought that might be easily implemented: when on a split artist/albums view, it'd be nice to have another search box just for the selected artist's albums to narrow down results quickly.

Also, an alphabet for the gizmo wouldn't hurt!
Gizmo has an alphabet.  Scroll on the right, then press the button that appears.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jmone on August 09, 2015, 07:02:11 am
Don't set bookmarks for Music Videos, especially for Particles as it causes odd short playback on tracks.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: vulture_g7 on August 09, 2015, 03:50:17 pm

agh! Thx for that!
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Castius on August 09, 2015, 05:05:25 pm
keyboard shortcut editor
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jaxtherogue on August 10, 2015, 09:12:37 am
How about a Forward 30 seconds / back 30 seconds (maybe an adjustable time frame)  buttons on the playback bar?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on August 10, 2015, 12:36:56 pm
How about a Forward 30 seconds / back 30 seconds (maybe an adjustable time frame)  buttons on the playback bar?
+ 1 !!

That's one I could have used many times, and somehow have never thought to request.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RoderickGI on August 10, 2015, 05:20:31 pm
How about a Forward 30 seconds / back 30 seconds (maybe an adjustable time frame)  buttons on the playback bar?
Where? When?

Did you know?
In video, where most people are using a remote, it is already there, using left and right buttons on the remote. Adjustable under Options/Video/Advanced.

If you are playing audio using Theatre View, that function also works, and has its own adjustment parameters under Options/Audio/Stop, Seek & Skip.

In Standard View, most people are using a keyboard and/or mouse. The play bar is clickable to go to any point you want. If you hover the mouse over the Playback bar, the current position in a track, and its total length is displayed, as it also is in the header unless you have customised it. While hovering over the playback bar, the scroll wheel on the mouse will jump you forward and back 10 seconds at a time.

Okay, so none of the above are buttons on the playback bar. But do you still think you really need them?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jaxtherogue on August 10, 2015, 06:09:50 pm
Where? When?

Did you know?
In video, where most people are using a remote, it is already there, using left and right buttons on the remote. Adjustable under Options/Video/Advanced.

If you are playing audio using Theatre View, that function also works, and has its own adjustment parameters under Options/Audio/Stop, Seek & Skip.

In Standard View, most people are using a keyboard and/or mouse. The play bar is clickable to go to any point you want. If you hover the mouse over the Playback bar, the current position in a track, and its total length is displayed, as it also is in the header unless you have customised it. While hovering over the playback bar, the scroll wheel on the mouse will jump you forward and back 10 seconds at a time.

Okay, so none of the above are buttons on the playback bar. But do you still think you really need them?

I am talking about standard and mini view. It would be especially useful to me  in podcasts and other spoken word content. A 30 second back/forward button is a quick click rather than fumbling with a seek bar or positioning my mouse just so and thumb-wheeling. Do I need it-no - but I don't really need Media Center either, if need is to be the standard. I just thought it would might qualify for as a "Too Easy" enhancement I would find useful.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on August 10, 2015, 08:12:39 pm
In regards to FF/REW, the remotes work differently for different remotes, and differently for different modes.

In full screen video, right and left arrow will go forward and backward the amounts specified in (logically) Tools->Options->Video->Jump Behavior.

While Audio options page has the same setting, it doesn't work because in Standard View, right and left arrows do other things.  This is the same issue that was discussed in regards to Space Bar.

In Standard View playing Audio, my original Microsoft MCE remote FF and REW buttons will go ahead and back a few seconds (only a small fraction of what is specified in Audio->Jump Behavior).

But using my VRC-1100 remote (that issues Keyboard format codes) the FF and REW don't do anything at all in Standard View (even though all the other buttons work fine - Pause, Play, Stop, Skip, Skip back).
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RoderickGI on August 11, 2015, 12:00:54 am
fumbling with a seek bar or positioning my mouse just so and thumb-wheeling.

If you are in Standard View, or any view where you are using a mouse, hovering over the play/seek bar would be just as easy, if not easier, than aiming at and hitting an on-screen button.

I have assumed that you meant on-screen buttons rather than keys, since you said button in the original post.

In regards to FF/REW, <snip> Microsoft MCE remote FF and REW buttons will go ahead and back a few seconds (only a small fraction of what is specified in Audio->Jump Behavior).
The FF and REW buttons on a remote or on-screen are completely different things to the LEFT and RIGHT buttons on the remote. Therefore, it isn't surprising that they do completely different things.
But using my VRC-1100 remote (that issues Keyboard format codes) the FF and REW don't do anything at all in Standard View (even though all the other buttons work fine - Pause, Play, Stop, Skip, Skip back).
The FF and REW buttons, on the remote and on-screen, do something for me in all views, for audio and video. Different things in different places. This seems to an issue with your remote, not MC.
In full screen video, right and left arrow will go forward and backward the amounts specified in (logically) Tools->Options->Video->Jump Behavior.
Also in windowed video, whether detached or not.

Anyway, I would not like to see screen real estate taken up by more buttons, especially next to the seek bar.

The solution to the issues that both of you have may be in defining Global Shortcut keys for MC to use. Keys that would work in all views, including Mini, Standard, and Theatre Views. They require a bit more effort to set up (and I'll admit that I haven't set any up, having only played a bit with the functionality), but you can define your own keys. Just make sure that the key combination isn't already being used by MC (look through the Resource.xml files) or Windows. You would have to work out which command too use; maybe 28004 and 28005? Give it a try.

Kstuart, you can then program your VRC-1100 remote to send the correct keyboard commands to MC.
Jaxtherogue, would a keyboard shortcut rather than a mouse click work for you?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jaxtherogue on August 11, 2015, 08:51:55 am
If you are in Standard View, or any view where you are using a mouse, hovering over the play/seek bar would be just as easy, if not easier, than aiming at and hitting an on-screen button.

I have assumed that you meant on-screen buttons rather than keys, since you said button in the original post.
The FF and REW buttons on a remote or on-screen are completely different things to the LEFT and RIGHT buttons on the remote. Therefore, it isn't surprising that they do completely different things.The FF and REW buttons, on the remote and on-screen, do something for me in all views, for audio and video. Different things in different places. This seems to an issue with your remote, not MC.Also in windowed video, whether detached or not.

Anyway, I would not like to see screen real estate taken up by more buttons, especially next to the seek bar.

The solution to the issues that both of you have may be in defining Global Shortcut keys for MC to use. Keys that would work in all views, including Mini, Standard, and Theatre Views. They require a bit more effort to set up (and I'll admit that I haven't set any up, having only played a bit with the functionality), but you can define your own keys. Just make sure that the key combination isn't already being used by MC (look through the Resource.xml files) or Windows. You would have to work out which command too use; maybe 28004 and 28005? Give it a try.

Kstuart, you can then program your VRC-1100 remote to send the correct keyboard commands to MC.
Jaxtherogue, would a keyboard shortcut rather than a mouse click work for you?

I disagree about the aiming thing. Clicking an easy to see button is less involved than hovering over the seek bar and then scrolling with the mouse wheel while watching the time move forward/backward and correcting any overshoots, etc. To each their own I suppose. A keyboard shortcut would work, but I don't see harm in adding a button- there seems to be plenty of room next to the shuffle/repeat/dsp icons.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: ldoodle on August 11, 2015, 01:57:11 pm
In Theater view like to see JR remember where in list you last were when re-entering list.
It seems that when exiting Movies back to main menu, if you re-enter Movies, you are taken to first item on list rather than item you exited on.

This is a tough one.  What if you exit Movies, watch a TV show, then go back to Movies.  That would suggest to me you want to watch something new, so should start at the beginning.

So to improve on your suggestion, if you exit a view/library item, and go back within a set number of seconds (30??), maintain the scroll position.

This will get rid of annoyances when you accidentally go too far back.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: ldoodle on August 11, 2015, 02:11:42 pm
As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'd like the ability to export/import individual Theater View rollers/items/views etc.

For example, I completely customized mine, to the extent that none of the defaults are there.  If I were to ever switch to MC for broadcast TV, I'd need to reset to default to get the TV view back, then manually re-create all my customizations.

Writing out to XML seems the logical way.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -CD Ripping, lookup at AMG, GD3, albumartdownloader
Post by: pschelbert on August 11, 2015, 03:33:51 pm
Feature request to add: lookup for tracks, covers
if CD's are ripped by MC21.

AMG (tracks, covers)
GD3 (tracks, covers)
albumartdownloader (covers)

AMG and GD3 are not free, so the feature may be related how ceap you get access (b the way dBpoweramp has access and iTunes)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Castius on August 17, 2015, 10:20:19 am
In the standard view. Please make television a standard media category.
Meaning it has the basic right click options and ability to add library views.

I can make my own but it would make much more sense to be like audio,video,documents,television.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Arbiter on August 17, 2015, 10:33:43 am
When using Rename, Move & Copy Files on movies that have subtitle sidecar files (*.srt), the program fails to move/copy over subtitles that have a language prefix in front of the extention, eg:

I think it would be an easy change to take this subtitle naming scheme into consideration when manipulating files inside MC.

...please? :D
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: drmimosa on August 18, 2015, 05:38:38 pm
I would like to toggle on/off track grouping.

For example, I have classical multi-movement works tagged as grouped tracks, but I'd also like to be able to shuffle them individually sometimes.

Thanks for considering this request.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mattkhan on August 19, 2015, 01:26:29 pm
rename the menu option "Load/Save View" to "Load/Save Layout" (as per
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jbbernar on August 20, 2015, 12:55:40 pm
I'd like to have a tag pre-populated with the md5sum for flac files.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: blgentry on August 20, 2015, 04:33:27 pm
I'd like to have a tag pre-populated with the md5sum for flac files.

Just curious:  What would you use that for and how?

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: ferday on August 20, 2015, 04:48:07 pm
Just curious:  What would you use that for and how?


my guess is to verify the checksum.  i know the md5/sha is used among some of my collector friends to verify that their flac rip is indeed flawless

although i'm not terribly concerned with checksum i do know that if it was automatically put into a tag i'd end up using the info for something ;)
currently i use microsoft FCIV in the rare instance that i want to know
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jbbernar on August 21, 2015, 04:47:04 am
my guess is to verify the checksum.  i know the md5/sha is used among some of my collector friends to verify that their flac rip is indeed flawless

Yes (though not so much the flawless part). I have multiple rips of many CDs. At least I think the rips are from the same CDs - I have no logs, just flacs, sometimes with completely different tags, sometimes of different sizes because of experimenting with compression settings. If I can verify that the flac md5sums are the same, then I'll delete the superfluous copies. I'm not quite sure how I'll do this in MC - I might export the library and process the file elsewhere - but having the md5sums is a start. I could do it with metaflac, too, but I'd rather do as much as possible with MC.

although i'm not terribly concerned with checksum i do know that if it was automatically put into a tag i'd end up using the info for something ;)

Likewise, I'm sure I'll find other uses.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: BernhardS on August 22, 2015, 02:48:57 am
Please can you set the Lyrics Popup edit of the experimental Tag window modless?


Not too easy? In VB it is only one click in the property window.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: masterjoe on August 22, 2015, 03:12:58 pm
Pls add an MCxx.exe core command to navigate somewhere instantly in Theater Mode.

Something like "MCC_GOTO_LOCATION" with a library view position as param. The Theater View shall then jump to this position instantly - if it is valid ;)
I don't necessarily mean PLAYBACK of anything (however a location MIGHT include a media name). I just hope for a navigation command to JUMP to any library (sub)position (aka virtual folder) instantly!

This way one can create shortcuts of many kinds to jump to custom positions or to programmable locations (using 3rd party SW like EventGhost).

Imagined Scenario:
I could press a dedicated "store shortcut" button on my remote and then press a number key afterwards. Eventghost would use MCWS to find out the current location and associates it with the pressed number key. Later when I press this number the new jump command allows me to go there with no effort at all :)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jack wallstreet on August 22, 2015, 04:01:25 pm
Ability to save a customized view for "recently imported."
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Humbledore on August 24, 2015, 03:44:33 am
Additional information/the casue why DVD ripping fails. Is it because of a damagaed/defective disc or is it because of copyright protection? That would be helpful to know... 
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: flight16 on August 24, 2015, 09:54:00 am
A simple playlist/view/feature/whatever to show me the list of missing tracks I have in my library.  Like iTunes does.

Presumably if MC already shows the red minus it knows the track isn't there.  Why can't it expose that in a pre-build playlist or a smart playlist condition like "Track missing... is true/false"?  The current suggestion in the thread below is quite the convoluted work-around I had to sign up and post to this forum to find out. 

See also for the original question:
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mattkhan on August 24, 2015, 04:13:35 pm
change the default audio conversion setting for an MC install connected as a client from "convert when necessary" to "never convert"

see for details
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: flight16 on August 24, 2015, 07:14:55 pm
Idea: Options dialog: Make it easier for newbies to discover and customize MC by presenting help text in a  pop-up on mouseover (a few sentences to paragraphs, well-formatted).


Make the program easier to customize for newbies.  MC can do a lot, and I consider myself technical (software engineer who has been using computers for 25 years), but I'm overwhelmed by all the options, and I'm often checking the wiki. Eg.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: gappie on August 25, 2015, 08:57:21 am
ok... dont know if it is easy, ofcourse, but i give it a shot. it is about car radio. i use a split screen with at one side playing now.. i only use a few carradio buttons. because there are 12 of those buttons i cant give the buttons a name longer then 3 characters. could there not be an option with how much carradio buttons somebody wants to use, or even better, something that works the same as the tabs. so a small emty tab fro when someone wants to add a radio station..


Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on August 28, 2015, 08:33:31 am
Don't set bookmarks for Music Videos, especially for Particles as it causes odd short playback on tracks.

We don't use bookmarks for videos shorter than 15 minutes long.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jmone on August 28, 2015, 04:09:23 pm
We don't use bookmarks for videos shorter than 15 minutes long.


I've attached a screen shot of the venerable Eagles BD particalised by Playback Range and you can see all the Tracks have Bookmarks set as soon as you play them, leading to unpredictable playback the next time.

I suspect it is because MC reports the Duration being the whole length of the Video not just that of the Particle (this part is on my list in the of Limitations in the Wiki (  

Thanks for looking!
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on August 29, 2015, 08:22:01 am
I'll look at factoring the playback range in when we calculate duration.  No promises since it could turn into a mess, but I'll look.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jmone on August 29, 2015, 03:47:57 pm
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on August 31, 2015, 09:00:47 am
Next build:
Changed: Bookmarking looks at the playback range when calculating the duration so that files that are just little snips won't bookmark.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jmone on August 31, 2015, 03:18:07 pm
Thanks Matt!
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: astromo on August 31, 2015, 03:40:38 pm
Check here for a cool idea:
Desktop Shortcut to a Playlist / Smartlist (

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: JonnyRedHed on September 01, 2015, 03:02:23 am
Try replacing the Name column with an Expression Column using the following code:
Code: (Name) [Select]
If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], Audiobook, 1),
If(IsRange(PadNumber(Math(round(([Bookmark] / ([Duration, 0] * 1000)) * 100)),2), 10-90),
Delimit([Name],<//b><//font>,<font color="FF0000"><b>),

Edit the Delimit() ( line if you want to change the formatting.
I just used red (HTML FF0000) so that it stood out.
The 10-90 at the end of the second line sets the percentage played which will highlight the current file. (i.e. anything in the range of 10-90% will be highlighted)

Maybe things like this implemented.   I find this audiobook place highlighter very useful, but would of never known about this until 6233638 showed me.

Something I've noticed over the last months since 6233638 first gave me this code snippet, when I return to the playlist many times or add new audio books into the car radio playlist, that the red highlight mark and place in the file are lost.  Is there a way to work around this so the highlight and place in the file is kept, even after the playlist is edited and re-saved many times.  

Things like this implemented on right click context menu when the files are marked audiobook, and some other popular options you think could also be implemented right there to aid better audiobook experience.   I know this script is very important for me.  I have a long car radio playlist for audio books and do like to see a very visual marker for partially listened to.  

Can it be bettered/expanded upon.  Maybe a traffic light system to indicate early place marker, mid way and near end markers based on the % viewed of the file.  Maybe a way to show a thin banner at the start of the first file in the playlist, just a nice image there to chow the start of a new audiobook.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: DeaneG on September 02, 2015, 04:21:16 pm
It would be really useful to be able to keep only one episode of a recorded TV series and to delete it past 24 hours. That is, allow both options "Keep only N episodes" and "Delete after N days" to be active instead of one or the other. This would improve handling of weekday and weekend news broadcasts.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on September 03, 2015, 03:15:33 pm
It would be really useful to be able to keep only one episode of a recorded TV series and to delete it past 24 hours. That is, allow both options "Keep only N episodes" and "Delete after N days" to be active instead of one or the other. This would improve handling of weekday and weekend news broadcasts.
Practically speaking, it seems that "Delete after 1 day" would work fine - unless you are so deprived of disk space that you cannot keep an extra news broadcast for a few hours.

With that little disk space, TV recording becomes a pain.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: DeaneG on September 03, 2015, 07:00:19 pm
Practically speaking, it seems that "Delete after 1 day" would work fine - unless you are so deprived of disk space that you cannot keep an extra news broadcast for a few hours.

With that little disk space, TV recording becomes a pain.
Not a disk space issue. Just don't like to see last night's news recording next to today's. It seems to take more than one day (maybe two?) for the old recording to disappear.

Could fix it by making the "delete after N days" option actually delete the old recording at N days instead of N+1 (though this does not fix the case of watching tonight's broadcast partially live - last night's would still be there until tonight's recording is finished at t0+1 day). Or making the setting adjustable in 0.5 day increments, or just allowing both "keep only N" and "delete after N days" options to be active.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on September 03, 2015, 10:30:55 pm
Not a disk space issue. Just don't like to see last night's news recording next to today's.
The easiest way to fix this is to change your mind.

Love seeing last night's news recording next to today's.

Since it doesn't make a practical difference, then there is no point to disliking it as it is.

100% serious here.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RoderickGI on September 03, 2015, 10:36:58 pm
Or see what happens if you set "Delete After" to zero days.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: DeaneG on September 04, 2015, 01:39:05 pm
I was just trying to suggest a way to improve the product here with a change that should be simple. I can certainly accept it as is, or head-fake the GUI by subtracting one. But it could be a little better.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: DeaneG on September 05, 2015, 09:43:33 pm
Would it be possible to add "Convert Format" to the right-click menu of videos etc? The existing conversion function is pretty well hidden in the Tools->Advanced Tools->Convert Format menu. A small window then slips into the lower-left corner of the UI ("Action Window"), which I'd respectfully suggest is a motion unnoticeable on a large monitor. It took me about 10 minutes to figure out why, after selecting a menu item, nothing obvious would happen as a result.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RoderickGI on September 05, 2015, 10:35:48 pm
Would it be possible to add "Convert Format" to the right-click menu of videos etc?
It is on the right click menu for video, Library Tools -> Convert Format

Once you have done it once, it will show up at the top of the right click menu, in the Recent Commands list. You can make this list longer by going to Options/Tree & View/Advanced/Right Click Recent Command Count, where you can set it from 0 to 8 commands. If you set it to 8 the Convert Format will stay in the Recent Commands list longer, available to use on the top level right click menu.

Now that you know where the Action Window is, you will remember to look down there in future. If you click on the Options link in that window you will get a large dialogue to play with. If you click on Details, the details of the file to be converted will fill the Standard View pane.

The Action Window is used for many MC functions, so it is good practice to look down there for activity.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: DeaneG on September 06, 2015, 12:38:39 pm
@RoderickGI: Perfect, thank you!  This is a pretty powerful and complex bit of software.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: stiv32 on September 09, 2015, 02:46:15 pm

Please add a search field at each Pane fields, which will discard things as we type.

I am really tired of browsing through hundreds of Names, Albums, Genres etc. to find the one that interests me. And what if it is written with the last name first or what if I remember only the first name. Please, add this search field at the beginning of each field (Genre, Name etc.) it will be really helpful at the Panes View.

Thanks in advance  :)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: bblue on September 09, 2015, 05:54:48 pm
In the track linking, the target track is not shown with an index number, whereas the source track seems to have the index of the target track.  That works fine, but it would be nice to be able to sort on the Links field to see all tracks that are associated to any other track.  Couldn't the target track's index number be shown, instead of nothing?  Within the system if the index link is shown, and the number is the same as its index, it is a target, not a source.  Or something like that.  Likewise, the last target of a multi-link is also not shown, but all the others are.

Seems like it would be a trivial change.  Is there more to it than that?

Actually, if the blank target could show its own number followed by some character (like * indicating end of the sequence), it could be logically identified in a sort.  And all sequences would show up in order.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: blgentry on September 09, 2015, 06:08:19 pm
Please add a search field at each Pane fields, which will discard things as we type.

I'm assuming you know that you can click in any pane and just type and it will match as you type to the *first* characters in the list.  Based on what you say below this probably isn't enough for you, but I thought I'd mention it.

I am really tired of browsing through hundreds of Names, Albums, Genres etc. to find the one that interests me. And what if it is written with the last name first or what if I remember only the first name.

The search box in the upper right is context sensitive.  If you type in it while in a Panes view, it will search everything currently chosen in the Panes view.  If you have *nothing* chosen, it will search everything visible in the view.  This includes Genre, Album, Artist, Name, Year, Comments, Keywords (and probably other stuff too).

My collection is small by comparison to most here, but I just did a number of searches in a Panes view and found the item in the Panes I was looking for just about instantly.  Have you tried using the search box in a Panes view?

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: datdude on September 09, 2015, 11:59:27 pm
1) Stop the theater view playing now list cursor from jumping when a new song starts playing. I don't see the value in automatically moving the cursor in the first place and it's really annoying when you are browsing and a song switches and the cursor jumps to the currently playing song. Don't assume I want it to do that. If I want to go to the currently playing song, I'll go there manually. If I navigate away and then back into the playing now list, it's fine to jump to the current song, but that is the only time it should do so.  Another option is to just add a long delay (10 seconds or more) for the last time the user manually moved the cursor before it jumps to the currently playing song.

2) When drilling down into a view from the theater view home screen, don't immediately jump the cursor into the file list. Whenever a friend comes over, they always get confused and try to switch views and end just asking me to do it. Pretty much all other interfaces like the Apple TV don't automatically jump to the list inside a view. They let you make that choice.

3) Similarly when moving the cursor left on the left edge of a theater view list, the cursor jumps to the top level row instead of the secondary roller. This again causes frustration in my friends who try to switch views and up getting lost and give up. Its like MC doesn't want you to use the secondary roller... Since the secondary roller also allows you to click left and eventually move up back to the top roller, you can still easily move back to the home screen. I don't see the harm in a few extra clicks o get back to home, with the positive trade off of the user having an experience that is more intuitive rather than the cursor jumping around and assuming it knows what the user wants to do.

These might be controversial, but to me they would be easy to implement and are easy to understand their benefits in making the user experience simpler and more intuitive.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: neFAST on September 10, 2015, 02:28:57 pm
What about a nice shadertoy ( visualiser?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: stiv32 on September 11, 2015, 04:57:04 am
I'm assuming you know that you can click in any pane and just type and it will match as you type to the *first* characters in the list.  Based on what you say below this probably isn't enough for you, but I thought I'd mention it.

Hello Brian,
thank you for replying. Yes, I already know about this. The problem here is; if you search i.e. "Bryan Adams" and you type "Adams", you won't find what you are looking for.

With the solution I propose, the first entry in each pane field is the search box. When you type there "Adams" it will come up with all the artists that have those letters in their name. Its much easier. Especially if you don't remember exactly the name.

The search box in the upper right is context sensitive.  If you type in it while in a Panes view, it will search everything currently chosen in the Panes view.  If you have *nothing* chosen, it will search everything visible in the view.  This includes Genre, Album, Artist, Name, Year, Comments, Keywords (and probably other stuff too).

I also use the search field in the upper right corner, and the truth is that you can do with that almost everything a pane does. The thing is that Panes are there to make our lives easier. Also some custom fields you might not want them to be search oriented i.e. the field "Mood". Lastly, it is much distinctive and easier to control a search at each field.

It is truth that as our music database grows, it gets harder to do fast and effectively some things that otherwise are simple. That's why we need the necessary tools to make our lives easier.

The Search Field at the top of each Pane Field, I believe is fast to implement, while it will make everybody's life a bit easier and for people with large databases it will make their lives a lot easier.

Thanks again :)

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on September 11, 2015, 08:46:24 am
Quote from: kstuart on November 07, 2014, 02:34:38 pm
An Option with default to current behavior, to:

Not change Standard View display to "Recently Imported" playlist after an Import.

(That would save me from having to click BACK after every Import, in order to return to what I was doing.)

Do this or similar

but was never entirely done... a change occurred which only did half of what was originally done (which did make it easier).

The Recently Imported playlist is only shown if you click 'Details' after the import in the summary window.  That seems pretty unobtrusive.  Is it showing in some other scenario that I'm not catching?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RedJ on September 11, 2015, 12:43:18 pm
I'm coming to the party pretty late, so apologies if this has already been suggested between the first page and this post:

A very simple to implement (I believe) way to make MC more globally digestible to the novice user would be an Easy Mode that could be chosen upon first install.  Some Android flavors come with the ability to use an Easy Mode interface that strips off a lot of the complexity and puts the core functions people use most up front and with less clutter.

1) The Easy Mode would hide all but the most used features, and install MC with the most user-friendly skin and view scheme (which of those qualify is up for debate, I guess).
2) There could be a Toolbar button that switches between Easy Mode and Full Mode so the user could see and access what they're missing, allowing them to dip their toes into the water and gradually get deeper with MC if they wish.  The button would be there by default if installed to Easy Mode.

BTW- Party Mode might be better served showing a similarly slimmed down interface by default as well.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: blgentry on September 12, 2015, 10:32:48 am
RedJ:  That's a nice idea that I think has been expressed by others from time to time.  I don't think it's anywhere near the qualification of "too easy" though!  But still a good idea.

Something very similar is being discussed in the Pretty Face thread, which you might enjoy reading:

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RedJ on September 12, 2015, 11:27:09 am
I don't think it's anywhere near the qualification of "too easy" though!
My line of thought is that this would be akin to going into Options->General->Features and deselecting all but the most core of features that would newcomers would want to use.  I think this would probably be scriptable in the installer, but I may be underestimating.  One of the great things about MC is it is a bit of a kitchen sink program- there are tons of features- but that's also one of the things that's immediately overwhelming to new (and sometimes veteran) users.  I've been able to (mostly) keep up with the incremental changes since MJ6 or 7, but I don't know what I'd think if I was just starting out trying to wrap my head around the feature set of version 21.

Something very similar is being discussed in the Pretty Face thread, which you might enjoy reading:
I had looked at that thread.  My concern about the initiative is that it continues the trend of fracturing the way MC is interfaced and used, which I think will tend to have the opposite consequence from what's intended. 
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: vulture_g7 on September 13, 2015, 07:26:27 am
Posted this on another thread, but I feel it suits this better:

Another one that shouldn't be hard to implement. When Playing from memory is enabled, maybe there should also be a switch to set the upper limit in MB, ie if a flac is 210mb in size and the user has put the limit to 200mb, the file won't be played from RAM. Of course, the usual -1 switch should also be there for unlimited size.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on September 13, 2015, 10:55:47 pm
The Recently Imported playlist is only shown if you click 'Details' after the import in the summary window.  That seems pretty unobtrusive.  Is it showing in some other scenario that I'm not catching?
It's the same result at the end.  I always want to see the Details when I do an import.  The Details comes up in a dialog box.... so why should the Recently Imported Playlist come up, instead of whatever view one was using?

I can see the utility to some people, but others have mentioned that it is an annoyance to them.  So an option would serve everyone.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: JimH on September 14, 2015, 06:28:04 am
Maybe a "Don't show this again." could be added.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on September 14, 2015, 01:04:33 pm
Maybe a "Don't show this again." could be added.
But the dialog box - with the results of the import - is what I want every time.

What I don't want is the Main View changed to "Recently Imported Playlist" from the Panes view that I was previously using.

So this would require a checkbox (either in an "Advanced" list or else under "Import") saying "Don't change the view to Recently Imported Playlist after an import".
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on September 15, 2015, 09:40:32 am
Would it be possible to make the window's default focus be on the Analyze button? That would move it in line with other windows, like the Clean File Properties one.

Hey, good idea and too easy!

Next build:
Changed: When the Analyze Audio dialog opens the keyboard focus will be on the "Analyze" button.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mojave on September 15, 2015, 12:16:12 pm
Volume requests:

Volume change after pause
There are many times at home that I will be listening to something fairly loud then then pause. Later I lower the volume and then continue playback. The volume initially starts where it was previously before dropping to the new volume. I think a buffer needs to be flushed on pause.

Volume fade-in after pause
When listening to music or Blu-ray loud and then pausing for a break, phone, etc. it is very jarring to start playback at the same volume. A fade-in option would be helpful.

Volume fade-out fade-in on Video
I've created Particles for songs in Blu-ray concerts. I eliminated the talking between songs. When playing a playlist of Blu-ray concert songs, the transition between songs isn't smooth. Can Video have "track change" settings like Audio?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on September 15, 2015, 12:41:18 pm
Volume change after pause
There are many times at home that I will be listening to something fairly loud then then pause. Later I lower the volume and then continue playback. The volume initially starts where it was previously before dropping to the new volume. I think a buffer needs to be flushed on pause.

I don't seem to be able to reproduce that.

I play something loud, pause, turn down the volume, unpause and it starts quiet.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mwillems on September 15, 2015, 12:45:21 pm
Volume requests:

Volume change after pause
There are many times at home that I will be listening to something fairly loud then then pause. Later I lower the volume and then continue playback. The volume initially starts where it was previously before dropping to the new volume. I think a buffer needs to be flushed on pause.

I don't seem to be able to reproduce that.

I play something loud, pause, turn down the volume, unpause and it starts quiet.

Mojave could convolution be involved?  I know that there's sometimes a lag in changes when I've got the convolver running.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: pschelbert on September 15, 2015, 03:40:36 pm
Microdynamics measure of track (in addition to macrodynamics measure as of today)

"Dynamic Range (R128)" measures the macrodynmacis range according to standard AES/EBU, fine.

Microdynamics (liveliness) of a recording cannot be measured in JRiver today (nor in any other program).
"DR (Dynamic Range)" is also not suitable as many people noted.

Here a proposal how to calculate, very close to standard AES/EBU (not inventing the wheel again...):

1) Take the "Dynamic Range (R128)" algorithm (already built in JRiver) and make the RMS-window size instead of 3seconds, variable. It should be possible to put values from 25ms to 3seconds (3 seconds is today). Value in the settings.

2) The Window-size would then be a parameter: 25ms-3seconds

3) The parameter may be named: "Dynamic Range (R128-50ms) for a window of 50ms, a tag field to choose from.

I am not sure if other internal parameters must be adjusted to account for the changed RMS-window size.

Would have a measure to judge if compression (overcompression) was done or not. If liveliness is in the track.

Why this should work:
Read the paper of "Esben Skovenborg, TC electronics": Audio Engineering Society, Convention Paper 8616, 2012 April 26-29

The tip came from Uli Brueggemann:
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mojave on September 15, 2015, 03:57:01 pm
I don't seem to be able to reproduce that.

I play something loud, pause, turn down the volume, unpause and it starts quiet.
I just tested again. It only happens with video files.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Vocalpoint on September 15, 2015, 04:38:11 pm
What I don't want is the Main View changed to "Recently Imported Playlist" from the Panes view that I was previously using.


This is massively annoying to me. I already know exactly what I imported - because I already imported it :). A simple checkbox to not show this would suffice.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on September 16, 2015, 08:55:23 am
I'm not really understanding this one, but I'll add it anyway.  Next build:
Changed: Added the option "Show 'Recently Imported' when clicking on 'Details' when an import finishes" to optionally not show the recently imported playlist.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Vocalpoint on September 16, 2015, 09:11:05 am
I'm not really understanding this one, but I'll add it anyway.  Next build:
Changed: Added the option "Show 'Recently Imported' when clicking on 'Details' when an import finishes" to optionally not show the recently imported playlist.


Like kstuart - I WANT the dialog box with the details of the import that just happened.

But this is my issue with some areas of MC - sometimes clicking "details" does exactly what it should - shows me a "details" dialog when I ask for it.

But other times - like this case - it does something "extra". Not only do I not need it (having just looked at the "details" of the import in the dialog) - it then breaks my workflow by taking me somewhere I did not ask to be and then makes me have to click around to go back to where I was. I fail to see how this is valuable in any way.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on September 16, 2015, 09:23:01 am
Vocalpoint, so that means my addition should work perfectly for you, right?

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Vocalpoint on September 16, 2015, 09:46:04 am
Vocalpoint, so that means my addition should work perfectly for you, right?

It should. And I thank you for offering this option!

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: BernhardS on September 16, 2015, 02:38:29 pm
A way to customize the width of the individual panes would be useful
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: wolffe on September 17, 2015, 04:29:09 am
   If this feature is already available, I apologize in advance.

   I'd like the ability to have a separate username/password login to an existing media network that enforces a *read only* policy at the server.  The use case is allowing the other people in my household free access to the media network without them having any ability to screw up the library by erasing files, renaming/retagging, etc.

   While the client connections would be read only (based on login credentials), the library itself should be able to be updated/modified/synced either locally or via a remote administrative user (again, based on login credentials).

----- These don't count as Too Ease, but would be nice
   Bonus points for having more than the two (Administrator, ReadOnly) accounts and allowing ratings to be stored per user without modifying the original file.  At this point, a multi-user rating combined score would be cool.

   Super bonus points for LDAP/Active Directory/Other user management integration.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: fitbrit on September 17, 2015, 09:29:04 pm
I'm not really understanding this one, but I'll add it anyway.  Next build:
Changed: Added the option "Show 'Recently Imported' when clicking on 'Details' when an import finishes" to optionally not show the recently imported playlist.

Thanks, Matt. I've wanted this since 2007!
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: DeaneG on September 20, 2015, 10:21:32 am
In Theater view, on the Video->Shows->Series screen, it would be nice if each series tile had a number displayed (maybe in the top blank area above the picture) which tells many shows are present (recorded etc) in that series.  For a cleaner look, the number "1" could be omitted on those tiles which only represent one show.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RoderickGI on September 20, 2015, 06:23:27 pm
In Theater view, on the Video->Shows->Series screen, it would be nice if each series tile had a number displayed (maybe in the top blank area above the picture) which tells many shows are present (recorded etc) in that series.  For a cleaner look, the number "1" could be omitted on those tiles which only represent one show.

You could do that now by inserting an expression into the Thumbnail Text. Start a thread asking how, and someone may be able to provide the required expression for you, or research MC's Expression Language ( to work it out.

Editing Thumbnail Text is easy.

For Standard View, just hover over the "Series" tab and a menu will drop down. Hover over "Thumbnails", then select "Thumbnail Text".
For Theatre View, select Options/Theatre View highlight the Series item under Shows, select Edit, then put the required expression in the "Expression to Display" box.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: jjazdk on September 22, 2015, 01:22:26 am
Easy lip-sync adjustment, aka hot keys and of course it should work from JRemote as well.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: flight16 on September 22, 2015, 05:23:53 am
1. Write import and tagging events to a log file that I can inspect.

Right now, after an import, if I accidentally click "X" and close the "Import Summary", I won't be able to see what changed.  Same with tagging.  I want to audit and verify I haven't accidentally been writing tags to files when I didn't mean to.  It doesn't even have to be fancy as long as there was a text file I could open sitting in some directory.

2. Also an option to prompt for *all* tagging events would be nice.

I'm paranoid I'm going to fat-finger something, and since MC slickly runs the tag actions in the background, it's not always obvious if I accidentally tagged something.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Hendrik on September 22, 2015, 04:01:57 pm
Audio indicators that act as mute buttons on tabs playing audio, like web browsers.

Tabs don't play audio, zones do, and you get indicators in the tree for that - they turn green when they play.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Humbledore on September 22, 2015, 04:16:36 pm
One thing I think is not user friendly is the very light, hardly visible highlighting color when using Quick Search in an album thumbnails view. At least in the Noir skin theme it takes way too long for your eyes (mine anyway) to discover what item is in focus, especially if you have a lot of albums on your page... I guess this could be changed and improved in a pretty easy manner.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on September 23, 2015, 11:45:29 am
1. Write import and tagging events to a log file that I can inspect.

Right now, after an import, if I accidentally click "X" and close the "Import Summary", I won't be able to see what changed.  Same with tagging.  I want to audit and verify I haven't accidentally been writing tags to files when I didn't mean to.  It doesn't even have to be fancy as long as there was a text file I could open sitting in some directory.

+1 !!
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mwillems on September 23, 2015, 11:55:48 am
1. Write import and tagging events to a log file that I can inspect.

Right now, after an import, if I accidentally click "X" and close the "Import Summary", I won't be able to see what changed.  Same with tagging.  I want to audit and verify I haven't accidentally been writing tags to files when I didn't mean to.  It doesn't even have to be fancy as long as there was a text file I could open sitting in some directory.

2. Also an option to prompt for *all* tagging events would be nice.

I'm paranoid I'm going to fat-finger something, and since MC slickly runs the tag actions in the background, it's not always obvious if I accidentally tagged something.

+1 as well.  Two weeks ago I accidentally initiated a tagging event for all 60K+ of my files inadvertently (must've misclicked or leaned on the keyboard or something).  I had no idea what happened to cause it, what changes were being applied (or whether they were deletions or what), and because I didn't manage to stop it until a few thousand changes had already been applied, I didn't even know which files had been affected and which hadn't.  I write tags to files, so the files were actually changed on the disk.

Because there was no log of what was actually changed, I couldn't manually reverse it, and I couldn't be sure that there weren't file deletions in there as well. So I wound up restoring a library backup and then restoring my entire music collection from backup for assurance, which was an enormous pain in the behind.  Logging would've saved me the trouble, and if I hadn't had a full backup logging would've allowed me to reverse the changes in place.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: TheGreatBiguini on September 24, 2015, 01:39:12 am
Add an option to always play everything in a specific zone.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: flight16 on September 24, 2015, 10:09:01 pm
+1 as well.  Two weeks ago I accidentally initiated a tagging event for all 60K+ of my files inadvertently (must've misclicked or leaned on the keyboard or something).  I had no idea what happened to cause it, what changes were being applied (or whether they were deletions or what), and because I didn't manage to stop it until a few thousand changes had already been applied, I didn't even know which files had been affected and which hadn't.  I write tags to files, so the files were actually changed on the disk.

Because there was no log of what was actually changed, I couldn't manually reverse it, and I couldn't be sure that there weren't file deletions in there as well. So I wound up restoring a library backup and then restoring my entire music collection from backup for assurance, which was an enormous pain in the behind.  Logging would've saved me the trouble, and if I hadn't had a full backup logging would've allowed me to reverse the changes in place.

I'm sorry to hear that.  That's a perfect example of why this is needed.  It's 1 part prevention (dialog to prompt before any tagging happens), 1 part recovery (logging)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: lepa on September 26, 2015, 03:37:24 am
Rename, Move, & Copy Files setup window could show which preset is currently active (name of the preset ). Small thing that would help a lot people with multiple presets for the tool.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Antoine. on September 26, 2015, 06:21:06 am
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on September 27, 2015, 11:41:50 am
FYI - "Webradio" is only used en franēais.

Generally "Internet Radio" in English.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: flac.rules on September 28, 2015, 01:28:54 am
And "offline-mode" where all filters and so on are downloaded when you update the program, had another plae-trip where MC had downloaded an update, updatetd on opening the program, and then started looking for filters on the plane (with no internet)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Antoine. on September 28, 2015, 08:19:45 am
FYI - "Webradio" is only used en franēais.

Generally "Internet Radio" in English.
Duly noted  :)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: DeaneG on September 28, 2015, 12:26:37 pm
Would be nice if pressing the MCE remote's "Guide" button while watching TV took you to that channel in the Guide rather the first channel (same comment as Daveyravey). Also, would be nice while viewing live TV if the MCE remote's "Info" button displayed an on-screen overlay of TV program information.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Yaobing on September 28, 2015, 02:45:00 pm
Would be nice if pressing the MCE remote's "Guide" button while watching TV took you to that channel in the Guide rather the first channel (same comment as Daveyravey). Also, would be nice while viewing live TV if the MCE remote's "Info" button displayed an on-screen overlay of TV program information.

The first item is on my list.  The second item is already there (first press show playback position, second press shows program title, third press shows program description, fourth press clears the screen).
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read ...
Post by: crisnee on September 28, 2015, 07:59:11 pm
I don't know if this would be a simple thing to implement so...  A disappearing/appearing tree option. Tree would only be visible when the pointer is in the tree area. Would be a way to make more space for the data fields.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: JimH on September 28, 2015, 08:03:45 pm
You can click on the little diamond in the center of the divider bar to make the tree go away.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read ...
Post by: RoderickGI on September 28, 2015, 08:07:11 pm
A disappearing/appearing tree option.

As Jim says. See image.

Automatic might be nice though. Sort of like the scroll bar expansion on mouse over feature.
Title: crisnee
Post by: crisnee on September 28, 2015, 08:30:01 pm
Thanks for the info guys. I didn't know that.

I'd still like the automatic option better though; like the option for the Windows 7 task bar. It conveniently isn't there obscuring MC, for instance, unless I mouse over its area.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: JimH on September 28, 2015, 09:19:51 pm
Did you intend to change the subject to your user name?
Title: ( Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first
Post by: crisnee on September 28, 2015, 09:39:43 pm
Did you intend to change the subject to your user name?

No, something is going on whenever I try to reply here. Often I get a message that I've tried to send an empty message before I do anything and the window closes, and the subject comes up as my user name no matter what I do. For instance I chose quote from your post to respond in this case and crisnee came up as the subject. I'm going to try to change it now.

I always copy the message after I write it in case some other problem happens.

Title: crisnee
Post by: crisnee on September 28, 2015, 09:39:53 pm
Did you intend to change the subject to your user name?

No, something is going on whenever I try to reply here. Often I get a message that I've tried to send an empty message before I do anything and the window closes, and the subject comes up as my user name no matter what I do. For instance I chose quote from your post to respond in this case and crisnee came up as the subject. I'm going to try to change it now.

I always copy the message after I write it in case some other problem happens.

Title: crisnee
Post by: crisnee on September 28, 2015, 09:41:19 pm
I didn't send the message twice. Please feel free to delete all the garbage. (Once again crisnee is the subject)
Title: crisnee
Post by: crisnee on September 28, 2015, 09:43:00 pm
I didn't send the message twice.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: JimH on September 29, 2015, 07:18:15 am
Please try a different browser.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: crisnee on September 29, 2015, 08:14:16 pm
Yup, the browser is the problem, although it hasn't been until very recently, as I've been using it for years (Chrome).
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on September 30, 2015, 08:34:26 am
ok... dont know if it is easy, ofcourse, but i give it a shot. it is about car radio. i use a split screen with at one side playing now.. i only use a few carradio buttons. because there are 12 of those buttons i cant give the buttons a name longer then 3 characters. could there not be an option with how much carradio buttons somebody wants to use, or even better, something that works the same as the tabs. so a small emty tab fro when someone wants to add a radio station..


Next build:
NEW: Added a right-click menu to the Car Radio buttons that offers a choice of how many buttons to show.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: JonnyRedHed on September 30, 2015, 03:08:19 pm
An option to turn off play first track when clicking car radio playlist buttons in standard view.  I think this might be a quick thing to implement, and would make a small but certainly useful update for some of us.

And when clicking a car radio playlist button, having it scroll down to the last track played would be good.  It sort of does this now ( I think) but does get a little confused.

I hope this would be a quick thing to improve.  And it would give a nicer experience.

In-built options to highlight with colour the place in audio book files.  One colour to show the file is near the beginning, and another to indicate the file is near the end of play.    It would help when viewing a long list of audio books added to car radio playlist/playing now,  showing red for just started, maybe orange for in the middle of the file and green for near the end of the file.  
Not only remember the place in the audio book and to give options to set custom colours and percentages of when to make the files. But to also make sure its robust enough not to break after a while.

For example I was given some code which does work well, but I found after a while and after adding other books to the car radio (audio book ) playlist, that the places in files were lost and sometimes give the wrong place and not go to the correct last played point in the files time line.

Adding in a spacer line into the car radio/playing now playlist.  In that space which could be 1-3 lines in height, one might then be able to add a small cover art image of said audio book.  Which would visually break up the playing now/car radio playlists of files so one could easily see the end and start of audio books.

i.e.  Makes the playlist look prettier, or at its bare minimum gives a one line space between audio books in a long list of audio book files in the car radio / playing now playlist display in standard view.

For example I have about 30 audio books in my 'Audio Book' car radio playlist.   Scrolling down the long list of files it would be more visually pleasing to see a spacer between audio books.  And maybe some way to crop the cover art of the audio book to fit in that space.  Although this cover art idea might be too impractical.  I thought I'd just mention the idea in case it sparks other ideas.

I'm not very good at knowing feature request or too easy.  I've no idea how easy or hard doing any of my suggestions would be.  I know that having inbuilt options for remembering the place in audio book files and marking with custom colours would for me at least help make things more silky smooth to use.  And with a quick visual colour to tell me where in that file my place is.  With an option to add on a spacer line in between long lists of audio books to break each book up visually when looking at the playlist.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: crisnee on October 01, 2015, 08:03:35 pm
Option to keep DSP window on top when opened. It disappears for unknown reasons at times and of course always when you click something in the main program.

Title: Stereoscopic "downscaling" of 3D content on non-3D devices
Post by: masterjoe on October 03, 2015, 03:14:54 pm
Currently there is a problem when a SBS movie (also other stereoscopic / 3D formats) is played on a non-3D device (zone). This is obviously ugly and unwanted.

To solve this situation I would like to see the following additional behaviour:

- The playback engine shall be aware whether a specific zone supports 3D playback or not. So we need an adjustable option per zone to tell the player whether the zone supports 3D playback or not.

- When playing 3D content on a non-3D device / zone the playback engine shall automagically scale / process the video so that the video is displayed as non-3D content; i.e. when you play a SBS on a non-3D TV the video gets automatically scaled so that you only see the left 50% of the full image scaled across the screen. That way the video is no longer ugly and can be played back on the non-3D device as the second stereo image is discarded properly.

- In order to know whether a video is 3D or not we need another special database tag that tells the renderer / player that the video is actually 3D. This flag must also inform the player about which specific 3D format that video has (if any). So values of this tag could be: "2D", "SBS", "TB" and so on.

- When transcoding is activated the processing (scaling etc) of 3D content to be played on a non-3D device must take place before the actual transcoding so that the stream is prepared correctly for the device which receives the stream.

With these little additions in place it is no longer a problem to view 3D encoded content on a non-3D device :)


(As I am unsure whether you reagard this as an "too easy" feature I will post a separate thread for this idea also.)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: DarkSpace on October 03, 2015, 05:40:20 pm
The option in Options -> Audio -> Advanced -> Dither Mode is global, not zone specific. I'd like to see a note that mentions this, similar to the one about playing files from memory instead of from disk.

It could even look like 'Dither Mode (not zone-specific): [selected mode]', but at least one person other than me tripped over this recently, so I think this note will be useful.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on October 12, 2015, 07:38:57 am
Make imported HTM / HTML files open in a new internal browser tab when double-clicked in the library. (Same tab would be OK-ish, but I think confusing)

You've already got the browser there internally, and it's very irritating for another app to pop up :)

Next build we'll try it:
Changed: Webpage files (htm and html) play inside the player in the internal browser instead of launching a web browser application.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on October 12, 2015, 07:52:55 am
The option in Options -> Audio -> Advanced -> Dither Mode is global, not zone specific. I'd like to see a note that mentions this, similar to the one about playing files from memory instead of from disk.

It could even look like 'Dither Mode (not zone-specific): [selected mode]', but at least one person other than me tripped over this recently, so I think this note will be useful.

Next build will try this:
Changed: Switched the naming of the dither mode option to 'Dither Mode (not zone-specific)' so that it's clearly labeled as not zone specific.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on October 12, 2015, 08:22:37 am
Option to keep DSP window on top when opened. It disappears for unknown reasons at times and of course always when you click something in the main program.

Next build:
NEW: The 'Manage Plug-ins' button in DSP Studio has an option 'Show Always On Top' to make DSP Studio a top-most window.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on October 12, 2015, 08:42:43 am
Make the default artwork truly customizable.
For example:  Every time that I update JRiver, I lose my personalized logo.png picture  :'(

If you put the artwork in 'Custom Art' instead of 'Default Art', it'll be preserved.

Just make that folder and go to town.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on October 12, 2015, 09:22:52 am

To the expression data types so that we can sort expression based date fields correctly, and if day, Monday to Sunday sort correctly too.

3. Can we get a datatype that works with date queries?
I have a bunch of user created fields that contain date data, but the smartlist engine doesn't recognise them as date fields, even with &datatype=[date] or as a result of convertdate/formatdate and so I cannot use them with "is in the last", "is not in the last", etc date logic in smartlists.

I'm not sure this is exactly what you're asking for, but it seemed like a good change.

So next build:
NEW: Expressions can take the data type &DataType=[Day] to be the day of a week name and then the sorting will be correct.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on October 12, 2015, 12:07:14 pm
Next build:
NEW: The 'Manage Plug-ins' button in DSP Studio has an option 'Show Always On Top' to make DSP Studio a top-most window.

We need an applauding smiley.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: DarkSpace on October 12, 2015, 01:14:54 pm
Next build will try this:
Changed: Switched the naming of the dither mode option to 'Dither Mode (not zone-specific)' so that it's clearly labeled as not zone specific.
Thank you.

We need an applauding smiley.
Now that I think about it, that would come in handy, indeed.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: crisnee on October 12, 2015, 08:24:16 pm
Next build:
NEW: The 'Manage Plug-ins' button in DSP Studio has an option 'Show Always On Top' to make DSP Studio a top-most window.

Thanks a lot. This will make MC much more convenient for me as I use the DSP window regularly.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mattkhan on October 14, 2015, 08:06:55 am
Can you remove the validation that prevents a low/high shelf with a Q (slope) of >1 being applied?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mwillems on October 14, 2015, 08:30:23 am
Can you remove the validation that prevents a low/high shelf with a Q (slope) of >1 being applied?

That was added at my request because the previous behavior was to let you enter a higher Q, but it would have no effect.  So you'd enter 6, and you'd only get a 1 Q shelf and there was no notice.  Matt's reply at the time was that shelves with a Q higher than 1 weren't "stable" (I think that was the word).

So I asked for the validation to provide notice.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mattkhan on October 14, 2015, 08:34:41 am
That was added at my request because the previous behavior was to let you enter a higher Q, but it would have no effect.  So you'd enter 6, and you'd only get a 1 Q shelf and there was no notice.  Matt's reply at the time was that shelves with a Q higher than 1 weren't "stable" (I think that was the word).

So I asked for the validation to provide notice.
such shelves do overshoot at either end of the shelf but they are still stable filters. specifically S=1 (and the jriver LS/HS seems to use Q in place of S) is described as

When S = 1, the shelf slope is as steep as it can be and remain monotonically increasing or decreasing gain with frequency.  The shelf slope, in dB/octave, remains proportional to S for all other values for a fixed f0/Fs and dBgain.

other tools let you generate filters with S>1 with no problem so while I agree a warning is better than silently ignoring, even better would be to allow the shelf to be created :)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mark_h on October 16, 2015, 03:12:29 am
Move/Rename/Copy Tool

Stop it from copying all the other desktop files if the file being moved is on the desktop.  I've lost track of the number of times I've forgotten that MC will do this if I import from the desktop and end up removing my entire desktop along with the imported file...

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Hendrik on October 16, 2015, 03:22:33 am
Move/Rename/Copy Tool

Stop it from copying all the other desktop files if the file being moved is on the desktop.  I've lost track of the number of times I've forgotten that MC will do this if I import from the desktop and end up removing my entire desktop along with the imported file...

It should only do that if you have the appropriate option ticked to do that.
There are plenty folders where it would be unwise to move all the files with it, can't really protect every one of them.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mark_h on October 16, 2015, 04:52:35 am
Yeah, I know...  it's just something that keeps catching me out, so thought I'd mention it.  A desktop restriction is a kind of obvious one for a special case though, as it's the place we all kind of do scratch work without wanting to suck everything in as well during a move.  Maybe I just need to be more careful :)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Maxpower on October 17, 2015, 01:23:06 am
Quick comment first: iPod syncing is a godsend . . . you guys need to promote this feature of MC.  :)

Two part request - both related to iPod sync (send to):
1. In the convert options; can you add "no encoding"? eg: do not transcode. The existing option "original format" (I think) either doesn't work or has an ambiguous or conditional meaning
    (think "arrange audio" function of dbpoweramp)
2. Add a simple customisable bit rate for mp3 encoding . . . current list-of-values doesn't always work well. eg: podcasts are commonly 56kbs, this is not in the lov.

Great user community initiative!
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: wer on October 18, 2015, 01:36:07 pm
Reduce the size of the stepping values that the OSD in theater view uses when you make changes to brightness/hue/etc using the remote.

Current it steps at +/-14... Change it to 1 or 3.

This would give much finer control when using the remote.  Since people can just hold down their buttons anyway to go fast, it will not cause a lot of extra button pushing.  Currently fine control is only available with the color dialog and the mouse, not to users of remotes.

This is a super-small change, with no downside.  It's just better.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on October 20, 2015, 09:58:26 am
A small window then slips into the lower-left corner of the UI ("Action Window"), which I'd respectfully suggest is a motion unnoticeable on a large monitor. It took me about 10 minutes to figure out why, after selecting a menu item, nothing obvious would happen as a result.

Next build:
Changed: When picking 'Convert Format' the Action Window page will blink to make it more obvious where the focus should be.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mojave on October 20, 2015, 09:59:29 am

"Get Movie & TV Info" currently only works for Media Sub Types of Movie or TV. Can Concert be included?

Reason:  I tag all concert Blu-rays with a Media Sub Type of Concert and then can no longer use "Get Movie & TV Info". The info for a lot of concerts is on so it seems like a valid Media Sub Type to include.

Here is one example:  Joe Bonamassa: An Acoustic Evening at the Vienna Opera House (
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on October 20, 2015, 10:05:58 am
"Get Movie & TV Info" currently only works for Media Sub Types of Movie or TV. Can Concert be included?

Reason:  I tag all concert Blu-rays with a Media Sub Type of Concert and then can no longer use "Get Movie & TV Info". The info for a lot of concerts is on so it seems like a valid Media Sub Type to include.

Here is one example:  Joe Bonamassa: An Acoustic Evening at the Vienna Opera House (

We'll give it a shot next build:
Changed: Allowing 'Concert' media sub types in the Get Movie & TV Info... tool.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on October 21, 2015, 09:13:19 am
Reduce the size of the stepping values that the OSD in theater view uses when you make changes to brightness/hue/etc using the remote.

Current it steps at +/-14... Change it to 1 or 3.

This would give much finer control when using the remote.  Since people can just hold down their buttons anyway to go fast, it will not cause a lot of extra button pushing.  Currently fine control is only available with the color dialog and the mouse, not to users of remotes.

This is a super-small change, with no downside.  It's just better.

Coming next build:
Changed: Made the step size of the OSD when controlling color controls smaller.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: CountryBumkin on October 21, 2015, 09:21:25 am
We'll give it a shot next build:
Changed: Allowing 'Concert' media sub types in the Get Movie & TV Info... tool.

Same request for media subtype "Educational".
I like to record the TV series "NOVA" and save it (and other similar Series) as Educational for better grouping/displaying.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Hendrik on October 21, 2015, 09:32:04 am
Same request for media subtype "Educational".
I like to record the TV series "NOVA" and save it (and other similar Series) as Educational for better grouping/displaying.

Educational could be both movies or tv shows, its not really clear which of the two it should use for lookup.
I recommend using "Genre" instead, as thats really what it is.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: IAM4UK on October 21, 2015, 10:15:35 am
Proposed change in Television viewing implementation within MC:
Allow calling up the Guide as an overlay on the currently-playing program, then the user can scroll through the guide and select a new program, or not. Currently, the user must stop playback to get back to seeing the guide.

(Having read the first post before offering this:  I don't know if this proposed improvement is a "feature request," and I doubt it is "easy." But it's the improvement I propose.)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: CountryBumkin on October 21, 2015, 10:15:44 am
Educational could be both movies or tv shows, its not really clear which of the two it should use for lookup.
I recommend using "Genre" instead, as thats really what it is.

Okay - that makes sense. Thanks
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RoderickGI on October 21, 2015, 06:43:34 pm
Currently, the user must stop playback to get back to seeing the guide.

You don't have to stop playback to see the Guide. Just press the Guide button on your remote. The currently playing program will continue to play in a small window in the bottom right corner.

Or you could press the Media Center button on your remote, which on a standard MCE remote is the big green button, and navigate to the Guide through the menus. (On my Harmony remote I had to map Media Center to one of my user buttons.)

If you wish to go back to the program that is playing after looking in the Guide, you can just press the Media Center button.

Or of course you could use keyboard shortcuts ( to navigate, such as Ctrl-4 to jump to Theatre View, then navigate to the Guide, then Ctrl-3 (Display View) to jump back to the program.

If you would rather the program paused while you looked up the Guide, set the "Options/Theatre View/Behaviour/Pause video playback when entering Theatre View" setting.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: wer on October 22, 2015, 11:19:07 pm
How about an option to change the color of text-based subtitles?

White can be hard to see on some movies.  Many DVDs use Yellow for this reason.  The black outline is good.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: High-End on October 23, 2015, 12:57:56 am
configurabel " playing now" screen for the remote:

40% of my library is classcal music.
I found no way to show different tags for different genre at my remote APP ( EOS, Gizmo)
Today, when I start playing (any genre) a song EOS/ Gizmo is showing
1st row: song name
2nd row: interpred and album name

what I would like to see in genre classical
1st row: song name
2nd row: composer
3rd. row: orchestra / soloists / conduktor / Chorus
the Tag and there order should be configurable.

beside the standard tags:

I use specific classic genre tags:

I am looking for a way to show within my EOS App at genre " Classic" different tags as in genre "pop".

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RoderickGI on October 23, 2015, 02:11:32 am
How about an option to change the color of text-based subtitles?

That would be cool. There is already a dialogue for subtitle fonts, so there is an easy place to put it.

MC seems to honour italics html tags in files, but doesn't honour html colour tags. Just honouring the tags would be okay, but a global default colour setting would be very nice.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: wer on October 23, 2015, 10:34:21 am
Honoring the html tags would be excellent too, I didn't think of that.  That would also give us per-movie color, effectively.

It would help people with separate subtitle files.  However, it would not be as useful for people who have the subtitles embedded in MKV files, as it might be difficult for them to edit the html tags.  For that reason I would still ask for the color option first.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: cncb on October 24, 2015, 12:59:37 pm
1) Always show total number of files in status bar even when a file is selected (maybe in one of the corners).  When the view is full of thumbnails it is difficult to deselect the current selection to see the number.
2) Option for double-click of image thumbnail to open Preview Mode instead of Display View/playing.
3) Have count text in status bar in image Preview Mode (e.g. "2 of 35").
4) Don't automatically close image Preview Mode when you go past the last image in list (option to wrap around or do nothing).
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: IAM4UK on October 26, 2015, 01:45:41 pm
You don't have to stop playback to see the Guide. Just press the Guide button on your remote. The currently playing program will continue to play in a small window in the bottom right corner.
That does not happen.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: robydago on October 26, 2015, 05:24:24 pm

Some new options for Right Click > Send To > Send To (External) > Add / Edit Programs > Add or Edit:

In order of priority:

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RoderickGI on October 26, 2015, 07:00:13 pm
That does not happen.

Yes, it does.

Hint: If you want help to make it work the way you want, start a new thread, preferably in the Television forum (, ask questions, and provide more information than four word ambiguous responses.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: wer on October 27, 2015, 10:17:46 pm
Could we have an MCC command to toggle Adaptive Volume (night mode) on and off, so it can be done with a remote from within theater view?

It would be nice if it came with a quick OSD flash of "Adaptive Volume ON" and "Adaptive Volume OFF"

Currently it's very disruptive to do it when you're watching a movie.

This should be quick and easy...

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: gappie on November 04, 2015, 04:37:50 am
 :) It would be very nice to have the option 'at Start up' in the scheduler. I know I could use windows own scheduler or a bat file, but its always a puzzle with the timing etc. it would make it so easy to start in the right zone with the right library or run some list, what ever..

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Daniel Warner on November 04, 2015, 09:03:06 am
It's there a way when in theatre mode and you navigate to a music album, that 'Play album' replaces 'Play all' and it's automatically selected so I just press OK?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: bluescale on November 08, 2015, 03:00:51 pm
such shelves do overshoot at either end of the shelf but they are still stable filters. specifically S=1 (and the jriver LS/HS seems to use Q in place of S) is described as

When S = 1, the shelf slope is as steep as it can be and remain monotonically increasing or decreasing gain with frequency.  The shelf slope, in dB/octave, remains proportional to S for all other values for a fixed f0/Fs and dBgain.

other tools let you generate filters with S>1 with no problem so while I agree a warning is better than silently ignoring, even better would be to allow the shelf to be created :)

I would like to add another vote for this.  Limiting the shelf slope to 1 or less makes implementing the advanced EQ stuff some of us are trying to do tricky.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: wer on November 08, 2015, 04:19:29 pm
When JRiver added per file DSP, it was a huge advance, and the customers were very grateful.

For more than a year now, there has been much debate about how it worked, the interaction with zones, etc.  Many people have called for an overhaul.  But there apparently is considerable resistance to more work on per file DSP, as JRiver has said very little in response to all the discussion.

I propose a small and easy change:

Add an option "Use default DSP setting when DSP field is empty..." with an entry to select either "Do Nothing" or to pick an existing DSP preset.

When the DSP tag is read at playback, this option can be honored accordingly.  The Do Nothing setting would preserve current behavior.  Selecting a preset would provide for a global default.

This is such a small change, and would help so many people, without causing any further ripple effect.  Could this please be done?  It's too easy!
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: DarkSpace on November 09, 2015, 04:01:24 am
I propose that the DSP's default order be adjusted so that 'Tempo & Pitch' occurs before Headphone/Room Correction (and perhaps Convolution as well).
As it is currently ordered by default, any changes in playback speed will be applied after the audio has been adjusted to compensate for the distances etc. involved in the current speaker setup, which means that the end result will not sound like the source signal's speed was changed. Instead, it will, once again, sound improperly adjusted (because the carefully introduced per-channel delay value has been affected by the speed change). If the speed change occurs before these setup-specific adjustments are applied, then speed-changed playback will still be properly adjusted.
Specifically, this change consists of switching the 'Headphones' and the 'Tempo & Pitch' DSPs' default positions.

Please note that my reasoning is based on thinking alone (as opposed to e.g. an understanding of how stuff like phase correction works), and while I don't currently see how, I may be wrong.
Also, the change would, obviously, not affect existing Zones' current DSP order.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on November 09, 2015, 12:14:13 pm
When JRiver added per file DSP, it was a huge advance, and the customers were very grateful.

For more than a year now, there has been much debate about how it worked, the interaction with zones, etc.  Many people have called for an overhaul.  But there apparently is considerable resistance to more work on per file DSP, as JRiver has said very little in response to all the discussion.

I propose a small and easy change:

Add an option "Use default DSP setting when DSP field is empty..." with an entry to select either "Do Nothing" or to pick an existing DSP preset.

When the DSP tag is read at playback, this option can be honored accordingly.  The Do Nothing setting would preserve current behavior.  Selecting a preset would provide for a global default.

This is such a small change, and would help so many people, without causing any further ripple effect.  Could this please be done?  It's too easy!

Actually that would enable me to use the per-file DSP feature for the first time.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Gedeon on November 10, 2015, 01:47:19 am
I'd like to see an easy import from eq files generated from room eq wizard and other utilities.

I admit that that is the main reason I use JRiver. The convolver works great but I'd like to have low latency to get full benefits from wdm driver, and the best way is using parametric eq instead of convolver files.

Another option could be to modify the dialog to define parametric filters to admit easy copy/paste from excel or tabbed lines.

Could you think about this and  give me an opinion?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on November 18, 2015, 11:35:29 am
blgentry wrote: "In Playing Now, there is a horizontal bar that separates the file list from the cover display above it.  It has up and down arrows on it (disclosure triangles I think they are called).  You can move it up and down to display more of the files or less of the files.  It's a "splitter" because it splits Playing Now into two pieces:  File list and cover display area."

In Standard View, I don't want an Album Cover.  That sort of pleasant experience is for Theater View.

In Standard View, I want data.  So, I moved the splitter bars all the way up so there could be more files listed.

So, that implies a "Too Easy II" request - an option to turn off the "cover display area" in Standard View (to maximize the available screen area for the file list area).

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on November 19, 2015, 08:56:43 am
blgentry wrote: "In Playing Now, there is a horizontal bar that separates the file list from the cover display above it.  It has up and down arrows on it (disclosure triangles I think they are called).  You can move it up and down to display more of the files or less of the files.  It's a "splitter" because it splits Playing Now into two pieces:  File list and cover display area."

In Standard View, I don't want an Album Cover.  That sort of pleasant experience is for Theater View.

In Standard View, I want data.  So, I moved the splitter bars all the way up so there could be more files listed.

So, that implies a "Too Easy II" request - an option to turn off the "cover display area" in Standard View (to maximize the available screen area for the file list area).


I thought about adding a mode to the right click menu named "No Display."  But then I realized that once you picked it there wouldn't be a way to get the menu back and actually show "Cover Art" or whatever again.  So that sort of killed the idea.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on November 19, 2015, 06:04:31 pm
I thought about adding a mode to the right click menu named "No Display."  But then I realized that once you picked it there wouldn't be a way to get the menu back and actually show "Cover Art" or whatever again.  So that sort of killed the idea.
So, it would have to be in the Options.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: imugli on November 23, 2015, 02:49:32 pm
Add some way of highlighting currently playing program in the TV Guide, so when I go back to it while watching TV I don't have to remember what channel I'm watching when I want to go back to display view.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Yaobing on November 23, 2015, 04:47:38 pm
Add some way of highlighting currently playing program in the TV Guide, so when I go back to it while watching TV I don't have to remember what channel I'm watching when I want to go back to display view.

We already select the currently playing program when entering guide.  So I am not sure I understand what you are asking about here.

EDIT: It is related to the discussion in this thread (, isn't it?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: greynolds on November 23, 2015, 07:03:43 pm
Not sure if this has already been suggested in this thread (I did a quick check and couldn't find it), so...

Remove entries in the Television "To be recorded" section that are in the padding zone of a recording.  I believe we should only see items listed that will ultimately show up in the list of recorded shows.  I set sporting events up with a lot of extra padding in case they don't end on schedule and the "To be recorded" section always has a bunch of extra shows listed that don't match any of the recording rules, but fall within the padding time, and cause "why is THAT in the list" confusion.

Not sure if this can be done in less than an hour, but I suspect it would be a fairly easy change.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: imugli on November 23, 2015, 10:41:45 pm
We already select the currently playing program when entering guide.  So I am not sure I understand what you are asking about here.

EDIT: It is related to the discussion in this thread (, isn't it?

Yes, related to that one. Perhaps a green dot, similar to the red one indicating scheduled recordings, though it would have to be beside the red one in case you're currently watching a program you're recording. :-D
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RD James on November 24, 2015, 09:13:50 am
A very quick one: move all the playback controls to the top of the right-click menu on zones.
Move all the zone management controls (rename etc.) to the bottom of the list.
It would also be good if the menu hover delay matched Windows.
I have the delay disabled and it's frustrating to have the zone playback controls in a sub-menu behind a long hover delay.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RoderickGI on November 24, 2015, 03:43:33 pm
Remove entries in the Television "To be recorded" section that are in the padding zone of a recording.

This one would probably need an option, rather than a global change.

Currently if a whole program (or maybe some percentage of it) falls within the padding zone, it not only gets shown in the Television "To be recorded" section, but it gets recorded and imported as if it was a planned recording.

I would probably turn it off, now that we have better recording rules. But I used to let it happen when short programs were shown, for example, before the news I was recording, and I would watch both. You know, three minute time fillers like Miniscule.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: greynolds on November 24, 2015, 07:34:41 pm
This one would probably need an option, rather than a global change.

Currently if a whole program (or maybe some percentage of it) falls within the padding zone, it not only gets shown in the Television "To be recorded" section, but it gets recorded and imported as if it was a planned recording.
I've never seen that happen - does it only happen if recording to jtv files?  I record to ts files.  Personally, I wouldn't want that to happen anyway - I only want the program that I actually intended to record (along with whatever padding time I specify) to show up in the list.  If I wanted to record the other show(s), I would schedule them.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: RoderickGI on November 24, 2015, 08:08:15 pm
My apologies. I just went back and checked what has been recorded in MC, and the programs included in padding are no longer getting a record created in MC. I believe they used to, because I had a series group for them in "Recorded TV", and I used to watch Miniscule all the time, until they were just repeats. Either I am mistaken and it never happened, or that has changed at some time, and obviously I didn't notice.

In that case, I agree with you. No need for an option. Those shows covered by padding shouldn't show up in the "To Be Recorded" list, as you say.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: makersjam on November 30, 2015, 09:28:08 am
A long time request from me...

Please make the items that show in the popup tooltip editable.

thanks!  :)
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: AndrewFG on November 30, 2015, 09:49:44 am
Feature Request: Marquee display of long texts in TheaterView playing now

TheaterView playing now displays long concatenated texts like track name / album name / artists and very often this text us too wide for the screen.
Could you please add a feature to roll this text through the display (marquee display)?

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: blgentry on November 30, 2015, 10:38:12 am
A long time request from me...

Please make the items that show in the popup tooltip editable.

+1 I think this would be very useful.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: v_erich on November 30, 2015, 01:52:15 pm
I would like to see a DSP function M-S encoding (mid-side) in JRiver.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mark_h on December 03, 2015, 02:30:50 am
Make 'Auto Size Columns' work on each view, *each time* it is opened, not just when the checkbox is checked/unchecked.  Feels broken at present.

Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on December 03, 2015, 08:18:39 am
Make 'Auto Size Columns' work on each view, *each time* it is opened, not just when the checkbox is checked/unchecked.  Feels broken at present.

What do you mean?  With 'Auto Size Columns' enabled, it should size the columns each time you load a view.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: mark_h on December 03, 2015, 11:03:26 am
It doesn't seem to do it consistently.   For example, when I import a new album I have about 14 smartlist views I work through for various tagging duties and quite often as I switch to each next view the columns are not optimally resized, some times having very excessive whitespace and sometimes data is truncated with the ...  Maybe I'm misunderstanding what the Auto Size is for but what I'd like to see is that each column on each view is optimized based on the column header/data?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: Matt on December 03, 2015, 11:06:15 am
It doesn't seem to do it consistently.   For example, when I import a new album I have about 14 smartlist views I work through for various tagging duties and quite often as I switch to each next view the columns are not optimally resized, some times having very excessive whitespace and sometimes data is truncated with the ...  Maybe I'm misunderstanding what the Auto Size is for but what I'd like to see is that each column on each view is optimized based on the column header/data?

I can't reproduce that at all.  Once I set "Auto size columns" on, I can click between piles of smartlists and each one has the columns just set perfectly for the files.
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: kstuart on December 03, 2015, 03:25:32 pm
Could be version-of-Windows dependent ?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: comnoz on February 06, 2016, 02:35:38 pm
How about a keyboard shortcut for "open live" using ASIO?
Title: Re: Too Easy II -- The Request Window is Open, but you'd better read the first post
Post by: daveman on February 06, 2016, 11:02:36 pm
HI there,

I have been using webgizmo more frequently recently and have a request.

videos show up with a pic and the name of the episode below it (about 18 characters).  The problem is that there are not enough characters for me to see the entire name of the video.

is there a way to have more characters show up or better yet, when the mouse is floating over the video, the entire file name shows up?

