Actually, in macOS/OS X for some (perhaps most, if not all) DACs to get DSD/DoP working you have to open the
Audio MIDI Setup and set it to the max bit-rate/sample rate available or else it won't work. It's been documented with MC and other apps - some DAC manufacturers recommend doing this step. I don't believe it's for conversion purposes, it's to make sure the system is using the proper bit-rate/sample rate to get DoP working correctly.
Having it not set has caused DSD/DoP issues in the past, that were fixed once it was set. It's very odd indeed.
Examples: I had to wager a guess, it's because macOS/OS X defaults to a lower bit-rate/sample rate system-wide, causing DoP to fail with DSD64 and DSD128 (and likely above) unless the system-wide setting is set to the highest available to allow DoP to function correctly. Mac is one strange beast sometimes.