With my Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 I think it was setting the ASIO buffer size to the largest possible setting (1024).
I found this quite annoying, because it wasn't obvious what it was doing and it didn't set it back to the setting I had it at (256) when finished.
That's what I would have assumed, but if I recall correctly it was not doing that in my tests, as my DAC supports up to an 8192 sample buffer (which I use).
I'd have to test it again, but really the only thing that mattered for me was disabling the option.
Nevermind, it doesn't appear to be changing the buffer setting for my DAC at all.
I set the driver to 64 samples and Media Center for 192kHz playback, which is too low (requires a minimum of 256 samples) and I get distorted playback via ASIO no matter what the buffer size is set to in Media Center.
WASAPI buffer size works as expected.