...Can you tell from "TV Logs" whether the same tuner that recorded "Dateline" on June 1 was used for other shows on June 2 and 3 up until the critical error?
Some strange stuff going on with Dateline on 6/1:
6/5 7:23p ch369 "saksi" recording finished - tuner 868-1
6/5 6:45p ch369 "saksi" recording started - tuner 868-1
6/5 5am EPG load success
~Machine and tuners rebooted~
No record of ch804 "disappeared" recording stopped - tuner 868-1
6/4 2:39am EPG load failed
6/3 6p ch804 "disappeared" recording started - tuner 868-1
6/3 6p ch804 "disappeared" critical error - tuner 868-1
6/3 5:59p ch804 "dateline" critical error - tuner 868-1
6/3 5am EPG load success
6/2 11p ch713 "cbs news" recording finished - tuner 868-1
6/2 10p ch713 "cbs news" recording started - tuner 868-1
6/2 5am EPG load success
6/1 11p ch703 "dateline"recording finished - tuner 68e-1
6/1 10p ch703 "dateline" critical error - tuner 686-1
6/1 10p ch703 "dateline" recording started - tuner 68e-1
6/1 9:59p ch703 "dateline" critical error - tuner 686-1
6/1 5am EPG load success
Dateline has NEVER recorded on ch804, ever. No idea why it tried to record on 6/3. But just in case, I went ahead and modified Dateline series to only record on ch703, it was set for All + 703.
-Critical error always one minute before top of the hour, then again one minute later.
-Successful recording on tuner 686-1 @ 6/2 10-11p ch713 "cbs news".