I've recently moved over from Mediaportal to JRiver due to the quality of playback on movies, but I'm having a little issue with watching live TV with Closed Captions.
The captions will display a word at a time and clear the previous word when the new one arrives, but when I watch the same program on my Panasonic TV via DVB-T tuner each new word will appear but will remain on screen until both lines of text are complete and then clear ready for the next set of captions.
I have been able to record a TS file and it plays back the captions all ok, just on live TV.
I did try to record it in JTV format but couldn't figure out how to play it back outside of JRiver.
If it helps I am using a HDHomeRun Quatro Tuner.
I've attached a copy of the Filter Graph Info (TV graph) in case that helps.