Not sure if it is the right place to post my observation but here it is.
I am running JRiver MC 26 on an old laptop (Windows 7.0 Ultimate Service Pack 1) and on an iMac (Catalina 10.15.7) connected to a Synology DS918+ NAS (that is where my music is store). My music folder contains 185000 songs. Mostly flac, m4a, mp3 and DSF files. And the NAS is set to only accept SMB connections. AFP is disabled.
I have been wanting to upgrade ever since from MC 26 but every time I try the latest version (in this case MC 29), I have the same issue as MC 26.
JRiver performs lighting fast on my Windows laptop. I can search for a song no problem. I can update tags, no problem. I can make large updates without problems. Manually running the Auto-Import (185000 files) takes less than two minutes.
On my iMac, it takes almost 30 minutes to manually run the Auto-import. I can search for a song no problem. I can update tags, no problem. Making large updates is slower though.
Am I the only one experiencing this issue? Suggestions are welcome.
Thanks in advance.