Man, Scott_r. sure is fast!
If you have his MCXMLExport plugin v1.0.1 installed (see thread;action=display;threadid=18079), you can download the following: unzip it to the directory where you installed MCXMLExport and you will see a preset configuration in the plugin called "ArtistAlbumListing" (you need to restart MC or the plugin to refresh the list of presets if you unzip while the plugin is running). "Export" it, and you should find the desired result (ArtistAlbumListing.txt) in a directory called ArtistAlbumListing (off of where you installed MCXMLExport).
If you have a blank [Artist] or [Album] in your exported items, there is no checking in the XSLT to put something like "[Artist Unknown]" in the output. It would be easy to add it, but I figured if you're doing this, you probably have everything fully tagged.
Look at the ArtistAlbumListing.xsl document (you can open it in notepad) and it should be fairly obvious where to change the delimiter or make other changes the output.
Does this do what you need?