Let's try this one more time. I need to convert a large database of mp3 files to wma (for nomad handheld). I have about half of them converted and want about half of the rest. My problem is that I cannot identify the ones done and the ones not done. Any earlier version (I am on 10.146) allowed one to check a box (see below) and would not convert if a file of that name and file type (converting to) already existed. Not so anymore. That switch has changed and now will not duplicate an already existing record (if wma already exists then it would not convert the wma file, but it would convert the mp3 file)
What I need is the ability to identify the ones not converted so I can work with that group and decide which I want to convert.
Here is what HELP says
Converter Settings "help" says the following and this is not the case
Skip duplicates
When checked, the program will not convert a file if that file already exists in your database. For example, if you are converting Blowin’ in the Wind.wav to Blowin’ in the Wind.mp3, but the latter already exists, the program will not convert this file if Skip Duplicates is selected.
When unchecked, if the target file already exists, the program renames the new file by appending a copy number after it, for example Blowin’ in the Wind(1).mp3
running "no dups" for [artist],[name],[album] does not give the correct results.
Thanks for your help