ok so about a year ago i started using media center and was immediately impressed! For a while its pretty much all i used. after discovering these forums i joined and posted a thread about the possibility of displaying Artist images either in the Playing Now template or as a thumbnail view when in cover mode. I store all my albums within the following system:
Mp3 Folder>Genre Folder>Artist Folder>Album Folder
Within each Album Folder i place an image of the cover art saved as "Folder.jpg"
Within each Artist Folder i place an image of the atist saved as "Folder.jpg." as well.
basically by doing this it allows me to browse my music collection via windows xp, displaying very nice thumbnails for either my artist folders or my album folders.
anyways the response i got was pretty much that it wasnt possible within Media Center.
Since then ive discovered 2 other programs that allow me to browse my artist thumbnails, so that each artist folder is represented with a thumbnail of the artist image i have stored within the album folder:

My question is, how hard would it be to make this view an option in Media Center?
Couldnt you simply give the option to start (1) one directory up within the Album Thumnails or Thumbnails view?
I still love Media Centers interface, but the fact that these other programs feature this has really drawn me to them lately. Pleasee make this an option within Media Center!