I have have had issues with the 5 computers in my house in the last ~year. I've rebuilt Windows on each of the at least once, and my laptop numerous times. MC11 is installed on each, but only actively used on three.
As a result, I have consumed my restores and only have one left.

I rebuilt my laptop twice in the last few days, consuming one restore (leaving one remaining). My laptop is currently stable after lots of wrestling with hardware and driver issues. But MC11 is not installed yet.
I am hoping to hear that I can re-use my latest restore (from earlier this week) and not have to use that last restore. Also, is it possible to unregister from one of the less-active machines in my house and move the registration to my laptop?
I've been a registered user and followed MC thru ~all of its betas since v9. I love this product and would hate to be stuck without it and forced to move to something like iTunes (gasp) or MusicMatch (ugh).
Please provide any advice to restore my laptop without consuming that last restore. Also, is there any way for me to see when my previously used restores will refresh (1-year, right)?
Thanks in advance!