Brand new user to JRiver. I heard good things about it. I've been using WinAmp Pro for years. WinAmp can rebuild my entire library spread across several folders in seconds. I have maybe 12,000 music files. FLAC and mp3 mostly, but a few AAC. I am importing one folder at a time. It is taking forever. I mean, I'm watching it and it adds at the rate of 1-3 files per second. At this rate, it will take hours just to do the initial population of my library. Is this typical? What is it doing that takes so long? Why does iTunes and WinAmp build their libraries so much faster?
I read through the FAQs.... nothing seems to apply. I'm running with Trend Micro Antivirus. Task Manager shows Media Center taking 20-35% CPU. Nothing else in the system shows significant activity. Older machine running Windows 7 now. Old Intel Pentium 4 running at 3.2Gz, 3MG memory. Everything else seems to perform OK.... as I said, no problem loading library in WinAmp.
Is there some setting I have wrong?
Thanks in advance.