I noticed one of my movies would not play - it had audio skip and the picture was blinking on/off. After comparing this movie to others that played, I discovered the main difference was the Bitrate.
Next I sorted by Bitrate and found I could not play any movie with a high bit rate. I'm not sure when/how this happened since I was able to play these at one time. Somewhere a long the way these movies' bitrates changed.
I re-ripped the movies using MakeMKV and the bit rate is much lower now and play fine.
Any idea how this happened? Maybe the bitrate was always high and something else changed on my computer affecting playback of these movies.
here's what I'm seeing:
Movie -- The Horse Whisperer -- IFO -- Bit rate 172,640,862 won't play; Re-ripped to MKV now Bitrate 5074 -- Plays.
Movie -- UP -- IFO -- Bit rate 152,761,821 won't play ; Re-ripped to MKV now Bitrate 6894 -- Plays.
Movie -- Mission to Mars --- IFO -- Bitrate 119,059,319 won't play ; Re-ripped to MKV now Bitrate 4794 -- Plays.
See list below. Bitrate is column 6. i can play movies with Bitrates less than 40,000,000 (i.e. Chaos and up)
Last thing, I tried re-ripping the movie
The Horse Whisperer to IFO (I use SlySoft "Clone DVD") for testing purposes, and it ripped with the same high bitrate (172,640,xxx) and it wouldn't play. Then I re-ripped to MKV and it plays (with lower bitrate). This is odd because CloneDVD is what I used to rip all my DVDs (in the early days) and they did play at one time. Now I only rip using MKV so I never noticed this Bitrate issue until yesterday.