I have looked through the wicki help and could not find the answer I need.
I recently used up all my computer free space on music. It is a 2 gig machine, 1.5 of which is now music files. So I bought a NAS that has four bays. I loaded two bays with 4 TB drives so I can store data in RAID 1. I copied all my music files to the NAS. I also connected MC to that folder in the NAS and the music is showing up in MC and can be played. But now I can not figure out how to "disconnect" the computer stored files from MC. Currently both files are showing in MC and both folders can be played from. I am not yet confident enough to just delete the 1.5 gb folder from the computer. I want to "disconnect" that file first and make sure everything is stored correctly and running properly before I delete that folder of music.
I have attached a screen shot of how it looks in MC in case I am not doing an adequate job describing it.
Any ideas of how to "disconnect" from that folder.