Perhaps a little more information on what I'm trying to acheive would help.
The music on my MC system is a mixture of flac, ogg & mp3 files and are stored in the following format:
Regular albums are stored as: \Artist\Album\Track# - name.ext
Compilation albums are stored as: \(Multiple Artists)\Track# - Artist - Name.ext
The regular albums display fine in the car but it is the compilation albums that cause the problem because the way the car system displays the information is a combination of filename and tag information as shown in the picture below.
So, for the track on the USB stick '\(Multiple Artists)\Jazz Moods\01 - Nat King Cole - Let There Be Love.mp3' the car displays this:
So I am just getting the artist name twice and no track name. Therefore I need to rename the files to '\(Multiple Artists)\Track# - Name - Artist.ext' so the above would be named '\(Multiple Artists)\Jazz Moods\01 - Let There Be Love - Nat King Cole.mp3'
I have the car USB stick set up as a 'Handheld' device and have the options set to convert the files to mp3 and the 'Audio Path' set to '[Album Artist (auto)]\[Album]\' but I cannot find any way to tell it to rename the files to '[Track#] - [Name] - [Artist].mp3'. Is this possible or not.
What I am doing as an interim measure at the moment is setting up a local folder on the hard disc as a Handheld device with the relevant settings as per the car USB stick device. Then syncing that device with the MC music library. I then auto import that folder back into MC as a seperate library view so that I can then use the 'Library Tools - Rename, Move & Copy Files' function to rename the relevant files and then sync with the car USB stick. However that is a lengthly and not very elegant way of doing it.
If anyone can offer any advice I would be grateful.