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Author Topic: MC is trying to tag files on handheld device (iPod classic)  (Read 5479 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 65
MC is trying to tag files on handheld device (iPod classic)
« on: November 12, 2014, 05:09:25 pm »


I noticed that after attaching my iPod classic to synchronize it with MC's library an abnormally high number of files to tag, initially more than 16000, then later bumped up to more than 24000, suddenly appeared in the status bar. I chose to eject the iPod and soon after MC informed me about lots of tagging errors (see attachment). The total number of files currently on my iPod is about 17000.

I think that this may have happened once before, when I was using MC19, but I did not pay enough attention to it and I forgot to report it.

Should not MC just ignore the drive letter assigned to handheld devices in order to avoid this situation?

Another strange thing (at least for me) is that on the iPod there seem to be duplicate entries of some songs, I think only among those which are FLACs in my library and are then converted on the iPod to ALACs, which are considered by the iPod the same song; the thing which seem VERY strange to me is that when I modify the rating of one song, then the rating of the other one (there are two total copies of each song) changes too!
It seems to me that what is causing this can only be a corruption of the iPod DB.
I chose to compact the DB and no particular error appeared.

Have you ever noticed these problems? What may I do to help diagnose the exact cauase, since it seems to me they are not easily repeatable?

It would be nice if the tagging errors window could show all files with errors; of course it then should be scrollable and the contents should be copyable as text in order to keep the copied text as reference for checking the indicated files externally to MC.

Thank you in advance and best regards,


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 65
Re: MC is trying to tag files on handheld device (iPod classic)
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2015, 09:11:53 am »


I enabled logs, here are the lines that I think may be relevant for the direct tagging of the files onto the iPod:
Code: [Select]
0000265: 9016: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateWMDMDevices: DeviceInfo: (name: IPOD DI FAB, uid: $$?$wpdbusenumroot#umb#2&37c186b&0&storage#volume#_??_usbstor#disk&ven_apple&prod_ipod&rev_1.62#000a2700213000c0&0##{f33fdc04-d1ac-4e8e-9a30-19bbd4b108ae}$0, ipod: 1, drive: 1, drive letter: G:, ignore: 0)
0000265: 9016: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateWMDMDevices: Adding device to device list

0000327: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetAllRemovableDisks: Start
0000327: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetAllRemovableDisks: Removable drives found: F:\,G:\
0000374: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetAllRemovableDisks: Finish (47 ms)

0000390: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetDeviceUSBStrings: Start
0000390: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetDeviceUSBStrings: USBSTOR: USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_APPLE&PROD_IPOD&REV_1.62\000A2700213000C0&0
0000390: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetDeviceUSBStrings: USBRoot: USB\VID_05AC&PID_1261&MI_00\000A2700213000C0&AAPL0
0000390: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetDeviceUSBStrings: Finish (0 ms)
0000390: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Data: VID_1452, PID_4705, REV_1.62
0000390: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Getting device name...
0000390: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Getting drive letter from DevicePath...
0000390: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: CreateFile returned: 1092
0000390: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Assigning drive letter G:
0000390: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetiPodSerialNumber: Start
0000390: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetiPodSerialNumber: Using drive letter

0000483: 9016: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Found device (vendor: 1452, product: 4705, device id: 000A2700213000C0&0, drive letter: G:, add new: 1)
0000499: 9016: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateUSBDevices: WMDM <-> MSC device match found for device mapped to drive 'G:'

0008408: 8116: Handheld: CHHManager::UpdateWMDMDevice: PDTName: 'iPod'; DisplayName: 'Apple iPod Classic (G:)'

0008439: 8116: Handheld: CHHManager::InitializePlugin: DeviceInfo sent to InitializePlugin:
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAsAAAA=)(14:TreatAsACamera)(0:)(15:ApplicationName)(12:Media Center)(13:ImageBasePath)(7:Photos\)(10:DeviceType)(1:3)(8:VendorID)(4:1452)(13:CanonicalName)(156:\\?\wpdbusenumroot#umb#2&37c186b&0&storage#volume#_??_usbstor#disk&ven_apple&prod_ipod&rev_1.62#000a2700213000c0&0##{f33fdc04-d1ac-4e8e-9a30-19bbd4b108ae}$0)(19:ChangeKeyExpression)(56:If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), , [Rating][Composer]))(8:WMDMName)(11:IPOD DI FAB)(20:ResyncIfDateModified)(1:1)(15:MainDriveLetter)(2:G:)(7:USBSTOR)(60:USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_APPLE&PROD_IPOD&REV_1.62\000A2700213000C0&0)(12:RootBasePath)(0:)(12:DataBasePath)(5:Data\)(13:SyncOnConnect)(1:0)(15:AlbumArtEnabled)(1:1)(11:DisplayName)(18:Apple iPod Classic)(10:VendorName)(0:)(12:FireWireGUID)(16:000A2700213000C0)(17:UnsupportedDevice)(1:0)(18:SupportedFileTypes)(81:mp3;wav;mp4;aa;m4a;m4b;m4p;aiff;aif;bmp;jpg;jpeg;gif;tif;tiff;png;sgi;psd;mov;m4v)(13:VideoBasePath)(22:G:\iPod_Control\Music\)(24:GetAllFilesExtensionMask)(0:)(15:AudibleBasePath)(8:Audible\)(21:AlwaysPumpCOMMessages)(1:0)(9:EjectMode)(1:0)(27:SaveVideoThumbnailToFileJPG)(0:)(13:AudioBasePath)(22:G:\iPod_Control\Music\)(7:IsDrive)(1:1)(18:MatchKeyExpression)(137:If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), Clean([Name], 3)[File Size, 0], [Name]Clean([Artist], 2)[Album][Genre]TrackNumber()[Media Type]))(11:DriveLetter)(2:G:)(20:DeleteFilesNotInSync)(1:0)(19:VolumeAdjustPercent)(1:0)(8:DeviceID)(18:000A2700213000C0&0)(18:SearchEntireDevice)(1:0)(9:DeviceUID)(156:$$?$wpdbusenumroot#umb#2&37c186b&0&storage#volume#_??_usbstor#disk&ven_apple&prod_ipod&rev_1.62#000a2700213000c0&0##{f33fdc04-d1ac-4e8e-9a30-19bbd4b108ae}$0)(7:UseWMDM)(0:)(9:ProductID)(4:4705)(15:SupportsFolders)(2:-1)(16:PlaylistBasePath)(5:ROOT\)(15:FirmwareVersion)(4:1.62)(12:SerialNumber)(11:8K140BE99ZS)(19:PhysicalDriveNumber)(1:2)(10:DeviceName)(10:Apple iPod)

0008455: 8672: Handheld: CPortableDriveIpod::Initialize: Loading main database: G:/iPod_Control/iTunes/iTunesDB

0009063: 8116: Handheld: CHHManager::InitializePlugin: DeviceInfo returned from InitializePlugin:
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAsAAAA=)(15:ApplicationName)(12:Media Center)(13:ImageBasePath)(6:Photos)(10:DeviceType)(1:3)(8:VendorID)(4:1452)(13:CanonicalName)(156:\\?\wpdbusenumroot#umb#2&37c186b&0&storage#volume#_??_usbstor#disk&ven_apple&prod_ipod&rev_1.62#000a2700213000c0&0##{f33fdc04-d1ac-4e8e-9a30-19bbd4b108ae}$0)(19:ChangeKeyExpression)(56:If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), , [Rating][Composer]))(8:WMDMName)(11:IPOD DI FAB)(20:ResyncIfDateModified)(1:1)(15:MainDriveLetter)(2:G:)(7:USBSTOR)(60:USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_APPLE&PROD_IPOD&REV_1.62\000A2700213000C0&0)(12:RootBasePath)(0:)(12:DataBasePath)(5:Data\)(13:SyncOnConnect)(1:0)(15:AlbumArtEnabled)(1:1)(11:DisplayName)(18:Apple iPod Classic)(10:VendorName)(0:)(12:FireWireGUID)(16:000A2700213000C0)(17:UnsupportedDevice)(1:0)(18:SupportedFileTypes)(81:mp3;wav;mp4;aa;m4a;m4b;m4p;aiff;aif;bmp;jpg;jpeg;gif;tif;tiff;png;sgi;psd;mov;m4v)(13:VideoBasePath)(21:G:\iPod_Control\Music)(24:GetAllFilesExtensionMask)(0:)(15:AudibleBasePath)(8:Audible\)(21:AlwaysPumpCOMMessages)(1:0)(9:EjectMode)(1:0)(27:SaveVideoThumbnailToFileJPG)(0:)(11:MemoryTypes)(16:Internal Memory)(13:AudioBasePath)(21:G:\iPod_Control\Music)(7:IsDrive)(1:1)(18:MatchKeyExpression)(137:If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), Clean([Name], 3)[File Size, 0], [Name]Clean([Artist], 2)[Album][Genre]TrackNumber()[Media Type]))(11:DriveLetter)(2:G:)(20:DeleteFilesNotInSync)(1:0)(19:VolumeAdjustPercent)(1:0)(8:DeviceID)(18:000A2700213000C0&0)(18:SearchEntireDevice)(1:0)(9:DeviceUID)(156:$$?$wpdbusenumroot#umb#2&37c186b&0&storage#volume#_??_usbstor#disk&ven_apple&prod_ipod&rev_1.62#000a2700213000c0&0##{f33fdc04-d1ac-4e8e-9a30-19bbd4b108ae}$0)(7:UseWMDM)(0:)(9:ProductID)(4:4705)(9:ImageName)(27:Apple iPod Classic (silver))(15:SupportsFolders)(2:-1)(16:PlaylistBasePath)(5:ROOT\)(15:FirmwareVersion)(4:1.62)(12:SerialNumber)(11:8K140BE99ZS)(19:PhysicalDriveNumber)(1:2)(10:DeviceName)(10:Apple iPod)

0012215: 8116: General: CMainUIWnd::SetMCView: View info name: Apple iPod Classic (G:)

0012230: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::CTagSaveHelper: Start
0012230: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::CTagSaveHelper: Finish (0 ms)
0012230: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Start
0012230: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Submitting: G:/iPod_Control/Music/F11/RDNK.m4a
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: File added to tagging queue (already in queue = 0)
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Finish (156 ms)
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Start
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Submitting: G:/iPod_Control/Music/F04/ODCQ.mp3
0012386: 7548: Database: CTagSaveHelper::Thread: Start
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: File added to tagging queue (already in queue = 0)
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Finish (0 ms)
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Start
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Submitting: G:/iPod_Control/Music/F13/MTPD.mp3
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: File added to tagging queue (already in queue = 0)
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Finish (0 ms)
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Start
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Submitting: G:/iPod_Control/Music/F19/HOZH.mp3
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: File added to tagging queue (already in queue = 0)
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Finish (0 ms)
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Start
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Submitting: G:/iPod_Control/Music/F02/OYDJ.mp3
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: File added to tagging queue (already in queue = 0)
0012386: 8116: Database: CTagSaveHelper::SubmitFile: Finish (0 ms)

and so on, for many times (this time the counter started at something more that 4000, much less than the other times).

Thank you in advance and best regards,


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 51
Re: MC is trying to tag files on handheld device (iPod classic)
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2015, 02:14:55 pm »

I see the same thing. I don't understand it, because if I look at the entire library there's not a single song with a Filename that starts with the iPod's drive letter. Why is MC trying to tag files that it doesn't think are in its library?

And what "tag changes" are there to save, anyway? In the case in front of me right now, the iPod was JUST sync'd (but it was 'ejected" and then reconnected, and MC exited and restarted, since) and no songs have been played since then. Any tags that needed to be written should have been written during the sync.

I thought "maybe it is updating tags in the MC library and/or files", but PerfMon shows that the disk drive where I keep the MC database and library is completely quiet: I/O rates are zero per second. But on the iPod device, about 30 reads/sec, 40 writes/sec, 1.7 MB/sec reads, 300 KB/sec writes. The Disk tab of Resource Monitor shows that sure enough, it's cycling through a bunch of different files on the iPod.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 51
Re: MC is trying to tag files on handheld device (iPod classic)
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2015, 03:02:46 pm »

UPDATE: I just tried it again. Looking at the system a little earlier in the "tag update" than before, it appears it IS writing to the MC database - to files "field (file size).jmd.tmp" and "field (date modified).jmd.tmp". These seem to "come and go"; they're not always in the "Disk Activity" display in Resource Monitor. But the vast bulk of the IO is to the iPod.

The iPod is drive E: The MC database and library are on G:



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Re: MC is trying to tag files on handheld device (iPod classic)
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2015, 05:05:45 pm »

What version are you running?  And what OS?

MC20.0.63 is the latest.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 51
Re: MC is trying to tag files on handheld device (iPod classic)
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2015, 06:55:01 pm »

iPod Classic 6th gen, unmodified, 160GB hard drive. (The "thick 160") MC20, 20.0.63. The iPod is running firmware version 1.1.2 PC. Windows 8.1 x64. iTunes 9.2.1 is installed.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 65
Re: MC is trying to tag files on handheld device (iPod classic)
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2015, 03:50:15 pm »

iPod Classic 6th gen, unmodified, 160GB hard drive. (The "thick 160") MC20, 20.0.63. The iPod is running firmware version 1.1.2 PC. Windows 8.1 x64. iTunes 9.2.1 is installed.

Hello jeh14,

thank you for your analysis, I am glad to know I am not the only one seeing this problem happening!

I yet have to install build 63 and I am using Windows 7 x64, I have also installed iTunes but it is configured to not automatically open when I connect the iPod,
the iPod model itself is the same one. I am seeing this problem since very early builds of MC20 and maybe I also saw it happening in late builds of MC19 too..

Best regards,


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 51
Re: MC is trying to tag files on handheld device (iPod classic)
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2015, 11:28:04 pm »

Annnd, here's an example from my setup - after a sync, it TRIES to update the tags of all of the files it wrote to the iPod, but fails (probably because I have it set to eject the iPod after a sync). This time the iPod is showing up as the f: drive. otherwise all details of the configuration (iPod model and firmware rev., JRiver version and build number, etc.) are the same. Note that about 5100 files is about the number that were written to the iPod in this sync.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 65
Re: MC is trying to tag files on handheld device (iPod classic)
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2015, 03:03:17 pm »


what you described is exactly what happens to me too. It does not always happen and not always the same number of files left to tag are shown,
but it happens.

Is the problem not noticed by anyone else because we are among the last "survivors" using MC with an iPod Classic?
May it be an issue specific to the iPod classic "driver" of MC (else it would also happen with a generic handheld device)?

I'm really thinking that no one will help us about this problem...  :'(

Best regards

Annnd, here's an example from my setup - after a sync, it TRIES to update the tags of all of the files it wrote to the iPod, but fails (probably because I have it set to eject the iPod after a sync). This time the iPod is showing up as the f: drive. otherwise all details of the configuration (iPod model and firmware rev., JRiver version and build number, etc.) are the same. Note that about 5100 files is about the number that were written to the iPod in this sync.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 51
Re: MC is trying to tag files on handheld device (iPod classic)
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2015, 01:33:21 pm »

Now I'm getting the same thing, trying to sync to a microSD card in my Android phone.  ?
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