See I have a RTI homeautomation system. I'm in a IT-related business and do some automation projects in my spare time. The RTI xp6 processor can talk to all sorts of equipment by IR if course, RS-232 and with dedicated drivers over LAN.
When 2 way communication is wished and there is no dedicated driver RTI has only a "generic" two way strings driver. This driver opens a either a serial, TCP or UDP port. The user can then send a string through that connection. Furthermore once can also specify up to 50 RX strings which, if matched to any part of a received string, will cause events and create variables.
The driver has this configuration abilities (driver 1). The send string windows looks like this (driver 2).
Now for instance if I take a dreambox receiver which runs a "web server" ( I call it like this because I can adress it through a browser) I can also telnet to it with the following strings : wget -q -O - This would returns :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<titnow>1:0:19:26AD:43E:1:C00000:0:0:0:!THE FREE WAY!end!</titnow>
<e2eventservicename>DISCOVERY SCIENCE</e2eventservicename>
i can then pick out the title of the now running TV -program on each channel and can populate a real-time EPG list on my remotes.
I use putty to troubleshoot and find out which syntax the server of any equipment (if available) understands because filling in RTI reloading and trying out takes a lot of time. Ijust know that if I get ananswer back through putty or realterm my RTI driver will work.
So when I launch putty pointing it towards MC it connects fine. If I use realterm also it connects...but after a while it disconnects because the server on MC obviously expects something. Now if I send the string : GET /MCWS/v1/Library/Values?Field=Artist HTTP/1.1\nhost:\n\n for example I get a repsonse from MC 501 Server Error. I actually get it what ever I try to send.
Thus my question ... obviously I don't know what to send or if this is even possible