You should see something with Panel. Not sure about Gizmo.
I get the Streaming icon on the front page of Panel and when I select it I see the boxes with the names of websites from the Streaming tree. But, when I select a streaming station, for most of the streaming websites, I see nothing on the client. For example, with Radio Tunes, the website appears on the server, but I see nothing but the original page of station boxes on the client. The only way I can control Radio Tunes is by the normal mouse actions within MC24 on the server. I have also added Jazz Radio and the same thing happens. Nothing on the client, but the website appearing on the server. And, when I start one of these stations playing on the server, I still see nothing on the client. The client continues to just show the website boxes. I have to go to the server to control the stations.
With Radio Paradise, the Playing Now window appears at the bottom of the client screen and I can control the audio. But Radio Paradise seems to be a more integrated website, whereas the others just load the front page and expect the user to select and start the audio by clicking.
I just tried all the default stations. The only other website that starts playing is Radio Fip, but nothing appears on the client, just on the server.