Is the FireMJEvent() in-shared-object callback supported in Linux ?
If so, is there an example code snippet to register the FireMJEvent() callback function pointer in Linux ?
All examples appear to be Microsoft centric.
The SDK does not use FireMJEvent in any of its examples (Microsoft or other).
3.3 Handling the events from Visual Basic
3.4 Handling the events from Visual C++ with MFC
3.5 Handling the Events from Visual C++ with ATL docs above indicate the following:
The first parameter is the event type and currently there is just one event type, namely "MJEvent type: MCCommand" The second parameter identifies the MCC command.
Fired when a the player state changes
A new track starts to play
Playback is stopped, paused, or started
string3 is the zone
Is it possible to include specifically which of the 3 states has been changed in the NOTIFY_PLAYSTATE_CHANGE callback (stopped, pause, started) ?
Signaling something has changed is not very useful (latencies, race conditions, extra query overhead) without identifying what has changed.
Should there be a separate Linux and MAC Plugin development threads ?