Thank you for the advice
Unlike many others,Yahoo! privacy is clear and full exposed
Did not take me long to set anything as i want inside Yahoo and after with ZoneAlarm pro
I still keep Yahoo! offers and updates ar this time
I do not mind them to send emails to me if is not 23 emails a day
If it is like it ,i will unchek this as well
I'am not a mad about privacy.If i use a free product like Yahoo.i am ready to let them 'make some money on me'.As far i know it and can choise the level
Clean your cockies and surf 30 minutes on Cnet and Zdnet,have a look at your coockies,and tell me how many you get
But about all of it ,i still have the same question:how they do more money?Selling a service or a software?Or collecting infos or putting spywares?
Let takes Yahoo.Ok big problems in the internet field,we need to make some money.
We have 2 solutions:
-Still free and we collect.........,us and others
-You pay $10 a year and we do not collect anything
But there is not such a possibility
Take Gator ,the best,BY FAR,password manager on the market.
I am sure that a lot of people would buy it,to have a program so good and spy free
But you cannot,you just have the spy version.Of cause with a firewall you can make the spy 'silent'or with others programs and use it not getting any spam,the spy not working.
So .they are not interrested in a registered program,because they make more money with spy?
If i was a programmer i would try to built a not free password manager just stealling the Gator technique