Hi, I like the MC 14 very much, its my number one media player. I connected my Hi Fi system with my Laptop to listen MP3 by cable. Same cable is connected with my TV via SCART in order to watch DVDs.
I would like to get rid of the cable, as I want to move around my Laptop in the living room.
Furthermore, I would like to be able to use other Laptops, which have music/movies stored on their discs within my wireless network and watch/listen on my TV/Hi Fi.
I learnt now about UPNP and DLNA and found out that maybe the best solution would be to buy a WiFi-streaming client, which I cable at my TV & Hi FI.
The point is: it must be possible to use MC 14 as my media software. I dont want to use any other software, as MC is just the best!!
My question:
Can anyone recommend me a good WiFi streaming client, which I can connect to my TV with SCART and connect to my HiFi on analog basis? The list I found on
http://wiki.jrmediacenter.com/index.php/Supported_UPnP_Devices doesnt look very up to date. I also didnt find anything about DLNA-devices.
Can someone explain me, how the music/video control with MC14 & UPNP works? I havenīt understood it quite well yet. Do I see an image of MC 14 on my TV, can I still make playlists etc. on my TV or on my Laptop, etc.?
Why should I use a WiFi streaming client at all? Maybe a WiFi-repeater would be enough to substitute the silly cable?
Thx a lot & happy new year!