I have some new wishes!
I use one of my MC installations in my GYM and it always problem for newbies, they write a search in Playing now and then click into column two and now the Playing now is empty... they always change MC so it looks strange, and next person whose come and should use it cant get any music played. I run MC in Party mode and only play Audio I also on this computer change windows XP so it starts MC instead for explorer.exe , so computer only show MC.
- It is possibly to change itunes skin to always show Playing now
and it should not be searchable, The best way is to have two columns and "Playing Now" is intergrated to the right in the skin. check picture here.
- I wish to inactivate "Action Window" maybe in options
- It is possibly to change "Smartlists" so if you have album view you could click on album to get tracks viewed under as you have on normal view (Audio).
Thanks for this super player you guys do a very good job.