Spotify is the European answer to Hulu for music. It's very popular, and this is a feature that most of my friends is missing when I try to convince them of MC's superiority.
I never use it for listening exclusively, but it's a fantastic tool to discover new music. It's connected to facebook so all your friends with spotify shows. And you can share your favorite playlists with others.
Spotify is an application available on both windows, Android and a few other mobile platforms. I'm not sure how easy it would be to integrate in MC, but I'm sure it would be a hit for European users if it's possible. As MC's music store and streaming is not available, so this might not be such a conflicting interest at all? Please take a look at it if it could work out. I would love to use this my self.
If you are to check it out, you would need a proxy somewhere in Europe I think.